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Subsequent to success or failure experience, 48 subjects attempted a psychomotor task in order to escape or avoid an aversive stimulus (tone). Their attempts at solving the task over 24 trials were made in the presence of subject-experimenters each of whom had expectancies instilled regarding the solution to the task. The job of the subject-experimenters was to “offer information” on every third trials as the subjects attempted to solve the task. It was hypothesized that the expectancies of the subject-experimenters would be communicated to the subjects via periodic comments, that these expectancies would differentially affect the subjects' performance on the task, and that prior experience on a similar task would differentially affect subjects' performances on the task. The results demonstrated that the expectancies instilled in the subject-experimenters were communicated and influenced the performances of subjects as predicted. It appears that consistency with respect to the expectancies communicated played a major role in producing significant effects. Prior experience failed to produce significant differences on task performance, a finding conflicting with that of D.S. Hiroto (Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1974, 102, 187–193). The results are discussed from the perspective of using the overt, explicit communication of expectancies as a means for exploring the illusive phenomenon of the experimenter expectancy effect.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to replicate and extend a finding by Wheeler and Levine [1967] indicating that a dissimilar model was more effective in inducing the contagion of aggression than a similar model. On the basis of recent findings suggesting the circumstances under which dissimilar others are more influential than similar others, the following predictions were derived: When subjects are highly instigated, dissimilar models can influence subjects to be more aggressive than can similar models; when subjects are under a low degree of instigation similar models will influence subjects to be more aggressive. Subjects presented their point of view on a case study in a three-person group discussion setting. Then subjects heard the second person (instigator) attack their position in a highly abusive or slightly abusive manner (High vs Low Instigation). Next subjects heard a third person, whom they had been led to believe was similar or dissimilar to themselves, attack the instigator (Similar vs Dissimilar Model). Finally subjects had an opportunity to express their feelings to the instigator. The results supported the predictions.  相似文献   

Four parents enrolled in a Responsive Teaching class carried out experiments using procedures they had devised for alleviating their children's problem behaviors. The techniques used involved different types of reinforcement, extinction, and punishment. One parent increased the frequency of the wearing of an orthodontic device during five daily time checks by making an immediate monetary payoff contingent on wearing the device. A second parent increased the number of points earned for doing daily household tasks by providing back-ups for which the points could be exchanged. The parents of a 4-yr-old boy decreased the frequency of whines, cries, and complaints by removing social attention when such behavior occurred. A mother decreased the duration of time it took for her 5-yr-old daughter to get dressed by making permission to watch television contingent on dressing within 30 min of the time she got up in the morning. Brief reversals of contingencies were used to show causal relationships between the procedures used and the changes in behavior. Checks on the reliability of measurement were made by persons present in the home.  相似文献   

The interaction of food-based memories and food-event outcome expectancies in pigeons was assessed using a simultaneous, delayed-symbolic-matching-to-sample procedure. The components of the compound sample were presented in sequence, and consisted of a food-based event (food or no-food) followed by a color cue (red or green). Choice of a pattern of horizontal lines was "correct" following presentation of the red cue, while choice of a vertical line pattern was "correct" after green. In all but a control condition, the food-based event with which a trial began, or the food-event outcome with which a trial concluded, or both, were also correlated with the correct pattern. Of particular interest was the relative accuracy of two groups for whom both memories and expectancies were correlated with the correct choice-pattern. For one group, the memories and expectancies corresponding to the pre- and postchoice food-related events were similar, whereas for the other they were dissimilar. Outcome expectancies supported a higher level of performance than food-based memories, and subjects with both outcome expectancies and food-based memories chose more accurately than those with memories or expectancies only. In addition, subjects with dissimilar food-based memories and outcome expectancies chose more accurately than those with similar memories and expectancies. The implications of the above findings for the nature of event representation in pigeons are discussed.  相似文献   

College students in two psychology courses estimated their confidence in passing and their anticipated score for three examinations. On the first examination the results from both courses supported the prediction that women, compared to men, would be less confident of passing, would predict lower scores, and would underestimate their obtained scores. These sex differences disappeared, as predicted, on the second and third examination for the course, in which the situation remained relatively constant over the term. However, contrary to predictions, the sex differences were maintained over all three examinations for the second course, which involved different instructors for each exam. Thus, the effects of feedback on performance expectancies seem to be vulnerable to situational changes.  相似文献   

Pseudomemory effects over time in the hypnotic setting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Highly (n = 36), moderately (n = 26), and low (n = 48) susceptible subjects were administered either hypnosis or waking instruction to examine the hypothesis that pseudomemory will occur for hypnotic subjects as long as 2 weeks after suggestions are given for accepting false events. Accuracy and confidence of memory were measured for all subjects, and memory was examined for free recall, structured recall, and recognition. Results indicated persistence of pseudomemory for the 2-week period for both highly and moderately susceptible subjects. Data highlighted the multifaceted operation of skill, contextual, and state instruction factors, and an hypothesis that ambiguity of communication when suggestion is delivered plays a part in the maintenance of pseudomemory over time is offered for further testing.  相似文献   

The same reliable color cues were equally available to different groups of pigeons trained on a delayed conditional simultaneous visual discrimination task. However, for different groups, prechoice and postchoice food or no-food events were programmed in such a way that, theoretically, memories of these events, expectancies of them, both, or neither could also serve as reliable cues for choice. In the case where both prechoice and postchoice food/no-food events were correlated with correct choices, two ways of correlating the prechoice and postchoice events with one another were examined. For synergism subjects, when the prechoice event was food, the postchoice event was also food, and when the prechoice event was no food, the postchoice event was no food; therefore, on a given trial, the operative memory and expectancy were of the same event. For antagonism subjects, when the prechoice event was food, the postchoice event was no food, and vice versa; thus, for these subjects, the memory and expectancy active on a given trial were of opposite events. Expectancies were found to exert significantly greater control over choice behavior than memories. Moreover, antagonism subjects chose significantly less accurately than synergism subjects or than an expectancy only group. A follow-up experiment confirmed this effect. The relevance of these results to various models of memory and expectancy was addressed.  相似文献   

In studies on avoidance learning, a warning signal is followed by an aversive outcome (US) unless the participant makes a particular response. Several theories have been developed to try to explain the mechanisms underlying avoidance learning. Surprisingly, stimulus-response (S-R) theories and cognitive theories of avoidance learning have rarely been compared experimentally. These theories differ in the role they assign to the US representation in avoidance learning. We used a method often used to investigate the contribution of the US representation-namely, US revaluation. Participants first learned to avoid two different negative USs. In a revaluation phase, the value of one US became positive, whereas the value of the other US remained the same. The results indicated that after the revaluation phase, participants avoided the positive US less than the negative US. These results cannot be explained by S-R theories of avoidance learning.  相似文献   

Two levels of confinement duration (5 or 60 sec) in either startbox or goalbox were factorially combined with presence or absence of shock during extinction of a runway escape response in a self-punitive paradigm under a spaced-trials procedure. All groups were equated for amount and temporal spacing of handling before and after each trial. Shocked rats were more resistant to extinction than nonshocked rats only when startbox confinement was short. When startbox confinement was long, shock facilitated extinction. Long goalbox confinement enhanced running speed for shocked rats, but only in the presence of shock. It was suggested that duration of startbox confinement affects strength of conditioned fear, with long confinement leading to its extinction.  相似文献   

Peer group influence as a factor in smoking behavior of adolescents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Adolescents, as the fastest growing group of smokers, have been a focus and concern of health educators and researchers. Adolescent smoking is of particular interest because initiation and early habits are known to have important implications for lifetime smoking or cessation. Despite the well-known centrality of the peer group in adolescent behavior, smoking cessation programs have been largely directed toward individuals rather than groups, with emphasis on encouraging the individual to say "no." In this paper, smoking behavior and peer group patterns among a sample of 1,689 Grade 8 students from southern Ontario were analyzed to ascertain possible patterns of indirect influence by friends and acquaintances. Gender differences also were assessed. It was found that peer groups are crucially important in the initiation of smoking among young adolescents, particularly females. The patterns of indirect peer influence on girls is such that girls are less likely to stop smoking once they have begun than are boys.  相似文献   

The analogue functional analysis described by Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, Bauman, and Richman (1982/1994) identifies broad classes of variables (e.g., positive reinforcement) that maintain destructive behavior (Fisher, Ninness, Piazza, & Owen-DeSchryver, 1996). However, it is likely that some types of stimuli may be more effective reinforcers than others. In the current investigation, we identified 2 participants whose destructive behavior was maintained by attention. We used concurrent schedules of reinforcement to evaluate how different types of attention affected both destructive and appropriate behavior. We showed that for 1 participant praise was not an effective reinforcer when verbal reprimands were available; however, praise was an effective reinforcer when verbal reprimands were unavailable. For the 2nd participant, we identified a type of attention that effectively competed with verbal reprimands as reinforcement. We then used the information obtained from the assessments to develop effective treatments to reduce destructive behavior and increase an alternative communicative response.  相似文献   

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