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该文介绍了作为认知损伤临床评估最优方法的必要条件。评估的一个重要目的是将关于功能区域的优势和劣势的假设公式化,并据此设定适当的康复目标,评价康复的结果。为了达到这一目的,评估应该开始于康复之前,贯穿于康复过程,并持续到康复结束以后。文中比较了两种评估方法:量表法和假设检验法。为了考察认知损伤及其引起的障碍的变化,测验应该具有信度、敏感性和效度。量表法通常不具备这三个必要条件,而假设检验法在这方面更好。该文以一例获得性失语症的词语产出损伤评估为例,介绍了假设检验法的应用  相似文献   

Interim assessment occurs throughout instruction to provide feedback about what students know and have achieved. Different from the current available cognitive diagnostic computerized adaptive testing (CD-CAT) design that focuses on assessment at a single time point, the authors discuss several designs of interim CD-CAT that are suitable in the learning context. The interim CD-CAT differs from the current available CD-CAT designs primarily because students’ mastery profile (i.e., skills mastery) changes due to learning, and new attributes are added periodically. Moreover, hierarchies exist among attributes taught sequentially and such information could be used during item selection. Two specific designs are considered: The first one is when new attributes are taught in Stage II, but the student mastery status of the previously taught attributes stays the same. The second design is when both new attributes are taught, and previously taught attributes can be further learned or forgotten in Stage II. For both designs, the authors propose an individual prior, which considers a person’s learning history and population learning model, to start an interim CD-CAT. Simulation results show that the Stage II CD-CAT using individual prior outperforms the methods using population priors. The GDINA (generalized deterministic inputs, noisy, “and” gate) diagnostic index (GDI) is extended to accommodate item hierarchies, and analytic results are provided to further illustrate the types of items that are most popular during item selection. As the first study that focuses on the application of CD-CAT in a learning context, the methods and results present herein showed the great promise of using CD-CAT to monitor learning.  相似文献   

Neuropsychology is a behavioral approach to studying the brain, and an integration of neuropsychology with on-line processing measures of brain function is important for advancing the understanding of brain–behavior relationships. Cognitive event-related potentials (ERPs) are on-line processing measures that are of interest to neuropsychologists because they are linked to familiar neuropsychological test paradigms and because they have reached a degree of standardization sufficient to make them applicable in individual assessment. A selective review of cognitive ERPs is given, focusing on studies of attention in the oddball paradigm and arguing that an adequate assessment of attention is basic in understanding higher order cognitive functions. General principles for using ERP data to supplement and clarify neuropsychological analysis are discussed, and available evidence on dementia and traumatic head injury is reviewed. It is concluded that ERPs are a useful supplement to neuropsychological assessment. Although diagnostic use of ERPs must be guarded because of limited standardization and validation, information-processing analysis with ERPs may aid significantly in interpretation of behavioral data.  相似文献   

作为认知诊断与计算机化自适应测验相结合的产物, 认知诊断计算机化自适应测验(Cognitive Diagnostic Computerized Adaptive Testing, CD-CAT)是对被试知识状态的自适应。它既有传统CAT所面临的普遍性问题, 也有在认知诊断中遇到的特殊问题:由于认知诊断中涉及属性这一概念, CD-CAT与传统CAT有很大的差别。本文紧紧围绕属性引起的差异, 分别从认知诊断模型、题库建设、起始规则、选题策略、被试知识状态估计和终止规则等几部分详细介绍CD-CAT的研究进展和存在的问题。  相似文献   

The objective of the present article is to explore differences and similarities between cognitive diagnostic assessment (CDA) and evidence-centered game design (ECgD) in the service of intentional hybridization. Although some testing specialists might argue that both are essentially the same given their origins in principled assessment design and equivalency of measurement models, this view misses differences in their focus and operationalization. Given the strengths of both CDA and ECgD, there is motivation to consider ways in which each can deliberately inform the other. The intentional hybridization of CDA and ECgD has, at least in principle, significant advantages to produce a stronger offspring than either parent alone. The article includes four sections: (1) conceptual differences between CDA and ECgD, (2) conceptual similarities between CDA and ECgD, (3) challenges with CDA and ECgD, including narrowness of cognitive models, fidelity with learning, ocean of data, sensitivity to diverse learners, reliance on multidimensional psychometric models, and how hybridization may help, and (4) implications for educational assessment in the twenty-first century around the globe.  相似文献   

This study presents a protocol for induction of moderate psychosocial stress and investigates its impact on psychological and physiological responses. The proposed procedure was designed to enable researchers to assess cognitive performance under effect of various classes of stressors. The protocol's structure contains three main periods: baseline, assessment, and recovery. The assessment stage starts with task anticipation, during which audience (three-member commission) is introduced and apparatus (cameras, microphones, lights, and physiological measuring devices) stationed. Subsequently, cognitive performance was tested. The protocol was evaluated on 56 university students that were randomly assigned to control or stress (protocol) treatment and administered three cognitive tests (working memory operation span, remote associates test, and semantic fluency). Compared to control sessions, protocol induced state anxiety, interfering worry thoughts, and disturbance during recovery period. In addition, the stress group also showed elevated levels of skin conductance, higher average heart rates, and larger drops in peripheral temperature. Even though more research is needed, these results suggest that the protocol effectively induces both psychological and physiological stress responses and therefore encourages utilization in cognitive-affective and cognitive-biological fields of research.  相似文献   

认知诊断测验蓝图的设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
通常认为由属性和项目关联阵(即Q矩阵)的列对应的项目充任认知诊断测验中行为样本,其实这种做法不能有效防止理想反应模式的误判。如在测验之前便可确定欲测之属性及层级关系,找到可达阵,可证明可达阵的各个列对应的项目类在认知诊断测验中必不可少,否则在理想反应模式下就一定有一些被试会被误判。本文给出充分必要Q矩阵的概念,以区别Tatsuoka(1995,2009) 讨论过的充分Q矩阵概念。充分必要Q矩阵才能有效指导测验的编制。  相似文献   

计算机化自适应诊断测验中原始题的属性标定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
认知诊断测验项目开发成本较高, 要标定大量项目的属性相当费时费力, 专家完成这一任务也比较困难。对于在计算机化自适应诊断测验中的项目属性的标定尚未见到报导。在已有的为诊断测验开发的小型题库基础上, 本文在计算机化自适应认知诊断测验过程中, 植入原始题, 对项目属性标定的问题进行探讨, 重点研究原始题属性标定的方法及其影响因素, 除了MMLE方法和MLE方法外, 还建立了一种新的可用于所有非补偿认知诊断模型的属性标定的方法—— 交差方法。Monte Carlo模拟结果显示, MMLE方法较MLE方法好; 在知识状态估计精度较高时, 自适应植入原始题较随机植入原始题有一定的优势; 随着知识状态估计精度提高和原始题作答次数增加, 交差方法与MLE方法基本相当, 只是在发散型和无结构型表现欠佳, 但是交差方法不需要预先设定项目参数值。  相似文献   

The cognitive content-specificity hypothesis proposes that depression and anxiety can be discriminated on the basis of unique cognitive profiles. Alternatively, the Tripartite model suggests that, although depression and anxiety share a general distress factor, anhedonia is a characteristic of depression with anxious arousal a characteristic of anxiety. Past research devoted to integrating these two models has been limited in a number of ways. To remedy these limitations, this study attempted to assess the complete Tripartite model and used a multidimensional cognitive assessment tool to handle the heterogeneity of anxious cognitive content. Results on data collected from 411 clients seeking services at a university counseling center suggested that a one-to-one mapping between Tripartite dimensions and cognitive content was possible. Further, variables from each model simultaneously explained unique variance in depression and anxiety ratings.  相似文献   

具有认知诊断功能的计算机化自适应测验的研究与实现   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
林海菁  丁树良 《心理学报》2007,39(4):747-753
构造具有认知诊断功能的计算机化自适应测验(Computerized Adaptive Testing,CAT),关键在于设计不同于传统CAT的选题策略。本文采用先认知诊断后估计能力的方法,在诊断阶段用状态转换图描述特定认知领域中所有知识状态及这些状态之间的联系,以图的深度优先算法为基础设计选题策略;而在能力估计精细化阶段,每个被试所测项目,不仅与其能力估计值相匹配,且只与其所掌握的属性相关。本文采用蒙特卡罗模拟针对三种不同的属性结构进行试验,结果良好  相似文献   

陈平  辛涛 《心理学报》2011,43(6):710-724
项目增补对认知诊断计算机化自适应测验(CD-CAT)中的题库维护至关重要。在传统CAT中, 在线标定方法经常用于估计新题的项目参数。然而直到现在, 在CD-CAT领域还没有任何关于在线标定的论文公开发表。为将传统CAT中3种有代表性的在线标定方法(Method A、OEM和 MEM)推广至CD-CAT (CD-Method A、CD-OEM和CD-MEM)建立分析基础, 并采用模拟方法对这3种方法进行比较。研究表明:CD-Method A方法在项目参数的返真性方面优于其它两种方法; 自适应标定设计较随机标定设计可以提高项目参数的返真质量。  相似文献   

人机交互过程中认知负荷的综合测评方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
设计模拟网络引擎搜索和心算双任务实验,分析主观评定、绩效测量和生理测量三类评估指标对认知负荷变化的敏感性;采用因素分析、BP神经网络和自组织神经网络三种建模方法,探索人机交互过程中认知负荷的综合评估建模方法。结果显示:心理努力、任务主观难度、注视时间、注视次数、主任务反应时、主任务正确率6个指标对认知负荷变化敏感;采用多维综合评估模型对双任务作业认知负荷进行测量总体上比采用单一评估指标的测量更为有效。BP网络和自组织神经网络两种神经网络模型对认知负荷的测量结果优于传统的因素分析方法  相似文献   

提出两种认知诊断计算机自适应测验下平衡属性收敛的新方法(MABI、RTA),模拟研究系统探讨和比较了此二者与已有方法(ABI、IABI和RABI)的表现。结果发现:(1)新方法较不考虑属性收敛的方法有更高的准确率以及更均衡的题目使用率;(2)新方法较ABI和RABI有稍低的准确性,但有更平衡的题目使用率;(3)新方法与IABI的准确性和题目使用率在不同选题策略下各有合优势。总之,两种新方法较好地兼顾测量准确性、题目使用率以及题库曝光情况。  相似文献   

提出了两种适用于定长CD-CAT的题目曝光控制方法(HIRP、HIRT),这些方法在保证较高分类准确率的同时还有较合理的题目曝光率,新方法由二分化方法和RP及RT方法进行结合并适当调整而得到。模拟研究比较了其与RP、RT、SM、SMIE、RHA和SDBS的表现,结果表明: (1)HIRP的分类准确率和题目曝光率均好于SM、SMIE和SDBS;(2)HIRT的题目曝光率较RP、SM、SMIE、RHA和SDBS稍差,但分类准确率更高;(3)HIRP的分类准确率低于RT和RP,但题目曝光控制要更好。  相似文献   

提出两种认知诊断计算机自适应测验下平衡属性收敛的新方法(MABI、RTA),模拟研究系统探讨和比较了此二者与已有方法(ABI、IABI和RABI)的表现。结果发现:(1)新方法较不考虑属性收敛的方法有更高的准确率以及更均衡的题目使用率;(2)新方法较ABI和RABI有稍低的准确性,但有更平衡的题目使用率;(3)新方法与IABI的准确性和题目使用率在不同选题策略下各有合优势。总之,两种新方法较好地兼顾测量准确性、题目使用率以及题库曝光情况。  相似文献   


Candidates for cardiac bypass surgery often experience cognitive decline. Such decline is likely to affect their everyday cognitive functioning. The aim of the present study was to compare cardiac patients' ratings of their everyday cognitive functioning against significant others' ratings and selected neuropsychological tests. Sixty-nine patients completed a battery of standardised cognitive tests. Patients and significant others also completed the Everyday Function Questionnaire independently of each other. Patient and significant other ratings of patients' everyday cognitive difficulties were found to be similar. Despite the similarities in ratings of difficulties, some everyday cognitive tasks were attributed to different processes. Patients' and significant others' ratings were most closely associated with the neuropsychological test of visual memory. Tests of the patients' verbal memory and fluency were only related to significant others' ratings. Test scores of attention and planning were largely unrelated to ratings by either patients or their significant others.  相似文献   

陈平  辛涛 《心理学报》2011,43(7):836-850
项目的增补对认知诊断计算机化自适应测验(CD-CAT)题库的开发与维护至关重要。借鉴单维项目反应理论(IRT)中联合极大似然估计方法(JMLE)的思路, 提出联合估计算法(JEA), 仅依赖被试在旧题和新题上的作答反应联合地、自动地估计新题的属性向量和新题的项目参数。研究结果表明:当项目参数相对较小且样本量相对较大时, JEA算法在新题属性向量和新题项目参数估计精度方面表现不错; 而且样本大小、项目参数大小以及项目参数初值都影响着JEA算法的表现。  相似文献   

毛秀珍  辛涛 《心理学报》2013,45(6):694-703
项目曝光率关系到题库建设和测验安全,是计算机化自适应测验(Computerized Adaptive Testing, CAT)需要考虑的重要问题。在认知诊断 CAT 情形下,首先基于传统 CAT 中 a-分层方法的思想提出按项目信息量对题库分层的分层多阶段(Stratified Multistage, SM)选题方法;然后将 SM 方法与项目合格(Item Eligibility, IE)方法相结合得到SMIE方法。在此基础上,开展模拟研究比较SM、IE、SMIE、最大修正优先指标(Maximum Modified Priority Index, MMPI)方法、限制阈值(Restrictive Threshold, RT)方法和限制进度(Restrictive Progressive, RPG)方法的选题表现。总体上,它们的测量精度从高到低依次为IE、SM、SMIE、RT、RPG和MMPI方法;项目曝光分布均匀性的优劣次序为MMPI、RPG、SMIE、RT、SM和IE方法;SMIE和RT方法能较好地平衡测量精度和项目曝光均匀性要求。  相似文献   

在认知诊断评估实践中,属性层级合理性的验证非常重要,而现有指标仅停留在0-1计分测验,无法适应考试形式和评分方式多样化的实践需求。研究将0-1计分层级一致性指标(MHCI)拓展至多级计分的层级一致性指标(GHCI),模拟和实证研究结果表明:(1)GHCI具有和MHCI相同的本质含义,考虑了父项目和子项目得分的多种可能性,从而将MHCI纳入GHCI体系;(2)在多级或混合计分情境,MHCI会有信息损失,容易发生低估,且易受转换比例的影响;(3)GHCI在模拟和实践情境均具较好的适宜性,拟合截断值的设置可依属性层级而定。  相似文献   

研究采用基于PASS理论建构的D-N认知评估系统(CAS)作为主要评估工具, 以临床推介的18名AD/HD儿童和18名在性别、年龄及智力水平与临床样本相匹配的正常儿童为被试, 对其PASS认知过程特征开展比较研究, 探查临床组儿童潜在的认知过程异常, 研究结果表明:(1)临床AD/HD儿童在CAS总量表分上显著低于正常对照组儿童;(2)临床AD/HD儿童与正常对照组儿童在计划和注意过程分数上存在显著差异, 且临床AD/HD儿童的计划和注意分量表分数可很好地预测其在DSM-IV上的注意涣散评估分数;(3)临床AD/HD组儿童与正常对照组儿童在同时性加工和继时性加工水平上则没有显著差异。  相似文献   

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