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Spatial responding is influenced by the degree of correspondence between the stimulus–response (S–R) code activated by the target's task-irrelevant location and the S–R code activated by the target's non-spatial, task-relevant feature. A generally accepted explanation of this “Simon effect,” named after its discoverer, is that there is a natural tendency to respond towards the source of stimulation. First we will review the ubiquity of the Simon effect. Then we will review the literature, including our own studies when appropriate, that has explored the relationship between the Simon effect and the components of attention: alertness, orienting and executive control, with an emphasis on visual orienting. The Simon effect is reduced when participants are not alert and when executive control is effective in filtering out the irrelevant location information. When attention is oriented endogenously, or is captured exogenously by uninformative peripheral stimulation, the Simon effect is additive with attentional facilitation (i.e., the Simon effect is the same magnitude for targets presented at attended and unattended locations). Yet, some forms of orienting, such as orienting directed by gaze and biased by inhibition of return, modulate the Simon effect. We will explore the implications of these patterns of additivity and interaction for our understanding of both the Simon effect and spatial attention.  相似文献   

The Simon effect refers to the performance advantage for responding to the nonspatial identity of the target when the target's irrelevant location corresponds with the relative location of the response. The present study is a parametric examination of the magnitude of the Simon effect across visual space. Response keys were arranged along vertical, horizontal, and two diagonal axes, and stimuli were arranged in two concentric circles (near and far from fixation) along the same axes. The results show that the Simon effect is of similar magnitude regardless of stimulus-response axis. In contrast to findings from stimulus-response compatibility paradigms, there was no evidence in this study for the presence of an orthogonal compatibility effect or left-right prevalence effect, suggesting that these effects only arise when response location is relevant. The results demonstrate the robust generalizability of the Simon effect under different spatial conditions and thus broaden the relevance of the Simon effect to a variety of applications.  相似文献   

The instructional effect of motion in varied visual illustrations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Four experiments were conducted, three with tactile stimuli and one with visual stimuli, in which subjects made temporal order judgments (TOJs). The tactile stimuli were patterns that moved laterally across the fingerpads. The subject's task was to judge which finger received the pattern first. Even though the movement was irrelevant to the task, the subjects' TOJs were greatly affected by the direction of movement of the patterns. Accuracy in judging temporal order was enhanced when the patterns moved in a direction that was consistent with the temporal order of presentation--for example, when the movement on each fingerpad was from right to left and the temporally leading site of stimulation was to the right of the temporally trailing site of stimulation. When movement was inconsistent with the temporal order of presentation, accuracy was considerably reduced, often well below chance.The bias in TOJs was unaffected by training or by presenting the stimuli to fingers on opposite hands. In a fourth experiment, subjects judged the temporal order of visual stimuli that, like the tactile stimuli, moved in a direction that was either consistent or inconsistent with the TOJ. The results were similar to those obtained with tactile stimuli. It is suggested that the bias may be affected by attentional mechanisms and by apparent motion generated between the two sites on the skin.  相似文献   

The effect of brief auditory stimuli on visual apparent motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Getzmann S 《Perception》2007,36(7):1089-1103
When two discrete stimuli are presented in rapid succession, observers typically report a movement of the lead stimulus toward the lag stimulus. The object of this study was to investigate crossmodal effects of irrelevant sounds on this illusion of visual apparent motion. Observers were presented with two visual stimuli that were temporally separated by interstimulus onset intervals from 0 to 350 ms. After each trial, observers classified their impression of the stimuli using a categorisation system. The presentation of short sounds intervening between the visual stimuli facilitated the impression of apparent motion relative to baseline (visual stimuli without sounds), whereas sounds presented before the first and after the second visual stimulus as well as simultaneously presented sounds reduced the motion impression. The results demonstrate an effect of the temporal structure of irrelevant sounds on visual apparent motion that is discussed in light of a related multisensory phenomenon, 'temporal ventriloquism', on the assumption that sounds can attract lights in the temporal dimension.  相似文献   

On its 43rd anniversary the Simon effect can look back at a long and varied history. First treated as a curious observation with implications for human factors research, it slowly evolved not only into a valuable target of psychological theorizing itself but also into a handy means to investigate attentional operations, the representation of space and of one's body, the cognitive representation of intentional action, and executive control. This article discusses the major characteristics of the Simon effect and the Simon task that laid the ground for this success and reviews the major lines of research, theoretical developments, and ongoing controversies on and around the Simon Effect and the cognitive processes it reflects.  相似文献   

The Simon effect in vocal responses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wühr P 《Acta psychologica》2006,121(2):210-226
The Simon effect refers to the finding that faster responses are made to non-spatial stimulus features (e.g., color) when the positions of stimulus and response correspond than when they do not correspond. The usual explanation is that a spatial stimulus code automatically activates a corresponding spatial response code. Recently, however, the Simon effect has also been observed in vocal responses. The present study investigated the properties of Simon effects in the vocal modality. Experiment 1 compared horizontal and vertical Simon effects in vocal responses and found similar patterns of sequential modulations, but different time-courses. Yet the observed results are similar to those described in the literature for manual Simon effects. Experiments 2 and 3 used a dual-task procedure to investigate the impact of manual response codes on the encoding of irrelevant location and the initiation of vocal responses, respectively. Results suggest close links between manual response codes and conceptually corresponding vocal response codes.  相似文献   

The authors examined clockwise and counterclockwise wheel-rotation responses to high- or low-pitched tones presented in participants' (N = 96, Experiment 1; N = 48, Experiment 2; N = 48, Experiment 3) left and right ears. In Experiment 1, a Simon effect (fastest responding when tone location and direction of wheel turn corresponded) was obtained when participants' hands were at the top or middle of the wheel but not at the bottom. With the bottom hand placement, a Simon effect was induced by instructions emphasizing hand movements but not by instructions emphasizing wheel movements (Experiment 2), and by a visual cursor controlled by the wheel but not one triggered by the response (Experiment 3). The results of the experiments showed that the nature of the task and the instructed action goal influence the direction of the Simon effect.  相似文献   

In the primate visual system, there is a significant delay in the arrival of photoreceptor signals in visual cortical areas. Since Helmholtz, scientists have pondered over the implications of these delays for human perception. Do visual delays cause the ' position of a moving object to lag its 'real' position? This question has recently been re-evaluated in the context of the flash-lag phenomenon, in which a flashed object appears to lag behind a moving object, when physically the two objects are co-localized at the instant of the flash. This article critically examines recent accounts of this phenomenon, assesses its biological significance, and offers new hypotheses.  相似文献   

In the paper by Hommel (2011-this issue), the roles of the theory of event coding (TEC) and the premotor theory of attention (PMTA) for the Simon effect were considered. PMTA was treated by Hommel in terms of the proposal that attentional orienting can be viewed as the preparation of a saccade towards a certain location, and was dismissed as providing no useful contribution for an attentional explanation of the Simon effect. Here we considered a more recent and broader conception of the PMTA, compared this approach with TEC, and confronted both approaches with a few studies focusing on the role of spatial attention for the Simon effect. It was argued that PMTA may account more easily for various studies examining the influence of spatial attention on the Simon effect. We concluded our paper by listing some elements that an overall encompassing theory on the Simon effect should contain.  相似文献   

Summary It has been claimed that spatial attention plays a decisive role in the effect of irrelevant spatial stimulus-response correspondence (i. e., the Simon effect), especially the way the attentional focus is moved onto the stimulus (lateral shifting rather than zooming). This attentional-movement hypothesis is contrasted with a referential-coding hypothesis, according to which spatial stimulus coding depends on the availability of frames or objects of reference rather than on certain attentional movements. In six experiments, reference objects were made available to aid spatial coding, which either appeared simultaneously with the stimulus (Experiments 1–3), or were continuously visible (Experiments 4–6). In contrast to previous experiments and to the attentional predictions, the Simon effect occurred even though the stimuli were precued by large frames surrounding both possible stimulus positions (Experiment 1), even when the reference object's salience was markedly reduced (Experiment 2), or when the precueing frames were made more informative (Experiment 3). Furthermore, it was found that the Simon effect is not reduced by spatial correspondence between an uninformative spatial precue and the stimulus (Experiment 4), and it does not depend on the location of spatial precues appearing to the left or right of both possible stimulus locations (Experiment 5). This was true even when the precue was made task-relevant in order to ensure attentional focusing (Experiment 6). In sum, it is shown that the Simon effect does not depend on the kind of attentional operation presumably performed to focus onto the stimulus. It is argued that the available data are consistent with a coding approach to the Simon effect which, however, needs to be developed to be more precise as to the conditions for spatial stimulus coding.  相似文献   

蒋军  张庆林  王力  陈安涛 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1333-1337
本研究采用双长方形框范式的变式将注意分离为基于空间和基于物体的注意后,探讨了注意对Simon效应的调节是否由基于物体的注意引起。结果发现,在长方形框水平排列时在基于物体的注意条件下Simon效应增大,而在长方形框垂直排列时在基于物体的注意条件下Simon效应没有显著变化。这表明,在长方形框水平排列时基于物体的注意可以对Simon 效应进行调节。实验结果部分支持了动态版的参照编码假设和物体文件整合假设。  相似文献   

Summary A standard experimental procedure was implemented with novel response requirements to assess the hypothesis that the Simon effect is attributable not to the irrelevant stimulus-response relationship, but to the congruence between stimulus attributes. The stimulus ensemble consisted of the words LEFT and RIGHT, one of which was presented on each trial to the left or right of a central fixation point. The distinctive feature of the task is that subjects were asked to respond, by laterally placed keys, whether or not the stimulus word was in accord (i. e., congruent) with its location on the display. Asking subjects to judge stimulus congruence directly enables the effect of congruence to be assessed, as well as independent estimates of the two irrelevant S-R relationships that apply in the task — that is, between the response location and (1) the stimulus location (the Simon effect) and (2) the stimulus word (the reverse Simon effect). Marked effects were obtained in all three cases. Stimulus congruence remains in contention as a factor in the explanation of the Simon effect, but the strong effects of irrelevant S-R factors suggest that a more comprehensive account of the Simon effect is needed. An explanation in terms of stimulus salience, based on an interactive activational model, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The study investigated whether the Simon effect, and its facilitation and interference components, shows up in reaction time (RT) or in movement time (MT), depending on the response strategy. Experiment 1 replicated a study by Hietanen and Rämä. Subjects had to press one of two lateralised keys in response to one of two stimuli. The stimuli were presented in the center (neutral condition) or to the left or right side (corresponding or non-corresponding conditions). To press the response key, a reaching movement was necessary, and both RT and MT were recorded. One group of subjects showed an RT facilitation effect and an MT interference effect. Another group of subjects showed both MT facilitation and MT interference effects. It was hypothesized that the two groups used different response strategies. In Exps. 2 and 3, the subjects were explicitly instructed to use the two strategies that were hypothesized for Exp. 1. The results showed that whether facilitation and interference manifest themselves in RT or MT depends on the response strategy adopted by the subjects.  相似文献   

Core symptoms of Tourette's syndrome (TS) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may be attributed to an impairment in inhibitory control. Neuropsychological studies have addressed inhibition in both disorders, but findings have been inconsistent. The aim of this study was to examine cognitive inhibition, using a semantic Simon effect paradigm, in patients with TS and OCD. Furthermore, to address comorbidity a group of TS+OCD patients was also examined. Results indicated that patients with TS and OCD were affected by the inhibitory components of the task. TS groups performed similarly to controls on simple and choice RT tasks, but were particularly compromised as increasingly complex inhibitory demands were imposed. OCD patients were slower and committed more errors than controls, especially in the more cognitively demanding conditions, and were particularly disadvantaged by incongruent stimulus-response compatibilities. Findings implicate possible fronto-striatal dysfunction, are consistent with previously reported inhibitory deficits in TS and OCD, and support the theory that comorbid TS+OCD is more closely linked to pure TS than OCD.  相似文献   

Pigeons pecked left versus right keys contingent upon the color presented at 1 of those locations. Spatial-response latencies were shorter when the color appeared at the same location as the required response than at the opposite location. This Simon effect occurred when the stimulus on the alternative key was constant, varied from trial to trial, or changed when the color cue appeared and when the reinforcement probability for correct responses was the same on corresponding as on noncorresponding trials. Humans performing the same task by touching the keys also showed the Simon effect. These findings demonstrate that for pigeons, too, a relevant symbolic cue activates a spatial code that produces faster responses at the location corresponding with the activated code.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, children performed a Simon task after a spatially compatible or incompatible task. Results showed a Simon effect after the spatially compatible task and a reversed Simon effect after the spatially incompatible task. In Experiments 2-5, an identical procedure was adopted with adult participants, who performed the Simon task immediately after, a day after, or a week after the spatial compatibility task. Experiment 6 established a baseline for the Simon effect. Results showed a Simon effect after the spatially compatible task and no Simon effect or a reversed Simon effect after the spatially incompatible task. A modified version of the computational model of M. Zorzi and C. Umiltà (1995) was used to compare possible accounts of the findings. The best account exploits 2 types of short-term-memory links between stimulus and response and their interaction with long-term-memory links.  相似文献   

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