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医生的学术与医术,紧密地联结在一起,关系到现代临床医生的培养方法和成才方式,值得深入探讨.从现代医学发展的固有规律,用辨证的观点,分析医术与学术的关系,提出临床医生的类型,以及医学人才成长的一些内在因素和外在条件.  相似文献   

在云南的少数民族聚集地,生活着智慧的哈尼族人。哈尼族有位著名的接骨医生,他的医术很高超,自配的接骨草药有着神奇的疗效。接骨医生的医术却并非祖传,而是一次善良之举,让他成为神医。有一年,他背着背篓去采药,在一处断崖旁没有抓牢,失足跌下了悬崖,好在悬崖不太陡,他只是摔断了一条胳膊。医生挣扎着起身,寻找带来  相似文献   

正道教医药学是在道教文化中发展起来的医药学。这不仅是因为道士以医术布道促进了它的发展,而且是由于这类医术和药物本身就含有道教修炼的特征。中国古时巫医不分,医家治病多用巫术。春秋时巫、医并行,战国时医药学渐从巫术中独立出来,医生以方士的身份治病,出现方士医药学。汉魏时视医术为"方技",职业医生为"方士",医药书称"方书",学医叫"为方",治病有效叫"善为方"。扁鹊、淳于意、华佗、张仲景、王叔和、皇甫谧等促使中医药学成熟,名垂青史。  相似文献   

家里太穷了,孩子只能在家里生。丈夫尴尬地去请医生。医生披上衣服,背起药箱就朝外奔,引领着这位张皇失措的男人穿越茫茫黑夜。医生到了他家,竟然没有电灯。她心里一惊,很快稳定下来,问:“你家里还有蜡烛吗?统统点起来。”在烛光下助产,对她来说,这是第一次,但她相信自己的医术。这家贫穷的人更相信她,她精湛的医术和善良的心地,连这里的石头都知道,如果石头会说话,一定会为她歌唱。  相似文献   

医生的身份要求医生对医疗卫生事业以及医学科学具有忠诚及奉献的职业精神,医生的身份要求医生既要有精湛的医术又要有高尚的医德,医生的身份要求医生能够做到妙手回春、仁爱救人、赤诚济世。现代化进程中医生的身份认同由"朝圣者"向"异乡人"转变,医生职业精神有退化的可能。后现代的社会境遇与个体犬儒化的生活选择是造成这一现状的主要原因。身份重建与天职观念的复归以及制度激励与制度保障是重构医师职业精神以及重建医患关系的现实路径。  相似文献   

三个外科医生在一起争夸自己的医术。第一个说:“我给一个人接上胳膊,他现在是全国闻名的棒球手。”第二个说:“我给一个人接好了腿,他现在是世界上著名的长跑运动员。”第三个说:“我为一个厌世者接上了笑神经,他现在已经是世界上最快乐的人了。”第一个医生和第二个医生的确是医术高明,他们的手术能让缺胳膊  相似文献   

循证医学主张“慎重、准确和明智地应用当前所能获得的最好的研究依据;结合临床医生的个人专业技能和多年临床经验;考虑患者的价值和愿望,将三者完美地结合制定出患者的治疗措施。”贯穿着临床医学对患者进行“以人为本”科学救死扶伤的实事求是理念。要使“循证医学”卓有成效,应当抓住二大关键:实事求是,维护“证据”的真实性,提高医术的可靠性。  相似文献   

医生在行医的过程中总是不断地在做临床决策,而在当今面临复杂的医患关系背景下,如果医生只是"为学术而学术","为医学而医学",那么就有可能降低在患者心中的地位,使医患之间面临紧张的局面。这就需要医生顺应时代的趋势,结合当前的社会现实,在医患沟通的过程中,理解患者在就诊环节中伴有的焦虑、抑郁等情绪,有利于消除患者的不良情绪。在临床决策过程中融入医学人文素养,营造良好的人文氛围,制定满意的临床决策,让医患关系能够更加和谐。  相似文献   

循证医学主张"慎重、准确和明智地应用当前所能获得的最好的研究依据;结合临床医生的个人专业技能和多年临床经验;考虑患者的价值扣愿望,将三者完美地结合制定出患者的治疗措施."贯穿着临床医学对患者进行"以人为本"科学救死扶伤的实事求是理念.要使"循证医学"卓有成效,应当抓住二大关键:实事求是,维护"证据"的真实性,提高医术的可靠性.  相似文献   

论医学生人文素质教育的三个层次   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
论医学生人文素质教育的三个层次中国医科大学(沈阳110001)王丽宇刘凤芝医生应该是医术与医德的统一;医学行为应该是医学科学判断与价值判断的统一;医学实践是医学科学活动与社会活动的统一,因此医学教育必然应该是医学的科学技能教育与人文素质教育的统一。两...  相似文献   

神经语言学是一门新兴的医学与语言学的交叉边缘学科。简要论述了该学科的起源,研究范围,主要研究方法以及在我国的研究现状,还探讨了它与神经哲学的关系和它的哲学思考。因此,神经语言学体现了现代科学各学科门类交叉的必然趋势,是当代学术研究的前沿,具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

The present article reviews the history and emerging trends in the field of psychobiography. Five historical periods are highlighted: hagiography and pre-19th century study of lives; Freud and applied psychoanalysis; psychodynamic extensions and personology; modern multi-theoretical models; and psychobiography as interdisciplinary science. The author advocates for a science of psychobiography manifested in expanded and empirically validated theoretical models anchoring research. Further, attention is drawn to the need for more rigorous historiographic research methods weighting first-person sources and incorporating mixed methods designs. Increased attention to ethical and legal issues in the conduct and reporting of psychobiographical studies is also highlighted. Finally, emerging trends in psychobiography related to research production, academic training, and organisational initiatives are presented.  相似文献   

林桂榛 《周易研究》2005,19(2):52-57
近代科学在欧洲的产生,乃得益于"文艺复兴"以来欧洲学术上"形而上"与"形而下"的大规模分离.而汉以来"独尊儒术"的实现,<易>作为儒家主要经籍以其"仰观天文,俯察地理,中知人事"的宏大叙事与终极关怀,影响了经学时代中国学者的学术兴趣,导致他们将绝大多数精力投入到了以史学为主的"人事"中而非自然事物的研究对象与形而下的研究路径.两个相对独立的历史进程与历史体系或无何可比性:近代科学在欧洲产生只有在产生近代科学的欧洲自我历史进程与历史体系中才能得到解释,中国没有产生近代科学亦复如此.至于将中国科学落后的原由单一性地归结于<易>或儒家经学,这未必符合历史的因果真相与思维的有效推理.  相似文献   

The classical conception of rhetoric as the method of reasoned political judgment survived into the Renaissance but was reduced to academic critiques of style and "empty" public rhetoric with the rise of modern science and its representationalist theories of language. Recently, however, rhetoric, textuality, and the "linguistic turn" generally, have become central metaphors in the human sciences. This renewed rhetorical perspective not only fosters a critique of positive philosophy and of scientism in public discourse, it also offers affirmative methods by which persons can construct their civic lives.  相似文献   

作为近代著名的国学大师,章太炎的易学研究体现了学术转型期的时代特征.仅就方法而言,他以训诂学、历史学、社会学、佛学、科学解易,融会中古理论方法,不仅在学术史上富有新意,而且体现了转型期学术研究范式的多元化、近代化,对后人具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Justin Pack 《Metaphilosophy》2019,50(4):551-562
The modern research university is an unsustainable institution. It normalizes academic activity along the lines of a scientist engaged in normal science and seeks to measure the success or failure of academics based largely on the quantity of their contributions to a particular discipline, often measured in terms of papers published and conference presentations. The ensuing race to produce academic studies is creating unprecedented mountains of academic studies, but often in haphazard, unstructured, and unsustainable ways, especially in the humanities and the social sciences, which do not discover nomothetic laws or accumulate knowledge in a fashion similar to science. This not only undermines the quality of work being done and the character of academics doing this work but also results in the thoughtless, endless, largely unstructured mountains of new studies that no one can keep up with.  相似文献   

Thomas Aechtner 《Zygon》2015,50(1):209-226
Historians have long since rejected the dubious assertions of the conflict model, with its narratives of perennial religion versus science combat. Nonetheless, this theory persists in various academic disciplines, and it is still presented to university students as the authoritative historical account of religion–science interactions. Cases of this can be identified within modern anthropology textbooks and reference materials, which often recapitulate claims once made by John W. Draper and Andrew D. White. This article examines 21st‐century introductory anthropology publications, demonstrating how such works perpetuate religion–science myths and the notion that history has been replete with inevitable religion versus science warfare. In particular, this study reveals how such introductory materials propagate discord narratives associated with the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. Affiliated with these anecdotes are oversimplified accounts of religious responses to heliocentrism and evolutionary theory, as well as claims that science has invariably led to the usurpation of religious belief and secularization from Galileo onwards.  相似文献   

Ismael Apud 《Zygon》2017,52(1):100-123
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew from Amazonas, popularized in the last decades in part through transnational religious networks, but also due to interest in exploring spirituality through altered states of consciousness among academic schools and scientific researchers. In this article, the author analyzes the relation between science and religion proposing that the “demarcation problem” between the two arises from the relations among consciousness, intentionality, and spirituality. The analysis starts at the beginning of modern science, continues through the nineteenth century, and then examines the appearance of new schools in psychology and anthropology in the countercultural milieu of the 1960s. The author analyzes the case of ayahuasca against this historical background, first, in the general context of ayahuasca studies in the academic field. Second, he briefly describes three cases from Spain. Finally, he discusses the permeability of science to “spiritual ontologies” from an interdisciplinary perspective, using insights from social and cognitive sciences.  相似文献   

从传统针灸学到现代针灸学——针灸现代化50年之回顾   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
现代针灸学的理论基础不同于传统针灸学,前者是以运用现代科学技术、方法对相关问题的研究所获取的现代科学意义上的规律作为指导理论,机理的阐明完全立足于现代科学意义的相关知识体系,并以神经一内分泌一免疫网络学说及针灸效应的四大规律为该体系的理论核心;而传统针灸学则是以阴阳五行学说、脏腑气血学说、经络学说等为基本理论;在临床上,现代针灸学充分利用现代诊疗技术和方法,以辨病为主导,针刺手法注重的是强弱刺激与针刺效应的关系;而传统针灸学则是借助四诊八纲以辨证为主导,针刺手法强调的是补泻。  相似文献   

We note first of all that the full title of Mary Shelley's book is Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus. If we take this title as a cryptic introduction to its subject matter, we come to understand the novel as exploring the consequences of an Enlightenment project that sought to replace the classical Greek Prometheus, who was the founder of Greek religion, with a modern surrogate representing modern industrial techno-science. The ancient Greek Prometheus had sought to liberate his people by separating mortals from immortals and thereafter reuniting them by means of a festive, religious ritual. By contrast, the modern pseudo-Prometheus promised to liberate humanity by effacing the division between heaven and earth and by seeking to make the natural scientific universe the ultimate object of all cultural activity. Modern human science, including academic and scientific psychology, should be counted among the offspring of this modern and progressive Prometheus. Mary Shelley's masterpiece describes the dangers inherent in blindly following this modern techno-scientific Prometheus, thereby indirectly evoking the possibility of building a different psychology and human science that remains in close alliance with the antique Prometheus.  相似文献   

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