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大学生自我同一性状态与人格特征的相关研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
文章探讨了大学生自我同一性状态与人格变量之间的关系。通过相关分析发现,不同的自我同一性状态与不同的人格特征相联系,呈现不同的人格特征,四种自我同一性状态在每一人格维度上存在一定的差异,尤其是在成熟、高级的自我同一性和低级的自我同一性之间人格特征的差异更大。研究进一步证明自我同一性的形成是大学生发展追求的核心主题,它标志着人格的完善。  相似文献   

美国名心理学家艾里克森(E.H.Erikson)在其人格发展理论中提出了自我同一性理论,认为同一性的问题是青少年的核心问题。这为我们了解和研究青少年问题提供了一种新的思维模式。本对青少年自我同一性形成问题进行分析,探讨了青少年自我同一性确立失败的原因,并提出了一些应对策略。  相似文献   

通过对536名大学生的问卷调查,采用结构方程模型考察了大学生的自我同一性状态与"大五"人格、因果取向之间的关系。结果发现,(1)"大五"人格和因果取向均是大学生自我同一性状态的重要预测因素,能在较大程度上解释大学生所处自我同一性状态(特别是同一性获得状态和扩散状态)上的差异;(2)因果取向在"大五"人格对自我同一性状态的影响中起重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

自我同一性危机与道德选择多元化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自我是一个复杂的概念 ,自我同一性则是依赖于我们经历过的所有不同的自己的综合 ,是对自身发展的一种强烈的一致性和连续性的主观感觉。自我同一性危机是指自我处于自身的矛盾与冲突中 ,反映了自我在过去和现在、彼地和此地的不连续。在现代社会 ,随着个体道德选择的可能性与主动性的增强 ,自我的完善与否对道德选择相应产生了积极与消极的作用。  相似文献   

自我觉知的适应、不适应性及其在心理疗法中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自我觉知是当注意力指向个体自身时对自己所产生的内部主观状态,根据其指向及程度可以有多种分类方法。自我觉知在心理过程中既有适应性,如促进自我了解、对他人的理解、提高自尊等;但过度的自我觉知会对心理产生不良影响,诸多研究对其与抑郁和焦虑的关系进行了论证。很多心理疗法中都涉及到自我觉知对心理状况的影响,包括格式塔疗法、来访者中心疗法、森田疗法等等。如何保持适度的自我觉知以促进心理健康是需要进一步研究的。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对594名大学生进行调查,结果发现,大学生自我同一性状态的人数分布中,延缓状态占67.5%,其余三种同一性状态各占10%左右;大学生在四种同一性状态的人数分布上不存在年级差异和性别差异;与其他同一性状态相比,获得状态的大学生在信息风格上得分最高,早闭状态的大学生在规范风格上得分最高,扩散状态的大学生在扩散风格上得分最高;亲子沟通中的开放性和问题既对同一性状态有直接预测作用,又以三种同一性风格为中介间接影响同一性状态。  相似文献   

为探讨主动性人格、自我监控与大学毕业生职业决策自我效能感的关系,采用主动性人格量表、职业决策自我效能感量表和自我监控量表对339名大学毕业生进行了测查。结果表明:大学毕业生在自我监控上的得分与主动性人格得分呈显著正相关;主动性人格与自我监控与职业决策自我效能感部分及五个维度均显著正相关;主动性人格和自我监控能显著预测职业决策自我效能感,其中主动性人格能够单独预测职业决策自我效能感的34%变异,自我监控对职业决策自我效能感及其4个分量表有显著预测作用,能解释2%左右的增益方差。  相似文献   

自我同一性研究的新模型——双环模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐薇  寇彧 《心理科学进展》2010,18(5):725-733
自Erikson提出自我同一性的概念以来,它一直是发展心理学的重要课题,这方面的实证研究主要基于Marcia提出的同一性状态模型。随后的研究者Luyckx等人不断整合和改进状态模型,并结合自我关注领域对反思型自我关注和沉浸型自我关注的区分,提出了双环模型的理论。双环模型理论认为,广度探索、深度探索、沉浸探索、做出承诺和认同承诺五个维度构成了自我同一性形成和发展的两个环——"承诺形成环"和"承诺评价环",两个环之间不断地发生着动态的交互作用,其结果造成了自我同一性形成和发展的6种状态:达成,早闭,沉浸延缓,轻松混淆,扩散混淆和未分化。  相似文献   

安秋玲 《心理科学》2007,30(4):895-899
本研究以小学至高中阶段的青少年为研究对象,使用自我同一性状态客观测量的标准化问卷,对青少年的自我同一性发展规律进行分析,研究结果发现,自我同一性的发展是一个逐渐变化的过程,其中,初中是一个很重要的阶段;同时,自我同一性的发展在不同领域问表现出发展不同步的现象,人际关系领域发展比意识形态领域较早;另外,自我同一性发展受地区、性别角色等因素影响。  相似文献   

自我同一性状态对时间透视体验的结构关系研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
郑涌  黄希庭 《心理科学》1998,21(3):201-204,200
用自编的大学生自我同一性状态量表和时间秀视体检量表对641名大学生时间透视的心理结构关系进行了测量。结果表明,在自人达成型与扩散两种没的同一性状态下,不仅对过去、现在、预期未来和理想未来的时间体验上均有积极与消极之分,而且在各种时间体验之间的结构关系上,前者的结构更为清晰,后者更为混乱,从而初步证实了自我同一性状在时间透视体验中的整合作用。  相似文献   

Creativity and Aging: Personal Journals and the Creation of Self   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article considers the writing of personal journals as a process through which an individual constructs a linguistic representation of one's self, with the self constituting a narrative. Rather than a fixed narrative, one's life exists as a narrative subject to revision and reinterpretation. Through journal writing, then, one constructs and reconstructs his or her identity. Berman finds the value in personal journals not only in the themes that surface but also in the creative process they reveal. In this article, he examines passages from five journalists that demonstrate this process of creating and revising meaning in one's life.  相似文献   

This article proposes that when we speak of “the self,” reference is being made to the person and not to a homunculus that is located in a person's psyche; when we speak of the sense of self, we are referring to the person's mental activities, whether these are consciously, nonconsciously, or unconsciously experienced. It suggests that central to our understanding of our mental activities is an evolutionary perspective; in particular, the recognition process that permits us either to adapt to our environment or to reshape our environment to make it conform to our survival needs. Finally, it delineates some of the components and attributes of the sense of self that describe its major dynamics. These are discussed within the context of the three levels of analysis: the neuropsychological, the introspective, and the interpersonal domains.  相似文献   




Self and identity are central concepts in the social and behavioral sciences for multiple reasons. At least three major research traditions focus on the self. First, sociologists view the self as a primary bridge between social structures and individual attitudes and behaviors, as a mechanism by which social structures and individuals affect and are affected by each other. Second, self and identity are viewed as cornerstones of well-being. Thus, social and behavioral scientists have documented important links between the self and physical and mental health, role performance, the quality of interpersonal relationships, and subjective well-being. Third, the self is conceptualized as a central motivating force in human behavior. Issues as diverse as self-selection into specific environments, defense mechanisms, and the desire and ability to break addictive behaviors have been informed by attention to the motivational force of the self. This latter tradition serves as the conceptual bedrock of this paper. This paper examines three components of the self: self-efficacy, self-esteem, and a sense of authenticity. The first two have received substantial theoretical and empirical attention; the latter, much less. I argue that this unequal distribution of scientific inquiry is a result of too much emphasis on the motivation to protect the self, to the neglect of motivation to enhance the self. I make a case for the particular importance of examining self-enhancement in late life.  相似文献   


Personal Identity theorists as diverse as Derek Parfit, Marya Schechtman and Galen Strawson have noted that the experiencing subject (the locus of present psychological experience) and the person (a human being with a career/narrative extended across time) are not necessarily coextensive. Accordingly, we can become psychologically alienated from, and fail to experience a sense of identity with, the person we once were or will be. This presents serious problems for Locke’s original account of “sameness of consciousness” constituting personal identity, given the distinctly normative (and indeed eschatological) focus of his discussion. To succeed, the Lockean project needs to identify some phenomenal property of experience that can constitute a sense of identity with the self figured in all moments to which consciousness can be extended. I draw upon key themes in Kierkegaard’s phenomenology of moral imagination to show that Kierkegaard describes a phenomenal quality of experience that unites the experiencing subject with its past and future, regardless of facts about psychological change across time. Yet Kierkegaard’s account is fully normative, recasting affective identification with past/future selves as a moral task rather than something merely psychologically desirable (Schechtman) or utterly contingent (Parfit, Strawson).  相似文献   

We all could have had better lives, yet often do not wish that our lives had gone differently, especially when we contemplate alternatives that vastly diverge from our actual life course. What, if anything, accounts for such conservative retrospective attitudes? I argue that the right answer involves the significance of our personal attachments and our biographical identity. I also examine other options, such as the absence of self-to-self connections across possible worlds and a general conservatism about value.  相似文献   

Models of social anxiety (SA) place the self as an organizing and causal center involved in the maintenance of this condition. An integrative conceptual framework for the understanding of the self is used to review the literature on the self in SA. Two main distinctions are emphasized: the self-as-a-subject (I-self) versus self-as-an-object (Me-self), and the evolutionary-based distinction of social rank versus affiliation. We argue that (a) although much progress has been made in understanding the association between SA and Me-self, the association between SA and I-self remains largely unexplored (with the important exception of anxiety-related processes in social situations); and (b) experiences and representations of the self in SA center on social rank. We suggest that in SA, social rank themes constitute the linchpins of identity, defined as the content and structure of the Me-self. We speculate that processes related to low social rank contribute to the focus on representational (Me), rather than experiential (I), self-aspects. Finally, we delineate the ways in which such an understanding may direct and refine the construction of novel, individually tailored, therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

采用新的研究范式,探讨长期认同和短期认同同时存在条件下的社会认同与群体参照效应,并通过二者的比较来考察两种认同共存下集体自我的趋向。结果表明:在社会身份长期认同和短期认同同时存在的条件下,社会认同与群体参照效应的变化一致,均没有向内群体取向;集体自我对共存的两种认同条件均有趋向;同时验证了文化背景对个体集体自我的影响。  相似文献   

Despite people’s claims, their national, ethnic and other identities are not ubiquitously relevant, they are rather situationally evoked and performed. Such is the case with the German, Paraguayan and Germanino identity in the municipality of Nueva Germania, in Paraguay. Recognising such contextual epistemic permissibility allows us to form a de-essentialised understanding of groups and individuals. One of the challenges that emerge from this approach, is to understand how a person can perform different identities, which differently define who they are, while remaining certain of being a continuous and persistent person. The objective of this article is to provide a theoretical grounding for theories of social identity in theories of personal identity. It allows us to analytically accommodate the situational and multiscalar character of identities, while recognising their existential importance for personal identity (for the Self).  相似文献   

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