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为了解决道的知与不知和言与不言的矛盾,庄子提出"不知之知"的"真知"观和"不言之言"的"大言"论.他以道知和道言关系为中心,从认识论和语言哲学的角度回答了道的有无、隐显、道物关系等本体论问题,阐释了认识的起源、本质、界限、作用、真妄及语言表达等认识论问题,指出了知、言、道关系的人生实践意义,并最终把知与言解释为道的存在.  相似文献   

蕺山门弟子、明末殉难忠臣金铉论学崇尚程朱,其学以"诚"为宗,视"诚"为安身立命之基和尽"独"之工夫法要。因有此"诚",人固可修身成圣;欲彰此"诚",则为学当"慎独"。同时,"诚"不离"性","诚"之中自然内蕴天命之"性","诚"以"性"显。人之生而有"心",心之本体即是"性",性即心之理;性体不睹不闻,惟默识体仁而彰明自身之存在与可能。是故,"诚"体本天,"性"体内蕴于人"心",言"诚"言"性",皆是言"本体"。不过,要申明"本体"之功用,当落实于居敬致知的"工夫"路向。金铉遵循程朱理学"下学而上达"路径,以工夫为通达本体之入手始基,言"即工夫即本体",是对业师刘宗周"即本体即工夫"理路的扬弃。终究而言,金铉为学重德性伦理,为人重忠义气节,以自己短暂的生命历程书写完美的人生精义,学问人生能圆融统合。  相似文献   

蕺山门弟子、明末殉难忠臣金铉论学崇尚程朱,其学以"诚"为宗,视"诚"为安身立命之基和尽"独"之工夫法要。因有此"诚",人固可修身成圣;欲彰此"诚",则为学当"慎独"。同时,"诚"不离"性","诚"之中自然内蕴天命之"性","诚"以"性"显。人之生而有"心",心之本体即是"性",性即心之理;性体不睹不闻,惟默识体仁而彰明自身之存在与可能。是故,"诚"体本天,"性"体内蕴于人"心",言"诚"言"性",皆是言"本体"。不过,要申明"本体"之功用,当落实于居敬致知的"工夫"路向。金铉遵循程朱理学"下学而上达"路径,以工夫为通达本体之入手始基,言"即工夫即本体",是对业师刘宗周"即本体即工夫"理路的扬弃。终究而言,金铉为学重德性伦理,为人重忠义气节,以自己短暂的生命历程书写完美的人生精义,学问人生能圆融统合。  相似文献   

从《周易》视角看董学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用解削或本体追问的方法来解读董子学说,让人感到"隔".董学深受着<易>学影响.<周易>所呈现的是"意""象""言".董学也有"意""象""言".社会政治学是董学之"意".它发自于"仁",散为仁爱之心和忧患意识,转为政治"大一统"和礼乐教化.天论足董学之"象".它是由"天地"、"阴阳"、"五行"共同组成的一个完整的意象系统,象征着生命大本,凝聚着董子全部的生命体验.<春秋>学是董学之"言".它是董子立"象"达"意"的一个话头.董子通过体会<春秋>之"辞",发挥<春秋>之"例".从而把握<春秋>之"意".  相似文献   

朱子哲学中的"理",从静态的层次,可以分为"生理"和"原理";从动态的层次,则"生理"又可进一步分殊为天理、性理、伦理、物理,而朱子所说的"生理"具有本体义、发用义、流行义和主宰义。在本体的意义上,"生理"和"原理"是直接同一的。"生理"和"原理"也不是两个"理",而是同一"理"的两个面向。本文主要是为了突出朱子哲学中"理"的"生理"的面向及其本体、发用、流行的含义。"原理"不仅是认识论意义上的、纯逻辑的"原理",而且是作为存在论和价值论本原的本体。后世儒者之所以对朱子的"理"有各种争论,主要原因是没有突出其"生理"的面向,以及没有对"生理"进一步分殊,同时对"生理"所具有的本体义、发用义、流行义没有得到应有的认识和重视,更多强调了认识论意义上的"原理"的层次以及"形而上"的含义,所以对朱子哲学有各种曲解。  相似文献   

《庄子》内七篇本不言"性",但学者普遍认为内篇之"德"即"性"。然而,庄子在诸子竞相言"性"的思想氛围中不言之,更应被解读为学理上的自觉选择。"德"与"性"在庄子那里是泾渭分明的两个概念,并呈现为三个维度的"德""性"之辨:第一,在内涵上,"性"指向的是"善恶"之道德思考与伦理界定,"德"则试图超越"善恶之性"所导致的虚伪之弊与是非之争,而以"真伪"分辨存在方式的本真与非本真;第二,在性质上,"性"意味着人之"同然"与"实理",指向着对群体道德的肯认,"德"则意味着独与、虚灵、自适的存在原则,呈现为对个体之殊异存在方式的追求;第三,在政治视域之中,同然之"性"构成了圣王展开"仁政"或"礼治"的现实基础与价值归宿,多元之"德"则是统治者应该尊重并涵蕴的生命本质,而非被教化或同化的对象。  相似文献   

《管子·心术上》中"因"的独特性在于,其于显题化的进程中伴随着哲学化的进程。有别于认识论的解释向度,本文以为,此篇的核心范畴"因"意在叙说一种施政的模式,它以因应之道系统地演绎早期道家的无为、不言之旨,它关切的是"无为之为"和"不言之言"的现实性原则。"因"的哲学化与显题化象征着"无为"、"不言"原则同政行(一种为)、政令(一种言)相衔接的一种理论形态,它实质地关乎某种政治哲学,当然也在治国与治身的相关性中容纳了心性的成分。"黄老独盛,压倒百家",其所以能压倒百家即在于作为黄老之精华的稷下道家,其所以为精华又在于"因循为用"的精义。在思想的逻辑上,它延展性地诠释《老子》,齐学之于老学既一脉相承又叠置了新的意涵,思想的生命力耀动于其间;在现实的逻辑上,它应运而生,适为一种大国的愿景储备潜能。  相似文献   

《管子·心术上》中"因"的独特性在于,其于显题化的进程中伴随着哲学化的进程。有别于认识论的解释向度,本文以为,此篇的核心范畴"因"意在叙说一种施政的模式,它以因应之道系统地演绎早期道家的无为、不言之旨,它关切的是"无为之为"和"不言之言"的现实性原则。"因"的哲学化与显题化象征着"无为"、"不言"原则同政行(一种为)、政令(一种言)相衔接的一种理论形态,它实质地关乎某种政治哲学,当然也在治国与治身的相关性中容纳了心性的成分。"黄老独盛,压倒百家",其所以能压倒百家即在于作为黄老之精华的稷下道家,其所以为精华又在于"因循为用"的精义。在思想的逻辑上,它延展性地诠释《老子》,齐学之于老学既一脉相承又叠置了新的意涵,思想的生命力耀动于其间;在现实的逻辑上,它应运而生,适为一种大国的愿景储备潜能。  相似文献   

本文就帛、今本<周易>的乾、坤两卦中,找出四个相关的问题,进行比较分析,包括:1)三才分位,不适用于<乾卦>;2)重新定位,有助于了解"朝乾、夕惕"义;3)<周易>申明坤须从阳,与帛书<衷>言阳之得阴,男下女不同;4)<周易>用"用",与帛书用"迵",是先贤用<易>从神权通向人文的结果.  相似文献   

张培高  冯雪 《中国哲学史》2021,(3):42-48,72
孔子评价高柴、曾参、子张和子路的特点时分别用了四个字(愚、鲁、辟、喭)指出了四人的缺点.这实际上与"性命"关系不大,但胡瑗却从中"体贴"出了"性命"之理.胡瑗释《论语》"有德者必有言,有言者不必有德"时说:"古之取人以德,不取有其言,言与德两得之.今之人两失之."经过研究发现,胡瑗"今之人两失之"之语确有很强的现实针对...  相似文献   

The category boundary on a voice-onset-time (VOT) continuum ranging from bin to pin shifts when the stimuli are preceded by different carrier phrases. By using a variety of precursor phrases, by varying the temporal interval between precursor and test word, and by selectively eliminating either voicing information or spectral structure from the precursors, the present experiments show that the context effect is caused by the presence or absence of voicing in the precursor's final segment. The effect decreases with temporal separation but persists over several seconds. In addition, the "baseline" VOT boundary for isolated test words interspersed in a test sequence shifts depending on what precursor stimuli occur in the same sequence. The perception of VOT thus seems to be sensitive to both close and distant manifestations of laryngeal activity, always in an assimilative fashion, which suggests an integrative perceptual mechanism with a long time constant.  相似文献   

Lakoff's hypothesis about the connotations of the words "lady" and "woman" was investigated by asking college students to rate these words, as well as the masculine words "gentleman" and "man", on several adjective scales. Ratings indicated that the term "gentleman" implied greater competence and warmth than the word "man", while the term "lady" tended to suggest to raters relatively less competence and less warmth than the term "woman" did. Further, it was found that the more formal term ("gentleman", "lady") regardless of gender was described more positively than the less formal term ("man", "woman") on several scales concerned with goodness, politeness, morality, and femininity. Lakoff's hypothesis that "lady" conveys some unique meanings relative to sex role stereotypes thus received support, although some of the connotations of "lady" appear to be due to implied formality rather than to gender features. The degree to which feminine terms were differentiated by raters could be predicted to some extent on the basis of rater characteristics; no significant prediction was possible for the masculine terms.  相似文献   

李振纲 《现代哲学》2004,(4):80-86,96
蕺山学术之最得力处,是在心体中充分凸现“性体”的本质意义。此种性格与阳明学相比有两点不同:一是更用力于德性本体之实证,在心性关系中关注的重心在性体的客观超越义和道德意志的定向性;二是更加强调实修实证的功夫论,向意根极微处用力。生当晚明,蕺山对自由表达的权力毫不理解,相反,积极倡导“证人”之学,将已狂驰于现实世界的人心重新收束于理性圣殿中,这不能不说是一种历史隔膜和理性的误导。阳明“良知”教经蕺山的批判修正虽由显归密,而心学自裁自决的自由精神却在其慎独之学中丧失锋芒。这同样表明蕺山思想于时代精神的滞后。  相似文献   

In this article, the author presents a new methodology for the study of two fundamental components of consciousness, that is thought and language. The fundamental presupposition that forms the basis of this methodology is that thought is not simply a passive "reflection" of an external "reality", but also (and especially) something active, i.e. that the fundamental components of thought are sequences of operations, amongst which the ones of attention play a key role. These sequences of elementary mental operations are called mental categories, and are the meanings of all the words that do not seem to indicate something physical (first of all, all the "grammatical" words, that is conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronouns, fundamental verbs like "to be", "to have" etc., the main adverbs, and, in the large number of languages that have a more or less rich morphology, all morphemes (the ones which indicate cases, in languages that have cases, the number and the gender of nouns and adjectives, moods and tenses of the verb etc.). The author proposes a list of these elementary mental operations and he shows how it is possible, basing ourselves on them, to identify the meanings of these words, which are indispensable for any linguistic expression. The author also mentions a possible short-term practical application of these theories, i.e. a device in order to improve the quality of machine translation. He also formulates the hypothesis that these theories could allow us to look in a new way at the problem of the (partial) artificial reproduction of the human activity of thought and language.  相似文献   

Three experiments in which subjects searched for the letter e in printed text were conducted to examine the effects of phonetic factors in silent reading. In Experiment 1, subjects made more errors on silent es than on pronounced es, but silent es always occurred at the ends of words, whereas pronounced es occurred in the middle of words. In Experiment 2, all instances of the letter e occurred in the penultimate location in the words, and no effects of letter voicing were obtained. In Experiment 3, subjects made more errors on es in unstressed syllables than on es in stressed syllables in three-syllable words. However, this effect occurred only for es in the second and third syllables and only for the more common words. All three experiments yielded large effects of word frequency, which were reduced in passages printed in alternating typecase. It was concluded that letter detection is affected by syllable stress but not by letter voicing and that the stress effect depends on whether the subject is able to form reading units at the syllable level.  相似文献   

Words: what are they, and do animals have them?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D Premack 《Cognition》1990,37(3):197-212
Since the word is not a well-defined entity like the sentence, one looks for findings that may help to clarify it. The effect of nonsense words on the young child's sorting of taxonomic versus thematic alternatives is said to be such a finding. A young child given, say, duck as a sample, goose and nest as alternatives, picks nest (thematic alternative), whereas the older child picks goose (taxonomic). However, if told the duck is called "ZLT" in Croatian, and asked to "find another ZLT", the young child shifts to goose. Markman and Hutchinson (1984) claim this demonstrates that young children know that words are "names of object categories" (and that this knowledge protects them against false hypotheses, facilitating their acquisition of words). In the present study, we applied the Markman et al. procedure to young "language-trained" chimpanzees. The animals were at an early stage of training, having used "words" solely in the function "X goes with Y", or "if shown X, get Y". Although these functions are notably weaker than "X is the name of a category", the animals showed a thematic-taxonomic shift, thus behaving like young children. The Markman-Hutchinson interpretation of the shift effect is unsatisfactory in two respects: (1) the shift effect can be explained without attributing any knowledge of what a word is to either creature, child or ape; more important (2), the interpretation does not address the main question: what is a "name" and what does a child think it is? We conclude with a discussion of what a word is, appealing to information retrieval on the one hand, and intention to refer on the other.  相似文献   

中西形而上学的异通发微   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国传统哲学属于境界形态的形而上学 ,它与西方的自亚里士多德以来的实体形态的形而上学不同。亚氏的形而上学是由对是的逻辑分析开始的 ,即由对逻辑命题的分析而寻找不变的实体存在。亚氏的思维方式对西方文化产生了深远的影响。中国传统哲学则不然 ,它是由“省身”、“尽心、知性、知天”、“思诚”、“静观”、“玄览”、觉悟而去认识世界的本体 ,这种形而上学固然是境界形态的。至于现代 ,西方哲学出现了转向 ,存在主义者海德格尔对存在 (是 )作了新的诠释 ,海氏的诠释在某种意义上与中国传统哲学有契合之处 ,这从一个侧面说明了中国传统哲学所潜含的现代意义。  相似文献   

The present research examines the influence of prime-target relationship (associative and categorical versus categorical only) on priming effects from attended and ignored parafoveal words. Participants performed a lexical-decision task on a single central target, which was preceded by two parafoveal prime words, one of which (the attended prime) was spatially precued. The results showed reliable positive and negative priming effects from attended and ignored words, respectively. However, this priming pattern was observed only for the "associative and categorical", but not for the "categorical only" relationship condition. These results suggest that the lack of semantic priming effects from words in some prior studies may be attributed to the kind of material used (i.e. weakly-associated word pairs).  相似文献   

Beginning with the association between “sounding out” and “voicing” this article begins with a tacit question of what musical metaphors might offer for thought concerning identity, and in particular the complex racial (mis-) or (dis-)identifications of so-called coloured people in South Africa. I tie the aurality of the cuckoo bird to the notion of something that pops out of invisibility and makes an irrelevant or silly kind of noise. In musical settings the cuckoo is often associated with a dissonant cacophony of multiple chiming (cuckoo) clocks and steeple bells. This offers a telling metaphor for the determination of coloured(ness) by white and black South Africans alike, for whom coloured is precisely the incomprehensible “other” whose voice cannot be heard clearly. At the same time, among so-called coloureds in South Africa, the metaphor of an internal cacophony refers to a resounding, but tragic noise created by the “sounding-out” or “voicing”, i.e. the aurality, of multiple narratives of what constitutes and nullifies coloured(ness) in South Africa. In other words, the cacophonic plurality of so-called coloured voices in society speaking simultaneously against one another in terms of self-determination also seems to be speaking beyond comprehension for most other South Africans. The ironic outcome of all of this noise is an extraordinary kind of silence.  相似文献   

How does encoding context affect memory? Participants studied visually presented words viewed concurrently with a rich (intact face) or weak (scrambled face) image as context and subsequently made "Remember", "Know", or "New" judgements to words presented alone. In Experiment 1a, younger, but not older, adults showed higher recollection accuracy to words from rich- than from weak-context encoding trials. The age-related deficit in recollection occurred, in Experiment 1b, even when encoding and retrieval time was doubled in older adults, suggesting that insufficient processing time cannot account for this age-related deficit. In Experiment 1c, dividing attention in young, during encoding, reduced overall memory, though the recollection boost from rich encoding contexts remained, suggesting that reduced attention resources cannot explain this age-related deficit. Experiment 2 showed that an own-age bias, to face images as context, could not explain the age-related differences either. Results suggest that age deficits in recollection stem from a lack of spontaneous binding, or elaboration, of context to target information during encoding.  相似文献   

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