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With today's high degree of advertising clutter, marketers might greatly focus on evoking emotion or creating hedonic (e.g., feeling) experiences for consumers in order to improve practice. These strategies minimize the effort needed to process a message and can influence consumers' decisions. In 4 studies, we examine the effects of music tempo on consumers' attitudes toward the brand while further considering the mediating role of evoked feelings. Study 1 and 2 supports that music tempo in commercials influences consumers' affective response to the music in advertising. Study 3 replicated this effect using a controlled experiment and extended the research by demonstrating that tempo also affects general mood states, in addition to feelings evoked by the music. Last, Study 4 demonstrates that need for emotion moderates the role of affect as information. This research contributes to theory in sensory marketing and consumer behavior and offers practical implications to improve marketing practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate how high public self‐conscious subjects may display specific reactions while waiting in line with strangers at a movie theatre. Results suggest that, when compared with low public subjects, high public self‐conscious subjects will have an attentional focus directed toward time, will attribute more control to service managers for the cause of the wait and will evaluate the service more negatively. Results concerning relationships between attribution of control, behavioural intentions and service evaluation support those of previous studies and are both directly and indirectly moderated by the public self‐consciousness disposition. This research opens the way to conducting future studies attempting to link other personality dispositions with consumer behaviour in the services domain. Copyright © 2003 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that rejection automatically elicits defensive physiological reactions in people with low self-esteem (SE) but that attentional control moderates this effect. Undergraduates (N= 67) completed questionnaire measures of SE and attentional control. Their eye-blink responses to startle probes were measured while they viewed paintings related to rejection and acceptance themes. The stimuli also included positive-, negative-, and neutral-valence control paintings unrelated to rejection. As predicted, compared with people high in SE, those low in SE showed stronger startle eye-blink responses to paintings related to rejection, but not to negative paintings. Paintings related to acceptance did not attenuate their physiological reactivity. Furthermore, attentional control moderated their sensitivity to rejection, such that low SE was related to greater eye-blink responses to rejection only among individuals who were low in attentional control. Implications of the role of attentional control as a top-down process regulating emotional reactivity in people with low SE are discussed.  相似文献   

企业社会责任归因是指个体对企业践行社会责任背后的动机进行主观推理和判断的过程与结果, 也是影响企业社会责任发挥积极作用的关键因素。通过梳理以往研究, 从个体、领导及组织三个层面总结了影响员工企业社会责任归因的因素, 同时从社会交换和组织认同视角深入剖析企业社会责任归因对员工态度和行为的影响及作用机理。未来研究可以进一步明晰不同企业社会责任归因的独特影响因素与作用效果, 基于归因理论探索企业社会责任归因的形成机制, 同时研究多种因素对企业社会责任归因的影响, 考察归因对企业社会责任公平启发机制的影响, 并基于中国情境开展本土化研究。  相似文献   

自利和自谦归因影响大学生人际交往的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘肖岑  桑标  张文新 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1068-1072
采用实验法考查了自利/自谦归因对大学生的归因评价与人际交往的影响。结果表明:(1)大学生对自谦归因的评价要好于对自利归因的评价,这尤其突出地表现在消极反馈情境中,同时大学生对朋友的归因评价要好于对陌生人的评价;(2)大学生喜欢与自谦归因的搭档交往,不喜欢与自利归因的搭档交往,这一现象在消极反馈情境中表现得更为明显;(3)大学生对搭档的归因评价在搭档归因方式与人际交往意向变化之间起着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

许多企业采用人工智能服务应答顾客需求,然而多项研究指出用户并不总是对此感到满意。本研究围绕着用户对AI的心灵知觉的产生和影响,探索了驱动用户对AI服务态度的关键因素及使用促进策略,包括(1)机理分析层面:用户与AI早期接触的线索和体验因素如何使得人们产生了AI“擅长计算却缺乏感受”的心灵知觉?(2)调节作用层面:不同的用户内部状态和AI外部特征怎样调节了这种心灵知觉的形成和激活?(3)促进策略层面:将AI拟动物化和提供技术援助为何能借助心灵知觉使得用户在更广泛的场景中接受来自AI的服务?本研究试图在学理层面构建一个基于心灵知觉理论的新型AI服务接受模型,为从理论上解释用户对AI服务的矛盾态度提供心理学参考;同时试图在实践层面上借助心灵知觉理论提出两种促进用户接受AI服务的路径方法,为企业在服务中提升AI的应用效能提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Queue wait is a prevalent daily experience, with most prior research documenting its negative consequences on consumer outcomes. Recent research has suggested otherwise, revealing potential positive effects of queue wait. However, studies on the positive queue effects are rather limited and have largely neglected the role of consumers' affective experience in driving potential favorable consumer outcomes. Expanding this stream of research, in this article, we build on the queue wait literature and the curiosity literature to propose that the presence of queue waits generates feelings of curiosity and more importantly such curious feelings influence consumers' decision-making in fashions that enhance their purchase intentions. The boundary condition for this effect was also examined. Five studies provided empirical evidence: the presence versus absence of queue wait enhances participants' purchase intentions that carry real consequences (Study 1); this effect is mediated by participants' feelings of curiosity after accounting for quality (Study 2) or after controlling for quality (Studies 1, 3–5), and is stronger among participants with hedonic versus utilitarian consumption motivation (Studies 4 and 5). By documenting the curiosity account for the positive effect of queue wait on consumers' purchase intentions, this research adds to extant research on positive queue effects and expands the curiosity literature into the queue wait context. The observed moderating effect of hedonic versus utilitarian consumption motivation echoes with the curiosity account. Practical implications for marketers were discussed.  相似文献   


人工智能及大数据已经成为包括医学教育在内的各研究领域的热点问题。为了阐明人工智能在医学教育中的发展趋势,利用CiteSpace软件分析2013—2022年Web of Science核心合集文献270篇。从发文量、国家和地区、研究机构、作者、发表杂志、引文情况、关键词及发展趋势等方面进行综合分析得出研究结论:从2018年开始相关论文呈明显增长趋势,Mayo Clinic(梅奥诊所)成为全球发文量最多的研究机构;Friedman等形成了较为完整的研究团体;JAMA成为最高被引杂志;近年医学教育的人工智能应用研究热点问题主要集中在医学影像及虚拟手术等方面。


We study the psychology at the intersection of two social trends. First, as markets become increasingly specialized, consumers must increasingly defer to outside experts to decide among complex products. Second, people divide themselves increasingly into moral tribes, defining themselves in terms of shared values with their group and often seeing these values as being objectively right or wrong. We tested how and why these tribalistic tendencies affect consumers' willingness to defer to experts. We find that consumers are indeed tribalistic in which experts they find convincing, preferring products advocated by experts who share their moral values (Study 1), with this effect generalizing across product categories (books and electronics) and measures (purchase intentions, information‐seeking, willingness‐to‐pay, product attitudes, and consequential choices). We also establish the mechanisms underlying these effects: because many consumers believe moral matters to be objective facts, experts who disagree with those values are seen as less competent and therefore less believable (Studies 2 and 3), with this effect strongest among consumers who are high in their belief in objective moral truth (Study 4). Overall, these studies seek not only to establish dynamics of tribalistic deference to experts but also to identify which consumers are more or less likely to fall prey to these tribalistic tendencies.  相似文献   

Viral advertising has become a popular form of persuasive communication to promote brands on social media. Extant research on viral advertising has focused mostly on evaluating content characteristics as drivers of virality, but very few studies have examined the potential influence of consumers' personality variables that affect their information processing and subsequent ad‐sharing behavior. By taking a consumer‐centric approach, two experimental studies were conducted to examine how consumer's need for cognition (NFC: high vs. low) interacts with message appeal (emotional vs. informational) used in the branded viral advertisements and extent of brand information (high vs. low brand prominence) present in the branded viral advertisement to influence consumers' intentions to share viral advertisements. As compared with low‐NFC individuals, high‐NFC individuals reported higher sharing intentions for viral ads that use informational appeal and also for an emotional viral ad where brand prominence is high. This finding is consistent with the elaboration likelihood model (ELM). Further, the results of these studies show an interesting finding that contradicts the existing understanding originating from ELM; that is, high‐NFC individuals reported higher sharing intentions for viral ads with an emotional appeal as compared with low‐NFC individuals, even when the brand prominence is low. Possible explanations and implications of the findings are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   




The present study is one of the first to empirically examine how the visual harmony of a questionnaire can lead to measurement bias. Researchers often employ questionnaires with Likert scales to measure constructs. In this note, we examine how the design of the survey instrument, specifically, its visual harmony, can impair measurement accuracy. Two studies investigate effects of visual harmony in surveys on responses to Likert scales using paper and pencil surveys. Applying an established customer relationship management model, Study 1 employs a survey of female visitors to a grocery store (n = 115). Switching to a product and brand innovation context, Study 2 employs a survey of male and female members of a consumer panel (n = 180) to examine responses to a new e‐scooter. Across studies, results indicate that assessing important consumer response constructs through visually more harmonious surveys can lead to more positive response patterns, lower scale reliability, and questionable validity, especially with females. Although these effects do not occur uniformly across measures and samples, they occur regardless of consumers' past experience with completing questionnaires, their familiarity with questionnaire design, and the naturalness and elaborateness of the visual design. Relating specific elements (e.g., text boxes, type font, shapes, and images) and relational properties of design (e.g., balance, symmetry, and coherence) to consumers' overall perception of harmony aids marketers and researchers in achieving intermediate levels to obtain realistic, reliable, and valid results.  相似文献   

消费者的决策心理与购买行为会受到周边环境暴露的死亡信息的影响发生变化。本文从意义维持模型出发,通过4个实验探讨了死亡凸显对消费者体验性消费选择偏好的影响及其作用机制。结果发现,死亡凸显情境下消费者更倾向选择体验性消费。进一步分析发现,死亡凸显通过降低消费者的生命意义感提高了其对体验性消费的选择偏好。同时,社会支持对此间接效应起到了缓冲作用。研究结果初步揭示,补偿生命意义感的缺失是死亡凸显增加体验性消费选择的潜在机制,这也为新冠疫情背景下的消费者决策行为干预提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to test the theoretical conceptualizations of the self – the malleable self‐concept – by examining the interplay of brand personality and social situation in determining brand preference and evaluation. This research also aims to assess the moderating influence of self‐monitoring in the relationship. Two experimental studies were conducted in Korea. Findings suggest that the congruency of brand personality traits and social situations leads to a more positive brand attitude. This research also supported theory‐based interactions in which situation congruity was enhanced for high versus low self‐monitors. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of a “cooperative” computer game in which the subject has to follow directions, supposedly sent from a partner, and steer a tank to avoid invisible mines. The tank is lost if it hits a mine or does not reach base within a set time limit. The game was designed so that the majority of trials would be lost. Affective (mood self-ratings), cognitive (attribution of blame questionnaire), and behavioural (feedback sent to the “partner”) outcomes were assessed. The game significantly increased ratings of discontentedness and anger. Self-blame for task failure was correlated with the Guilt subscale of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI), and blaming the partner was correlated positively with the Motor Aggression subscale and negatively with the empathy scale of the I7, supporting the notion of hostile attributional bias in adults. The importance of individual differences in the strength of the behavioural inhibition system (BIS) and behavioural activation system (BAS) were explored using the BIS/BAS scales developed by Carver and White [1994]. Sending negative feedback to the partner was negatively correlated with scores on the BIS. Scores on BAS drive were positively correlated with increases in discontentedness and with sending negative feedback on trials when the tank was lost due to lack of time. These results are discussed in relation to Berkowitz's [1993] model of affective aggression. Aggr. Behav. 24:27–36, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent developments in computerized scoring via semantic distance have provided automated assessments of verbal creativity. Here, we extend past work, applying computational linguistic approaches to characterize salient features of creative text. We hypothesize that, in addition to semantic diversity, the degree to which a story includes perceptual details, thus transporting the reader to another time and place, would be predictive of creativity. Additionally, we explore the use of generative language models to supplement human data collection and examine the extent to which machine-generated stories can mimic human creativity. We collect 600 short stories from human participants and GPT-3, subsequently randomized and assessed on their creative quality. Results indicate that the presence of perceptual details, in conjunction with semantic diversity, is highly predictive of creativity. These results were replicated in an independent sample of stories (n = 120) generated by GPT-4. We do not observe a significant difference between human and AI-generated stories in terms of creativity ratings, and we also observe positive correlations between human and AI assessments of creativity. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

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