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青少年药物滥用的防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着社会转型所带来的生活方式多元化,青少年药物滥用现象,在威胁着青少年身心健康的同时,也破坏了社会的和谐与发展。一般来说,其形成原因包括自身、家庭、学校和社会等多种因素,因而,预防和解决青少年药物滥用问题,就需要建立一套涉及多个层面的防治体系。  相似文献   

随着社会转型所带来的生活方式多元化,青少年药物滥用现象,在威胁着青少年身心健康的同时,也破坏了社会的和谐与发展.一般来说,其形成原因包括自身、家庭、学校和社会等多种因素,因而,预防和解决青少年药物滥用问题,就需要建立一套涉及多个层面的防治体系.  相似文献   

健康行为的建立   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
1 健康的概念1978年WHO在阿拉木图宣言中附有关于健康的定义 ,指出健康不仅是人体的生理健康 ,而且必须包含该人在当时的心理状态和社会环境都处在一个较完满的状态。从现代的健康概念中可以看出 ,健康至少应包含 4个层次[1] :(1)生理健康 :是健康的基础 ,指人体结构完整 ,生理功能正常 ;(2 )心理健康 :以生理健康为基础 ,并高于生理健康 ,主要的指标为 :具有同情心和爱心 ,情绪稳定 ,积极向上 ,具有责任心和自信心 ,热爱生活 ,和睦共处 ,善于交往 ,有较强的社会适应能力 ,知足常乐等 ;(3)道德健康 :中国是礼仪之邦 ,我们主张道德健康的…  相似文献   

预防行为与健康   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
预防行为是针对健康而言的又可称健康行为,是指人类为了保护与促进健康主动改变有害健康行为的自我保护性活动。预防行为可分为很多种类,一类是按与健康的利害关系分为健康行为与不健康行为两种;第二类按属性可分为本能行为、防御行为、适应行为、服务行为四种;第三类按社会层次可分为社会行为、社区行为(或团体行为)、个体行为。预防行为就是要改变当代人群中吸烟、过量饮酒、高胆固醇高盐饮食、缺乏体育锻炼、滥用药物及不洁性行为等不健康行为。预防和控制癌症,心、脑血管疾病、性病等,以保护和促进人群健康。  相似文献   

了解手外伤患者健康认知与康复行为状况,为医院健康教育工作及相关部门决策提供可考依据。选取2013年1月~12月我院手外伤患者,随机分为城市患者100名、农村患者100名进行问卷调查。结果患者健康认知程度和健康的行为习·赁受家庭、教育程度和社会等诸多方面影响,接受健康教育行为养成率城区略好于乡村。本次的调查,反映出患者接受健康教育认知程度和健康的行为习惯受家庭、教育程度和社会等诸多的方面影响,只有患者康复意识不断累积增加时,术后手部运动功能恢复才能提高。  相似文献   

HAPA是健康行为领域研究的新取向.认为改变健康行为需要两个分离的过程:动机和意志.首先,基于自我信念的基础上形成改变的意图;随意,行为改变才会被计划、引发并维持.HAPA认为,动机阶段引起行为意图,而意志阶段则产生实际行为.以自我效能为代表的社会认知因素在两个阶段起重要作用,对于健康行为的采纳、引发和维持的产生重要的预测作用.  相似文献   

HAPA是健康行为领域研究的新取向。认为改变健康行为需要两个分离的过程:动机和意志。首先,基于自我信念的基础上形成改变的意图;随意,行为改变才会被计划、引发并维持。HAPA认为,动机阶段引起行为意图,而意志阶段则产生实际行为。以自我效能为代表的社会认知因素在两个阶段起重要作用,对于健康行为的采纳、引发和维持的产生重要的预测作用。  相似文献   

通过系统梳理酒精、尼古丁、大麻、可卡因、冰毒、摇头丸、阿片类和多药物等不同类型药物滥用者面部表情加工的研究,本文提出"歧视错觉"概念,用于解释药物滥用者对面部表情的负性化加工偏向,该观点为理解药物滥用行为激活机制提供了全新视角。未来可围绕面部表情特异性加工、面部表情加工阶段、面部表情加工的认知和神经机制以及面部表情加工训练展开相关研究,以进一步揭示药物滥用者面部表情加工的内在机制及其应用价值。  相似文献   

吴奇  吴浩  周晴  陈东方  鲁帅  李林芮 《心理学报》2022,54(8):931-950
研究首次考察了行为免疫系统与个体就医行为倾向的关系。3个研究一致显示:行为免疫系统特质性激活水平较高的个体更容易对就医持消极态度和延迟就医; 情境性激活行为免疫系统会使得个体更不愿意就医和更倾向于延迟就医; 且行为免疫系统激活对就医态度和就医延迟倾向的影响以对就医感染风险的感知为中介。这支持了进化失配假说, 提示行为免疫系统对现代医学可能缺乏进化的适应性, 并为理解现代人类就医行为提供了新的理论视角。  相似文献   

健康领域的跨期决策关系着个体和国民的健康和福祉。目前学界对该领域的研究主要停留在参考传统金钱领域的相关理论模型和方法的阶段, 但健康跨期决策具有领域特异性, 沿袭金钱领域理论模型和方法, 导致该领域在研究方法和结果上存在较大的不一致性。健康跨期决策的行为后果是该领域关注重点, 多数研究均报告个体的低时间折扣率、高未来时间取向与其健康保护行为正相关, 与健康风险行为呈负相关。该领域也关注健康跨期决策的影响机制, 如决策对象和决策主体的核心特征等因素。未来研究亟需发展适用于健康领域的跨期决策模型和研究范式, 明确健康行为与跨期决策偏好的关系, 深入探讨健康跨期决策的内在选择机制, 并在健康行为干预和医疗卫生政策应用方面进行更多的尝试和探索。  相似文献   

健康动机是人们想要健康的愿望, 是影响人们健康行为的一个决定因素。本文回顾了有关健康动机的理论、测量和实证方面的研究。比较值得推崇的健康动机的动力过程理论认为健康动机是一个内在的动力过程, 并把健康动机对健康行为的作用分为四个阶段: 产生健康愿望、制定计划、采取行动和对行动的坚持。对健康动机的测量主要有一般测量和具体测量两类。实证研究表明健康动机能促进个体的健康行为并由此提高其健康水平。  相似文献   

Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in substance abusers remains an area of inquiry in need of investigation. The few studies on the topic have found substance abuser HRQOL less than that of the general population. The present research compared 303 substance abusers in long-term residential therapeutic community treatment in New York with a general non-institutionalized adult sample from New York (N = 27,465) whose data were collected between 2002 and 2006 during the yearly administrations of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), a state-based system of health surveys gathering data from upwards of 350,000 adults per year across all 50 states. One sample t-tests found that the in-treatment substance abusers reported significantly more physically and mentally unhealthy days over the past 30 days, as well as significantly more inactive days over the past 30 days due to illness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Past research has shown that limitations on attention can lead to loss of control. Our model of self-control suggests that when attentional resources are restricted, individuals can focus on only the most salient behavioral cues, to the neglect of more distal stimuli. Subsequent action is then likely to be under the near-exclusive motivational influence of those "central" cues. This state of narrowed attentional focus, which we term "attentional myopia," is predicted to lead to loss of control when salient cues serve to promote a behavior that violates self-standards. By contrast, limitations on attention can lead to more successful self-control when salient cues instead suggest restraint. We have investigated this model in the health domains of eating, smoking, and aggression, and we discuss its implications for individuals' efforts to respond to health-relevant messages.  相似文献   

This study examines whether adult psychological distress and health risk behaviors mediate the relationship between childhood abuse and physical health in adulthood. A randomly selected population-based sample, with oversampling to include a one-third subgroup of former child protection cases, completed a structured interview. Questions pertained to childhood exposure to abuse, adult psychological distress, physical health, and health risk behaviors. Previous research using this sample had identified three abuse typologies: emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and polyvictimization (physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect). All three typologies were significantly associated with poorer self-reported physical health. Psychological distress and health risk behaviors partially mediated the relationship between nonabuse, sexual abuse, polyvictimization, and physical health, and fully mediated the relationship between emotional abuse and physical health. The results of this study indicate that health risk behaviors and symptoms of psychological distress could contribute to some of the long-lasting consequences of childhood abuse on adult physical health.  相似文献   

Novelty seeking and sensation seeking are constructs useful in predicting human risk-taking behaviors. This predictive relation purportedly reflects some rewarding aspect of experiencing novelty. Research has confirmed this assumption. Rats display an increase in preference for an environment that has been differentially paired with novel stimuli. The physiological mechanisms mediating this rewarding effect of novelty involve the neurotransmitter dopamine, whereas those controlling novelty seeking do not. The mechanisms involved in drug seeking and reward show parallel dissociations. This concordance between novelty and drug-abuse research suggests that novelty and drug stimuli may interact in biologically and behaviorally meaningful ways. Indeed, preliminary research examining cocaine and novelty and published work with amphetamines support this suggestion. There is clear need for further systematic research on novelty reward and related processes at all levels of analysis: genetic, biological, behavioral, and social.  相似文献   

城市人口健康的性别差异及影响因素的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用CHNS数据,在健康的社会分层模式下探讨城市人口健康的性别公平问题。研究认为,中国城市人口健康存在显著的性别不平等现象,男性健康水平要好于女性,而这种健康的性别差异主要是由于不同性别在社会经济地位上的差异造成的,女性处于明显的弱势地位。  相似文献   

This study examined family-of-origin (FO) characteristics of drug addicts and their spouses, who participated in an in-home drug treatment program. Discriminant analysis revealed a set of FO characteristics that differentiated between 25 men who remained drug-free for six months after detoxification and 25 men who suffered a relapse. This set of FO characteristics successfully predicted relapse 30 months later. Men who remained drug-free for the entire period maintained closer relationships with healthy than with unhealthy families, whereas those who relapsed maintained closer relationships with unhealthy families. Compared with those who relapsed, men who remained drug-free also maintained closer relationships with their spouses' families. The findings are discussed in terms of the family system's view of drug abuse, as well as their implications for family-based intervention.  相似文献   

Many juveniles are at high risk for delinquency and drug abuse by virtue of the characteristics of their neighborhoods, which are often economically impoverished, socially unstable, physically neglected, and rife with crime, drug use, and drug selling. However, a significant proportion of these youth do not engage in deviant behavior, while others participate to varying degrees. This study examined what factors discriminate between high-risk youth who do and who do not exhibit deviant behavior. Self-reported measures of several attitudes and behaviors known to correlate with drug abuse and delinquency were assessed in relation to reports of property offenses, person offenses, drug use, and drug selling. Additional analyses were conducted to distinguish between sex and racial groups to further qualify the relationships between deviant behaviors and attitudes. The most notable finding was that types of deviance that primarily involve material and monetary gain may be largely influenced by relationships with significant others, while deviance with potentially harmful consequences to both self and others are influenced largely by personal attitudes. Examination of individual variables showed that negative peer influences and positive attitudes toward fighting significantly increased the likelihood of reporting involvement in three of the four deviance measures, and that positive relationship with the father and prosocial values were inversely related to two of the behavioral deviance measures. There were very few differences in significant predictors of deviance for males versus females. Several self-reported attitudes and behaviors distinguished African Americans from Hispanics and Whites, even though Whites were reportedly responsible for a higher incidence of deviant behaviors.  相似文献   

In this 15-year longitudinal study the authors investigated individual and contextual factors that predispose adolescents from a disadvantaged urban area to drug dependence in adulthood. Adolescents were recruited from schools serving East Harlem in New York City. Of the 838 participants followed to adulthood, 59% were women, 55% were African American, and 45% were Puerto Rican. Self-report data were obtained on externalizing and internalizing problems, substance use, and contextual influences across adolescence and young adulthood. Drug dependence was assessed in adulthood. Multivariate logistic regressions of drug dependence were performed on the whole sample and separately by gender. Each of the domains was associated with adult drug dependence. Although mean gender differences were found, most associations of risk factors with drug dependence did not vary significantly by gender. Treating externalizing and internalizing problems, reducing substance use, and providing coping skills for adverse contextual influences in adolescence and young adulthood may reduce the likelihood of becoming drug dependent in adulthood.  相似文献   

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