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A battery of eight different reaction time (RT) tests, measuring the speed with which individuals perform various elementary cognitive processes, and a group test of scholastic aptitude (the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, ASVAB) were given to 50 black and 56 white male vocational college students. The regression of the general factor scores of the ASVAB on the RT measures yielded a shrunken multiple correlation of 0.465. Although discriminant analyses, when applied separately to the ASVAB subtests and to the RT variables, showed highly comparable overall discrimination (over 70% correct classification) between the black and white groups, factor scores derived from the general factor (labeled ‘speed of information processing’) of the RT battery show only about one-third as large a mean black-white difference as the mean group difference on the general factor scores derived from the ASVAB. Comparisons were also made between the 106 vocational college students and 100 university students of higher average academic aptitude who had previously been tested on the same RT battery (Vernon, 1983a). These groups showed marked differences on the RT variables, the largest differences occuring on the tests that required more complex cognitive processing. The more complex RT tests also correlate most highly with the psychometric measures of ability within each group. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that individual differences and the mean differences between groups in psychometric abilities and scholastic achievement are related to differences in the speed of information processing as measured in elementary cognitive tasks.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to evaluate the use of a combined relaxation- and biofeed-back-training procedure in the regulation of psychophysiological reactivity to laboratory stressors. Twenty volunteers participated in the 3-session experiment, comparing relaxation plus skin conductance biofeedback (Training) with simple instructions to relax (Control). During Session 1. subjects tried to solve a series of visual puzzles and watched an anxiety-provoking film, and were then assigned to treatments on the basis of electrodermal reactions to the film. The relaxation methods were practised in Sessions 2 and 3. and were followed by a second film excerpt and series of tasks. Heart rate (HR), skin conductance level (SCL) and ratings of tension and relaxation were recorded throughout.No differences in physiological or self-report variables emerged during quiet relaxation. However, during the post-treatment administration of Stressors, SCL was augmented in the Control group, while remaining near pre-treatment values in the Training condition. This effect was confined to SCL, since HR and self-reported tension did not distinguish the groups post-treatment.  相似文献   

This study attempted to use multivariate statistical methodology to empirically derive and define person, situation and response variables which interact in determining situation-specific behavior of college students, and to clarify the nature of the interaction of those variables. A variant of principal components analysis was used to derive reliable dimensions of persons and situations underlying situation-specific self-reported response. These dimensions appeared to correspond to clusters of grossly similar situations. An attempt to define the derived dimensions using measures based on Murray needs did not provide clear-cut, quantitative definitions. The solution derived using the principal components procedure was found to have validity in terms of predicting overt behavior in a contrived situation. Results were interpreted as being supportive of the principal components technique as a method for deriving determinants of situation-specific behavior, but the need for new technology for defining those dimensions was commented upon.  相似文献   

The study followed-up 245 patients referred to the Henderson Hospital (194 admitted for treatment and 51 not admitted) and for whom information had been collected on their social background and certain psychological variables allowing a classification and typology of personality disorder to be worked out. The study indicates that the therapeutic community treatment is effective with selected individuals showing the antisocial behaviour associated with such disorder. In particular this treatment is of benefit to the offenders with only one conviction and who are able to persevere with treatment for a period of 6 months for treatment to be maximally effective. The variation of psychological types within the broad category of personality disorder was demonstrated and this has a bearing on the outcome of treatment, the extrapunitive neurotic being of poorest prognosis with or without treatment. Yet even in this group, therapeutic community treatment can be effective.  相似文献   

The Yule-Oseretsky test of motor performance was administered to 10 ‘undifferentiated’ mentally-retarded adults, 10 normal children and 10 normal adults. In accordance with Denny's (1964) 3-group design, the children were matched on mental age with the retardates, the normal adults were matched on chronological age with the retardates, and the children and normal adults were matched on intelligence quotient. The results showed that mental age predicted performance on both fine and gross motor tasks, with the children and retarded adults both obtaining similar relatively-low scores.  相似文献   

Research is reviewed which suggests that hyperventilation syndrome is an underdiagnosed disorder for the presentation of many patients experiencing apparent anxiety states. In a test of this hypothesis, 21 normal individuals (9 female) underwent a 2 min period of intentional hyperventilation following a 10 min baseline phase. Hyperventilation was accompanied by increased subjective anxiety and tachycardia, and indications of peripheral vasoconstriction. Following hyperventilation, Ss experienced increased levels of state anxiety and perceived autonomic arousal, as indexed by self-report instruments. These results support the hypothesis that undiagnosed hyperventilatory phenomena may be etiologically implicated in states of pathologic anxiety.  相似文献   

Extraversion was positively correlated with the latency of wave I of the auditory brainstem evoked response (BER) at 75, 80 and 85 dB of intensity. Extraverts also tended to display longer latency for wave V than introverts to high frequency, 80-dB tone bursts and to click stimuli at intensity levels which ranged from 55 to 85 dB (SPL). These results are consistent with reports of greater auditory sensitivity (d') and enhanced amplitude of the late (N1–P2) cortical evoked response for introverts. The absence of differences in interpeak latency, or central transmission time. center the effects on wave I which is thought to be generated by the cochlear nerve. The present findings may require the elaboration of the neurophysiological bases of extraversion, which presently focuses on differences in cortico-reticular arousal systems, to accomodate individual differences in axonal or synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to replicate a reported seasonal variation in the birth of left-handed females. The observed number of births per month (as well as season) did not depart from the number expected by chance. This is the second failure to observe the reported overrepresentation of November births.  相似文献   

Reducing-augmenting, sensation-seeking and extraversion-introversion are discussed in the context of strength-of-the-nervous-system theory and two experiments are reported. Experiment 1 showed that high scorers on Vando's Reducer-Augmenter Scale (RAS) (stimulus-intensity reducers) may be identified with sensation-seeking, as measured by Zuckerman's Sensation-seeking Scale, and extraversion, as measured by the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Augmenters' electrodermal responses habituate more slowly than do those of reducers to a relatively strong stimulus. Reducers prefer loud music and apparently need fewer hours of sleep. Female reducers consume relatively more stimulant drinks than female augmenters. Reducers have significantly higher resting systolic blood pressure than augmenters, a finding that was confirmed in the second experiment. However, Experiment 2 failed to find the expected relationship between augmenting-reducing as determined by the RAS and performance on the Kinaesthetic Figural Aftereffects Test.  相似文献   

The self-injurious forehead-gouging behavior that had resulted in blindness for a profoundly retarded 27-yr-old male was successfully treated using a combination of differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior during unstructured situations and prevention of escape during compliance situations. After self-injurious behavior was reduced to a low frequency, a reduction of his daily dose of chloral hydrate was accompanied by a large increase in self-injury, but the behavior gradually returned to its previous low level. A large increase in self-injury also occurred following transfer to another living unit, but the behavior again decreased to a low frequency. Treatment gains were maintained following transfer to another residential facility with follow-up observations occurring at 1, 2, 8, 15, 22, 27 and 35 months. The multiple determination of self-injurious behavior in this one S highlights the behavioral complexity of some of these behaviors.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of two types of coping statements on tolerance of experimentally-induced pain when the Ss either thought the experimenter knew or did not know their statements. When Ss thought no one knew their statements, no therapeutic effects were shown. When Ss knew the experimenter knew the statements, the Ss tolerated the pain longer and showed specific effects depending on the specific type of coping statement used. The implications of this study for distinguishing informational, self-instructional and social-motivation effects in therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Group learned helplessness is demonstrated in Experiment I. Groups of 2 tried to turn off noise by their joint action. In the solvable group (S), noise offset was contingent on their sequence of button pushing. In the yoked, unsolvable group (U), noise offset was independent of all sequences of button pushes they produced. In a practice group (O). subjects practiced coordinated sequences of button pushes with their partners, but heard no noise. Later, all 3 groups were tested in pairs in a shuttlebox which required coordinated joint responding to turn off noise. The unsolvable group escaped more poorly than the other 2 groups, paralleling helplessness effects with individuals. Experiment 2 and 3 found no transfer from individual helplessness training to group testing and no transfer from group helplessness training to individual testing. We suggest that the same mechanism, the expectation of response ineffectiveness, may mediate both individual and group learned helplessness.  相似文献   

The relationship between stimuli complexity extraversion-introversion and time perception was tested. It was found that extraverts estimated the exposure duration of simple figures to be longer compared to introverts and that this discrepancy vanished in regard to complex figures. The findings were explained in terms of Hogan's (1978) model and on the basis of differential utilization of cognitive mechanisms for time perception by extraverts and introverts.  相似文献   

This study compared the efficacy of two treatment modalities (stress-reduction behavioral counseling and contingent nocturnal EMG biofeedback) on night-time bruxism. The 16 subjects (Ss) were assigned sequentially to one of four treatment groups: (1) stress-reduction behavioral counseling: (2) nocturnal biofeedback; (3) stress-reduction behavioral counseling and nocturnal biofeedback; and (4) waiting-list control group. A portable EMG unit was used to record the nightly total of electrical activity (?20 μV) from the masseter muscle 10 days before and after treatment. The three treatment procedures were found to be significantly superior to no-treatment control group. The outcome of the two treatments which made use of stress-reduction behavioral counseling, although better than the treatment which solely used nocturnal biofeedback, was not significantly better. This study demonstrates that stress-reduction skills learned while awake can have a generalized effect on stress-induced muscle activity during sleep. Implications for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Results of 3 experiments examining the relationship between creativity and left-hemisphere and right-hemisphere EEG activity are reported. Creativity has been hypothesized to involve the use of primary-process cognition, and such cognition is hypothetically accompanied by activation of the right cerebral hemisphere. In light of these hypotheses, we predicted that highly-creative people should exhibit greater right-hemisphere than left-hemisphere EEG activity during creative performance and that this pattern would not be found in less-creative people. All 3 experiments supported this prediction. This difference in asymmetry was specific to creative performance. It was not present during basal recordings or during a non-creative task.  相似文献   

Two groups of adult Ss differing in verbal IQ were compared in a learned helplessness experiment involving cognitive tasks and non-contingent rewards. The mean IQs for the two groups were 131 and 117. As predicted, the higher IQ Ss performed better overall and showed greater awareness of the response-outcome contingency. Their test-task performance was also more affected by the contingency manipulation although this occured only with success feedback. Implications of the results for cognitive accounts of human helplessness are discussed.  相似文献   

Extraversion and psychoticism are thought to relate inversely to electrodermal response amplitude. Paradoxically, sensation-seeking scales, which correlate positively with extraversion and psychoticism, have shown a positive relation to electrodermal response amplitude. In the present inquiry, inverse relationships were obeserved for extraversion and psychoticism with the electrodermal response to visual stimuli. Sensation seeking was also negatively related to the magnitude of the initial electrodermal response to pictures. A lowered response to words for low sensation seekers was observed that appeared to be influenced by skin conductance level.  相似文献   

Physiological and self-report data were collected on anxious subjects who participated in a study comparing progressive relaxation, meditation and a waiting-list control. The data provide some support for the Schwartz, Davidson and Goleman (1978) hypothesis of specific effects for different relaxation procedures, superimposed upon a generalized relaxation response. The similarities between techniques, however, were greater than the differences, both on physiological and self-report measures. Both techniques generated positive expectancies and produced decreases in a variety of self-reported symptoms and on EMG: but no skin conductance or frontal EEG effects were observed. Progressive relaxation produced bigger decreases in forearm EMG responsiveness to stressful stimulation and a generally more powerful therapeutic effect than meditation. Meditation produced greater cardiac orienting responses to stressful stimuli, greater absorption in the task and better motivation to practice than progressive relaxation; but it also produced more reports of increased transient anxiety. We found no significant differences between conditions in the therapeutic expectancies they generated. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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