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Obsessive-compulsive disorder has been of central interest to psychoanalysis since Freud's early papers, most particularly in the “Rat Man” case. This early literature spelled out with great clarity the presumed development, psychodynamics, and meaning of obsessional and compulsive symptoms. Unfortunately, since Anna Freud's 1969 review of the subject, virtually nothing has appeared in the psychoanalytic literature that has added to our understanding of the disorder or enhanced the very limited therapeutic influence of psychoanalysis in such cases. Meanwhile, there has been an avalanche of contributions from biological psychiatry and behavioral psychology that have propounded different theories of pathogenesis and have laid claim to significant therapeutic effectiveness. If psychoanalysis is to have credibility in this field, it will have to enlist itself in multidisciplinary research efforts directed toward enriching our knowledge about the psychodynamics and the biological substrate of this illness (more common than once believed) and the efficacy of our efforts to treat it.  相似文献   

To certain areas once dominated by psychoanalytic conceptualizations of psychopathology and pathogenesis, general psychiatry has in recent years made significant contributions. The obsessive-compulsive disorder is cited as an example, and illustrations of such contributions are described and discussed. Some implications for psychoanalytic theory and research are suggested.  相似文献   

From the evidence reported in the recent guidelines [Heinrichs et al. (2009) Evidenzbasierte Leitlinie zur Psychotherapie der Panikst?rung mit und ohne Agoraphobie. Hogrefe, G?ttingen] the following conclusions can be drawn with respect to the treatment of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, as well as for agoraphobia without panic disorder:
  1. Every psychotherapy should be preceded by suitable diagnostics and a case formulation.
  2. The effectiveness of every psychotherapy should be evaluated with well established measures.
  3. For the treatment of panic disorder without agoraphobia, cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) and applied relaxation have been shown to be effective (evidence grade 1).
  4. For panic disorder with agoraphobia, CBT, combination treatment (CBT plus medication), as well as panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy in the outpatient setting have shown short-term effectiveness (evidence grade 1). Longer lasting effects have been documented for CBT (evidence grade 1).
  5. For agoraphobia without panic disorder, CBT with a focus on situational exposure can be recommended (evidence grade 1).

This is the third part of a review and commentary on the psychoanalytic literature on phobias. This section takes up agoraphobia and other phobias of adults, and suggests further avenues for interpenetration of psychoanalytic and psychiatric approaches.  相似文献   

Following the long psychoanalytic tradition in the treatment of paedophiles, in a first step this article tries to define structural components of sexual delinquency that on the one hand correlate with the psychoanalytic model of psychic structures and on the other hand are consistent with the clinical experience of forensic psychotherapeutic practice. In a second step different levels of severity in the structural psychopathology of sexual delinquents are described by taking advantage of the object relationship theoretical conception of personality organisation. Finally, in a third step the psychodynamic features of these patients are highlighted, which have frequently been found and described in the clinical psychoanalytic literature on paedophilia including traumatising mother relationship, narcissistic object choice, inadequate triangulation, self-permuting drive, simulation and disturbance of identification.  相似文献   

The importance of the patient's experience of validation is not a new one in psychoanalytic thinking, and can be traced throughout the literature. However, its role as an essential aspect of the psychoanalytic process, particularly in working with intrapsychic conflict, has traditionally been underappreciated. It is argued that validating interventions have an important role in psychoanalytic treatment, and that they often serve to open up, rather than foreclose, the analysis of transference. Marsha Linehan's conceptualization of the role of validation in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy provides a unifying framework for a more extensive psychoanalytic consideration of validation. After a review of the psychoanalytic literature, a number of conceptual issues are discussed that have complicated thinking about validation from a psychoanalytic perspective. Two clinical examples are presented, one from the author's psychoanalytic practice and one from his own analysis. Both illustrate how active validation by the analyst can play an essential facilitating role in the psychoanalytic process.  相似文献   


A phenomenological approach to psychopathology is illustrated through an inquiry into the meanings of agoraphobia. A classical and a contemporary phenomenological comprehension are presented. Utilizing the thought of Erwin Straus, the classical approach articulates the problem in terms of lived body and spatiality. the contemporary version suggests the necessity of combining existential and psychoanalytic understandings to be faithful to the phenomenon as disclosed in clinical praxis. General implications for a contemporary phenomenological psychopathology are discussed.  相似文献   

The analyst's ‘sleep’ during sessions is a puzzling, troubling, extreme experience, which has rarely been described in the psychoanalytic literature. The author presents a clinical illustration in which her recurring ‘sleep’ during the sessions was approached as an open, central issue. She attempts to explore, understand and integrate this experience theoretically and clinically, first by reviewing and examining the psychoanalytic literature on the subject and on related phenomena, and then, more particularly, by formulating her own explanation of it. She emphasises being in the grip of the psychoanalytic process, and the immersed involvement and converging of patient and analyst, which generate a conjoint state of deep experiential interconnectedness and impact on each other ‐ in particular the impact of the patient's inner world on the analyst. In this context, the author also refers to the notions of ‘the uncanny’, ‘fear of breakdown’ and dissociative self‐states and the mitigation of the patient's dissociative self‐experience via the analyst's vicarious dissociative experience.  相似文献   

Analysis of the unconscious ego resistances is one of those clinical concepts more honored in the breach than in the observance. This same point has been made periodically over the past fifty years. It has not been sufficiently realized that a true psychoanalytic understanding of resistance analysis could only begin with Freud's second theory of anxiety. Freud himself never fully embraced this theory, and clinical contributions since then have varied in their ability to use the techniques inherent in the second theory of anxiety. Recent contributions to the literature have not eliminated the espousal of theories of resistance based on earlier views of anxiety. Reasons cited for this include: the ambiguities in Freud's writing, the direction of the early ego theorists, and proclivities toward deeper interpretations.  相似文献   

The aim was to study whether patients with panic disorder with agoraphobia and co-occurring Cluster C traits would respond differently regarding change in interpersonal problems as part of their personality functioning when receiving two different treatment modalities. Two cohorts of patients were followed through three months' in-patient treatment programs and assessed at follow-up one year after end of treatment. The one cohort comprised 18 patients treated with "treatment as usual" according to psychodynamic principles, the second comprised 24 patients treated in a cognitive agoraphobia and schema-focused therapy program. Patients in the cognitive condition showed greater improvement in interpersonal problems than patients in the treatment as usual condition. Although this quasi-experimental study has serious limitations, the results may indicate that agoraphobic patients with Cluster C traits should be treated in cognitive agoraphobia and schema-focused programs rather than in psychodynamic treatment as usual programs in order to reduce their level of interpersonal problems.  相似文献   

A controversy exists regarding adults who come to bear memories of childhood sexual abuse. This debate in both the scientific literature and popular press has evolved into a dichotomous categorization which demands an identification of these memories as either "true" or "false." This paper will lend a theoretical foundation to the discussion, considering the phenomenon from a variety of perspectives, including: psychoanalytic, developmental and cognitive theories of psychology, folkloristic studies, and the sociology of knowledge. The goal of this consideration is to determine what can be said about "truth" in light of these memories. Implications for social work practice and research are provided.  相似文献   

In this work we present a case example of the use of virtual reality exposure for the treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia. The assessment protocol and procedure (including a baseline period) and the cognitive-behavioral treatment program are described. The clinical measures were categorized into target behaviors, panic and agoraphobia measures, global functioning, and general psychopathology measures. The patient’s expectations and satisfaction with regard to the virtual treatment were also assessed. The results showed an important reduction in all clinical measures after treatment with virtual exposure and the patient reached the therapeutic goals established during the pretreatment assessment. The patient also reported a good acceptance of virtual exposure. The goals achieved in the virtual environment generalized to real agoraphobic situations and to other real situations not treated. Three-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up assessments were conducted and long-term therapeutic gains were maintained.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1-2):39-57
The incidence of incest in the histories of women diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) has been noted recently by a number of clinicians (e.g., Barnard & Hirsch, 1985; Herman, Perry, & van der Kolk, 1989). However, the experience of child sexual abuse is virtually ignored in the developmental theory of the borderline syndrome. This paper presents a critical review of theoretical and clinical literature on child sexual abuse and BPD to explore three major goals: to describe the overlapping clinical picture of adult female survivors of incest and of women diagnosed with BPD, to examine the ways in which mother-blaming in psychoanalytic thought has contributed to the neglect of this experience in borderline clients, and to integrate treatment strategies from the child sexual abuse literature, traditional object relations theory, and feminist clinical theory.  相似文献   

The psychoanalytic literature on altruism is sparse, although much has been written on this topic from a sociobiological perspective. Freud (1917) first described the concept in "Libido Theory and Narcissism." In 1946 Anna Freud coined the term "altruistic surrender" to describe the psychodynamics of altruistic behavior in a group of inhibited individuals who were neurotically driven to do good for others. The usefulness and clinical applicability of this formulation, in conjunction with the frequent coexistence of masochism and altruism, encouraged psychoanalysts to regard all forms of altruism as having masochistic underpinnings. Since then, there has been a conflation of the two concepts in much of the analytic literature. This paper reexamines the psychoanalytic understanding of altruism and proposes an expansion of the concept to include a normal form. Five types of altruism are described: protoaltruism, generative altruism, conflicted altruism, pseudoaltruism, and psychotic altruism. Protoaltruism has biological roots and can be observed in animals. In humans, protoaltruism includes maternal and paternal nurturing and protectiveness. Generative altruism is the nonconflictual pleasure in fostering the success and/or welfare of another. Conflicted altruism is generative altruism that is drawn into conflict, but in which the pleasure and satisfaction of another (a proxy) is actually enjoyed. Pseudoaltruism originates in conflict and serves as a defensive cloak for underlying sadomasochism. Psychotic altruism is defined as the sometimes bizarre forms of caretaking behavior and associated self-denial seen in psychotic individuals, and often based on delusion. We consider Anna Freud's altruistic surrender to combine features of both conflict-laden altruism and pseudoaltruism. Two clinical illustrations are discussed.  相似文献   

This article defines healthy oneness experience and establishes the progressive, life enhancing components of the experience. The author clarifies the paradox that a cohesive, well-integrated self allows unitive, non-self-definitional experiences. The author attempts to work the cultural/clinical border by exploring oneness phenomena as they occur in art, religion, literature and the clinical consulting room. The author uses psychoanalytic tools to understand non-clinical experiences of oneness. Through compelling accounts of such experiences as described by artists, writers and meditators, psychoanalytic theorizing about oneness is illumined further.  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic education in the United States faces multiple challenges as we enter the last decade of this century. (1) Changing interest and career path patterns for psychiatrists have resulted in fewer medical applications for psychoanalytic training. (2) Increased opportunities for full psychoanalytic training of nonphysicians have resulted in increased applications from highly skilled clinicians who often have more clinical experience than their medical colleagues. (3) Increased enrollment of women candidates has required rethinking of progression requirements, in light of their combined careers as professionals and mothers. (4) Independent institutes not accredited by the American Psychoanalytic Association compete for applicants while maintaining training standards that require less time and immersion in psychoanalytic theory and practice. (5) Economic factors increasingly influence the desirability of prolonged psychoanalytic training and the availability of suitable analysands for control analyses. (6) Evolution of theory and practice and the emergence of "new schools" of psychoanalytic thought have rendered the previous psychoanalytic landscape dominated by drive theory and ego psychology more multifaceted and less uniform. The American Psychoanalytic Association and its institutes attempt to understand these changing patterns and take them into consideration in the design and implementation of psychoanalytic training programs. Only one aspect of this complex situation will be described in this work, the current state of psychoanalytic training in the 28 institutes accredited by the American Psychoanalytic Association. Although the data available at this time leave unanswered many important questions about the philosophies that organize the content and emphases of the curriculum in different institutes, much has been learned about the overall structure of psychoanalytic training programs.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the successful psychoanalytic treatment of a latency-aged boy with severe conversion disorder. Details of clinical treatment are presented. As no tested treatment has yet been found that reliably treats chronic conversion in children, this case is of importance in demonstrating the usefulness of psychoanalysis as treatment for severe psychopathology. The patient's unconscious fantasy constellations that gave rise to this syndrome are highlighted.  相似文献   

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