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A sample of 74 husband and wife management teams was chosen to examine sex differences in job satisfaction. As hypothesized, females reported significantly higher satisfaction with advancement and compensation. The hypothesis that females would be less satisfied than males with work relationships was not supported. No differences were expected, and none were found, for two other facets of satisfaction, i.e., satisfaction with the work itself and satisfaction with company policies and procedures.  相似文献   

A possible link between birth order and various individual characteristics (e. g., intelligence, potential eminence, need for achievement, sociability) has been suggested by personality theorists such as Adler for over a century. The present study examines whether birth order is associated with selected personality variables that may be related to various work outcomes. 3 of 7 hypotheses were supported and the effect sizes for these were small. Firstborns scored significantly higher than later borns on measures of dominance, good impression, and achievement via conformity. No differences between firstborns and later borns were found in managerial potential, work orientation, achievement via independence, and sociability. The study's sample consisted of 835 public, government, and industrial accountants responding to a national US survey of accounting professionals. The nature of the sample may have been partially responsible for the results obtained. Its homogeneity may have caused any birth order effects to wash out. It can be argued that successful membership in the accountancy profession requires internalization of a set of prescribed rules and standards. It may be that accountants as a group are locked in to a behavioral framework. Any differentiation would result from spurious interpersonal differences, not from predictable birth-order related characteristics. A final interpretation is that birth order effects are nonexistent or statistical artifacts. Given the present data and particularistic sample, however, the authors have insufficient information from which to draw such a conclusion.  相似文献   

Two studies explored interpersonal factors influencing attributions of defensiveness. In Experiment 1, 22 pairs of undergraduate participants interviewed one another regarding their “worst failure.” Participants’ self- and other-attributions of defensiveness following the interview did not differ significantly, indicating the absence of a self-serving bias. In Experiment 2, 48 participants, assigned to one of three conditions, were interviewed by the experimenter about their “worst failure.” Those who received “extremely defensive” ratings from a fictitious psychologist produced significantly higher self-ratings of defensiveness (p<.0001) than did participants who simply completed self-ratings following the interview or who watched a videotape of the interview prior to completing self-ratings of their interview behavior. A new model of psychological defense is presented, which can account for these results.  相似文献   

A test of Holland's vocational theory across and within selected occupational groups demonstrated concurrent validity for three of the four groups investigated. Statistically significant coefficients of concordance indicated a degree of agreement among individuals in each of the occupational groups investigated. Statistically significant Page's L statistics indicated that a degree of agreement between the theoretical ordering and the observed ordering of the six types or themes was obtained on three of the four groups tested.  相似文献   

This study used a sample of black and white college women matched on Duncan's (1961) socioeconomic indicator ratings to explore possible racial differences on vocationally relevant variables. There were no differences between the groups on age or educational level. The distribution of the parents' occupations by Holland type and the distribution of the subjects by their VPI type appeared to be quite similar. There were no significant differences based on: the relationship of the parents' occupational types to the subjects' VPIs: the relationship between the subjects' VPI types and their occupational choice or college major; the estimated likelihood of reaching the career goal; satisfaction with career choice or college major; and scores on two recent scales designed to measure vocational indecision. While no differences were found on the number of possible factors listed that might impede career goals, the distribution of the most important of these factors indicated there were differences between the two groups. These findings are discussed relative to their implications for interpreting previous research and carrying out future studies.  相似文献   

The present research examined the role of national differences in positivity as an explanation of cross‐national variation in job satisfaction (JS) ratings. National positivity values were derived from a sample of current employees by calculating the mean residual in a regression of global JS on mean facet satisfaction ratings. As predicted, the positivity values derived in the present research showed convergent validity with other indices of nation‐level positivity, and national differences in extraversion. National differences in positivity showed significant incremental associations with national differences in JS ratings after controlling for the effects of acquiescence, perceived differences in working conditions, and national development. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

This work shows the association between personality variables, such as cognitive and affective variables, and psychological adjustment, such as life satisfaction and depressive symptoms. Accordingly, this study assessed the role of outcome expectancies (optimism and pessimism) and affectivity (positive and negative affect) as a predictors of life satisfaction and depressive symptoms. A total of 458 students from the University Rovira i Virgili completed the scales LOT-R, PANAS, the Satisfaction with Life Scale and BDI. Path analysis results suggest that affectivity variables are more important to predict life satisfaction and depressive symptoms than outcome expectancies. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationships between four goal-setting attributes identified by factor analytic procedures and job satisfaction were investigated among 271 scientists and engineers at a nuclear research and development center. Positive relationships between the goal-setting attributes and satisfaction were found. Further, it was found that need for achievement, need for autonomy, and need for affiliation as measured by the Gough Adjective Checklist did not significantly moderate the goal-setting attribute-job satisfaction relationships.  相似文献   

Dental students estimated the pain distress and discomfort of their patients after patients received a Class II restoration (simple filing). Dentist's estimates of patient pain accounted for 36% of the variance in patient self-report responses. Dentist accuracy was significantly lower, however, for estimates of anxiety and distress. Dentist accuracy was unaffected by patient's degree of self-monitoring. There was a tendency for female dentists to demonstrate greater accuracy than male dentists, but this effect was nonsignificant. In addition, dentists' accuracy in assessing overall patient discomfort was significantly lower in that segment of the treatment procedure that was most stressful for the dentists. This article discusses theoretical explanations for this latter effect.  相似文献   

This study was based upon a repeated acquisition technique that systematically generated superstitious chains of responses. Several procedures were investigated in an effort to modify the amount of superstitious chaining. The effects of a large work requirement, a stimulus correlated with non-reinforcement after inappropriate responses, an equivalent time delay after inappropriate responses, and extensive training were examined. The presentation of a stimulus correlated with non-reinforcement was found to be the most effective technique for reducing superstitious chaining; the time delay was the least effective.  相似文献   

The Job Satisfaction Survey was administered to 610 faculty in a university in North Cyprus. As expected, job satisfaction increased with rank, and those who held administrative positions were more satisfied than staff who did not. The longer the participants had served in the current university, the higher their rated job satisfaction. Job satisfaction of women in higher academic positions was higher than that of their male peers. Age was not correlated with increases in job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Michael Hecht 《Sex roles》1984,10(9-10):733-741
This study examined the effects of sex of self and other on communication satisfaction. Respondents rated perceived satisfaction with a conversation they had just completed or one they recalled. Communication satisfaction was operationalized by a 60-item self-report instrument. Results indicated that a person's own gender does not influence the amount of communication satisfaction one experiences, and mixed sex dyads are slightly more satisfying for males and females.  相似文献   

Customer satisfaction continues to draw the interest of researchers and practitioners because it can lead to long term benefits including customer loyalty. Purchase importance plays a role in pre‐purchase process, yet little is known about how it may influence customer satisfaction formation process and loyalty intentions. This study examines the moderating effect of purchase importance in the customer satisfaction formation process and in loyalty intentions. A survey was conducted with customers in a restaurant setting, and structural equation analysis via LISREL was performed. The results show that perceived performance has a stronger influence on satisfaction when purchase importance is low, whereas satisfaction seems to be influenced both by disconfirmation and perceived performance when purchase importance is high. Post‐consumption expectations were found to influence on loyalty intentions under both high and low importance purchase conditions. The implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions for future research are made. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Making decisions using judgements of multiple non-deterministic indicators is an important task, both in everyday and professional life. Learning of such decision making has often been studied as the mapping of stimuli (cues) to an environmental variable (criterion); however, little attention has been paid to the effects of situation-by-person interactions on this learning. Accordingly, we manipulated cue and feedback presentation mode (graphic or numeric) and task difficulty, and measured individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC). We predicted that graphic presentation, fewer cues, and elevated WMC would facilitate learning, and that person and task characteristics would interact such that presentation mode compatible with the decision maker's cognitive capability (enhanced visual or verbal WMC) would assist learning, particularly for more difficult tasks. We found our predicted main effects, but no significant interactions, except that those with greater WMC benefited to a larger extent with graphic than with numeric presentation, regardless of which type of working memory was enhanced or number of cues. Our findings suggest that the conclusions of past research based predominantly on tasks using numeric presentation need to be reevaluated and cast light on how working memory helps us learn multiple cue–criterion relationships, with implications for dual-process theories of cognition.  相似文献   

Service recovery is related to many important organizational outcomes such as customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability. Within the theoretical framework of organizational justice, an experiment using a simulated "live" service failure was used to assess the effects of justice-based service-recovery strategies on customer satisfaction, loyalty, positive word-of-mouth intentions, and negative word-of-mouth intentions. Analysis indicated that strategies including interactional justice, distributive justice, and a combination of these were equally effective in maintaining customer satisfaction, loyalty, and positive word of mouth, and minimizing negative word of mouth after a service failure. No support for the service recovery paradox, that is, increased satisfaction following service failure and recovery compared to never having a problem, was found. Satisfaction and loyalty for those in the failure conditions were equal to, although not higher than, in the no-failure control condition. Practical implications for organizational practices are discussed.  相似文献   

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