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论西方文化中的死亡观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论西方文化中的死亡观上海医科大学(200032)徐宗良众所周知,西方文化与东方文化有不小的差异,反映在死亡观上其区别也颇为明显。其追根究底的思辨方式促使他们一接触生死观便直逼生命的鹊的──死亡,对死作一番深入研究,同时又以死论生,围绕死亡去奏出一篇篇...  相似文献   

元话语作为话语分析领域内的一个比较新的概念,越来越受到学术界的关注。而元话语可以引导读者去组织、诠释、评价主题信息,并促使他们对写作内容做出反应。本文首先系统的讲述了元话语的界定,其次介绍了元话语的分类和功能,然后回顾了元话语的研究现状及发展动态。  相似文献   

古风教授新著《中国传统文论话语存活论》有以下三个突出亮点:一是敢于直面“真”问题,发掘出中国传统文论话语“存活”的文艺学现象;二是综合运用研究方法,为学界提供了一个成功范本;三是勇于探索,新见迭出,具有学术创新价值.总之,该书为我们绘制出了中国传统文论话语“存活”的地图.  相似文献   

青年毛泽东受时代思潮影响,接受了国民性改造思想。马克思主义的思想和分析方法,帮助毛泽东完成了对国民性话语的扬弃,创立了以阶级分析为基础、人民性为核心、合法性建构为目的、纳入和包容为基点的独具特色的人民话语。人民话语对国民性话语的扬弃,是中国现代民族国家建设的历史任务和国民性话语本身的局限使然;马克思主义的思想方法,则为超越国民性话语提供了思想资源和条件。人民话语与国民性话语之间是扬弃、超越的关系,而不是简单的对立和否定。  相似文献   

郭萍 《周易研究》2022,(3):101-112
当今建构中国哲学话语的一个重要根由是为了摆脱近百年来西方话语对于中国哲学主体性的宰制,而福柯的“话语理论”就对话语宰制主体的问题做了理论上的揭示与批判。不过,与福柯批判现代性的后现代立场不同,中国学界大多基于中西对峙的民族立场而批判现代西方话语的西方性,这也成为近现代儒学话语建构的底色。然而,包括儒学话语在内的任何主体话语都不具有自明性,而是有着前主体的共同本源,即前主体性言说,其本源地生发着主体话语的实质内容,同时也引导着主体话语的时代更迭。因此不论中西,都需要以当下的现代性生活本身为共同渊源,建构与之相宜的主体话语。据此而言,传统儒学话语并不是落后于西方,而是落后于时代,故当今建构儒学话语的根本在于实现传统儒学的现代转化,即以儒家的思维方式言说现代主体价值。唯其如此,我们才能在顺应时代的积极意义上持守儒学话语的独特性,才能在发展现代主体价值的普遍意义上有效地批判现代西方话语。  相似文献   

西方思想家以一国之内人与人之间权利的扩展为思想基础,希望同样的过程在人与自然之间发生,由此产生了生态主义道德理论。这一理论以动物的权利、有机生命体权利、敬畏生命和赋予生物以内在价值等言语作为意义表征,组成了西方生态主义道德话语体系。但是,这种话语从一开始就存在资本主义生产模式与保护自然之间的矛盾。资本具有全球性和扩张性,而人们对自然的爱则受领土边界和国家经济发展程度的限制。在西方国家资本主义体制和民族国家背景下,环境问题与世界性不公问题紧密关联。  相似文献   

脑死亡问题,近年来,成为医学、法学、哲学、伦理学研究的焦点问题,迫切需要尽快给予解决,以制定出适合我国国情的统一的界限死亡标准。1 死亡界限标准的提出人作为自然界中具有生命的生物体,要维护其正常的生命活动,吐故纳新,进行新陈代谢,需要心脏“泵”的作用和肺脏与外界空气之间的气体交换不断地进行,心、肺功能的丧失,即可导致人体死亡。在死亡的过程中,人体会出现许多生理机能的改变和死亡征象,根据哪些机能改变和征象才能尽可能早地确定人体已经死亡?人们经过劳动实践和总结以往的经验,逐渐形成了以心跳、呼吸停止作为确定死亡的标…  相似文献   

在新型冠状病毒威胁下,人们不得不思考一些终极的存在问题,比如生命与死亡。本研究采用扎根理论,探索新冠肺炎疫情影响下人们面对死亡威胁时的心理机制。抽取18名成年被试进行深入访谈,对资料依次进行开放式编码、主轴编码和选择性编码。结果发现,随着时间发展死亡心理分为疫情前的平静期,疫情爆发后的死亡威胁期以及应对期。从物理现实、社会现实和精神现实层面,死亡威胁带给人们的影响有控制感丧失、关系断裂以及意义危机三个方面,应对策略为控制感应对、关系应对及意义应对。  相似文献   

滕守尧 《学海》2001,(1):42-45
20世纪世界范围的工业化威胁着人类的审美文化.作为一种反弹,自上世纪60年代以来,新一代人针对工业化倾向展示了全新的审美方式和审美意识.随着新世纪的到来,这种新的审美方式和审美意识更为突显.新一代人千方百计地要恢复和发展自己已被工业化组织剥夺和损害了的"感受力".他们认为,当自己的精力健康地、建设性地发挥出来时,产生的不是"暴力"而正是作为审美文化的"话语权力".  相似文献   

This article explores the role of collaborative, ethnographic, participatory action research (PAR) with eighth grade students as a set of possible literacy practices for involving students with issues connected to their lives, resources, language(s), and communities. Findings are based on a year of fieldwork conducted as part of shared inquiry into one public school community’s experiences with gentrification and meeting the complex needs of diverse learners. Findings bring to life the ways in which PAR facilitates the redefining of reading, writing, and research; the reconsideration of languages; the rethinking of literacy practices; and the repositioning of participants within and beyond given research endeavors.  相似文献   




Previous research has primarily addressed the effects of language on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) mathematics and science assessments. More recent research has focused on the effects of language on PISA reading comprehension and literacy assessments on student populations in specific Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and non-OECD countries. Recognizing calls to highlight the impact of language on student PISA reading performance across countries, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of home languages versus test languages on PISA reading literacy across OECD and non-OECD economies, while considering other factors. The results of Ordinary Least Squares regression showed that about half of the economies demonstrated a positive and significant effect of students' language status on their reading performance. This finding is consistent with observations in the parallel analysis of PISA 2009 data, suggesting that students' performance on reading literacy assessment was higher when they were tested in their home language. Our findings highlight the importance of the role of context, the need for new approaches to test translation, and the potential similarities in language status for youth from OECD and non-OECD countries that have implications for interpreting their PISA reading literacy assessments.  相似文献   

This article sketches the shifts in Christian thought and denominations on capital punishment from the early church to today in the United States, and then examines the ethical issues in the administration of capital punishment both before and since the Supreme Count stopped executions in 1972. The conclusion of the article is that overwhelming evidence of the injustice of death sentences could not sway popular support for capital punishment, but evidence that switching to life sentences could save states millions of dollars is swaying many pro‐death penalty voters and legislators.  相似文献   

The ontology of death is universal, hence archetypal. Nowhere do we witness any organic creature escape its talons. Analytical psychology has had an intimate relationship to death for the simple fact that it contemplates the soul, the numinous, and an afterlife. From Hegel to Heidegger, Freud and Jung, death was an existential force that sustained and transformed life, the positive significance of the negative. Rather than merely a destructive phenomenon, death informs Being, the power of nothingness that dialectically drives life. In this paper, I will introduce the notion of what I call the omega principle, the psychological orientation and trajectory of our being towards death, which we may say is a universal preoccupation and recapitulation of the collective unconscious that subsumes our personal relation to death, an eternal return of the objective psyche constellated as esse in anima.  相似文献   

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