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死亡提醒效应的心理机制及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
傅晋斌  郭永玉 《心理科学》2011,34(2):461-464
死亡提醒效应是指个体在死亡提醒后会产生世界观防御或自尊寻求的一种普遍现象。其心理机制是以死亡想法通达性为指标的潜在死亡焦虑,影响因素则包括年龄、宗教信仰、结构需求、自我控制、依恋类型等个体差异和不同的情境启动。未来研究应解释与死亡无直接关联的刺激可引发类似效应的原因,进一步阐释与证实潜在的死亡焦虑,并明确自尊对死亡提醒效应的影响。  相似文献   

黄成利  胡超 《心理学报》2023,55(2):318-335
基于悲伤情绪的功能及效应,提出死亡意识的“悲伤管理假设”。实验1采用电生理、微表情、主观报告等方法探索死亡意识伴随的情绪变化;实验2和实验3对比死亡意识的“悲伤管理”和“恐惧管理”,并探索情绪的中介作用。结果发现:死亡意识诱发悲伤和恐惧(尤其是悲伤),且死亡反思诱发更多的悲伤;恐惧在死亡意识与外在人生目标间起中介作用;悲伤(而非恐惧)背景音乐下,死亡意识使个体更重视内在人生目标。上述结果为死亡意识的“悲伤管理”提供了实证依据,表明在悲伤的情绪中加工死亡意识可能促进个体的内在成长,这对疫情等社会灾难时期的心理救援具有启示意义。  相似文献   

死亡心理是人类面临死亡及相关事件时所产生的认知、情感和行为意向的复杂心理状态。目前, 研究死亡心理较为全面和科学的理论是恐惧管理理论(Terror Management Theory, 简称TMT)。但该理论存在以下争议: (1)在死亡的基本认知方面, 恐惧管理理论呈现出不一致的研究结果, 如死亡是否与不确定性无关, 死亡是否导致恐惧情绪, 寻求个体生存是否为人类的核心议题; (2)在社会文化层面, 恐惧管理理论提出者的文化背景对待死亡的普遍态度是呈否认的, 但是跨文化的研究显示其他文化背景对待死亡的态度却呈现出接纳或蔑视; (3)在恐惧管理理论的研究结果方面, 呈现出较多的矛盾性, 表明研究中有重要的调节因子未被涉及。基于此, 死亡心理可能的研究方向拟从认知、行为和社会三个层面进行梳理。未来死亡心理研究需秉承科学与文化并重的原则, 并结合死亡心理的内容与过程, 关注群体面对死亡时的心理规律, 开展死亡心理影响下的身心健康干预研究。  相似文献   

根据恐惧管理理论, 个体主要通过世界观、自尊和亲密关系三种防御机制来应对必死性意识引发的死亡焦虑。主流观点认为三种防御机制在防御死亡焦虑时的地位是平等的, 符合“流动补偿机制”。本文讨论了流动补偿机制的局限性, 提出三种防御机制之间关系的新观点: 优先级假设, 认为三种防御机制地位并非平等, 而是存在优先级: 亲密关系优先于世界观和自尊, 世界观优先于自尊。在梳理了支持证据后, 本文尝试从发展性视角对优先级假设提出可能的解释, 认为这种优先级来源于防御机制的发展顺序和衍生关系。  相似文献   

简论死亡与死亡教育   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
死亡,是人生的一个永恒主题,尽管世上大多数人避讳论死,但死亡几乎每日都在发生,其阴影时常徘徊在人之心头。即将跨入21世纪的人类,应该有勇气直面现实,思索死亡,接受死亡教育,赋予人生以完整充实的意义。一什么是死亡?死亡的本质是什么?人体生物学认为,死亡...  相似文献   

本文从死亡心理教育模式出发,详细阐述了学校进行死亡心理教育的具体形式。分别从教导式和经验式两个角度,分析了如何引导学生正确认识死亡,以及如何面对死亡。  相似文献   

死亡提醒效应是指由于死亡提醒而引起的世界观防御或自尊寻求。对死亡提醒效应的测量主要考察死亡提醒后,被试在世界观防御或自尊寻求上的反应。死亡提醒效应在健康、消费、司法、政治及和平领域均有所体现,并对现实生活富有启示作用。未来研究应细化世界观的概念,并借鉴本土文化中的生死观。  相似文献   

论死亡教育的重要性   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
随着人类疾病成因的复杂化和疾病治疗的顽固性,使得在对疾病的分析治疗中,社会行为方式(包括生活习惯、心理状态、文化民俗等)越来越占有极其重要的角色,所以许多人都在告诫医学家应当与社会学家、哲学家联手,共同研究它,以期能全方位迎接新的挑战[1]。死亡,这一原本平淡无奇的常见事,在今天新的医学模式和关注生命全过程的广阔领域里便理所当然地成为理论研究课题和实践内容。1 死亡教育:人类终极关怀的重要内容我国有忌谈死亡的民俗传统和文化心理背景,死亡在很多场合下都意味着不祥、不干净、不应该和沉痛,并尽可能地加…  相似文献   

死亡恐惧与自我意识相伴而生,成为人类无法根除的永恒性焦虑。它既根源于他人之死呈现出的经验性恐惧,也来自于拒斥死亡的社会文化所导致的认知性恐惧以及面临“自我”之死时产生的形而上恐惧。死亡恐惧不能彻底消解只能消减,保持适当的死亡恐惧是必要的,也是有益的,它是人类一切精神性追求的内在动力。人们通常力求通过外向性的追求去摆脱或超越死亡恐惧,然而只有通过反躬自省,不假外求的方式,才能最终完成对生命的觉解与超越。  相似文献   

殷融 《心理科学进展》2010,18(11):1747-1755
死亡凸显效应(mortality salience effect)是恐惧管理理论(terror management theory,TMT)中一个最重要的假设,它认为与死亡有关的想法会加强个体的世界观防御。不确定感管理模型(uncertainty management model)对死亡凸显效应做出了新的解释,指出以往的研究忽视了个体的不确定感对防御行为的影响。将这种理论和TMT进行了整合与探讨,可以认为死亡凸显对个体具有双重影响,个体在思考自己的死亡后会启动双重防御体系。未来的研究,应该关注各种防御方式互相影响的关系等。  相似文献   

卵巢功能损害和早衰是女性恶性肿瘤患者进行化疗后常见的一个重要远期并发症,尤其对于育龄期和幼龄期的患者,化疗所造成卵巢功能的损害而引起的早绝经和不孕会严重影响她们的自尊和生活质量,本文从认识论的观点,阐述对化疗造成卵巢功能损害进行防护的有关研究进展。  相似文献   

Jonathan Jong 《Zygon》2014,49(4):875-889
This article distinguishes between three projects in Ernest Becker's (1924–1974) later work: his psychology of “religion,” his psychology of religion, and his psychology of Religion (with a capital R). The first is an analysis of culture and civilization as immortality projects, means by which to deny death. The second, which overlaps with the first, is a characterization of religion‐as‐practiced (e.g., by adherents of the world religions) as a particularly effective immortality project vis‐à‐vis death anxiety. The third is less social scientific and more theological; Becker argues for a view of God that is in the tradition of Søren Kierkegaard and Paul Tillich (and, arguably, Pseudo‐Dionysius, Augustine, and Thomas Aquinas). Focusing on the second of these projects—as much has already been written on the first, and little can be said about the third—this article evaluates Becker's claims about religion‐as‐practiced in light of recent developments in social cognitive psychology.  相似文献   

儿童生命认知和生命体验的发展特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究在生命教育的社会背景下,以2、4、6、8、11年级的中小学生为研究对象,使用造句和补充句子的方式考察儿童对生命和死亡的认知及体验。结果表明:1)儿童对生命和死亡的认知发展是随着年级的升高从模糊不清、具体形象到认知生命本质直至表达态度、感悟哲理的一个渐次深入的过程;2)儿童对生命过程的体验总体上是积极的,且随着年级的升高体验的内涵越来越丰富;3)儿童对死亡的心理体验以恐惧和悲伤为主;但随着年级的升高,儿童对死亡体验哲理性和迷茫的逐渐增多。  相似文献   

Ideological beliefs have long attracted the attention of social psychologists, who have investigated their genesis as well as their influence on a host of social phenomena. Conservatism, from the Motivated Social Cognition framework, stems from epistemic and existential needs of the individual, and notably the fear of death. However, Terror Management Theory proposes a view of conservatism and its contrary, liberalism, as equivalent cultural worldviews, equally fit to fulfill such needs. In the present contribution, results are presented from five studies, which test the contrasting hypotheses derived from these two perspectives. A new perspective is considered that accounts for these and previous findings.  相似文献   


The authors examined the influence of sociodemographic variables on the frequency and intensity of alcohol use among a nationally representative sample of Black, Hispanic, and White adolescents who had participated in the 1991 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1993). The sample consisted of 8,756 U.S. adolescents aged 12 to 18 years. The authors found that (a) approximately 19% of the respondents had used alcohol in the last 30 days; (b) among the respondents who had used alcohol, 21% had consumed 1 or more drinks per drinking episode; and (c) there were important similarities as well as important differences in variables that promoted alcohol use among Black, Hispanic, and White adolescents.  相似文献   

The Australian population is experiencing a rapid ageing of the population, and as such, an increased need for gerontological practitioners in the helping professions will continue to grow. Terror management theory (TMT), which was used to frame this study, posits that because of the fact that humans are aware of their own mortality, they are compelled to avoid the anxiety associated with it. Personal ageing and interaction with older adults may be reminders of the unavoidable decline and death that faces us all. The purpose of this study is to examine comfort in spending time with older adults amongst students, academic teaching staff, and practitioners in the fields of psychology and social work. We sought to determine if TMT helped predict fear of being with older adults. Ageism, contact with older adults, and known demographic factors associated with attitudes towards older adults were also examined. Hierarchical multiple regression explained nearly 46% of the variance in comfort with older adults and indicated that fear of ageing, positive ageism, negative ageism, contact with older adults, and sex were significant predictors. Educational efforts aimed at addressing beliefs about ageing and older adults may contribute to further comfort in working with older adults.  相似文献   

Three studies examine hypotheses derived from terror management theory to investigate the relationship between mortality concerns and hero identification. Study 1 found reminders of death, followed by a distraction task and a self-prime, led to greater inclusion of heroes in the self. Study 2 found that writing about a personal hero, but not other’s heroes or acquaintances, led to lower death-thought accessibility after being reminded of mortality. Finally, Study 3 found that after death reminders, participants led to identify with a hero exemplifying traits of legacy and/or sacrifice showed lower death thought accessibility. Findings are discussed as generative for heroism research, informing a previously overlooked motivation underlying hero identification and the existential function of such identification.  相似文献   

Philosophic concepts of death are pervasive throughout all societies as shared values, differing in particulars, but similar in general. So, too, is the prospect of a death a consideration for every person, an eventual reality brought most forcefully to mind as it nears. This article explores various mindsets those who provide pastoral counseling will encounter among clients and suggest effective approaches to providing the mental and spiritual solace sought. Further, consideration is given to the psychological and spiritual mein of the pastoral counselor, and how this can affect both client and counselor.  相似文献   

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