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本研究旨在考察中国农村地区受艾滋病影响儿童(包括双孤儿童、单孤儿童和非孤儿童)在经历了父母感染艾滋病、父母因为艾滋病丧亡后的歧视经历和歧视知觉状况,及其对心理健康的影响.采用问卷调查了1221名被试,测查了他们的歧视经历、歧视知觉、心理健康(抑郁、孤独、自尊).经过数据分析发现:(1)歧视经历和歧视知觉存在显著的年龄段和儿童类别的差异,12岁及以下的儿童得分显著高于13岁及以上的,双孤儿童得分显著高于单孤儿童和非孤儿童;抑郁、孤独和自尊存在显著的儿童类别差异,双孤儿童、单孤儿童差于非孤儿童;且孤独和自尊还存在显著的年龄段差异,12岁以下的儿童差于13岁以上的;(2)不同歧视经历和歧视知觉的儿童在抑郁、孤独和自尊上存在显著差异,均是歧视经历、歧视知觉多的儿童抑郁和孤独严重、自尊低;(3)歧视经历对抑郁、孤独和自尊都有显著的预测作用,歧视知觉在其中起到了部分中介作用.  相似文献   

为了解基层医务人员院外实施心肺复苏(cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR)的意愿及其障碍因素,探讨消除障碍因素的途径,以提高院外心肺复苏实施率。采用目的抽样法对14名基层医务人员进行深度访谈,运用内容分析法对资料进行整理、分析。归纳出两大主题,即基层医务人员院外实施CPR的意愿和实施CPR的障碍因素,其中障碍因素包括急救技能不佳、担心疾病传播、社会压力大、相关法律缺乏4个亚主题。基层医务人员在院外实施CPR存在不同程度的顾虑,需尽快制定相关课程的再培训计划和相关政策或法律以提高基层医务人员院外实施CPR的意愿。  相似文献   




妇产科医务人员是职业倦怠的高发人群,具有较多的人际压力源存在,加上长期的精力耗损,导致其工作绩效和医疗服务质量下降.本研究旨在对妇产科医务人员职业倦怠状况进行实证研究,采用比较研究法和问卷调查法进行调研,分析妇产科医务人员职业倦怠的影响因素,采取有效的应对措施,缓解其职业倦怠状况.  相似文献   




何吴明  郑剑虹 《心理科学》2019,(4):1017-1023
心理学质性研究具有漫长的过去,却只有短暂的历史。心理学自诞生起就具有质性研究传统,但被主流所忽视。从组织机构、出版渠道和研究成果方面看,当前国内外心理学质性研究的发展态势暗示质性研究传统正在回归到主流当中。尽管仍存在误解和急功近利等众多问题和困难需要克服,但是心理学质性研究方法在研究复杂心理现象和产生新的概念、新的理论方面展现了潜力。心理学质性研究的复兴正使心理学处于一个多元化转向的阶段。  相似文献   

采用质性研究中的现象学研究方法,对来自全国各地10所院校的12名护理学专业学位研究生进行半结构式深度访谈。通过对录音访谈内容进行三级编码,逐步归纳提炼出三个主题,每个主题下涵盖不同的副主题:(1)临床实践获益感方面:提升核心能力、体现自身价值;(2)心理体验:归属感、失落感;(3)影响临床实践效果的瓶颈因素:缺乏明确的临床能力考评标准、临床带教师资队伍薄弱。因此,教育者和管理者应重视专业学位硕士研究生,晦床核心能力培养,构建一个充满人文关怀的临床实习环境,消除瓶颈因素,以提高其临床实践效果。  相似文献   

李梅  李洁  时勘 《心理科学》2017,40(4):961-966
本研究通过对28位丧亲者进行深度访谈,使用解释现象学分析法对质性数据进行分析,探索中国丧亲个体的社会支持体验。结果显示,丧亲社会支持的内容包括后事处理、情感支持、生活恢复帮助,经济与物资支持等。支持来源除家人和朋友之外,还包括同事、相同经历者,以及相关机构等。社会支持通过调节情绪、改变认知等方式促进个体对丧亲的适应。本研究结果为最新丧亲社会支持模型提供了支持,同时也反映出中国社会对丧亲人群的社会支持特色。  相似文献   




艾滋病羞辱和歧视的概念及研究工具发展状况   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
艾滋病相关羞辱和歧视量表的研制是对其进行评价和采取有效干预措施的先决条件。阐述了艾滋病相关羞辱和歧视的定义和分类,重点介绍和分析了目前应用较广泛的艾滋病羞辱和歧视量表,并指出这些量表主要由发达国家研制,缺少适合中国文化背景的量表;对艾滋病高危人群所经历的双重羞辱和歧视,全世界还没有相应的测量工具。研制和修订适合中国文化背景的艾滋病羞辱和歧视量表是该研究领域亟待解决的难题  相似文献   

Healing Together     
As part of the World Council of Churches’ pilgrimage of justice and peace, the Just Community of Wo/Men organized the “Walking Her-Story” activity as a gender response. These have remained pilgrim team visits that focus on listening to the stories of wo/men young and old and particularly addressing gender injustice specifically as expressed in sexual and gender-based violence. This article focuses on the process triggered by such stories in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, and South Sudan that became the midwife that gave birth to Healing Together – an ecumenical resource for faith- and community-based counselling of those psychosocially wounded by injustice and violence. Rooted in the understanding of mission as healing and wholeness, the stories listened to became a cry for healing and wholeness. The process and product benefited from the richness of my being an ethicist of care nurtured by my ubuntu (communitarian) ethical background, trained in Healing of Memories’ facilitation and as a student of Franklian logotherapy. I worked with survivors of injustice and violence, post-traumatic stress disorder healing facilitators, and church leaders through the council of churches in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and South Sudan.  相似文献   

In this qualitative research study, the authors use grounded theory analysis to examine the experiences of clinicians in training and use client feedback to inform treatment. Twenty-six marriage and family therapy graduate students in their first or second semester of clinical practicum participated in this study. Participants were trained in eliciting and responding to client feedback at the end of every therapy session. At the end of the semester, participants reflected on their learning experience. Participant experiences reflected a developmental learning process beginning with significant challenges followed by positive clinical changes and positive clinician changes, culminating in overall buy-in regarding the importance of client feedback for nearly all clinicians. The results support the literature that client feedback directly informs the therapeutic process while suggesting important recommendations for training new clinicians in learning to use client feedback.  相似文献   

This study was designed to develop a conceptual framework for the near-death experience (NDE), reflecting its nature and meaning for the patient and the critical care nurse. The study used naturalistic inquiry to examine the question: What is the nature and meaning of an NDE and how has it influenced the individual's view of the self, the future, and feelings and beliefs about life and death? The NDE Scale (Greyson, 1983) was used with patients and semi-structured interview guides were used with both nurses and patients to explore the NDE from a comprehensive perspective. An NDE was defined as the report of “unusual” recollections associated with a period of unconsciousness during either serious illness or injury, or resuscitation from a cardiac or respiratory arrest. The sample included 12 patients who experienced an NDE and 19 nurses who cared for patients who experienced NDEs. This study highlighted the emotional aspects of the NDE. Patients described how the NDE transformed their lives and nurses reported how their experiences with patients changed them personally and professionally.  相似文献   

本研究区分艾滋病知识的两个不同侧面: 对艾滋病的误解和对艾滋病的正确认识, 并第一次在中国探讨这两个不同侧面的知识对艾滋病患者的认知、情感、行为反应的不同预测作用。119名(31男, 88女)来自上海、132名(59男, 73女) 来自广州的大学生参加了本调查。结果发现被调查的大学生: 1) 普遍对艾滋病存在误解, 即认为艾滋病可以通过日常的一般接触传染, 并且, 这种误解和对艾滋病的正确认识相互独立; 2) 都表达了对艾滋病患者的厌恶情感、与艾滋病患者接触的不舒服感; 3) 尽管如此, 但都不支持对艾滋病患者采取强制措施, 也不认为艾滋病患者感染艾滋病是他们自己的责任。研究还发现, 和来自广州的大学生相比, 来自上海的大学生对艾滋病有着更多的了解, 对艾滋病患者有着更少的负性情感、更少的消极态度、他们也更少地把感染责任归结到患者本身。特别有趣的是, 本研究发现, 对艾滋病患者的负性反应具有显著预测能力的是对艾滋病患者的误解而不是正确认识, 即误解越多, 负性反应越多。这些发现提示, 中国未来的艾滋病防治工作应该继续大力加强对艾滋病相关知识的宣传教育, 不仅要让人们知道艾滋病是通过什么途径传染的, 还要特别消除他们对艾滋病的许多误解, 从而减少或消除对艾滋病患者的许多歧视性反应, 营造一个良好的艾滋病防治环境; 同时, 中国的艾滋病防治还应该注意地区差异, 不同地区的防治力度和采取的策略应该和各地的实际疫情相适应。  相似文献   




This paper reports the results of our study that assessed the treatment efficacy of multiple family therapy (MFT) from the perspective of participating Chinese children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and identified their subjective experiences. Forty‐three children with ADHD in the experimental group (EG) completed a forty‐two‐hour MFT, whilst forty‐five children with ADHD in the control group (CG) had attended two writing classes scheduled three months apart that were similar to those of the MFT. Data from the outcome study were gathered using standardized questionnaires and data from the qualitative study were drawn from thirteen children with ADHD who had completed the MFT and attended the focus group interviews (n = 5) or individual interviews (n = 8) conducted in the post‐treatment phase. The results of the Paired sample t‐test and MANOVA indicated no significant changes on the scores for the four measures adopted (perception of competence, hopefulness, parent‐child relationship and perceived social support) in the pre‐ and post‐treatment for the EG and the CG. Five themes emerged from the narratives of children with ADHD, which revealed the children’s subjective experiences with the MFT: (a) full of fun; (b) building friendships through common experiences; (c) a happy family time; (d) safe space; and (e) positive parental responses and communications.  相似文献   

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