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Soviet psychologists perform various tasks and provide useful psychological services for pupils and educators. This article describes the general characteristics of education and the preparation and research of psychologists in the U.S.S.R. Also discussed are current practices and emerging trends relating to the establishment of school-based psychological services as well as future developments that may lead to the enhancement of the profession of school psychology in the Soviet Union.  相似文献   

A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 19th National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, November, 5, 1987.  相似文献   

Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia responded to a survey on their school psychology services programs in the period 1966–1974. Ratios of workers to students averaged 1 to 21,900 in the base period, improving to 1 to 8,100 by school year 1974–1975. Rates of growth and rankings are given by state, as well as projected goals for responding states.  相似文献   

A first-person narrative essay is presented through a critically reflexive auto-ethnography of a community psychologist's experiences as a member of the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA) and (as of this writing) co-chair of the Cultural, Ethnic and Racial Affairs council. Through this methodological orientation, an analysis of some of the discourses that circulated within the SCRA listserv in relation to the murder of Mr. George Floyd, and amidst an ensuing pandemic are analyzed and discussed in relation to Anzaldúa's seven stages of conocimiento. The intentions that guide and ground this first-person account are to animate deeper reflection, accountability, and solidarity-in-action, as well as an organizational shift in the culture of the SCRA. Guided by a set of questions—What accounts for the organizational silences within the SCRA? How did the SCRA respond or engage with the murder of Mr. Floyd, anti-Blackness, Black Lives Matter, and related racial justice efforts?—the purpose is to turn a critical social analysis gaze to the SCRA in order to align its purpose, values, and mission with liberation and a decolonial feminist praxis. Anzaldúa's seven-stage framework of conocimiento is utilized to describe the possibilities for an organizational cultural shift in the SCRA that aligns with racial justice and liberatory decolonial feminist praxes.  相似文献   

The visibility of qualitative research methods (QRM) in U.S. psychology has increased with the dissemination of qualitative research in journals and books, formation of professional and scientific organizations, and recognition in educational institutions. While gains have been made, the current state of doctoral training in qualitative methods remains uncertain. It is unclear what training graduate students receive in U.S. psychology programs about qualitative methodologies and how further gains can be made in expanding visibility of QRM in graduate education. In this mixed-methods study, we surveyed a sample of faculty in U.S. psychology graduate programs about the frequency of QRM course offerings, graduate training, and students’ use of QRM in their dissertation research. We also explored qualitative responses from faculty regarding their attitudes about QRM and how these attitudes might help increase or diminish the frequency of methods training available to students. We found that even within graduate programs where there was support for QRM, enduring perceptions about the value of qualitative research limit faculty and graduate students’ use of qualitative methodologies in their research. With these findings in mind, we offer several recommendations for increasing the visibility of QRM in U.S. graduate education and the discipline of psychology as a whole.  相似文献   

Anxiety research in educational psychology.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

This paper describes the first year of operation of the CTI Centre for Psychology, which pro-motes the use of computers in psychology teaching in the U.K. We outline current use of computers in teaching and some of the obstacles to the effective development of computer-supported courses. In particular, we focus on the need for closer integration of innovative forms of teaching into courses. We describe the Centre’s strategy for supporting both conventional and innovative computer-supported teaching, and argue that effective use of software depends on both the instructional situation and the educational context.  相似文献   

在20世纪初期,当现象学在德国诞生时,美国哲学界盛行的是实用主义和分析哲学.20世纪30年代前后,现象学在德国达到了繁荣时期,并逐渐传播到了美国.经过几十年的发展,特别是从20世纪60年代开始到现在,现象学(以及在现象学基础上发展起来的存在主义、诠释学)已经逐步被美国哲学界接受,并成为实用主义和分析哲学之外的另一门显学.  相似文献   

The paper begins with an overview of the legal, institutional, and public policy bases of the U.S. patent granting system and subsequently examines major deficiencies acknowledged in the existing U.S. patent system. The paper then catalogs the essence of four patent reform proposals of the Federal Trade Commission, the National Research Council, and academic economists (Jaffe/Lerner and Maskus), all of which focus on ameliorating alleged major weaknesses in the U.S. patent system. The paper concludes with an analysis of the above cited patent reform proposals, arguing for a proposed set of workable policy recommendations (reflecting recent changes in public policy) focused on patent cost controls, patent quality, patent uncertainty, and patent reform legislation, all designed to contribute to a globally competitive 21st century patent policy for the U.S. economy.
Thomas A. HemphillEmail:

Although creativity has recently attracted considerable theoretical and empirical research, researchers have yet to reach a consensus on how best to define the phenomenon. To help establish a consensus, a definition is proposed that is based on the three criteria used by the United States Patent Office to evaluate applications for patent protection. The modified version uses the criteria of novelty, utility, and surprise. Moreover, creativity assessments based on these three criteria are quantitative and multiplicative rather than qualitative or additive. This three-criterion definition then leads to four implications regarding (a) the limitations to domain-specific expertise, (b) the varieties of comparable creativities, (c) the contrast between subjective and objective evaluations, and (d) the place of blind variation and selective retention in the creative process. These implications prove that adding the third criterion has critical consequences for understanding the phenomenon. Creativity is not only treated with superior sophistication, but also paradoxes that appear using the most common two-criterion definition readily disappear when the third criterion is included in the analysis. Hence, the conceptual differences between two- and three-criterion definitions are not trivial.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to assess the measurement invariance of the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ) in U.S. Anglo (n = 490) and U.S. Hispanic ( n = 379) samples of college students. The BVAQ items demonstrated invariance of the factor loadings, the latent item intercepts, and unique factor variances. However, Hispanics had higher verbalizing scores and lower fantasizing scores on the latent variables. As a whole, the BVAQ requires additional testing and/or refinement for use with a Hispanic sample. Until such refinements, the authors recommend that the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 be used with U.S. Hispanic samples.  相似文献   

"Panic": the impact of Le Bon's crowd psychology on U.S. military thought   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The controversial crowd psychology of Gustave Le Bon has been both praised as an incisive contribution to social theory and also condemned as a doctrine of irrationality and mass manipulation associated with fascism. New archival documentation now demonstrates that Le Bon exercised significant influence on U.S. military thinking and practice through World War II. Army writings and officer training on morale, leadership, and battlefield psychology rested substantially on his theory of crowds, particularly regarding races and panic. Le Bon's racial psychology took on additional importance when the African-American 92 nd Infantry Division panicked during combat in Italy. This new evidence offers an excellent case study of the direct and enduring impact of a peculiar type of social psychology on the institutional culture of the army from the classrooms at the Army War College to the battlefield itself.  相似文献   

Workplace mentoring in the international context is an emerging research area with significant potential for global integration. However, although measurement equivalence is a prerequisite for examining cross-cultural differences, this assumption has yet to be examined in mentoring research. This study contributes to the mentoring literature by assessing the measurement equivalence of the Mentoring Functions Questionnaire (MFQ-9) across two diverse cultural settings, the U.S. and Taiwan. Results of a series of multi-group confirmatory factor analyses supported full configural invariance, full metric invariance, and partial scalar invariance across the two groups. These findings suggest MFQ-9 may provide acceptable comparisons and meaningful interpretations across cultures. Implications for future international mentoring research and managerial practice are discussed.  相似文献   

美国全球战略的源起和流变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张林宏 《学海》2002,(5):141-149
美国全球战略从开始酝酿到正式形成 ,经过了一个从无到有、从支离破碎到系统完整、从军事战略到全球战略的发展过程 ,大体上可分为酝酿、初步形成、正式形成以及冷战后时期四个阶段。这种阶段性划分的依据 ,是国际战略力量对比消长变化的结果 ,更反映出美国在国内政治经济形势的驱使下从本土扩张到海外扩张、从海外扩张到全球扩张的历史进程。本文采用历史分析法 ,深入探讨了美国全球战略的形成和演变过程 ,对比研究了冷战后美国全球战略从“冷战型”逐渐转向“冷战后型”的轨迹  相似文献   

吕桂霞 《学海》2004,2(5):120-125
越南战争是二战后美国直接介入时间最长、损失最大、影响最深远的一场战争。在很大程度上 ,对共产主义的恐惧奠定了美国介入越战的思想基础 ;维持美国的威望和在世界的荣誉、特别是美国力量的可信性 ,是美国在越南问题上的重大考虑。美国在越南的干涉植根于它对中国的长期敌视政策。从美国国内来看 ,悠久的自由主义传统和浓厚的反共主义是影响美国外交政策的不可忽视的因素 ;同时 ,战后历届政府在越南问题上都做过一些重大决定 ,他们对于美国卷入越战都负有不可推卸的责任。  相似文献   

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