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黄雅静 《心理学探新》2002,22(4):17-20,23
情绪的激起是情绪心理学中一个基本的问题。对这一问题,前人有很多的争议。在对前人观点进行概述的基础上,重点介绍了美国情绪心理学家弗里达(Frjida,N.H)的“情绪是由群集引发的”这一观点,并认为他用一种整体的观点来看待情绪的激起,对以后的情绪研究有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

意义维持模型是近年来兴起的社会心理学理论。它主张将意义维持作为个体最基本的社会动机,认为个体在遭受意义违反后,会激起厌恶性情绪,而缓解厌恶情绪成为意义维持的动力,促使个体采取补偿行为修补意义系统。该理论对认知失调等理论进行了一定程度的整合,并且具有强大而广泛的解释力。研究者对其意义违反、厌恶激起和行为补偿三个基本过程的理论阐述日臻完善,同时其主要观点也得到较多实证研究的支持。在意义维持模型的研究中,也存在意义等概念边界模糊、厌恶激起的中介作用论证不充分、启动和补偿的竞争解释等问题。今后的研究一方面需要进一步检验意义维持的基本过程,另一方面也可以讨论行为补偿的运作、主动的意义维持等问题。  相似文献   

冯夏婷 《心理科学》1999,22(1):88-89
笔者认为,可以从两条线索来认识情绪的发生发展:一是从人类进化、发展的历史考察作为全人类共同的人类情绪是如何产生并发展的;二是从个体成长的线索来考察,从胎儿、婴儿到儿童、成年,情绪的发生发展经历了怎样的历程,有哪些共同的规律。下面,我们就从这两条线索人手,概括前人已有的研究,探索人类情绪产生发展的机制。1人类情绪的发生和发展1.1研究人类情绪发生发展机制的方法人类情绪发生和发展的研究,不仅是心理学家极感兴趣的问题,同时也是人类学家、神经生理学家等共同感兴趣的问题。他们在这方面所作的研究,从方法上看…  相似文献   

认知与情绪是如何相互作用的已经成为心理学研究领域一个热点话题。自上而下观点将情绪看作一种评价过程,个体需要对动机及所处社会背景信息做出评价,以产生合适的情绪;自下而上观点将情绪看作对刺激特征的感知过程,.并促进随后的再认、记忆和注意等加工过程。社会性情绪、恐惧情绪效价获得与再认、情绪性记忆与注意的研究表明,情绪是一种受到社会背景所影响的自下而上加工(刺激驱动)和自上而下加工(概念驱动)过程交互作用的结果,而杏仁核则是参与这两种加工过程最重要的神经基础。  相似文献   

当代情绪发展理论述评   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
罗峥  郭德俊 《心理科学》2002,25(3):310-313
本文从情绪的定义、情绪发展的实质、情绪在个体发展中的作用等方面,评述了当代比较有影响的情绪发展理论不同的情绪发展观。这些情绪发展理论有生物观点、机能主义观点、认知观点、组织观点和社会文化观点。  相似文献   

关于先发情绪体验对后发情绪过程的影响的一项实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验试图探讨是否存在着一种先发体验,它的影响能在随后发生的情绪过程中表现出来。实验得到了肯定的结果。它显示为:(1)先发情绪体验若与后发情绪的性质相接近,则对后者起促进作用;若相反,则起抑制作用,(2)激起后发情绪的反应时(RT)与所发生情绪的持续时(DE)二者之间有显著的正相关。  相似文献   

张华清 《管子学刊》2013,(1):28-33,60
儒家起源问题是学术界颇有争议的老问题,前人研究的较多,观点分歧也较大,不少疑点、焦点问题尚未得到圆满解释。在此,本文将这些论述概括为五种代表性观点,逐个分析得失,查找不足;进而克服前人混淆概念和以偏概全的不足,从“儒的命名”、“儒者的来源”和“儒家思想的来源和儒家学派的确立”三个方面对儒家起源问题作系统探讨,并从“儒”字字形人手,对“儒”的命名作了大胆、合理的推断。  相似文献   

论荀子对孔子的修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对前人思想的每一次发展,都是特殊视角上的有选择的发展,因此“发展”有时就是修正。长期以来许多文人学士都把荀子看作是孔子学说的传人,虽然这一观点近年来受到广泛的质疑,但仍有不少学者坚持把荀子划入儒家的范畴。笔者认为荀子只是把孔子思想中尊君和等级的内容向...  相似文献   

情绪面孔搜索不对称性是指当负性情绪面孔作为目标, 正性情绪面孔作为分心物时, 其搜索速度比正性情绪面孔作为目标时(负性情绪面孔作为分心物)更快。对于这一现象的解释存在争议, 研究者主要从不同情绪面孔在情绪因素和知觉因素两个方面的差异进行解释。来自行为研究和认知神经科学的证据对情绪面孔搜索不对称性效应的解释主要有威胁性刺激捕获假设和情绪摆脱假设的情绪观, 以及嘴部差异说、闭合结构说、知觉组群说以及其他面部特征假设的知觉观。经过对比评价两类观点的理论异同和实验证据认为未来的研究可以整合情绪因素和知觉因素来解释该效应。  相似文献   

叶浩生  苏佳佳  苏得权 《心理学报》2021,53(12):1393-1404
生成论的情绪学说从“意义建构”的视角看待情绪的动力作用, 主张情绪与认知相互交织, 与有机体适应环境的身体活动密切联系。情绪是身体的情绪, 身体是情绪体验中的身体。身体在情绪体验中扮演着构成性角色。根据这一观点, 情绪是一种积极的行动倾向, 是在理解环境意义基础上的具身行动。情绪并非发生于有机体头颅内, 而是产生于大脑、身体和环境的互动与耦合之中。由于认知与情绪在生成论的视域下统一在有机体意义建构的活动之中, 因而认知的4E属性也必然反映到情绪上, 使得情绪和情感也具有了具身、嵌入、延展和生成特征。情绪的生成理论为了解情绪, 进而理解意识的本质提供了一个新视角。  相似文献   

竞争与情绪对顿悟的原型启发效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以汉字字谜为材料, 采用“原型学习-问题测试”范式, 考察不同竞争水平(高、中、低竞争强度和无竞争)情境下诱发的情绪效价(积极、中性和消极)对顿悟中的原型启发的影响。结果发现:1)竞争水平对字谜问题解决中的原型启发有显著影响, 低强度竞争水平最有利于靶字谜问题的解决, 中等强度和高强度下效果次之, 无竞争条件下效果最差; 2)诱发情绪对靶字谜问题解决的原型启发也有显著影响, 消极情绪和中性情绪下比积极情绪下靶字谜的正确率更高; 3)有无竞争与情绪效价之间的交互作用显著, 体现了竞争和情绪这两种动力相关因素在原型启发中的动力作用不是独立的。  相似文献   

Given that semantic processes mediate early processes in the elicitation of emotions, we expect that already activated emotion-specific information can influence the elicitation of an emotion. In Experiment 1, participants were exposed to masked International Affective Picture System (IAPS) pictures that elicited either disgust or fear. Following the presentation of the primes, other IAPS pictures were presented as targets that elicited either disgust or fear. The participants' task was to classify the target picture as either disgust or fear evoking. In Experiment 2, we substituted the IAPS primes with facial expressions of either disgust or fear. In Experiment 3, we substituted the IAPS primes with the words disgust or fear. In all three experiments, we found that prime-target combinations of the same emotion were responded to faster than prime-target combinations of different emotions. Our findings suggest that the influence of primes on the elicitation of emotion is mediated by activated schemata or appraisal processes.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the time-limited effects of emotional arousal on consolidation of item and source memory. In Experiment 1, participants memorized words (items) and the corresponding speakers (sources) and then took an immediate free recall test. Then they watched a neutral, positive, or negative video 5, 35, or 50?min after learning, and 24 hours later they took surprise memory tests. Experiment 2 was similar to Experiment 1 except that (a) a reality monitoring task was used; (b) elicitation delays of 5, 30, and 45?min were used; and (c) delayed memory tests were given 60?min after learning. Both experiments showed that, regardless of elicitation delay, emotional arousal did not enhance item recall memory. Second, both experiments showed that negative arousal enhanced delayed item recognition memory only at the medium elicitation delay, but not in the shorter or longer delays. Positive arousal enhanced performance only in Experiment 1. Third, regardless of elicitation delay, emotional arousal had little effect on source memory. These findings have implications for theories of emotion and memory, suggesting that emotion effects are contingent upon the nature of the memory task and elicitation delay.  相似文献   


This paper discusses computational models of the mechanism of emotion elicitation according to appraisal theories of emotion. Following a brief review of earlier models, the general affordances of computational models are discussed. Scherer's (1993) recent “expert system” for predicting emotions is then examined in some detail, followed by an exploration of several alternative algorithms for computing an elicited emotion based on an appraisal specification.  相似文献   

Four studies support the hypothesis that expressing negative emotion is associated with positive relationship outcomes, including elicitation of support, building of new close relationships, and heightening of intimacy in the closest of those relationships. In Study 1, participants read vignettes in which another person was experiencing a negative emotion. Participants reported they would provide more help when the person chose to express the negative emotion. In Study 2, participants watched a confederate preparing for a speech. Participants provided more help to her when she expressed nervousness. In Study 3, self-reports of willingness to express negative emotions predicted having more friends, controlling for demographic variables and extraversion. In Study 4, self-reports of willingness to express negative emotion measured prior to arrival at college predicted formation of more relationships, greater intimacy in the closest of those relationships, and greater received support from roommates across participants' first semester of college.  相似文献   


This paper discusses how emotional experience is interpreted, understood, and represented. Changes in the status of valued goals, and whether or not these goals can be attained or maintained are key conditions in determining the occurrence of an emotional experience. In addition, assessing the certainty with which goals can be maintained is critical as to which emotion is experienced. This small set of dimensions can be used to identify, and differentiate emotions that are considered to be basic. Basic emotion categories share features, and their elicitation is contingent on a number of components coming into conjunction with one another simultaneously. Thus, for any one basic emotion to be elicited, at least three converging components need to be activated. This view of the conditions for emotion is discussed with reference to componential theories of emotion, and to its developmental and cross-cultural implications.  相似文献   

Despite its status as a prominent set of theories for explaining the elicitation and differentiation of emotions, much appraisal theory and research offer little indication of the nature of the relationship expected between appraisals and emotions. Here, we present a three‐study, multiple‐method analysis in which we examine numerous ways of testing appraisal–emotion relationships using the “prosocial” intergroup emotions—sympathy, anger, and guilt—as an example. Results show that the set of appraisal dimensions that appears strongly characteristic of an emotion varies depending on the kind of appraisal—emotion relationship hypothesised and the experimental methodology/statistical analysis used. These findings demonstrate the utility of explicit theorising about the nature of the relationship between emotions and appraisals, and show how the hypothesised appraisal–emotion relationship and choice of methodology can affect the structure of appraisal theories. We recommend an analysis across multiple methods to provide a more complete picture of a given set of appraisal–emotion relationships.  相似文献   


The concept of “appraisal” has been used in the literature in a dual way: to refer to the content of emotional experience, as well as to the cognitive antecedents of emotions. I argue that appraisal in the former sense is what is contained in information in self-reports and that this information is of limited use for making inferences on emotion antecedents. This is so because emotional experience may contain appraisals that are part of the emotional response rather than belonging to its causes. They often result from elaboration of the experience after it has begun to be generated. Although in most or all emotions some cognitive appraisal processes are essential antecedents, these processes may be much simpler than self-reports (and the semantics of emotion words) may suggest. The appraisal processes that account for emotion elicitation can be assumed to be of a quite elementary kind.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the combination of the emotions anger‐contempt‐disgust (ANCODI) is associated with intergroup hostility. This study examined if incidental elicitation of this emotion combination causally produces hostile cognitions, language, and behaviors. Members of political groups were primed with either ANCODI, fear + sadness, or no emotion, and then engaged in creativity task in relation to their opponent or a non‐opponent outgroup. The ANCODI mix produced more hostile cognitions, language, and implicit behaviors associated with hostility, in some cases specifically toward their opponent outgroups, than individuals primed with other emotions. Multiple mediation analyses indicated that the three emotions and their interactions mediated many of the effects.  相似文献   

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