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Twenty-four-hour recordings of electrophysiological correlates of the sleep-waking cycle in castrated and noncastrated Wistar rats were performed to validate the cuff pedestal technique in the deprivation of rapid eye movement sleep. An undisturbed pattern of sleep was found in both castrated and noncastrated rats when the cuffs were in the raised position. The lowering of the cuff for 4 days virtually abolished REMs in both groups of rats. During neither the dark nor the light period was there any difference between the castrated and noncastrated rats in the total amount of REMs rebound. The results accord with the data obtained by the conventional flowerpot procedure and show that castration does not influence the amount of REMs before, during, and after REMs deprivation in the rat. It is suggested that testicular testosterone, contrary to growth hormone, is not essential for the triggering of REMs sleep, although both have anabolic actions.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicated a selective activation during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep of the amygdala known to play a decisive role in the processing of emotional stimuli. This study compared memory retention of emotional versus neutral text material over intervals covering either early sleep known to be dominated by nonREM slow wave sleep (SWS) or late sleep, in which REM sleep is dominant. Two groups of men were tested across 3-h periods of early and late sleep (sleep group) or corresponding retention intervals filled with wakefulness (wake group). Sleep was recorded polysomnographically. Cortisol concentrations in saliva were monitored at acquisition and retrieval testing. As expected, the amount of REM sleep was about three times greater during late than during early retention sleep, whereas a reversed pattern was observed for SWS distribution (P<0.001). Sleep improved retention, compared with the effects of wake intervals (P<0.02). However, this effect was substantial only in the late night (P<0.005), during which retention was generally worse than during the early night (P<0.02). Late sleep particularly enhanced memory for emotional texts. This effect was highly significant in comparison with memory for neutral texts (P<0.01) and in comparison with memory after late and early wake intervals (P<0.001). Cortisol concentration differed between early and late retention intervals but not between sleep and wake conditions. Results are consonant with a supportive function of REM sleep predominating late sleep for the formation of emotional memory in humans.  相似文献   

Regional brain metabolic activity of six male Sprague-Dawley rats was investigated with 2-[14C]deoxyglucose autoradiography. Regional brain metabolic activity was determined bilaterally for 60 brain structures, using laser densitometry. After 5 days of uninterrupted rapid eye movement sleep deprivation, increased metabolic activity was found in the lateral habenula, the caudal and middle parts of the limbic system, and in the corpus callosum.  相似文献   

Using several measures of sexual activity, 24 male and 30 female Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to a pretreatment test and 3 posttests (immediate and Recovery Days 4 and 7) following REM sleep deprivation in a water tank. With careful controls, sexual activity was not significantly affected by the sleep treatments. Data do not support motivational hypotheses.  相似文献   

EEG coherent activity is involved in the binding of spatially separated but temporally correlated stimuli into whole events. Cognitive features of rapid eye movement sleep (REM) dreaming resemble frontal lobe dysfunction. Therefore, temporal coupling of EEG activity between frontal and perceptual regions was analyzed from 10 min prior to dream reports (8 adults) from stage-2 and REM sleep. EEG correlation between frontal and perceptual regions decreased and, among perceptual regions increased during REM. The temporal dissociation of EEG activity between executive and perceptual regions supplies an inadequate mechanism for the binding and interpretation of ongoing perceptual activity resulting in dream bizarreness.  相似文献   

We examined psychosocial factors (i.e., life stress) and biological factors (i.e., REM sleep latency) that are hypothesized to be of complementary importance for defining depressive subtypes in a sample of 61 nonpsychotic, endogenous major depressives. Subjects were evaluated on several diagnostic scales for life stress, on electroencephalographic sleep data, and on 2 symptom measures for depression. As predicted, persons with severe stress that occurred shortly before depression onset had essentially normal REM latency values; patients without such stress had reduced REM latency values. Both stress and REM latency were also associated with greater severity of self-reported depressive symptoms. Alternative explanations of these findings are discussed, with particular emphasis on different roles of pre-onset and post-onset stressors.  相似文献   

Rodents solve dual-solution tasks that require navigation to a goal by adopting either a hippocampus-dependent place strategy or a striatum-dependent stimulus-response strategy. A variety of factors, including biological sex and emotional status, influence the choice of learning strategy. In these experiments, we investigated the relationship between learning strategy and anxiety level in male and female rats prior to the onset of puberty, before the activational effects of gonadal hormones influence these processes. In the first experiment, prepubertal male rats categorized as high in trait anxiety at 26days of age exhibited a bias toward stimulus-response strategy at 28days of age, whereas age-matched females exhibited no preference in strategy regardless of anxiety level. In the second experiment, male and female rats were separated from their dams for either 15 or 180min per day during the first 2weeks of life and tested on a battery of anxiety and cognitive tasks between 25 and 29days of age. Prolonged maternal separations for 180min were associated with impaired spatial memory on a Y-maze task in both prepubertal males and females. Furthermore, prolonged maternal separations were linked to elevated anxiety and a bias for stimulus-response strategy in prepubertal males but not females. Alternatively, brief separations from dams for 15min were associated with intact spatial memory, lower levels of anxiety, and no preference for either learning strategy in both sexes. These results provide evidence of sex-specific effects of trait anxiety and early maternal separation on the choice of learning strategy used by prepubertal rodents.  相似文献   

The basolateral complex (BLA) and central nucleus (CEA) of the amygdala play critical roles in associative learning, including Pavlovian conditioning. However, the precise role for these structures in Pavlovian conditioning is not clear. Recent work in appetitive conditioning paradigms suggests that the amygdala, particularly the BLA, has an important role in representing the value of the unconditioned stimulus (US). It is not known whether the amygdala performs such a function in aversive paradigms, such as Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats. To address this issue, Experiments 1 and 2 used temporary pharmacological inactivation of the amygdala prior to a US inflation procedure to assess its role in revaluing shock USs after either overtraining (Experiment 1) or limited training (Experiment 2), respectively. Inactivation of the BLA or CEA during the inflation session did not affect subsequent increases in conditioned freezing observed to either the tone conditioned stimulus (CS) or the conditioning context in either experiment. In Experiment 3, NBQX infusions into the BLA impaired the acquisition of auditory fear conditioning with an inflation-magnitude US, indicating that the amygdala is required for associative learning with intense USs. Together, these results suggest that the amygdala is not required for revaluing an aversive US despite being required for the acquisition of fear to that US.Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats is a behavioral model used to investigate the neurobiology underlying the development and maintenance of fear learning and memory (Grillon et al. 1996; LeDoux 1998, 2000; Bouton et al. 2001; Maren 2001b, 2005; Kim and Jung 2006). In this model, an innocuous conditioned stimulus (CS), such as a tone, is paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US), such as a footshock. After one or more pairings, the rat learns that the CS predicts the US. As a consequence, CS presentations alone elicit a conditioned fear response (CR), which includes increases in heart rate, arterial blood pressure, hypoalgesia, potentiated acoustic startle, stress hormone release, and freezing (somatomotor immobility).The amygdala has been identified as one of the major regions in which fear memories are encoded and stored. Within the amygdala, the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA; consisting of the lateral, basolateral, and basomedial nuclei) and the central nucleus of the amygdala (CEA) receive convergent CS and US information and are involved in the acquisition of fear memories (LeDoux 1998, 2000; Fendt and Fanselow 1999; Davis and Whalen 2001; Maren 2001b; Schafe et al. 2001; Fanselow and Gale 2003; Wilensky et al. 2006; Zimmerman et al. 2007). In addition, the CEA has an important role in the expression of fear CRs (Fendt and Fanselow 1999; LeDoux 2000; Davis and Whalen 2001; Maren 2001b; Fanselow and Gale 2003). In support of this, many studies have shown that either permanent or temporary lesions of the BLA or CEA prevent the acquisition and/or expression of fear memories (Helmstetter 1992; Helmstetter and Bellgowan 1994; Campeau and Davis 1995; Maren et al. 1996a,b; Killcross et al. 1997; Muller et al. 1997; Walker and Davis 1997; Cousens and Otto 1998; Maren 1998, 1999, 2001a,b; Wilensky et al. 1999, 2000, 2006; Goosens and Maren 2001, 2003; Nader et al. 2001; Fanselow and Gale 2003; Gale et al. 2004; Koo et al. 2004; Zimmerman et al. 2007).In addition to its role in encoding CS–US associations during conditioning, recent work suggests that the amygdala is also involved in representing properties of the US itself. For example, temporary or permanent lesions of the BLA reduce both decrements in conditioned responding after devaluation of a food US (Hatfield et al. 1996; Killcross et al. 1997; Blundell et al. 2001; Balleine et al. 2003; Everitt et al. 2003; Pickens et al. 2003; Holland 2004) and increments in conditional responding after inflation of a shock US (Fanselow and Gale 2003). Moreover, recent electrophysiological studies in primates indicate that amygdala neurons represent the value of both aversive and appetitive outcomes (Paton et al. 2006; Belova et al. 2007, 2008; Salzman et al. 2007). These studies suggest that one function of the BLA is to represent specific properties of biologically significant events, such as the food or shock USs that are typically used in Pavlovian conditioning paradigms. By this view, the BLA may represent specific sensory properties of USs that shape the nature of learned behavioral responses to the US (Balleine and Killcross 2006) and allow CSs to gain access to the incentive value of the US (Everitt et al. 2003).In contrast to this view, we recently reported that rats with neurotoxic BLA lesions exhibit normal US revaluation after Pavlovian fear conditioning (Rabinak and Maren 2008). In this study, auditory fear conditioning (75 CS–US trials) with a moderate footshock (1 mA) was followed by several exposures (five US-alone trials) to an intense footshock (3 mA) during an inflation session. Both intact rats and rats with BLA lesions exhibit a robust increase in conditional freezing to the auditory CS during a subsequent retention test (Rabinak and Maren 2008). Control experiments suggested that this was due to a revaluation of the US with which the CS was associated, rather than nonassociative sensitization of fear engendered by exposure to intense shock. These data reveal that the BLA may not be necessary for representing properties of shock USs during Pavlovian fear conditioning. To address these issues further, we have examined the consequence of reversible pharmacological manipulations of the amygdala during US inflation on conditional fear responses established with either extensive or limited training.  相似文献   

The Stroop color-naming task is one of the most widely studied tasks involving the inhibition of a prepotent response, regarded as an executive function. Several studies have examined performance on versions of the Stroop task under conditions of acute sleep deprivation. Though these studies revealed effects on Stroop performance, the results often do not differentiate between general effects of sleep deprivation on performance and effects specifically on interference in the Stroop task. To examine the effect of prolonged wakefulness on performance on the Stroop task, we studied participants in a 40-h "constant routine" protocol during which they remained awake in constant conditions and performed a Stroop color-naming task every two hours. We found that reaction time was slowest when the color and word did not match (incongruent), fastest when the color and word did match (congruent), and intermediate when participants named the color of the non-word stimulus (neutral). Performance on all three trial types degraded significantly as a function of time awake. Extended wakefulness did not significantly change the additional time needed to respond when the color and word did not match (Stroop interference), nor did it change the amount of facilitation when color and word matched. These results indicate that one night of sleep deprivation influences performance on the Stroop task by an overall increase in response time, but does not appear to impact the underlying processes of interference or facilitation. The results suggest that the degree to which an "executive function" is affected by sleep deprivation may depend on the particular executive function studied and the degree to which it is subserved by the prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD) for 96 h on the learning/memory processes in rats submitted to the plus-maze discriminative avoidance task (PM-DAT), which simultaneously evaluates learning, memory, anxiety and motor function. Four experiments were performed in which rats were submitted to: (1) post-training and pre-test PSD; (2) post-training or pre-test PSD; (3) pre-training PSD or pre-training paradoxical sleep (PS) rebound (24 h) and (4) pre-test PSD rebound. Concerning Experiment I, post-training and pre-test PSD induced memory deficits, an anxiolytic-like behavior and an increase in locomotor activity. In Experiment II, both post-training PS-deprived and pre-test PS-deprived groups showed memory deficits per se. However, only the pre-test PS-deprived animals presented anxiolytic-like behavior and increased locomotor activity. In Experiment III, pre-training PS-deprived rats showed learning and memory deficits, anxiolytic-like behavior and increased locomotor activity. A 24h-sleep recovery period after the PSD abolished the learning and memory deficits but not anxiety and locomotor alterations. Finally, sleep rebound did not modify acquisition (Experiment III) and retrieval (Experiment IV). This study strengthened the critical role of paradoxical sleep (but not sleep rebound) in all the phases of learning and memory formation. In addition, it suggests that PSD effects on acquisition and consolidation do not seem to be related to other behavioral alterations induced by this procedure.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that vision first evolved for the distal control of movement and that perception or 'representational' vision emerged much later. Vision-for-action operates in real time and uses egocentric frames of reference and the real metrics of the world. Vision-for-perception can operate over longer time scales and is much more scene-based in its computations. These differences in the timing and metrics of the two systems have been examined in experiments that have looked at the way in which each system deals with visual illusions. Although controversial, the consensus is that actions such as grasping and reaching are often unaffected by high-level pictorial illusions, which by definition affect percetion. However, recent experiments have shown that, for actions to escape the effects of such illusions, they must be highly practiced actions, preferably with the right hand, and must be directed in real time at visible targets. This latter finding suggests that some of the critical components of the encapsulated (bottom-up) systems that mediate the visual control of skilled reaching and grasping movements are lateralised to the left hemisphere.  相似文献   

Fighting responses were elicited by response-independent shocks delivered to pairs of rats. Food pellets were presented following different non-fighting responses to shock: some pairs of rats received pellets dependent upon a specific non-fighting response to shock; others received pellets dependent upon any non-fighting response to shock; and control pairs never received pellets. The mean probability of an elicited aggressive response to shock was reduced to 0.2 by food reinforcement for a specific non-fighting response, and to 0.5 by food reinforcement for any kind of non-fighting response. These values contrasted with the 0.8 probability of elicited aggression when pairs of rats received no food reinforcement. Consistent findings were obtained when treatment conditions were changed for individual pairs of rats.  相似文献   

Young adult male Binghamton Heterogenous (HET) mice were housed either individually or in groups of four, in two-tiered cages for 11 days before their agonistic behavior was observed. Pairs of male mice were tested 3 min each day for 9 consecutive days. Agonistic behavior was observed in two-tiered cages in which there were either clean pine shavings or shavings soiled by young adult female HET mice. Housing and shaving conditions interactively influenced aggression observed over the course of testing. That is, when individually housed mice were tested with clean shavings and when group-housed mice were tested with female-soiled shavings, agonistic behavior decreased over days, but when isolated mice were tested in soiled shavings and when group-housed mice were tested in clean shavings, aggression increased over the course of the 9-day test period.  相似文献   

It has been reported that a high corticosterone milieu can exacerbate various experimental insults to the nervous system, in particular to the hippocampus. However, in many of these studies the above milieu was attained by injecting corticosterone in doses (e.g. 10 mg/rat) producing supraphysiological concentrations. In the present study we have investigated whether high plasma corticosterone levels, such as those associated with aging or stress, potentiate a hippocampal excitotoxic insult. Male Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) at the age of 6, 12, 18 and 24 months (only WKY for the oldest age) were used. As in other strains, aging in these rats was marked by an increase in basal plasma corticosterone levels. Rats were infused in the dorsal hippocampus with kainic acid (0.035 μg/hippocampus) and the neuronal injury was evaluated within the areas CA3 and CA4. Results indicated that neither aging nor the hypertensive condition affected kainic acid neurotoxicity. In order to study the effect of stress, rats were stressed twice a day, with alternate types of stressors to avoid possible habituation, 3 days prior to and 3 days following the kainic acid infusion. Using this experimental paradigm the hippocampal damage in stressed rats was of the same degree as in non-stressed controls. In a complementary set of experiments, 6 month old WKY and SHR rats were injected with corticosterone (10 mg/rat s.c.). Four hours after administration plasma corticosterone levels in the range of 60-70 μg/100 ml were found. Moreover, a time-course study showed a plasma corticosterone peak in the range of 240 μg/100 ml. Daily corticosterone administration for 3 days before and 3 days after kainic acid infusion potentiated the hippocampal damage in 6 months old SHR but not in the WKY. These results demonstrate that elevation of corticosterone levels within physiological range does not exacerbate hippocampal kainate neurotoxicity and that pharmacological doses of glucocorticoid hormone, which produces plasma levels well above those observable in any physiopathological condition, might, with some strain dependency, potentiate a hippocampal neurotoxic insult.  相似文献   

Replicating thought suppression effects with the Think/No-Think paradigm (TNT) has failed in some studies investigating the phenomenon of below-baseline recall of suppressed stimuli. Attempts have been made to isolate factors that might explain inter-individual differences in suppression performance. Certain personality traits, whether associated with a pathological state or investigated in a community sample, have been shown to interfere with successful thought suppression and might be responsible for some of the negative results obtained in TNT studies. In the present study we investigate the influence of psychometric measures of depression and anxiety in a fairly large sample of healthy volunteers. We show that high brooding and anxious tendencies predict worse suppression performance. While no suppression was shown when investigating the TNT not taking the psychometric measures into account, including these two traits in the analysis resulted in a pattern of below-baseline recall only for low brooders and low anxious participants. We argue that inclusion of variables measuring personality traits is warranted using the TNT and that these variables already exert their influence at minimal levels of variance, significantly improving the interpretability of the results. Future research should therefore cautiously investigate potential confounding personality characteristics before analysing their data.  相似文献   

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