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研究随机抽取了113名本科生,考察了情绪和冲突程度对言语交际推诿程度的影响。结果表明:1)情绪对言语推诿程度有显著影响,在积极情绪状态下个体言语推诿程度显著的低于消极情绪状态下个体的言语推诿;2)冲突程度对言语推诿程度影响差异不显著,情绪和冲突程度的交互作用对言语推诿程度的影响显著。冲突程度增强了情绪对言语推诿程度的影响。  相似文献   

选取言语智力匹配的孤独症个体(19名)、典型发展个体(20名)、智力迟滞个体(19名)为被试,动画呈现以言语和非言语信息为线索的两个谎言情景,考察了孤独症个体谎言理解中的谎言行为判断、真假信息辨别、谎言意图理解及其与自我/他人错误信念理解的关系。结果表明:(1)孤独症个体能够进行谎言行为判断,其困难主要表现在辨别真假信息及对谎言意图的理解上;(2)孤独症个体对他人错误信念理解越好,对真假信息辨别也越准确,而谎言意图理解则与对自我错误信念的理解有关;(3)谎言线索以言语或非言语方式呈现对孤独症谎言理解并无影响。  相似文献   

利用元分析考察了言语节奏在言语加工中起作用的时间进程及影响因素。对36篇脑电文献(共43个独立效应量)进行分析,发现节奏影响言语加工主要表现在早期阶段的N100和P200成分、中后期阶段的P300、LAN、N400和晚期正成分上;个体对节奏违反非常敏感,言语节奏加工早于句法加工,在言语加工的中后期阶段,节奏与语义和句法发生交互;任务类型调节言语节奏对言语加工过程的影响,在外显任务中,言语节奏对言语加工过程的影响大于内隐任务和同时包含多项任务要求的混合任务。注意和预期是言语节奏加工的内在机制,研究结果支持交互论的观点。  相似文献   

张积家  刘红艳 《心理学报》2009,41(7):580-593
个体量词是汉语的特色词类,是名词的限定词。关于个体量词的通达,目前主要有两种假说:直接选择假说和间接选择假说。实验1和实验2采用图词干扰范式考察了名词短语和简单名词产生中个体量词的通达。实验3采用启动范式考察了言语理解中个体量词的通达。结果表明,无论是在言语产生中,还是在言语理解中,都存在量词一致性效应:当启动词和目标词量词一致时反应时短,错误率亦低。整个研究表明,个体量词的通达涉及个体名词系统和个体量词系统,涉及双向选择的组合网络。个体量词的通达是直接选择和间接选择的有机结合。个体量词在名词短语产生的早期就得到了通达。  相似文献   

采用同伴提名法,对2470名初二学生进行为期半年的追踪研究,考察两种同伴地位(社会喜好和社会支配)对三种攻击类型(身体、言语和关系攻击)发展的预测,以及性别与班级规范在其中的调节作用。多层线性分析发现:(1)社会喜好负向、社会支配正向预测个体半年后的三类攻击行为,且男生的社会喜好对关系攻击的预测作用强于女生;(2)对于男生而言,身体和言语攻击的班级规范强化个体后续的攻击行为,但关系攻击的班级规范则无显著影响;对于女生而言,身体攻击的班级规范强化个体后续的攻击行为,言语和关系攻击的班级规范强化初始攻击水平低的个体相应的攻击行为、而对于初始攻击水平高的个体表现出弱化效应;(3)班级规范还能调节社会支配对攻击行为的影响,在言语攻击规范高的班级中,社会支配对个体言语攻击的正向预测作用更强。  相似文献   

幼儿认知灵活性的发展及其与言语能力的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李红  王永芝 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1306-1311
认知灵活性是人类智力的一个重要特征,言语能力也是人类的一个关键能力,无论是个体灵活地使用语言,或者是语言在促进个体认知灵活性发展中的作用,都是不容低估的重要问题,但关于两者关系的研究却极其少见。以认知灵活性研究中经典的演绎范式DCCS任务和经典的归纳范式FIM、FIST任务为基础,从认知灵活性中对言语能力的探究、言语测验中包含的认知灵活性、以及两者共同的基础———表征能力等三个方面来阐明认知灵活性和言语发展之间的关系,最后表明了认知灵活性和言语能力之间的显著关系。  相似文献   

言语产生是指个体通过口头言语表达想法、感受,而通达过程是言语产生的关键过程。本文以言语产生的不同语言水平为线索,综合分析双语经验对言语产生过程中通达能力的影响,结果发现双语经验降低了言语产生中的通达效率。在此基础上,从跨语言干扰、语言使用频率和词汇量三个角度归纳双语通达劣势的原因。未来的研究应该考察双语经验对言语加工中不同方面的影响,并且对相关解释进行整合。  相似文献   

社会技能构成因素及其意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
阐述了社会技能的构成因素,其主要包括自信、报答与强化、非言语交流技能、言语交流技能、同理心、合作、关心他人等;以及社会技能对个体的社会支持、心身健康和工作效率的影响。  相似文献   

听、说、读、写是有文化的正常人言语交际的四个基本环节。言语行为有两个方面即:口语行为和书面言语行为。这两个方面有着各自的神经结构基础。但就个体言语发展来看,从听语到口语,到书面言语却又是相继形成,相互推动,相互制约的统一的大脑过  相似文献   

语言是人类社会行为中极为重要的一部分,它允许个体与他人交流,还向个体提供了思维的工具(kendall 1966)。语言发展的不适或失败不只对交往中的特定行为有长远影响,而且还影响到儿童整个心身发展。因此.了解清楚儿童期语言障碍是很有必要的。一、儿童期语言障碍的定义儿童期语言功能失调的临床表现很多,例如,一个小孩表现出开始说话时间的明显延迟,或是持久的言语理解困难、言语极度贫乏,长期的言语模仿,或是说些奇怪的、不恰当的话。至于发音含糊  相似文献   

The relationship between subjective estimates of the comprehensibility of connected, freerunning speech and rate of speech was investigated for each of two types of time-compressed speech: pitch-varying speeded speech and pitch-normalized compressed speech. The midpoints of the resulting functions approximated the values obtained by a previously described speechrate tracking method. For equivalent degrees of comprehensibility, rates were higher for compressed speech than for speeded speech, indicating that estimates are sensitive to the intelligibility of speech. Subjective estimates of comprehensibility of time-compressed speech provide a means of assessing the itelligibility of connected speech.  相似文献   

言语想象不仅在大脑预处理机制方面起到重要的作用,还是目前脑机接口领域研究的热点。与正常言语产生过程相比,言语想象的理论模型、激活脑区、神经传导路径等均与其有较多相似之处。而言语障碍群体的言语想象、想象有意义的词语和句子时的脑神经机制与正常言语产生存在差异。鉴于人类言语系统的复杂性,言语想象的神经机制研究还面临一系列挑战,未来研究可在言语想象质量评价工具及神经解码范式、脑控制回路、激活通路、言语障碍群体的言语想象机制、词语和句子想象的脑神经信号等方面进一步探索,为有效提高脑机接口的识别率提供依据,为言语障碍群体的沟通提供便利。  相似文献   

Women are more intolerant of hate speech than men. This study examined relationality measures as mediators of gender differences in the perception of the harm of hate speech and the importance of freedom of speech. Participants were 107 male and 123 female college students. Questionnaires assessed the perceived harm of hate speech, the importance of freedom of speech, empathy, relational and collective interdependence, and connected and separate ways of knowing. Gender differences were found for the harm of hate speech, freedom of speech, empathy, and separate learning as a way of knowing. Women were more negative regarding the harm of hate speech and regarded freedom of speech as less important than men. Additionally, the perceived harm of hate speech was positively associated with empathy, connected knowing, and interdependence, and freedom of speech was positively associated with separate learning and negatively with empathy. Empathy mediated gender differences in the perceived harm of hate speech, and separate learning mediated gender differences in the importance of freedom of speech.  相似文献   

Judgments of offensiveness and accountability of hate speech as a function of contextual factors of the speech and characteristics of the observers were examined. A sample of 212 college students and 53 community participants responded to 12 scenarios describing incidents of hate speech. The within-subject variables manipulated in the scenarios were the target of the speech (ethnic groups, women, and gays), the publicness of the speech, and the behavioral response of the target. Ethnic speech was rated more offensive than gender-or gay-targeted speech; public speech was rated more offensive and more accountable than private speech; and public speech was rated more offensive and accountable when a response occurred and private speech was rated more offensive when a response did not occur. The gender and ethnicity of the raters moderated the effects of the experimental variables, as well as showing main effects. The findings of this study suggest that responses to hate speech are complex and contextual.  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported investigating previous findings that speech perception interferes with concurrent verbal memory but difficult nonverbal perceptual tasks do not, to any great degree. The forgetting produced by processing noisy speech could not be attributed to task difficulty, since equally difficult nonspeech tasks did not produce forgetting, and the extent of forgetting produced by speech could be manipulated independently of task difficulty. The forgetting could not be attributed to similarity between memory material and speech stimuli, since clear speech, analyzed in a simple and probably acoustically mediated discrimination task, produced little forgetting. The forgetting could not be attributed to a combination of similarity and difficutly since a very easy speech task involving clear speech produced as much forgetting as noisy speech tasks, as long as overt reproduction of the stimuli was required. By assuming that noisy speech and overtly reproduced speech are processed at a phonetic level but that clear, repetitive speech can be processed at a purely acoustic level, the forgetting produced by speech perception could be entirely attributed to the level at which the speech was processed. In a final experiment, results were obtained which suggest that if prior set induces processing of noisy and clear speech at comparable levels, the difference between the effects of noisy speech processing and clear speech processing on concurrent memory is completely eliminated.  相似文献   

We present the results of studies designed to measure the segmental intelligibility of eight text-to-speech systems and a natural speech control, using the Modified Rhyme Test (MRT). Results indicated that the voices tested could be grouped into four categories: natural speech, high-quality synthetic speech, moderate-quality synthetic speech, and low-quality synthetic speech. The overall performance of the best synthesis system, DECtalk-Paul, was equivalent to natural speech only in terms of performance on initial consonants. The findings are discussed in terms of recent work investigating the perception of synthetic speech under more severe conditions. Suggestions for future research on improving the quality of synthetic speech are also considered.  相似文献   

Do young infants treat speech as a special signal, compared with structurally similar non‐speech sounds? We presented 2‐ to 7‐month‐old infants with nonsense speech sounds and complex non‐speech analogues. The non‐speech analogues retain many of the spectral and temporal properties of the speech signal, including the pitch contour information which is known to be salient to young listeners, and thus provide a stringent test for a potential listening bias for speech. Our results show that infants as young as 2 months of age listened longer to speech sounds. This listening selectivity indicates that early‐functioning biases direct infants’ attention to speech, granting speech a special status in relation to other sounds.  相似文献   

We conducted experiments on the effects of brief prior exposure to time-altered speech on preferred listening rate and the rate listeners would select when asked to listen to speech as fast as possible with good compression (induced listening rate). In Exp. 1, 48 participants were exposed either to normal rate speech or to speech compressed to twice-normal rate. Brief exposure to twice-normal rate speech led to a faster induced listening rate than exposure to normal rate speech. In Exp. 2, 31 participants were briefly exposed to normal rate speech, speech compressed to twice-normal rate, or speech expanded to half-normal rate. The faster the rate of the exposure speech, the faster the induced rate. Speech compressed to twice-normal rate led to a faster induced listening rate than exposure to speech expanded to half-normal rate. Normal rate speech was intermediate between twice-normal and half-normal rate and did not differ significantly from them. Induced listening rate was a linear combination of listening rate preference and recent forced exposure to time-altered speech.  相似文献   

Inner speech is typically characterized as either the activation of abstract linguistic representations or a detailed articulatory simulation that lacks only the production of sound. We present a study of the speech errors that occur during the inner recitation of tongue-twister-like phrases. Two forms of inner speech were tested: inner speech without articulatory movements and articulated (mouthed) inner speech. Although mouthing one’s inner speech could reasonably be assumed to require more articulatory planning, prominent theories assume that such planning should not affect the experience of inner speech and, consequently, the errors that are “heard” during its production. The errors occurring in articulated inner speech exhibited the phonemic similarity effect and the lexical bias effect—two speech-error phenomena that, in overt speech, have been localized to an articulatory-feature-processing level and a lexical—phonological level, respectively. In contrast, errors in unarticulated inner speech did not exhibit the phonemic similarity effect—just the lexical bias effect. The results are interpreted as support for a flexible abstraction account of inner speech. This conclusion has ramifications for the embodiment of language and speech and for the theories of speech production.  相似文献   

This study explored the effect of reading with reversed speech on the frequency of stuttering. Eight adults who stutter served as participants and read four 300-syllable passages while listening to three types of speech stimuli: normal speech (choral reading), reversed speech at normal speed, reversed speech at half speed, and a control condition of no auditory feedback. A repeated-measures analysis of variance showed a significant decrease in stuttering frequency in the choral reading condition but not in reversed speech at normal and half speed. However, the reversed speech at half-speed condition showed a large effect size (omega2 = 0.32). Data suggest that a forward moving speech feedback is not essential to decrease the frequency of stuttering in adults who stutter.  相似文献   

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