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由于信息的结构性垄断的特征,社会网络不仅仅是信息的传递而且是既定社会人情关系和庇护关系的体现.就当前我国社会信任问题而言,由于社会结构分化呈现为断裂和边界固定化的状况,信息更是体现结构性的垄断.这种垄断导致了一系列的政治、体制和社会的信任问题,尤其是结构、阶层之间的隔离导致群际之间的沟通阻塞,这就是体制洞或结构洞存在的原因和表现,它致使私人之间的社会网络在日常生活的沟通交往中占据主要地位,私人信任替代体制信任.  相似文献   

社会身份复杂性的研究:理论、方法与进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近十年来, “社会身份复杂性”这个概念逐渐引起社会心理学研究者的关注。社会身份复杂性是指个体对多重内群体身份之间的关系进行主观表征的方式, 反映了个体对自己的多重内群体身份之间感知到的重叠程度。当个体感知到的重叠程度较高时, 他们的社会身份复杂性就较低; 反之, 当个体感知到的重叠程度较低时, 他们的社会身份复杂性就较高。本文首先简要介绍了多重内群体身份表征模型, 然后从社会身份复杂性的理论内容、测量方法、作用以及影响因素等方面对以往的相关研究进行了回顾。最后, 指出未来的研究应侧重对社会身份复杂性理论和研究设计的进一步完善、问卷量表的效度验证, 并加强研究结果的具体应用。  相似文献   

论中国现代化进程中的公民社会--实然与应然的分析视角   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
曾盛聪 《学海》2005,1(2):99-106
公民社会是确证了社会主体"公民身份"的社会,公民的独立主体性地位得到社会与政治国家的确认与尊重,公平正义的公共理性法则规定了公民社会的人伦关系格局.中国现代化进程中的市场化生存方式为中国公民社会的发育准备了最基本也是最重要的制度供给,全球化、网络化境遇把中国公民社会发育与生长置于全球化的宏观背景中,创设跨越疆域阻隔的比照与互动机制,而现代化推动的精神价值生态的变迁与公民伦理诉求,则为中国公民社会的催生提供了充分的精神文化养料.公民社会的现代性价值蕴涵,使之成为中国现代化进程中应然的价值目标被确立起来,从而实现了公民社会发展与中国现代化发展的历史耦合,实现了公民社会发展的实然性与应然性统一.  相似文献   

在中国20世纪30年代初《良友》杂志封面女性肖像所构建出来的二维空间中,这些女性已成为具有表征发言的文化生产者。女性的表率不仅仅是一种文化的集中体现,还包括了这种文化的再次传播,并成为最重要的视觉符号,体现着社会的文化特征,组成了社会的内在要素。  相似文献   

陈源 《第欧根尼》2009,55(1):80-91
纵观整个20世纪,社会学心理学家一直在关注说服性信息的结构背景,而且他们已经大量使用实验方法对说服现象进行了研究(例如霍夫兰等,1953年)。然而,近来,与科学世界中的范式变革相并行,他们强调通过叙事手法对说服进行研究的重要性,集中关注语言与修辞的力量(比利希,1989年)。这导致了对交际事件、社会共享理念、社会表征以及对话中参与者交互作用的关注。  相似文献   

市场经济社会中的个人权利与公共伦理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在市场经济社会中,由于个人权利的充分张扬,私人利益和公共伦理之间显示出深刻的矛盾。早期经济自由主义者将这一矛盾的解决归于市场过程,黑格尔主义则寄望于国家权力。二者都忽视了公共交往在伦理建构中的作用。公共领域中的公共交往所形成的公共伦理,是市场经济社会在自身发展中产生出来的理性力量。它克服了市场交换原则和政治强制原则的局限性,为这一矛盾不断的解决提供了动力。  相似文献   

本文以马来西亚砂拉越州古晋市上帝庙的建立为中心,以上帝庙和古晋华人义山粤海亭的文献系统为研究资料,通过梳理19世纪砂拉越古晋潮人社会的建构历程,揭示其主要社会结构、建构历程、建构手段、结构模式及其影响因素,讨论庙宇、义山等华人宗教平台的创立,在海外华人社会建构过程中发挥社会作用的具体机制。  相似文献   

1 一个重要的决策 《医学与哲学》杂志创刊30周年,我仅致以热烈的祝贺。在《医学与哲学》杂志30年的办刊历史中,一直重视“医学、健康与社会”关系的研究。杂志刚刚创办的次年,即1981年第3期,就开始设置了“医学与社会”的专栏,并发表了时任副主编杜治政撰写的“一个重要的研究课题——医学、  相似文献   

周琛 《道德与文明》2008,(3):104-107
中国自20世纪90年代进入社会主义市场经济后,正面临着严峻的老龄问题,这是拥有庞大人口的老龄生存质量的问题。政府已逐步对于养老金、医疗保障等基本方面作出社会伦理的支持,但尚未实现全民保障,特别是关于老龄抚养从本质上未能超越家庭养老的个人道德范畴。但家庭养老也正面临崩溃,从而产生中国2500年来价值道德的重大转换。当代,老龄生存质量因其紧迫性而成为优先课题。它的解决方向就是谋求实现个人道德与社会伦理的历史统一,这是借鉴康德、黑格尔的道德观以及丹麦老龄生存质量经验,结合中国老龄伦理的历史变迁及其发展成果,并从社会主义初级阶段的视角得出的结论。  相似文献   

关系因素与个体因素在儿童早期社会能力中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用儿童早期行为评价量表、亲子关系量表和师生关系量表,对443名幼儿的父母和教师进行了测查,在生态系统理论的框架下探讨了儿童性别、年级及父子、母子、师生关系对早期社会能力的影响。结果发现:小班和中班儿童的师生关系好于托班;女孩的社会能力高于男孩,小班和中班儿童的社会能力高于托班。控制了性别与年级的作用之后,父子、母子与师生关系对儿童社会能力都有显著的正向预测作用,但三者的平均值具有最强的预测作用,这一结果支持了多重关系作用于儿童发展的"平均化假说"。  相似文献   

This is a reflective account of the experiences of the authors who immigrated to the United States from India at different developmental, historical, political, and social stages. Although their culture-of-origin was the same, the meaning and experience of immigration was different for each author. The narratives show a natural continuum of experiences based on their developmental stage during immigration, reasons for immigration, and the historical context of both India and the US at the time of immigration. A common theme is the ambivalence experienced by them in their process of creating a physical and psychological home in a different culture.  相似文献   

Although the psychological literature has focused more on immigrant women's roles in their families, women's friendships are important sources of support and identity development. This article explores the development of friendship in the context of immigration, cultural adaptation, becoming a template for identity and intimacy. Specifically, the author describes a personal friendship and a psychotherapy case vignette, integrating feminist, multicultural, and relational psychoanalytic perspectives, to illustrate the influence of female friendship in coping with loss, acculturative stress, discrimination, and the formation of bicultural identity. These examples highlight the ways in which personal friendships of the therapist and the client contribute to the psychotherapeutic relationship, growth in intimacy and authenticity, and the negotiation of a hyphenated identity.  相似文献   

The task of social psychology is to explain the flexibility of human beings in creating and relating to their social worlds. Social identity and self-categorization theories provide a thoroughgoing interactionist framework for achieving such a task. However, in order to do so, it is necessary to avoid reductionist misreadings of the theories that would explain human social action simply by reference to psychological processes, without examining how the play of process depends on the cultural and structural settings in which they occur. More specifically, to the extent that self-categories shape social action, flexibility is achieved through the categories to which we belong, the others with whom we compare ourselves, and the dimensions along which such comparisons occur. These are not a fixed aspect of the human condition but are a focus for argument precisely because of their world-making consequences.  相似文献   

The following paper establishes a measurement of social identity uncertainty. Based on uncertainty-identity theory, we propose social identity uncertainty is a unique type of self-uncertainty related to group identification. We further believe social identity uncertainty is comprised of two components: identity-uncertainty (i.e., uncertainty about one’s group identity) and membership-uncertainty (i.e., uncertainty about being a group member). Study 1 (N = 314) and Study 2 (N = 299) explored and confirmed that two subcomponents exist within social identity uncertainty. Study 3 (N = 295) developed convergent validity using various social identity-related constructs, and discriminant validity using dispositional constructs. Overall, we found (a) identity-uncertainty and membership-uncertainty are distinct constructs, and (b) our measurements have both convergent and discriminant validity.  相似文献   

This study extends research on the relations between social representations and social identities through an exploration of how Muslim women manage the stigma of veiling. Based on analysis of individual and group interviews among Muslim women in Denmark and the UK, the study highlights the dialectical nature of social identity as constructed through and against others' representations of social groups and the norms of valuing they impose. It shows how, for the women here, the reinforcement of a shared sense of Muslim identity goes together with re‐evaluation of aspects of that identity, principally in response to representations of the veil that deny Muslim women agency and cast them as oppressed. It shows how norms of gender and agency are in this process variously resisted and affirmed, resulting in the reframing of gendered religious values. Theoretically, the study argues that an account of the role of representations in the construction of identity challenges the inter‐group framework of existing approaches to threatened social identity and sheds light on intersectional dynamics of identity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   




温芳芳  佐斌 《心理科学》2019,(2):395-401
作为社会认知的基本过程和重要途径,社会分类对预测刻板印象和群际感知、减少多元文化群体中的关系冲突、促进推理与决策以及指导社会关系推断等都有重要作用。人们进行社会分类的线索可以概括为明显线索和模糊线索、自然线索和社会线索以及静态线索和动态线索。社会分类会受到分类对象、情境和感知者等的作用,同时对人们认知、情绪、情感和行为等产生一系列影响。未来可以基于跨文化和发展视角探讨社会分类的线索偏向、潜在机制及立足本土文化检验社会分类的影响及干预策略。  相似文献   

男性不育症是一种多方面因素共同作用的综合征,在临床治疗中如果只考虑其中的一方面因素是不全面的.治标不治本。因此必须多加考虑其他影响因素,其中的社会心理因素尤为重要。针对不育症的社会心理因素加以阐述。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate identity status globally and across identity domains among young Swedish adult women and men. Also, potential differences in social comparison among identity statuses were evaluated. The results showed that most of the 124 participants (50% women, Mage 33.29 years) were assigned to an achieved global identity and had made identity-defining commitments across domains. Gender differences in identity status were found in the occupational and parenthood domains. In addition, differences in social comparison orientation were found only in the parenthood domain, whereas those assigned to moratorium scored higher in social comparison than did those assigned to foreclosure and diffusion. These results bring important knowledge to our understanding of identity during young adulthood.  相似文献   

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