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将200例老年抑郁患者随机分为研究组和对照组.研究组认知行为治疗联合药物治疗,对照组单纯药物治疗.治疗前后进行CRI、SDSS、GAF等量表评定.6个月后,两组在大体功能、生活满意度、应对方式等方面有显著性差异(P<0.01).认知行为治疗有效改善老年抑郁症病人的应对方式,提高患者的生活满意度.  相似文献   

认知行为治疗对老年抑郁症病人的生活质量影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将200例老年抑郁患者随机分为研究组和对照组。研究组认知行为治疗联合药物治疗,对照组单纯药物治疗。治疗前后进行CRI、SDSS、GAF等量表评定。6个月后,两组在大体功能、生活满意度、应对方式等方面有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。认知行为治疗有效改善老年抑郁症病人的应对方式,提高患者的生活满意度。  相似文献   

当前,青少年抑郁症的发病率呈明显上升趋势,已严重影响到青少年的身心健康发展。青少年抑郁症主要表现在生理和心理两个方面原因,外因通过内因起作用,本文章拟从导致青少年抑郁的内部原因着手进行深入讨论,包括认知、自我和人格等方面,希望能对青少年抑郁患者的治疗和恢复有所帮助。  相似文献   

抑郁症的计算机化认知行为治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机化认知行为治疗(computerized cognitive-behavioral therapy, CCBT), 即指通过电脑交互界面, 以清晰的操作步骤, 高度结构化的多种媒介互动方式(如网页、漫画、动画、视频、声音等)来表现认知行为治疗基本原则和方法的治疗方式。抑郁症的CCBT近年来在西方崭露头角, 目前Beating The Blues、MoodGYM、E-Couch和Good Days Ahead等抑郁症CCBT程序在西方使用较为广泛。从可行性分析上发现, 该疗法较受病人接纳、具有较高的成本效用和易用性; 现有实验研究证明了抑郁症采用CCBT是有效的, 但其有效性仍取决于诸多因素。以往研究存在着较少关注治疗有效性的内在机制、治疗效果差异较大、风险评估简化和被试选择偏向等问题, 建议未来研究应加强:(1)中介效应及机制研究; (2)以人为本的个性化服务研究; (3)风险评估与隐私保护研究; (4)在“弱势群体”中的研究与运用。最后, 对其在中国发展的必要性与可行性进行了展望。  相似文献   

认知治疗分化为认知行为与认知分析治疗两个流派.抑郁的贝克认知模型、归因模型、自我价值关联模型以及抑郁的注意过程等认知理论为认知治疗奠定了基础.认知行为治疗、认知行为分析系统心理治疗以及基于冥想的认知治疗等已经在实践中被较有力的临床证据检验.认知治疗在抑郁症的治疗中已显示出广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

抑郁症认知治疗理论及实践进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
认知治疗分化为认知行为与认知分析治疗两个流派。抑郁的贝克认知模型、归因模型、自我价值关联模型以及抑郁的注意过程等认知理论为认知治疗奠定了基础。认知行为治疗、认知行为分析系统心理治疗以及基于冥想的认知治疗等已经在实践中被较有力的临床证据检验。认知治疗在抑郁症的治疗中已显示出广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

父母监控与青少年的问题行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从北京市两所普通中学选取了1090名中学生为被试,采用问卷调查的方式,要求他们分别报告父亲和母亲的主、客观监控水平和监控手段,以及自己的问题行为,以探讨父母监控与青少年问题行为之间的关系。结果表明:(1)客观监控水平越高,青少年的问题行为越少;而主观监控水平的作用却与此相反;(2)父母客观监控水平高而主观监控水平低的青少年表现的问题行为最少;(3)沟通和控制可以起到积极的监控作用,而搜寻的作用相对较弱,并且父亲使用搜寻手段还会增加青少年的违法行为;母亲搜寻手段的使用也只是对男生有一定的影响。  相似文献   

关于父母教养方式与青少年行为的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青少年时期是人生发展的“断乳”期,处于这一时期的青少年精力旺盛,求知欲强,自我意识迅速发展,道德行为习惯开始形成。在道德行为习惯形成的过程中,家庭、学校和社会环境的影响都很大,其中又以家庭中父母教养方式的影响尤为直接。本研究通过问卷调查的方法,调查了200位初中学生,以探讨父母教养方式和青少年行为之间的关系。结果发现,父母严厉的教养方式、不良的学校环境与青少年的反社会行为有相关关系,而青少年亲社会行为和父母教养方式的关系则不显著。本文在调查结果的基础上还提出了一些有利于培养青少年良好行为的建议。  相似文献   

强迫症已经被认为是儿童青少年常见的心理障碍之一。强迫症的认知行为模型在成人研究中得到了大量的实证支持,但这个模型在儿童青少年群体中研究相对较少。认知行为疗法被广泛认为是治疗儿童青少年强迫症的有效心理治疗方案,但对于认知行为治疗儿童青少年强迫症的实证研究还有待进一步深入。  相似文献   

强迫症已经被认为是儿童青少年常见的心理障碍之一.强迫症的认知行为模型在成人研究中得到了大量的实证支持,但这个模型在儿童青少年群体中研究相时较少.认知行为疗法被广泛认为是治疗儿童青少年强迫症的有效心理治疗方案,但对于认知行为治疗儿童青少年强迫症的实证研究还有待进一步深入.  相似文献   

Investigate factors that amplify or mitigate the effects of an indicated cognitive behavioral (CB) depression prevention program for adolescents with elevated depressive symptoms. Using data from a randomized trial (Registration No. NCT00183417; n = 173) in which adolescents (M age = 15.5, SD = 1.2) were assigned to a brief cognitive behavioral prevention program or an educational brochure control condition, we tested whether elevated motivation to reduce depression and initial depressive symptom severity amplified intervention effects and whether negative life events, social support deficits, and substance use attenuated intervention effects. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) indicated differential intervention effects for two of the five examined variables: negative life events and substance use. For adolescents at low and medium levels of substance use or negative life events, the CB intervention produced declines in depressive symptoms relative to controls. However, at high levels of substance use or negative life events, the CB intervention did not significantly reduce depressive symptoms in comparison to controls. Results imply that high-risk adolescents with either high rates of major life stress or initial substance use may require specialized depression prevention efforts.  相似文献   

Family Processes in Adolescent Depression   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

对1655名来自二孩家庭的青少年进行调查,以考察二孩家庭中父母偏爱的特点及其与青少年抑郁的关系。结果发现:(1)父母偏爱水平较低,且父亲偏爱和母亲偏爱不存在显著差异。(2)父母偏爱存在性别和出生次序差异,男孩报告父母更偏爱自己,女孩报告父母更偏爱同胞;头胎子女报告父亲更偏爱自己,母亲更偏爱同胞,二胎子女则相反。(3)父母偏爱对青少年抑郁有显著影响,且为U型曲线关系,即当父母偏爱同胞或中高程度偏爱自己时,青少年抑郁水平均较高;当父母较低程度偏爱自己时,青少年抑郁水平最低。说明二孩家庭中不存在严重的父母偏爱,但父母偏爱会对青少年发展产生消极影响。  相似文献   

Little is known about whether or not a consistently high level of homework adherence over the course of therapy benefits patients. This question was examined in two samples of patients who were receiving individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for depression (Ns = 128 [Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression: STAR-D] and 183 [Continuation Phase Cognitive Therapy Relapse Prevention: C-CT-RP]). Logistic and linear regression and propensity score models were used to identify whether or not clinician assessments of homework adherence differentiated symptom reduction and remission, as assessed by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-17 (HDRS-17), the Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology–Self-Reported Scale (QIDS-SR), and the QIDS–Clinician Scale (QIDS-C). CBT-related response and remission were equally likely between both high and low homework adherers in both studies and in all models. But in propensity adjusted models that adjusted for session attendance, for both the STAR-D and C-CT-RP samples, greater homework adherence was significantly associated with greater response and remission from depression in the first and last 8 sessions of CBT. Our results suggest that homework adherence can account for response and remission early and late in treatment, with adequate session attendence.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(2):315-329
Young adults (ages 18 to 25) in the U.S. suffer from the highest rates of past-year major depressive episode and are the least likely to receive treatment compared to other age groups. As such, we examined the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a text-message delivered cognitive behavioral therapy: CBT-txt with young adults. The study was a 2-month pilot RCT to test a 4-week intervention for depression that contained 197 text messages (average 12 texts every other day). The sample, recruited via Facebook and Instagram, was 102 U.S. young adults who presented with at least moderate depressive symptomatology. Assessments occurred at baseline prior to randomization and at 1 and 2 months post enrollment. The primary outcome, severity of depressive symptoms, was assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory II. Feasibility benchmarks were met and participants reported high levels of engagement with and acceptability of the intervention. Logistic regression indicated that treatment participants were three times as likely to have minimal or mild depression symptoms at 2 months compared to waitlist control participants. Latent change score modeling found that the strongest significant treatment effect appeared at the 1-month follow-up period, particularly for participants who began with severe depressive symptoms. Mediation analysis revealed significant indirect treatment effects of increases in behavioral activation on reducing depressive symptoms, suggesting a mechanism of change. Limitations were that the sample was relatively small and consisted of primarily women. These results provide initial evidence for the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a text-delivered treatment for young adult depression.  相似文献   

Depression is prevalent among mothers who participate in home visitation programs. This case study describes In-Home Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (IH-CBT), an empirically based treatment for depressed mothers that is strongly integrated with ongoing home visitation. The use of a Parenting Enhancement for Maternal Depression (PEMD) module was added to address parenting difficulties in a depressed mother. This case describes issues and challenges encountered in delivering treatment in the home with low-income, depressed mothers. Issues involving engagement, adaptation to the setting, responding to the unique needs of low-income mothers, and partnership with concurrent home visiting to optimize outcomes are considered. Long-term follow-up (18 months after the end of treatment) permits examination of sustainability of gains. Implications for treating this high-risk population are discussed.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) for youth with anxiety, traumatic stress, and depression have demonstrated strong effects in individual studies and meta-analyses. Relatively more attention has been given to posttreatment effects, though, and assessment of follow-up effects has been limited at the meta-analytic level. The current meta-analysis aimed to (a) examine the effects of youth CBT at posttreatment, 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, 1-year, and long-term (2 + years) follow-up as well as (b) identify research-related variables (e.g., measure respondent type) that relate to effects. Using a random effects model across 110 child and adolescent CBT groups, within-group effect sizes were large at posttreatment (g = 1.24) and from 1-month through long-term follow-up (g = 1.23–1.82), and effect sizes did not significantly differ by treatment target (i.e., anxiety, traumatic stress, depression). However, availability of outcome data for effect sizes diminished across later follow-up assessments. Moreover, effect sizes were significantly associated with outcome respondent type across assessment timing, with outcome measures from caregiver and youth respondents associated with smaller effect sizes (B = -0.97, p < 0.001) relative to outcome measures that were evaluator-reported. Results provide initial support for the durability of treatment effects for youth CBTs and highlight the importance of some confounding variables. Implications for improving treatment research standards and prioritizing assessment of long-term follow-up assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding its empirical status and strong recommendation in clinical practice guidelines, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) continues to be delivered infrequently and with low fidelity on the clinical front lines. Recently, organized efforts and policies within the public sector to disseminate and implement CBT and other evidence-based psychotherapies have yielded encouraging results and provided optimism for bridging the research-to-practice-gap. Following from these efforts, the current article examines the initial impact and experience of the implementation of an individualized approach to CBT training and treatment within the Kaiser Permanente health care system. Initial training outcomes, including changes in general and specific competencies, were assessed using divergent assessment methods within the initial cohort of therapists undergoing training. Initial patient outcomes, including changes in depression and anxiety, were assessed among patients receiving treatment from therapists in training. Results revealed training in and implementation of CBT-D was associated with overall large improvements in therapist competencies and in clinically significant improvements in both depression and anxiety among patients. Findings from the initial phase of dissemination and implementation within a large private system provide support for, and extend recent findings related to, the feasibility and effectiveness of training in and implementation of CBT-D in a real-world context.  相似文献   

Guided internet CBT (iCBT) is a promising treatment for depression; however, it is less well known through what mechanisms iCBT works. Two possible mediators of change are the acquisition of cognitive skills and increases in behavioral activation. We report results of an 8-week waitlist controlled trial of guided iCBT, and test whether early change in cognitive skills or behavioral activation mediated subsequent change in depression. The sample was 89 individuals randomized to guided iCBT (n = 59) or waitlist (n = 30). Participants were 75% female, 72% Caucasian, and 33 years old on average. The PHQ9 was the primary outcome measure. Mediators were the Competencies of Cognitive Therapy Scale–Self Report and the Behavioral Activation Scale for Depression–Short Form. Treatment was Beating the Blues plus manualized coaching. Outcomes were analyzed using linear mixed models, and mediation with a bootstrap resampling approach. The iCBT group was superior to waitlist, with large effect sizes at posttreatment (Hedges’ g = 1.45). Dropout of iCBT was 29% versus 10% for waitlist. In the mediation analyses, the acquisition of cognitive skills mediated subsequent depression change (indirect effect = -.61, 95% bootstrapped biased corrected CI: -1.47, -0.09), but increases in behavioral activation did not. iCBT is an effective treatment for depression, but dropout rates remain high. Change in iCBT appears to be mediated by improvements in the use of cognitive skills, such as critically evaluating and restructuring negative thoughts.  相似文献   

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