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R Chasin  S Roth  M Bograd 《Family process》1989,28(2):121-136
This article presents a method for conducting a couple session that illustrates a theoretically valid role for action techniques (as opposed to verbal methods) in post-Milan systemic interviewing. Useful in an opening meeting or in consultation, it pointedly activates client resources while deemphasizing current problems. The interview format begins with contracting for ground-rules and listing clients' strengths. Each partner then creates and enacts: a scene illustrating that partner's ideal future for the relationship; a related past painful scene (usually from childhood); and a "reform" of that scene "as it should have occurred." Both partners play multiple roles in all scenes. Last and least, each partner succinctly describes his or her view of the current problem. In the enactments, rapid shifts in time dimension and multiple novel roles played by both partners efficiently promote in the couple the release from constraining beliefs and interactional patterns that is ordinarily sought by purely verbal methods in Milan-derived systemic interviews.  相似文献   

樊春雷  张爱玲 《心理学报》2007,39(2):355-361
运用态度量表和反应时实验比较了品牌态度强度与品牌态度可达性的关系性质。研究发现,女性被试对保健品品牌要素的态度评价越肯定,态度通达和提取的时间就越快,两者之间形成有规律的函数关系;但在否定性态度条件下,没有出现类似的规律性;当要求被试把模糊性态度明确为肯定或否定态度时,67%的被试明确为否定态度,但所用时间显著慢于明确为肯定态度所用的时间  相似文献   

Research on employee referrals demonstrates positive outcomes for the recruited individual and the organization. However, little research addressed employees who make employment referrals, also known as employee recommenders. To address this gap in knowledge, we developed a conceptual model and present the theoretical basis for addressing the motivation of, and organizational outcomes associated with, employees who make employment recommendations. The model is based on the theories of word-of-mouth communication, cognitive dissonance, self-perception, and attitude change through self-persuasion. Partial support for the model was found in an experimental design simulating an employee referral situation. Results showed an increase in normative commitment of recommenders.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the temporal pattern of experienced regret and provides insight into the underlying factors leading to differential cognitive accessibility of actions and inactions over time. Across three studies, we find increased cognitive accessibility of inactions in the long term with no difference in the accessibility of actions and inactions in the short term. We find support for the depth of impact, breadth of impact, and frequency of thought as explanations for this differential accessibility.  相似文献   

Although multitasking has been identified as an important competency for many jobs, standardized preemployment tests of multitasking are uncommon, and their validity beyond separate single-task assessments is unclear. To address this gap, this study compared the validity of a preemployment multitasking assessment (with math, memorization, and monitoring tasks presented concurrently) to an assessment in which the same constituent tasks were assessed separately. Among military pilot applicants, concurrent multitasking predicted both flying and academic performance, whereas serial single-task scores and their combination predicted only academic performance. Larger multitasking decrements (i.e., operationalized as the difference between single-task and multiple-task performance of the same constituent tasks) were associated with poorer flying performance. Results suggest the potential utility of multitasking assessments in selection for military jobs requiring competing, concurrent task demands.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of brand personality on brand asset management by using the concept of consumers' identification with a brand. The focus was on one important type of high-technology product, the cellular phone. The authors develop a conceptual framework to explain the effect of brand identification on brand loyalty. The important variables of this framework include the attractiveness of the brand personality, the distinctiveness of the brand personality, the self-expressive value of the brand personality, positive word-of-mouth reports of the brand, and brand loyalty. The empirical results indicated that there are positive relationships between attractiveness, distinctiveness, and self-expressive value of brand personality. These relationships had a statistically significant effect on consumers' identification with a brand. Furthermore, brand identification had a direct effect on word-of-mouth reports and an indirect effect on brand loyalty. The theoretical and managerial implications of the empirical results are presented, and suggestions are made regarding both the limitations of the present study and future directions for research.  相似文献   

觉域派是公元 1 1世纪产生于西藏的藏传佛教重要宗派之一 ,由藏族著名的女密宗大师玛久拉仲所创立。觉域派的教法 ,主要是以般若波罗蜜多为宗义 ,结合大手印觉法修持的一种法门 ,就是以菩提心或慈悲心来断灭自利心 ,以般若性空来断除我执。故觉域派的教法 ,又称般若波罗蜜多之觉域法或大手印觉法。  相似文献   

Spatial bias demonstrated in tasks such as line-bisection may stem from perceptual-attentional (PA) "where" and motor-intentional (MI) "aiming" influences. We tested normal participants' line bisection performance in the presence of an asymmetric visual distracter with a video apparatus designed to dissociate PA from MI bias. An experimenter stood as a distractor to the left or right of a video monitor positioned in either near or far space, where participants viewed lines and a laser point they directed under (1) natural and (2) mirror-reversed conditions. Each trial started with the pointer positioned at either the top left or top right corner of the screen, and alternated thereafter. Data analysis indicated that participants made primarily PA leftward errors in near space, but not in far space. Furthermore, PA, but not MI, bias increased bilaterally in the direction of distraction. In contrast, MI, but not PA, bias was shifted bilaterally in the direction of startside. Results support the conclusion that a primarily PA left sided bias in near space is consistent with right hemisphere spatial attentional dominance. A bottom-up visual distractor specifically affected PA "where" spatial bias while top-down motor cuing influenced MI "aiming" bias.  相似文献   

This comment agrees with Prof. Zuckerman that careful inquiry about the effects of culture, in terms of actual parental behaviors and some disparate subcultures, is warranted. It argues, however, that parental anxieties, based on a sense of children's vulnerability, affects even many remiss parents and explains widespread behaviors and areas of excessive supervision; the anxieties also may help account for an indifference to concerns about children in general as opposed to one's own offspring. The helicopter parent is a real and somewhat troubling phenomenon in the United States.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that asking people questions about a behaviour can lead to behaviour change. Despite many, varied studies in different domains, it is only recently that this phenomenon has been studied under the umbrella term of the question-behaviour effect (QBE) and moderators of the effect have been investigated. With a particular focus on our own contributions, this article: (1) provides an overview of QBE research; (2) reviews and offers new evidence concerning three theoretical accounts of the QBE (behavioural simulation and processing fluency; attitude accessibility; cognitive dissonance); (3) reports a new meta-analysis of QBE studies (k = 66, reporting 94 tests) focusing on methodological moderators. The findings of this meta-analysis support a small significant effect of the QBE (= 0.14, 95% CI = 0.11, 0.18, < .001) with smaller effect sizes observed in more carefully controlled studies that exhibit less risk of bias and (4) also considers directions for future research on the QBE, especially studies that use designs with low risk of bias and consider desirable and undesirable behaviour separately.  相似文献   


The archive and psychoanalysis are reconnected in a new framework. The archaeological metaphor of psychoanalysis, the traditional view of archives as storehouses of historical items, and the notion of memory as storage are revised according to the conceptions of fluid and dynamic archival and memory systems. A combination of psychoanalytic models and cognitive memory research is proposed to form developmental archival theory that will take into account the changing contexts of memory, meaning-making, negotiation of interpretation, and knowledge regulation. The three phases of registration (archivalization, archivization, and archiving) are seen in the dynamics of unconsciousness–consciousness, and in relation to the archivists’ and researchers’ transferences to their records as self-objects, transitional objects or evocative objects. Becoming conscious of archives is a continuous journeying through the multiple registrations and narrativizations of archives in the interaction between non-declarative and declarative memory. The archive and psychoanalysis touch upon processes that are suggested to concern metamemory and metareflection (the interplay between meta-emotion and metacognition). The futures of archives and psychoanalysis call for context-sensitive remembering and being attentive to the co-constructive translations of personal and social memory. Opening archives and psychoanalysis toward the unprecedented, without closing histories and memories, is the interminable task of encountering the “missing moment.”  相似文献   

The cognitive and motor behavior that people perform in the course of pursuing a goal can induce a mind-set that persists to influence the strategy they use to attain very different goals in unrelated situations. Although the strategies governed by a mind-set are typically applied consciously and deliberately, they are performed without awareness of the reasons for their selection. Research in both social psychology and consumer behavior exemplifies the impact of mind-sets on comprehension, judgments, and decision making, thus providing evidence of the scope and diversity of their effects.  相似文献   


The role of international organizations like the IMF, World Bank and GATT in the management of global risks are discussed. Special attention is paid to problems caused by the need to recycle funds from the developed countries to the Third World. The ever‐increasing macro‐economic uncertainty concerning foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and relative prices places heavy demands on corporate planning on both the commercial and financial sides.  相似文献   

Architectural accessibility does not always adequately represent the disability inclusiveness of a Christian community. Oftentimes, what is needed for appreciable inclusion is something as basic as friendship. Friendship that is based on unconditional love, acceptance, and mutual interdependency can facilitate inclusion, especially disability inclusion. This article draws on a study on Mary Slessor Memorial Presbyterian Cathedral, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. It examines its disability inclusion efforts. It demonstrates that disability inclusion must go beyond ramps and rails toward enabling friendship that is affirming of individual personhood through respectful interpersonal relationships. In highlighting the challenges to friendship as a relationship that is given freely, this article wrestles with the complexities of friendship and how this basic concept can bring about acceptable inclusive community within the Cathedral and indeed the global church.  相似文献   

We examined expectation conformation and word-of-mouth marketing intention among international tourists (177 white; 138 black; and 98 Asian) who experienced a tourism promotion cultural festival event; taking into account their personal, artistic, and societal cultural values. We applied multiple regression analysis to predict expectation conformation and word-of-mouth marketing intention from the tourists’ personal, artistic, and societal cultural values. For the white and Asian tourists, sociocultural value predicted expectation confirmation the most. For the black tourists, personal value explained their expectation confirmation more than did sociocultural value. Culturally framed perceived values appear to influence the ways tourists respond to tourism festivals.  相似文献   

Three studies examined how existential isolation (EI) relates to death-thought accessibility (DTA). Drawing upon the state-trait EI model and terror management theory, we posited EI would be associated with greater DTA. Studies 1a and 1b found trait EI to be correlated with baseline DTA. Evidence for mediation by ingroup identity was mixed. Studies 2 and 3 (a preregistered replication of Study 2) assessed whether priming EI would increase DTA relative to control primes. Study 2 found support for our hypothesis, but Study 3 failed to replicate, leaving open the question about whether EI plays a causal role in higher DTA. We discuss the potential value of EI for understanding how people manage concerns about death and relate to ingroups.  相似文献   

Much evidence suggests that common posterior parietal mechanisms underlie the orientation of attention in physical space and along the mental number line. For example, the small leftward bias (pseudoneglect) found in paper-and-pencil line bisection is also found when participants “bisect” number pairs, estimating (without calculating) the number midway between two others. For bisection of physical lines, pseudoneglect has been found to shift rightward as lines are moved from near space (immediately surrounding the body) to far space. We investigated whether the presentation of stimuli in near or far space also modulated spatial attention for the mental number line. Participants bisected physical lines or number pairs presented at four distances (60, 120, 180, 240 cm). Clear rightward shifts in bias were observed for both tasks. Furthermore, the rate at which this shift occurred in the two tasks, as measured by least-squares regression slopes, was significantly correlated across participants, suggesting that the transition from near to far distances induced a common modulation of lateral attention in physical and numerical space. These results demonstrate a tight coupling between number and physical space, and show that even such prototypically abstract concepts as number are modulated by our on-line interactions with the world.  相似文献   

知晓感和学习判断产生机制的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈功香  张承芬 《心理学探新》2007,27(2):36-39,76
以汉语配对词为实验材料,在已有实验研究的基础上,采用干扰模式进一步探讨了关于知晓感(Feeling of knowing)和学习判断(Judgment of learning)产生机制的四种理论假说,即线索熟悉性假说、目标提取假说、可接近性假说和竞争性假说。实验结果表明:在干扰条件下,知晓感和学习判断符合竞争性假说。  相似文献   

The constructive episodic simulation hypothesis suggests that episodic memory supports the simulation of future events through extraction and recombination of stored information. The current study explicitly investigated the use of past episodic thought in the simulation of future scenarios. Participants simulated one of three possible scenarios, differing in plausibility and participants’ prior experience of similar events. Participants recorded related memories and whether they were explicitly used during future event simulation. Memories were rated for source (self-experienced, other-experienced, or media). Findings suggest prior experience and event plausibility did not impact upon ease of future event simulation or the extent of memory usage during simulations. Differences emerged in the source of information used to assist future event simulation. These findings provide support for the hypothesis that episodic memories from a variety of sources are recombined when generating future simulations of novel events.  相似文献   

Subliminal anchoring: Judgmental consequences and underlying mechanisms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Judgmental anchoring—the assimilation of a numeric estimate towards a previously considered standard—is an exceptionally ubiquitous effect that influences human judgment in a variety of domains and paradigms. Three studies examined whether anchoring effects even occur, if anchor values are presented subliminally, outside of judges’ awareness. Studies 1 and 2 demonstrate such subliminal anchoring effects: judges assimilated target estimates towards the subliminally presented anchor values. Study 3 further demonstrates that subliminal anchors produced a selective increase in the accessibility of anchor-consistent target knowledge. The implications of these findings for the ubiquity of judgmental anchoring, its different underlying mechanisms, and comparative information processing are discussed.  相似文献   

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