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近年来,乳腺癌的发病率不断上升,乳腺癌已逐渐成为危害女性健康的首位恶性肿瘤。手术给患者的身心带来很大伤害,但研究者发现,在与乳腺癌这一疾病做斗争的过程中患者会产生一种正向的心理变化,这就是积极心理学领域研究的创伤后成长。本文从创伤后成长内涵、国内外研究现状、测量工具、影响因素、干预方法等几方面对乳腺癌创伤后成长研究现状进行文献综述,为乳腺癌患者心理护理提供依据。  相似文献   

近年来随着生活水平的提高,饮食结构的改变,糖尿病的发病率不断升高,其并发症严重危害人们的健康.对于女性来说,乳腺癌发病率已上升为危害女性健康的首位恶性肿瘤,给女性带来了严重的心理压力.糖尿病与癌症相关性研究逐渐引起重视.有研究表明,糖尿病会增加乳腺癌的发病率,但也有研究表明二者之间的关系存在争议,所以需要进一步的流行病学调查研究.本文对近年来关于糖尿病与乳腺癌关系的流行病学调查以及糖尿病与乳腺癌之间可能的作用机制作一综述.  相似文献   

殷筱 《哲学动态》2012,(1):65-69
哲学史上二元论和唯物主义在心身关系上的立场可谓水火不容:二元论主张心和身各自具有不同的性质,彼此之间相互独立、互不依赖和影响;而唯物主义理论则认为世界上客观存在的只有物理的属  相似文献   




正义包括同一性正义与差异性正义,它通过对等原则实现自身.两种正义相互作用、相互影响,它们的矛盾运动推动人类社会不断向前发展.  相似文献   

严翅君 《学海》2001,(4):141-147
作为中国早期现代化进程中一位前驱者,张謇虽不是"中体西用"之争的热心介入者,却用他自己的特有方式,在实践中把握"体用"关系,于是带来了他的文化人格的分裂和二元化.集中表现为在名分观上,出现了外壳裂变和内核固着的尖锐矛盾;在角色心态上,产生了"言商"与"向儒"的巨大冲突;在行为方式上,难以克服"以道抗势"和"以道附势"的深刻悖论.这样一种二元化分裂性文化人格,使张謇在中国早期现代化事业的开拓中,同时背着沉重的传统文化的心理包袱,这大大阻碍了他迈向现代的步伐.  相似文献   

本文分析了心理压力对乳腺癌患者的康复和生活质量产生的不利影响,指出家庭是与患者生存联系最为紧密的环境,家庭支持对缓解患者心理压力发挥了巨大作用;深入挖掘家庭支持与心理压力二者的关系,详细阐述了家庭支持用以缓解患者心理压力的三种形式,即情感支持、信息支持、行为支持;最后针对目前家庭支持仍存在患者满意度不高、家庭支持水平随时间而降低等主要问题,提出克服家庭支持的缺陷,提高家庭成员支持能力的合理化建议,即提高患者配偶和女性家属的支持能力、建立长期的家庭支持计划等.  相似文献   

卢鹏 《宗教学研究》2012,(2):248-252
哈尼族对鬼魂世界进行了二元划分,将之分为祖先神和野鬼。从箐口的田野调查可以看到,留有后裔且正常死亡的亡魂成为祖先魂,无后、非正常死亡以及死在外面的亡魂划入野鬼行列,祭献时对祖先神和野鬼予以不同规格的对待。对鬼魂世界的二元划分,有其现实社会功能。  相似文献   

Breast cancer remains a highly prevalent and extraordinarily stressful experience for hundreds of thousands of women each year in the United States and around the world. Psychological research has provided a picture of the emotional and social impact of breast cancer on patients' lives, and of factors associated with better versus worse adjustment. Psychosocial interventions have been beneficial in decreasing patients' distress and enhancing their quality of life. Recent research also suggests that psychological factors may be related to potentially important biological disease-related processes. In addition to providing an understanding of the psychological factors in breast cancer, research in this area has provided a framework for research on adaptation to health-related stress in general.  相似文献   

Although it is widely recognized that adult attachment is associated with romantic relationship quality, the mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate the mediating role of external and internal shame on the association between attachment and dyadic adjustment. A battery of self-report measures was completed by 228 Portuguese participants and a serial multiple mediation model was tested. Data showed that, in the population under study, attachment dimensions were associated with worse dyadic adjustment through high external and internal shame. Internal shame alone also mediated the association between attachment avoidance and dyadic adjustment. This study identifies a new putative mechanism linking adult attachment and intimate relationship functioning that may be targeted in couples therapy to promote a better dyadic adjustment and relationship functioning.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between personality, social axioms, and dyadic adjustment. A sample of 420 participants (210 heterosexual couples), approximately evenly distributed between four ethnic backgrounds (Romanian, Hungarian, German, and Rroma), was investigated in a cross‐sectional approach with the Romanian versions of the Social Axioms Survey, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, and the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. The analyses were based on the actor–partner interdependence model. The results showed that social axioms show incremental validity over personality traits in the prediction of dyadic adjustment, attesting to the usefulness of a worldview measure in predicting interpersonal outcomes over and above that provided by a measure of personality. Three of the five dimensions of social axioms were associated with dyadic adjustment, with either actor or partner effects. A few significant differences have been found between the various ethnic groups on effects of the social axioms on dyadic adjustment: The positive actor effect of reward for application is not visible for German men, the negative partner effect of social cynicism is not detectable for Rroma men, and the negative partner effect of social complexity is not visible for Rroma women. Copyright © 2017 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   




Agency, communion, unmitigated agency (UA), and unmitigated communion (UC) are related to psychosocial health outcomes in nonclinical and medical populations. This study examined the relationship between these personality traits and emotional and interpersonal well-being, as up to 50% of women experience difficulties in psychosocial adjustment after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Seventy-four women newly diagnosed with breast cancer completed baseline assessment measures within 2 weeks prior to their first chemotherapy treatment or at the beginning of their hormonal therapy. Findings indicate that (1) agency and UA are important correlates of emotional and interpersonal adjustment and should be considered when attempting to identify women at high risk for psychosocial distress, and (2) UC deserves increased attention in behavioral medicine research, given its strong relationship with emotional distress in a breast cancer population. Thus, evidence continues to accumulate regarding the important relationship of these personality traits to psychosocial outcomes in medical populations.  相似文献   

The cloning of BRCA1, a susceptibility gene for inherited breast cancer, has made genetic screening possible for individuals and families whose medical histories are suggestive of an inherited predisposition to breast cancer. To date, few systematic attempts have been made to determine the level of knowledge about breast cancer genetics among women who are likely to seek BRCA1 screening when it becomes widely available. The present study attempted to assess the general knowledge about BRCA1 mutations in two groups: (1) first-degree relatives (FDRs) of breast cancer patients; and (2) women with a previous diagnosis of breast cancer. A self-administered, thirty-item questionnaire was developed through a pilot study. Ten of the items were objective, factual questions about breast cancer genetics. Responses to these questions were used to generate an overall knowledge score for each respondent. The study population was moderately knowledgeable about breast cancer genetics, with an average score of 5.35 out of 10. Counselors should not underestimate the importance of evaluating each counselee's existing knowledge about breast cancer, which can affect the provision and reception of genetic information. In particular, specific areas of knowledge that may be confusing or misunderstood were identified and these topics are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

乳腺癌患者常常被各种心理问题所困扰,特别是乳腺癌根治术对女性性特征所带来的严重影响,各种心理问题更为突出。这些心理问题不但影响患者的生活质量,而且影响疾病的发生、发展及转归。本文回顾了患者的个人因素、疾病本身和治疗因素及其他社会心理因素与心理状况的关系,对乳腺癌患者进行心理干预、临床的综合诊治和防治过程提供新思路。  相似文献   

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