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This paper examines which dispositional, cognitive and motivational variables will contribute to improved multi-person motor coordination. The study conceptually refers to a control-theoretical approach of continuous motor behavior. According to this approach interpersonal behavior should be determined by similar regulative processes as is individual behavior. Results of a laboratory study with 18 three-person groups support assumptions of this approach. Substantial effects on group performance are found for dispositional and motivational variables. Theoretical implications of the results obtained are discussed. Conclusions for applied issues are derived.  相似文献   

An internal clock model has often been used to explain disruptions in timing production that occur when temporal and nontemporal tasks are performed simultaneously. In this study, participants' ability to walk 8 m in 8 sec. while executing various secondary concurrent nontemporal tasks was assessed for 16 children enrolled in sports at school. Children participated in six trials under five randomized task conditions involving different coordinative and cognitive workloads. The duration of timing production increased as the attention requirements or cognitive demands placed upon the completion of the task increased. However, participants also showed learning of timing over the six trials. Significant differences were found between the timing task and the concurrent nontemporal tasks depending on the difficulty and cognitive load of the secondary tasks. Results are discussed using attention models of time estimation and production.  相似文献   

The number of joint motions available in the upper extremity provides for multiple solutions to the coordination of a motor task. Making use of these abundant joint motions provides for task flexibility. Controlling bimanual movements poses another level of complexity because of possible tradeoffs between coordination within a limb and coordination between the limbs. We examined how flexible patterns of joint coordination were used to stabilize the hand's path when drawing a circle independently compared to a bimanual pattern. Across-trial variance of joint motions was partitioned into two components: goal-equivalent variance (GEV), representing variance of joint motions consistent with a stable hand path and non-goal-equivalent variance (NGEV) representing variance of joint motions that led to deviations of the hand's path. GEV was higher than NGEV in both unimanual and bimanual drawing, with one exception. Both GEV and NGEV, related to control of the individual hands' motion, decreased when engaged in the bimanual compared to unimanual drawing. Moreover, NGEV, leading to variability in the vectorial distance between the hands, was higher when the two hands drew circles in a bimanually asymmetric vs. symmetric pattern, consistent with reported differences in the relative phasing of the two hands. Our results suggest that the nervous system controls the individual hands' motions by separate intra-limb synergies during both unimanual and bimanual drawing, and superimposes an additional synergy to achieve stable relative motion of the two hands during bimanual drawing.  相似文献   

Kapteyn  Arie  Neudecker  Heinz  Wansbeek  Tom 《Psychometrika》1986,51(2):269-275
As an extension of Lastovicka's four-mode components analysis ann-mode components analysis is developed. Using a convenient notation, both a canonical and a least squares solution are derived. The relation between both solutions and their computational aspects are discussed.The first draft was written while Wansbeek was with the Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics. We thank Jaap Verhees for performing the computations and for many discussions on the subject, John Lastovicka for kindly making available his data to us, and the Editor, the referees, Jeroen Weesie and Pieter Kroonenberg for their useful comments.  相似文献   

Against the background of a modality-specific representation, we suggest the existence, in addition to motor programs, of movement representations which represent items of kinematic information, i.e. movement vectors. We discuss the possible existence of such representations and their features, in the light of available theories and findings. We then report on two experiments designed to show by selective interference the partial dependence of movement representations and motor programs. The experiments, whose distraction tasks differed, yielded the same results. Recall of motor learning material is more strongly interfered with by a secondary motor task than recall of kinematic learning material. The secondary motor and kinematic tasks finding supports the theory that the two systems are partially independent. However, it has, as yet, only been possible to demonstrate a selective distraction for the secondary motor task; proof of a selectively effective secondary kinematic task is still to be attained.  相似文献   

Previous studies of motor short-term memory have shown that when a criterion movement on a semicircular positioning task is accompanied by an appropriate verbal label (a clock-face position), recall of the movement is more accurate than when only the movement is presented. This increased accuracy could be due to either the additional spatial information provided by the label or enhanced retention of the movement information. These two alternatives cannot be distinguished on the basis of previous studies because the studies have not evaluated movement accuracy following presentation of the label alone. The present study employed such a condition in addition to the movement-only and movement-plus-label conditions to distinguish between the two hypotheses. In all conditions, subjects were asked to move to the criterion position after a retention interval of either 5 sec or 60 sec. Evidence indicated that subjects who received both the label and the movement tended to use the spatial information provided by the label at the 60-sec interval. The evidence did not indicate that the verbal label actually enhanced retention of the movement information.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the presence of a coordination factor in a task consisting of compensatory tracking and anticipatory timing components. The task (Intercept task) resembles a computer game in which a rocket must be aimed and fired to shoot an incoming missile. The studies were designed to determine if a coordinating ability exists above and beyond the abilities needed to perform the component tasks alone. We also investigated the nature of coordination abilities through correlations with other types of coordination tasks and measures of intelligence. Is coordination a general cognitive ability that contributes to performance in a wide range of coordination tasks, or is coordination ability task specific? Multiple regression analyses indicated the existence of a coordination ability in the Intercept task. This coordination ability, however, was shown to be unrelated to the coordination of visual and linguistic processing and to psychometric measures of intelligence as assessed by the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Coordination of visual and linguistic processing correlated with a component of the ASVAB measuring perceptual speed. We conclude that, although the ability to integrate separate components of a complex task draws on a coordination ability, this ability is domain specific and thus varies depending on the nature of the component tasks.  相似文献   

Bimanual coordination dynamics have been conceived as the outcome of a global coordinative system, and coordination stability properties and theories of underlying processes have often been generalized over various bimanual tasks. In unimanual timing tasks it has been shown that different timing processes are involved according to tasks, yielding distinctive correlation properties in the within-hand temporal patterns. In this study we compare unimanual with bimanual, tapping with oscillation, and self-paced with externally paced tasks, and we analyze the correlation properties of temporal patterns at both the component level and the coordinative level. Results show that the distinctive signatures of event-based versus emergent, and self-paced versus synchronization timing control known from unimanual tasks persist in the corresponding bimanual coordination tasks. Accordingly, we argue that these different timing processes, and related temporal patterns at the component level, constitute a task-dependent background on which coordination builds. One direct implication of these results is that the bimanual coordination paradigm should be considered multifaceted and not governed by some unitary generic principle. We discuss the need to assess the relationship between temporal patterns at the component level and the collective level, and to integrate serial (long-range) correlation properties into bimanual coordination models. Finally, we test whether the architectures of current bimanual coordination models can account for the experimentally observed serial correlations.  相似文献   

Cognitive and motor coordination skills of children with and without motor coordination impairments were examined with a one-year follow-up investigation. Initially, children were between 4 and 6 years old. Age-appropriate tests of executive functions (updating, switching, inhibition, interference control), motor coordination (the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2) and fitness (the Körperkoordinations-Test für Kinder) were administered in two consecutive years. Several background variables (age, socioeconomic status, medical support, clinical interventions, leisure activities) and potential moderators (nonverbal intelligence, reaction time, visual perception) were controlled. The matched sample consisted of 48 control children and 48 children with motor coordination impairments. The children’s executive functions dramatically improved during the one-year period. With regard to motor coordination performance, half of the impaired children caught up to the control children’s level (“remission group”), while the remaining half showed no improvement (“persisting group”). Compared to the persisting group, the children in the remission group showed markedly better interference control at both measurement points. The correlation between executive functions and motor coordination is significant in the persisting group, but not in the remission group. The results of the study are discussed in the light of the role of executive functions, especially inhibition processes, for the automatization of motor coordination tasks.  相似文献   

The effects of interstimulus and stimulus-specific factors on central (vs. peripheral) oblique effects were examined using classification, focusing, discrimination, and sequential same-different tasks. Classification results showed that grouping the vertical with the horizontal line and the two diagonal lines with each other facilitated performance. Discrimination results revealed that the two diagonal lines were more confusable with each other than were the members of any other stimulus pair. Focusing results indicated that the vertical and horizontal lines served as better focusing stimuli. A set of sequential same-different tasks, each using only two alternative stimuli, allowed for the examination of stimulus-specific factors in focusing; the effects of similarity relations between all stimuli in the total set were greatly reduced by the constrained context. The two diagonal lines were the most difficult to compare and proved to be the worst foci in these tasks as well. In conclusion, there are two factors operating in the central oblique effect: greater confusability between the two diagonal lines and more favorable stimulus-specific properties of vertical and horizontal lines.  相似文献   

Four listeners (experimental group) received one trial a session for 60 sessions on a monaural localization task in which six loudspeakers, positioned 15 deg apart, were placed on the side of the functioning ear. Four additional listeners (control group) received 60 massed trials first and then one trial a session for 60 sessions. The stimulus consisted of a single train of five high-frequency pulses. An ANOVA conducted on the 60 trials distributed over sessions showed that the experimental group’s performance was significantly inferior to that of the control group. Members of the former continued to displace sounds toward the open ear throughout the entire test. Those of the control group exhibited this tendency, but to a much lesser extent. The experience of locating 60 massed trials clearly had a robust effect on subsequent performance. We contend that, by virtue of presenting only one trial a session, the magnitude of the massed-trial effect was little attenuated by our tests to measure it. We interpret our substantive finding to mean that during the 60 massed trials, the control group formed a perceptual representation of the auditory space which served it well when placed on the one-trial-a-session regimen. Those in the experimental group were unable to develop an adequate representation of the auditory space, presumably because their monaural localization experience was restricted to only one trial a session.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to examine the relationship between motor coordination and visual working memory in children aged 5–11 years. Participants were 18 children with movement difficulty and 41 control children, assessed at baseline and following an 18-month time period. The McCarron Assessment of Neuromuscular Development provided a measure of motor skills and the CogState One-Back task was used to assess visual working memory. Multi-level mixed effects linear regressions were used to assess the relationship between fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and visual working memory. The results revealed that for children with movement difficulty, better fine motor skills at baseline significantly predicted greater One-Back accuracy and greater (i.e., faster) speed at 18-month follow-up. Conversely, fine motor skills at baseline did not predict One-Back accuracy and speed for control children. However, for both groups, greater One-Back accuracy at baseline predicted better fine and gross motor skills at follow-up. These findings have important implications for the assessment and treatment of children referred for motor difficulties and/or working memory difficulties.  相似文献   

In this study, four components of the Stroop effect were examined for manual word and vocal responses. The components were lexical, semantic relatedness, semantic relevance, and response set membership. The results showed that all four components were present in the vocal response task. However, in the manual word response task, the only component that produced significant interference on its own was response set membership. These results do not support predictions made by recent translation models (see W. R. Glaser & M. O. Glaser [1989] and Sugg & McDonald [1994]). A possible solution was suggested that located two sites for Stroop interference. The lexical, semantic relatedness, and semantic relevance effects were located in the lexical system, whereas the response set membership effect was located at a response selection stage.  相似文献   

A Web-based instructional project for the study of motor coordination is presented. The project includes two components: a tutorial on motor coordination and an interactive digitized video image system developed for the analysis of motion, including topics in biomechanics, motor coordination, motor control, and motor skill. This interactive system allows for the quantitative analysis of stored video images that are accessible from the World-Wide Web. The use of this digitizing system for the measurement and analysis of human locomotion coordination patterns is presented.  相似文献   

Previous studies on jealousy have focused on person factors or on situational factors, but none has compared their relative importance. Two studies are presented which analyze the contributions of persons, situations, and their interaction, with respect to jealous reactions. The first study examined intraperson variability in the intensity of jealous responses of 302 males and females when presented with four types of hypothetical jealousy situations (work, family, social, and sexual). The results of the first study supported a dispositional explanation of jealousy (i.e., substantial person and situational variance). In addition, a sizable interaction effect was revealed. Study 2 examined the nature of this interaction for sexual jealousy. Jealousy situations were broken down by distinguishing between the event, characteristics of the partner, and the relationship as separate components of the situation. Seventy-one female respondents indicated their perception of threat and their degree of upset when considering the same hypothetical jealousy-evoking events with three different partners. A substantial person component was found. In addition, responses to the jealousy-evoking events were found to vary as a function of which partner was being considered. The second study demonstrated that aspects of the relationship (i.e., relative involvement) were more important than personality characteristics of the partner in determining this intrasubject variability in the intensity of jealous rections.  相似文献   

Studies employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have highlighted a covariation between the amplitude of hemodynamic responses recorded in primary and supplementary motor areas (M1 and SMA) and the duration of a motor task. A subset of these studies have hinted to a possible functional dissociation between processing carried out in these areas, with SMA primarily involved in action preparation, while M1 involved in action execution. This proposed functional dissociation was explored in the present study using a different technique--functional near-infrared spectroscopy--which enabled a finer-grained monitoring of the temporal characteristics of the hemodynamic response compared to fMRI. Here, hemodynamic responses in M1 and SMA were recorded in 7 participants during a right-finger-tapping task of short (1 s) or long (3 s) duration. Hemodynamic responses of larger amplitude were recorded from both contralateral M1 and SMA during long-duration than short-duration tapping. Furthermore, the analysis of the temporal profiles of these responses revealed a more sustained and prolonged activity for long-duration versus short-duration tapping in M1, but not in SMA. Rather than functionally dissociable areas, the present results are more compatible with the hypothesis that M1 and SMA subserve different, though strongly interacting, functional subroutines subtended in motor task preparation and execution.  相似文献   

Studies employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have highlighted a covariation between the amplitude of hemodynamic responses recorded in primary and supplementary motor areas (M1 and SMA) and the duration of a motor task. A subset of these studies have hinted to a possible functional dissociation between processing carried out in these areas, with SMA primarily involved in action preparation, while M1 involved in action execution. This proposed functional dissociation was explored in the present study using a different technique—functional near-infrared spectroscopy—which enabled a finer-grained monitoring of the temporal characteristics of the hemodynamic response compared to fMRI. Here, hemodynamic responses in M1 and SMA were recorded in 7 participants during a right-finger-tapping task of short (1 s) or long (3 s) duration. Hemodynamic responses of larger amplitude were recorded from both contralateral M1 and SMA during long-duration than short-duration tapping. Furthermore, the analysis of the temporal profiles of these responses revealed a more sustained and prolonged activity for long-duration versus short-duration tapping in M1, but not in SMA. Rather than functionally dissociable areas, the present results are more compatible with the hypothesis that M1 and SMA subserve different, though strongly interacting, functional subroutines subtended in motor task preparation and execution.  相似文献   

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