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2017年,世界卫生组织发布了第一个国际层面的《公共卫生监测伦理指南》(以下简称《指南》)。《指南》基于公共善、公正、尊重、善治等价值提出十七条原则,强调国家负有开展监测并对其进行伦理监管的义务,将对监测的风险评估、社群参与、隐私保护等问题纳入伦理议程。从《指南》的诞生背景出发,简要介绍《指南》主要内容,强调公共卫生监测的伦理监管机制需因地制宜,呼吁在公共卫生的语境中关注健康数据的收集、分析和解释相关的伦理问题,尤其是数据共享和二次使用带来的伦理挑战。  相似文献   

2019年7月9日,健康中国行动推进会发布了《健康中国行动(2019—2030年)》,行动宣言中提出了人民健康是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志,其中涉及到心理健康的有失眠,焦虑障碍以及抑郁症三项。其发布的指标中,2014年我国抑郁症患病率约在2.1%,专家预测我国抑郁症患病率将呈现上升趋势。  相似文献   

国内外城市社区老年人生活质量研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老年人生活质量是国家经济发展水平、社会文明程度的重要标志。如何提高老年人的生活质量己成为老年保健研究的一个重要课题。查阅了近年来国内外有关社区老年人生活质量的文献资料,对生活质量的概念,生活质量国内外研究动态作一综述。  相似文献   

老年人生活质量是国家经济发展水平、社会文明程度的重要标志.如何提高老年人的生活质量已成为老年保健研究的一个重要课题.查阅了近年来国内外有关社区老年人生活质量的文献资料,对生活质量的概念,生活质量国内外研究动态作一综述.  相似文献   

社区老年人的生活质量与心理健康:SEM研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
张卫东 《心理科学》2002,25(3):307-309
在Lawton理论框架以及先前研究基础上,进一步对上海社区老年人生活质量与心理健康进行研究。采用结构方程建模的方法对老年人健康生活质量(QHL)、客观生活环境质量(QOE)与心理健康(PWB)的理论构念及其相互关系的理论模型予以实证研究。结果表明,该模型与社区老人测评数据(N=262)的拟合度良好,证明QHL对PWB具有显著正面影响,QOE与QHL显著相关且直接或间接地正面影响PWB。研究表明良好身体健康状况、行为调适能力以及家庭一社区养老环境对促进老人心理健康具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王华 《管子学刊》2010,(1):8-11
《管子》是我国古代著名的一部子书,其中蕴涵着丰富的人才思想。它提出了一整套关于人才的培养、选拔、任用和激励等方面的措施和思想。对其包含的人才思想进行现代解读,对于现代人力资源管理具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文对有关吴筠的生平事迹记载作了辨别真伪的工作,并着重解读吴筠的《心目论》。认为他克服了茅山宗王远知、潘师正两位宗师述而不作的弊病;《心目论》是一篇关于认识论和生命终极关怀问题的奇文,其主旨在于说明修道的关键是心的清静无欲,而“静”是种先验的心理状态,认识活动就是对生存的主体体验。  相似文献   

《管子》生态伦理思想具有丰富而深刻的内涵,“天人相分”与“天人合一”的天人观,“道为物要”与“德润万物”的伦理观,“人君天地”与“人与天调”的实践观。其深刻的精神理念对我们今天的生态文明建设具有重要的借鉴意义。这些启示我们应从强化生态意识、加强生态制度建设、实施行为生态化建设、坚持生态化修养建设等方面加强生态文明建设。  相似文献   

生产礼仪是形成和发展于早期华夏先民的渔猎、农耕、养殖活动而遗存于三代文明中的一种特殊而重要的礼节仪式性活动。在《礼记》中,狩猎之礼、渔礼、籍礼、桑蚕之礼、养兽之礼等生产礼仪的程序安排,包含着祈祷献祭的宗教信仰的内容,体现了先民对农业及对天地、神鬼、自然、人事之道的认识的象征含义,蕴含着早期文明社会组织利用生产推行教化的伦理意蕴。生产礼仪延续至春秋战国时期,受到礼家重视,与人们对待农业生产的态度有关。它在一定程度上反映了上古时期的生产方式、取食方法、分配形式,蕴含着先秦礼仪文化注重礼节仪式、实践操作、敬神奉献、意义象征的独特性质。  相似文献   

本文通过介绍后现代宗教哲学的代表人物唐·库比特的思想尤其是他的《宗教研究新方法》一书所提供的宗教研究思维方式的转换,指出尽管库比特最终也不可能与宗教彻底决裂,但他关注生活本身的视角和他对日常语言的研究态度以及他对传统基督教的批判无疑给科学无神论的理论研究提供了一个新的思考路径,使其能真正的关照现实,富有生命力和感染力。  相似文献   


This paper uses case studies of challenging behaviour associated with dementia to demonstrate, firstly, that disturbed behaviour is often a manifestation of suffering caused by multiple phenomena such as medical problems or the care environment. Addressing these causes instead of simplistically ‘treating the behaviour’ usually reduces the behaviour. Secondly, staff distress with a particular difficult resident is often caused by more general fundamental problems such as a lack of support or knowledge. Addressing these problems reduces staff distress. Finally, results from a Swedish intervention study are presented. They show that suffering for both staff and residents can be reduced, and quality of life improved, by providing increased autonomy for hands-on staff, systematic emotional support, and collaboratively developing care plans based on each resident's emotional and physical needs, rather than the problems they present.  相似文献   

过敏性皮肤病的皮损和瘙痒给患者的心理带来了一系列的问题,分析患者的生活质量并关注其心理状态,对专业人员进行培训,给予患者心理关怀,对患者家属进行教育才能最终达到改善或治疗疾病的目。  相似文献   


Objective: A systematic meta-synthesis of qualitative studies was conducted to interpret and synthesise findings from studies investigating the experiences, quality of life, and psychosocial impact of caregiving on adult informal caregivers of people with dementia.

Design: The meta-synthesis was conducted according to the principles of meta-ethnography.

Results: Fourteen studies describing the experiences of 265 informal caregivers were reviewed. The meta-synthesis elicited the following themes: (1) understanding and making sense of the dementia diagnosis, changing symptoms, and the caregiver role; (2) coping strategies, psychological facilitators and rewards of caregiver role; (3) challenges of caring for a person with dementia and their behaviour; (4) caregivers' relationships with care-recipient and other informal caregivers; and (5) caregivers’ experiences of formal support services and material resources.

Conclusion: Our findings highlight the need for a person-centred approach to care planning that also accounts for the needs of the informal caregiver to promote better caregiver well-being and quality of life. Caregivers’ emotional support, coping, resilience, need for information and respite care and adjustment to caregiver identity should be reviewed as part of the care package for the person with dementia.  相似文献   

大学生世界观、人生观、价值观形成中的接受机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生三观形成过程是与接受对象和接受环境互动的过程。大学生的知识结构、价值取向、意志品格决定着其三观接受倾向及信念内化的过程。三观信息反映现实的深度 ,与接受者内在认知结构和观念的契合程度 ,影响着其被接受的程度。而接受环境具有验证、巩固或修正、改变原有的三观观念的作用。应赋予三观以更深厚的文化基础和精神内涵 ,增强其理论创新和与现实的贯通性。  相似文献   


This study aimed to observe dementia’s role in the relationship between spirituality, quality of life, and depression in aging. The sample included 61 participants between 65 and 98 years old, separated into two groups: participants diagnosed with dementia (= 31) and control participants (= 30). There was no significant difference in spirituality between demented and control participants; however, different patterns of correlation were observed between spirituality, depression, and quality of life in these groups. Although the level of spirituality did not differ despite dementia, this pathology would appear to play a role in the relationship between spirituality, quality of life, and depression.  相似文献   


在文献研究的基础上, 基于健康老龄化的框架,总结社会适应和老年人健康管理的内涵,分析老年人的健康管理需求,进行社会适应理念下社区老年人健康管理路径探索,发挥政府主导作用、社会协同作用和家庭个人的主动参与,将社会适应理念与老年人健康管理有机融合,提出以社区为载体,从个人、家庭、社会以及政府多主体角度提出相关建议,以期为老年人的健康管理研究进一步理清思路,促进老年人社会适应的良好转变,助推健康老龄化顺利发展。


The Women's Health Questionnaire (WHQ) was designed specifically to study possible changes that occur during menopause. The purpose of this study was to perform a psychometric evaluation of the Norwegian version of the WHQ by examining the factor structure and construct validity of the instrument. Data used for the evaluation were collected at baseline of the ACUFLASH study, a randomized, controlled clinical trial that evaluated the effect of acupuncture treatment on menopausal symptoms. Altogether, 267 women with a very high frequency of hot flushes were included in the study. Some deficiencies in the WHQ questionnaire were observed when applied to this sample, including an unclear factor structure, low alpha values for some dimensions, and a strong floor effect in the vasomotor symptoms dimension. The total scale score appears reliable, but care should be taken when interpreting some of the subscales.  相似文献   

Objectives Adults who engage in altruistic social interest behaviors experience better mental health and have lower mortality rates than non-altruistic adults. The present study investigated the relationship between altruism and health and well-being in teens, and demographic and lifestyle variables. Methods A cross-sectional survey was implemented with a national sample of teens recruited through the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Measures included the PedsQL, the Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scale, and a new self-report scale of Altruism (subscales: Receiving/ Providing Emotional Support, Family Helping Behavior, General Helping Behavior, and Helping Orientation). Results Data were collected from 457 teens (M age = 15.6, sd 1.2). Psychometric analyses revealed that a five-factor model fit the altruism data well. Multivariate regression revealed no association between providing emotional support and psychosocial health. There were, however, many associations between altruism and well-being, and differential associations by gender. Family helping was the most salient aspect of altruism for males, showing associations with positive social relations, purpose in life, and self-acceptance. For females, General Helping Behavior was associated with positive social relations, and Helping Orientation was associated with better purpose in life. Family Helping was associated with better physical health in females, but not for males. The only correlates of altruism were higher age, more physical activity, and engaging in positive religious coping. Conclusions Altruism is positively associated with health for females and with well-being for both males and females. Different gender-specific interventions to guide teens in doing more altruistic activities may have to be designed to capitalize on these different associations.
Carolyn E. SchwartzEmail:

A remarkable surge in efforts to assess the quality of life of patients has occurred in recent years in medical research. Philosophical discussions of these developments have focused, on the one hand, on epistemological reservations about the plausibility of measuring quality of life and, on the other hand, on moral and ethical qualms about the meaning of life conveyed in such assessments. Whilst providing an important note of caution, such critiques fail to recognise two basic principles of quality of life in medical research. Firstly it is intended to provide understanding about groups and categories of patients rather than individuals. Secondly the purpose of such research is to produce generalisations about the relative costs and benefits of specific health care interventions rather than absolute judgements regarding the quality of life of patients per se. Selecting a good quality of life measure for a clinical trial requires balancing criteria such as validity with practical feasibility. Such measures will play an increasingly central role in providing research evidence to improve health care.  相似文献   

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