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I identify three lessons from Kenneth Craik’s landmark book “The Nature of Explanation” for contemporary debates surrounding the existence, extent, and nature of mental representation: first, an account of mental representations as neural structures that function analogously to public models; second, an appreciation of prediction as the central component of intelligence in demand of such models; and third, a metaphor for understanding the brain as an engineer, not a scientist. I then relate these insights to discussions surrounding the representational status of predictive processing – which, I argue, provides a contemporary vindication of Craik’s extremely prescient “hypothesis on the nature of thought.”  相似文献   


A persistent criticism of radical embodied cognitive science is that it will be impossible to explain “real cognition” without invoking mental representations. This paper provides an account of explicit, real-time thinking of the kind we engage in when we imagine counter-factual situations, remember the past, and plan for the future. We first present a very general non-representational account of explicit thinking, based on pragmatist philosophy of science. We then present a more detailed instantiation of this general account drawing on nonlinear dynamics and ecological psychology.


This paper situates Bogdanov in the context of social theory generally and socialist theory in particular. It outlines briefly the principal characteristics of his mature system, and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of his approach to the fundamental problems of social thought. The paper devotes particular attention to the problem of just how systems develop from less complex to more complex forms of organization, and evaluates Bogdanov’s solution to this problem against the background of populist, social democratic, and Leninist alternatives.  相似文献   

The use of photo elicitation is limited within the field of psychology despite its theoretical and practical potential. It offers significant benefits as a qualitative method that could present a new and interesting way of exploring previously understood topics within the discipline. Within our discussion, we present a step-by-step guide outlining the key practical stages and ethical assurances involved in photo elicitation research, using our ongoing research as an illustrative example. It is intended that this could be used as a model of good practice for developing research paradigms beyond those typically used within the psychology discipline.  相似文献   

This paper presents a metaphorical heuristic to expand psychoanalysts’ views on the nature and method of interpretation from an intersubjective perspective. It uses one of Jacques Derrida’s findings in his essay “Plato’s Pharmacy,” a critique of Plato’s Phaedrus, as a model of psychoanalytic interaction. A parallel is drawn between psychoanalytic interpretation and the pharmakon—an ancient Greek term for ‘drug’ that means both remedy and poison. From this comparison, the inescapable dependence of personal meaning on contextual factors, specifically the context of the clinical intersubjective field, is shown. As a result, when an interpretation is offered, the analyst cannot truly know if the patient will receive it as remedy or poison. By keeping the context-dependent nature of personal meaning in awareness through the use of the pharmakon metaphor, analysts increase their abilities of interpretive understanding. In further discussion, the classical psychoanalytic concept of ‘negative therapeutic reaction’ is presented as an example of a decontextualized and reified psychoanalytic construct that becomes superfluous when interpretations are viewed through an intersubjective lens as pharmakon. Without the burden of expectation for being the authoritative imparter of reality and truth, the analyst may now attend to the patient in a way that is more fluid and reciprocal, where the relational field becomes what is primarily interpreted. Further, practical clinical implications of the concept of pharmakon suggest that since the analytic interpretation is subjective in every respect, effective clinical practice cannot be reduced to rigid protocols of technique.  相似文献   

Several bioethicists have recently advocated the force-feeding of prisoners, based on the assumption that prisoners have reduced or no autonomy. This assumed lack of autonomy follows from a decrease in cognitive competence, which, in turn, supposedly derives from imprisonment and/or being on hunger strike. In brief, causal links are made between imprisonment or voluntary total fasting (VTF) and mental disorders and between mental disorders and lack of cognitive competence. I engage the bioethicists that support force-feeding by severing both of these causal links. Specifically, I refute the claims that VTF automatically and necessarily causes mental disorders such as depression, and that these mental disorders necessarily or commonly entail cognitive impairment. Instead, I critically review more nuanced approaches to assessing mental competence in hunger strikes, urging that a diagnosis of incompetence be made on a case-by-case basis—a position that is widely shared by the medical community.  相似文献   

This Editor’s Introduction to the Cognitive Systems Research special issue, “Innovative Dynamical Approaches to Cognitive Systems,” has three aims: First, the background and motivation for the topic are stated. Second, overviews of the contributing papers are presented. Third, based on the papers, speculations on future directions in dynamical approaches to the investigation of cognitive systems are presented. Here, the focus is on concepts, data analysis methods, and computational modeling.  相似文献   

Four principles of cognitive science were used to make systematic revisions in middle school science instructional modules from two kinds of curriculum: one popular textbook series and one popular hands‐on series (two modules each). Schools were randomly assigned to 1 of the 3 arms (cognitive science modifications with professional development, active control with professional development, or business‐as‐usual). Two cohorts of students were followed in each arm for each setting. There were significant benefits of the cognitive science intervention, but the nature of effects varied for the two settings and curricula. For the text‐based curriculum, positive effects of cognitive science modifications were concentrated in classrooms with lower proportions of underrepresented minority students. For the hands‐on curriculum, there were positive effects that were not linked to school composition. Participation in the active control did not significantly improve student learning. Implications for policy and research are discussed.  相似文献   

People integrate the features of perceived events and of action plans, as well as of episodic stimulus—response relations, intoevent files. We investigated whether the management of event files, and particularly the speed of updating the binding between the task-relevant stimulus feature and the response, correlates with fluid intelligence. Indeed, the performance of participants scoring high on Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices test was less impaired by a mismatch between the stimulus—response relation in the current and the previous trial. This result suggests that high intelligence is accompanied by a higher degree of flexibility in handling event files—that is, by higher efficiency in updating episodic representations.  相似文献   

In the 1930s and 1940s, Edward Tolman developed a psychological theory of spatial orientation in rats and humans. He expressed his theory as an automaton (the "schematic sowbug") or what today we would call an "artificial organism." With the technology of the day, he could not implement his model. Nonetheless, he used it to develop empirical predictions which tested with animals in the laboratory. This way of proceeding was in line with scientific practice dating back to Galileo. The way psychologists use artificial organisms in their work today breaks with this tradition. Modern "artificial organisms" are constructed a posteriori, working from experimental or ethological observations. As a result, researchers can use them to confirm a theoretical model or to simulate its operation. But they make no contribution to the actual building of models. In this paper, we try to return to Tolman's original strategy: implementing his theory of "vicarious trial and error" in a simulated robot, forecasting the robot's behavior and conducting experiments that verify or falsify these predictions.  相似文献   


The soul of teaching

Parker J. Palmer (1998). The Courage to Teach: Exploring the inner Landscape of a Teachers Life. San Francisco: JosseyBass. pp 199. $22.00

Tripping on the cosmic game

The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness, State University of New York Press, 1998, $19.95.

Heidegger, daseinsanalysis and psychotherapy

Martin Heidegger's Impact on Psychotherapy by Gion Condrau. Vienna, Austria: Edition Mosaic, 1998.  相似文献   


Gadamer’s attempt to ’rehabilitate tradition in general clarifies that which theology and the human sciences have in common since he claims that the rehabilitation of tradition is crucial for all human science enquiry. His systematic unfolding of the hermeneutical process described in Truth and Method is discussed under three headings: The meaning of tradition and how the idea of tradition may be rehabilitated; how do we know in the human sciences? and, the nature of theological reflection as part of the human sciences. Gadamer’s hermeneutics helps to transcend the antithesis between reason and tradition. It offers a more appropriate way to understand cultural and historical texts and broadens the purview of the human sciences. It is within this broader understanding of the human sciences that theological reflection comes to itself.  相似文献   

In psychology, there is a growing recognition of how racialized groups are often dehumanized and pathologized, and how racist and colonial legacies still inform our research and practices today. In order to dismantle racism within academic institutions we must decolonize and indigenize psychological science. One promising strategy is the use of storytelling methodology wherein participants from racialized groups share their lived experiences. However, the process of how storytelling contributes to decolonization is rarely explained, and decolonization is rarely defined. The present paper systematically reviewed studies that examined racialized individuals’ lived experience using storytelling methodology in order to synthesize conceptualizations of decolonization and of how storytelling contributes to decolonizing psychological research. Findings suggest storytelling meaningfully contributes to decolonial praxis in psychology. Researchers must work consciously and collaboratively, center research around liberating racialized communities, and explicitly define how their study decolonizes in order to be accountable to their community of study and to the colonial history of the lands on which they're situated.  相似文献   

The effects of limbic system after-discharges and ablation upon learning were investigated in 113 adult cats. Learning tasks consisted of active and passive avoidance and pattern and size discrimination. Limbic system after-discharges interfered with performance in learned-avoidance and size-discrimination paradigms. Discharges implicating the ventral hippocampus were the most effective in producing performance decrements; dorsal hippocampal discharges were least effective. The greater the involvement of brain-stem structures by propagated activity, the greater the decrement. There was no motor impairment. Size-discrimination response is impaired to a greater degree than shockavoidance response during limbic discharges. The degree of impairment is in part a function of the type of sensory stimulus and response contingency used. Hippocampal ablation resulted in impairment (response latency changes) in both active and passive avoidance tasks. Acquisition was not impaired. Hippocampal ablation facilitated the development of a stronger position habit in the pattern-discrimination task. Learning deficits which occurred were attributed to impairment of retrieval and comparator mechanisms of neural function. Results support the argument that defective retrieval and/or comparator mechanisms may account for the impaired learning of a diversity of tasks, from simple to complex.  相似文献   

Egil Asprem 《Religion》2016,46(2):158-185
The article introduces a framework for preparing complex cultural concepts for the cognitive science of religion (CSR) and applies it to the field of Western esotericism. The research process (‘reverse engineering') rests on a building block approach that, after problematic categories have been deconstructed, seeks to reconstruct new scholarly objects in generic terms that can be operationalized in interdisciplinary contexts like CSR. A four-step research process is delineated, illustrated by a short discussion of previous work on ‘Gnosticism,' ‘magic,' and ‘religion,' before applying it to ‘esotericism.' It is suggested that the implicit scholarly objects of esotericism scholarship can be reconstituted in generic terms as concerned with processes of creating and disseminating ‘special knowledge.' Five definitional clusters are identified in the literature; these provide a basis for formulating research programs on the psychological and cognitive level, drawing on metarepresentational processes, event cognition, and psychological dispositions for altering experience.  相似文献   

While much attention is given to unpaid caregivers in midlife, there is a notable gap in the literature regarding young adults in family caregiving roles. Although two out of 5 family caregivers are between the ages of 18 and 40, we know relatively little about these younger relatives providing support to ill and disabled family members. Understanding the experiences of this under-researched population is critical to effective social service provision for this new wave of caregivers. In addition, the challenges associated with caregiving are well documented, yet examining the positive aspects of caregiving is necessary to provide a balanced picture of caregiving. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the gains experienced by family caregivers in young adulthood. In-depth telephone interviews were conducted with a diverse sample of 22 individuals who were (or had previously been) caregivers while in young adulthood. Analysis of the data resulted in identification of four themes concerning gains experienced by young adult caregivers: a strengthening of family relationships, character growth, personal satisfaction in the care provided, and material benefit. This study sheds some understanding on rewards experienced by a subgroup of family caregivers who has received little attention—young adult caregivers.  相似文献   

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