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心肌梗死的发现及其方法论启示湖北医科大学(430071)冯显威,左汉宾心肌梗死是临床上常见的一种非异常心律性缺血性心脏病。这种疾病的发现及其特异性诊断方法的建立,是本世纪初临床心脏病学的一项突破性进展。一、心肌梗死的发现过程从某种意义上说,本世纪初的...  相似文献   

血液循环发现史研究的哲学思考贵阳中医学院(550002)许红,吴元黔一、古代自然哲学时期对血液循环现象的认识自然哲学时期一般指自然科学还未从哲学中独立出来的古希腊时期,在中国正是春秋战国时期。那时候的科学家都是一些自然哲学家,东西方大都相类似,他们常...  相似文献   

学习、工作都要运用记忆。如何提高记忆力,一直是作为一项重要的课题。心理学家所作实验结果表明,听觉记忆效果不及视觉记忆;视觉记忆效果不如视听觉并用记忆(参图1)。现实生活中,常有人在车船中或教室里手持小  相似文献   




疫苗疗法的回顾与展望第四军医大学微生物学研究生(710032)张富泉导师马文煜,姜绍谆一、Auzias-Trenne和梅毒接种术-概念的提出19世纪初叶,种痘术在欧洲成功地控制了天花的流行,从而促使人们以极大的热情去研究新的传染病疫苗。1850年,法...  相似文献   

也许这样的情形会在下午3点左右出现:你突然忘了一个常用单词的拼法,可待你要去查找词典时,却怎么也想不起将眼镜搁在何处。更糟的是,你竟然忘了下午还有一场与朋友的约会.人们的记忆为什么有时会这样背叛自己?对年长者来说它会是“老年痴呆症”的前兆吗?有什么方法可使记忆复现而历久不忘?首先需澄清的是,短暂的记忆丧失并不一定是“老年痴呆症”的信号,65-75岁之间的人大约只有4%一10%的人患这种病。事实上随着我们年岁增长,几乎每个人都会为遗忘所扰,过了35岁记忆力就开始走下坡路,不过,它的衰退是相当缓慢的,直到50岁…  相似文献   

中枢胆碱能系统在记忆形成过程中的特异性作用仍有待于进一步探讨。该研究观察了东莨菪碱对小鸡一次性被动回避行为的影响,主要结果如下:1.训练前颅内注射一定剂量的东莨菪碱可引起一日龄小鸡的记忆障碍;2.无论是训练前15分钟还是训练前30分钟注射,东莨菪碱引起的记忆障碍均起始于训练后15-20分钟之间;3.研究中所用剂量的东莨菪碱不影响小鸡的啄食行为、味觉功能及兴奋水平。上述结果提示,中枢胆碱能系统可能较特异性地参与中时记忆的形成过程。  相似文献   




不同复述条件下命名难度对图形记忆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用学习 -再认的方法对自由复述、部分特征的言语命名复述和视觉表象复述三种实验条件下图形的记忆效果进行了研究。结果表明 ,(1)图形记忆中存在明显的难度效应 ,难以命名图形的再认正确率高于易命名图形 ,反应时低于易命名图形。 (2 )被试在复述图形时 ,更倾向于选择那些难以命名的特征作为复述对象 ,以便把整个图形都记住。 (3)易命名图形的言语命名复述成绩好于视觉表象复述 ;而难以命名图形则不存在这种差异。两者自由选择时 ,将加快记忆提取的速度  相似文献   

奖惩现象及实验揭示了:兴奋了奖赏中枢的思想、行为(神经通路)能被奖赏中枢强烈易化,而兴奋了惩罚中枢的思想、行为能被惩罚中枢强烈抑制。在此基础上,通过讨论奖惩中枢在学习中的作用得出:思想、行为的动力由奖惩中枢影响产生;奖惩中枢在思想、行为(神经兴奋)习惯的选择、形成过程中起着主要作用。  相似文献   

《Memory (Hove, England)》2013,21(2):143-163
Eleven-year-old severely impaired poor readers failed to show a word length effect with pictorial presentation, but showed an effect of equal magnitude to that of reading age and chronological age controls with auditory presentation. The lack of a pictorial word length effect was unlikely to be due to slow speed of naming skills, as in one study these were at least as fast as those of the reading age controls. It is possible that the poor readers failed to verbally encode the pictures. However, they reported using verbal rehearsal, and lip movements were often observed during presentation, suggesting that they did verbally encode the items. Therefore they may have failed to show a word length effect because they did not retrieve information from the phonological store at recall. Although the poor readers had impaired naming speed skills for their age on both discrete item identification and articulation rate tasks, they could not be equated with their chronological age controls on memory span or reading when these naming speed differences were controlled. However, the groups were matched on the naming speed measures when differences in reading ability were controlled.  相似文献   

The hippocampus, which is critically involved in learning and memory processes, is known to be a target for the neuromodulatory actions of steroid hormones produced by the adrenal glands and gonads. Much of the work of B.S. McEwen and collaborators has focused on the role of glucocorticosteroids and estrogen in modulating hippocampal plasticity and functions. In addition to hormones derived from the endocrine glands, cells in the hippocampus may be exposed to locally synthesized neurosteroids, including pregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone and their sulfated esters as well as progesterone and its reduced metabolites. In contrast to hormones derived from the circulation, neurosteroids have paracrine and/or autocrine activities. In the hippocampus, they have been shown to have trophic effects on neurons and glial cells and to modulate the activity of a variety of neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels, including type A gamma-aminobutyric acid, N-methyl-D-aspartate and sigma receptors and N- and L-type Ca2+ channels. There is accumulating evidence that some neurosteroids, in particular pregnenolone sulfate, have strong influences on learning and memory processes, most likely by regulating neurotransmission in the hippocampus. However, the hippocampus is not the only target for the mnesic effects of neurosteroids. Associated brain regions, the basal nuclei of the forebrain and the amygdaloid complex, are also involved. Some neurosteroids may thus be beneficial for treating age- or disease-related cognitive impairments.  相似文献   




In this task rats had to learn that a three-dimensional object stimulus (a rectangle) that was visible for 2 s would result in a positive (go) reinforcement for one object (a ball) and no reinforcement (no go) for a different object (a bottle). However, if the rectangle stimulus was visible for 8 s then there would be no reinforcement for the ball (no go), but a reinforcement for the bottle (go). After rats learned this conditional discrimination by responding differentially in terms of latency to approach the object, they received large (dorsal and ventral) lesions of the hippocampus, lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex (anterior cingulate and precentral cortex), lesions of the cortex dorsal to the dorsal hippocampus, or served as sham-operated controls. Following recovery from surgery they were retested. The results indicate that there were major impairments following hippocampal lesions, in contrast to cortical control and medial prefrontal cortex lesions, as indicated by smaller latency differences between positive and negative trials on postsurgery tests. In order to ensure that the deficits observed with hippocampal lesions were not due to a discrimination problem, new rats were trained in an object (gray cylinder) duration discrimination task. In this go/no go procedure, the rats were reinforced for a 2-s exposure (duration) of the gray cylinder, but not a 10-s duration, or vice versa. The results indicate that after hippocampal lesions, there was an initial deficit followed by complete recovery. There were no significant changes for the medial prefrontal, cortical control, or sham-operated animals. It appears that the hippocampus, but not the medial prefrontal cortex, is actively involved in representing in short-term memory temporal attribute information based on the use of markers for the beginning and end of the presence (duration) of a stimulus (object).  相似文献   

We present a framework for understanding how the hippocampus, neocortex, and basal ganglia work together to support cognitive and behavioral function in the mammalian brain. This framework is based on computational tradeoffs that arise in neural network models, where achieving one type of learning function requires very different parameters from those necessary to achieve another form of learning. For example, we dissociate the hippocampus from cortex with respect to general levels of activity, learning rate, and level of overlap between activation patterns. Similarly, the frontal cortex and associated basal ganglia system have important neural specializations not required of the posterior cortex system. Taken together, this overall cognitive architecture, which has been implemented in functioning computational models, provides a rich and often subtle means of explaining a wide range of behavioral and cognitive neuroscience data. Here, we summarize recent results in the domains of recognition memory, contextual fear conditioning, effects of basal ganglia lesions on stimulus-response and place learning, and flexible responding.  相似文献   

观察空间工作记忆过程中海马CA1区神经元群的放电特征。应用多通道神经元集群放电记录技术, 同步观察和记录清醒大鼠在执行延迟选择任务时的行为轨迹以及海马CA1区神经元的放电活动。发现:海马CA1区位置细胞的位置野是在学习过程中逐渐形成并可消退; 部分位置细胞的放电对未来目标定向性行为具有预测作用; 在空间工作记忆过程中, 神经元放电之间的相关性加强, 神经元之间以及神经元与局部场电位之间存在相位编码方式。结果提示海马CA1区神经元参与对空间信息的初级编码和加工, 并为未来行为决策提供有效信息, 而且海马对信息的加工是通过局部神经网络进行, 时间编码可能是海马信息加工的重要方式之一。  相似文献   

当下医学与技术史的研究史料大多聚焦于文献、文物,构成相对固化的研究范式,提议医学史研究的视域应适当拓展到近现代新医疗、技术格局下世俗社会的医疗、保健器物,并提出“以器物为中心”的编史学纲要,作为主流医学史的补充。其学理依据既有文物与器物的打通,历史学理性与物性之辨,历史叙事的变轨,医学史与文化史的统合,文献学方法与人类学方法的交映,还有近代新史学理念的启迪,如王国维的“二重证据论”,顾颉刚的“眼光向下”、“民俗生活入史”等。随后,就器物医学史的研究谱系进行了若干展开,以期为后续研究开启思路。  相似文献   

Presented as part of a symposium at the 1996 American Psychological Association Convention in Toronto, Canada, this paper reflects an historical overview of the political issues faced by psychologists in academic medical centers. Ivan Mensh, Ph.D., senior psychologist and founding member of the Association of Medical School Psychologists, suggests that those psychologists involved in medical education should learn who the decision makers are and how decisions are made at academic medical centers in order better to assure the continued viability of psychology in those settings.  相似文献   

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