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A national study of American Counseling Association members (N = 230) examined perceptions of the importance of the 14 Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) Spiritual Competencies and perceived ability to practice those competencies. Learning pathways to achieve knowledge of the ASERVIC Competencies were explored. Participants viewed the competencies as important but felt less able to consistently practice them. Prior exposure to the content of the competencies through spiritual topics covered in graduate school was positively correlated to perceived ability to practice the competencies. Recommendations were made for strengthening teaching of spirituality in counselor education.  相似文献   

The most probable distribution method is applied to derive the logistic model as the distribution accounting for the maximum number of possible outcomes in a dichotomous test while introducing latent traits and item characteristics as constraints to the system. The item response theory logistic models, with a particular focus on the one-parameter logistic model, or Rasch model, and their properties and assumptions, are discussed for both infinite and finite populations.  相似文献   

Observers of American religion have noted significant changes in the last 50 years. Many of the current theories interpreting these changes cite the writings of the British social theorist Anthony Giddens. Such works suggest that we are living in a post-traditional, ‘late modern’ society in which self-identity, community, and the codes we live by are no longer ascribed, but reflexively made and re-made in continuous ‘projects of the self’. This article seeks to circumscribe late modernity theory for the study of contemporary religion, examining its usefulness and limitations. I argue that the disembedding structures of late modernity—while uneven in their effects on individuals from different social locations—create ‘liminal subjectivities’ among certain classes and groups. This state of being ‘betwixt and between’ social locations places individuals into new and sometimes ephemeral social networks, which in turn may result in them seeking out and experimenting with new religious groups, beliefs, and practices.  相似文献   

Research examining the relationship at the interface of personality, values, moral foundations and its impact on employees’ subjective well-being, resilience, job performance and satisfaction is almost non-existent. This study addresses this Special Issue’s call focusing on the key antecedents and consequences of resilience on individual and/or organisational level outcomes. It does so by analysing data from two different, though comparative cross-national studies in Australia and India. Employing a quantitative survey method, we collected data from 195 respondents in Australia and 257 respondents from India. Employing the core theory of moral foundations in association with its relationships with individual personality, values, well-being and resilience, our findings suggest a significant relationship between personality traits and individual moral foundations, and psychological well-being via values. The study offers distinctive contributions to the literatures on well-being, resilience and moral foundations theory. Specifically, the personality trait of extroversion influences power and achievement or self-enhancement values through individualised moral foundations. Second, the study found that values of benevolence and universalism, or compassionate values, form the basis for biological mechanisms of resilience through individual moral foundations of fairness/harm care. The paper concludes with implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

Intrapersonal variability and multiplicity in the complexity of moral motivation were examined from Dynamic Systems and Self-Determination Theory perspectives. L. Kohlberg's (1969) stages of moral development are reconceptualized as soft-assembled and dynamically transformable process structures of motivation that may operate simultaneously within person in different degrees. Moral motivation is conceptualized as the real-time process of self-organization of cognitive and emotional dynamics out of which moral judgment and action emerge. A detailed inquiry into intrapersonal variation in moral motivation is carried out based on the differential operation of multiple motivational structures. A total of 74 high school students and 97 college students participated in the study by completing a new questionnaire, involving 3 different hypothetical moral judgments. As hypothesized, findings revealed significant multiplicity in the within-person operation of developmental stage structures, and intrapersonal variability in the degrees to which stages were used. Developmental patterns were found in terms of different distributions of multiple stages between high school and college samples, as well as the association between age and overall motivation scores. Differential relations of specific emotions to moral motivation revealed and confirmed the value of differentiating multiple emotions. Implications of the present theoretical perspective and the findings for understanding the complexity of moral judgment and motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

罗晓颖 《现代哲学》2007,40(3):11-17
在《博士论文》序言中,马克思借普罗米修斯的形象提出以哲学反对宗教,建立人自我意识的自由。那么,马克思为何选择伊壁鸠鲁作为研究对象?这牵涉到西方思想史上一个由来已久的对立:肇始于前苏格拉底自然哲人的哲学与宗教的对立。此对立中经苏格拉底事件后,哲人的态度开始呈现两种路向:柏拉图亚里士多德式的和伊壁鸠鲁式的。其后西塞罗和普鲁塔克以及近代启蒙哲学对伊壁鸠鲁的批评或接续则体现了这两种路向的对立。马克思接续了伊壁鸠鲁的立场,摒弃了柏亚路向的遮遮掩掩,以启蒙斗士的姿态力主反对宗教的束缚,为人类争取自由。  相似文献   

本文以家文书中祈愿文、结愿文为基本资料,分析琉球家族的宗教观和宗教生活。由于受到特殊的自然地理和历史文化的影响,琉球家族的宗教观是多神信仰,其中御岳、火神、祖灵、观音为其信仰的主体。琉球家族的宗教活动主要围绕着与现实生活密切相关的祈福禳灾而展开,具有浓厚的功利性色彩。琉球家族的宗教观和宗教活动,从一个侧面反映了琉球王国的宗教信仰。  相似文献   

The authors surveyed the universal and mental health values of 121 Muslims in the United States and their counseling preferences. The respondents were generally well educated and highly religious. They responded high in the universal values of benevolence and conformity; low in power, hedonism, and stimulation; and high in many humanistic mental health values. A comparison with typical counselor values showed both similarities and differences. A substantial minority indicated a willingness to go to a non-Muslim counselor but most would want a counselor with an understanding of Islam. Implications for counseling practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

刘宇 《哲学研究》2013,(1):67-73,128
约半个世纪之前,在西方实践哲学领域兴起了一股名为"新亚里士多德主义"(Neo-Aristotelianism)的思潮。(参见塞尔科沃;Knight;Schnaedelbach;Volpi;Wallach)它不是一个固定的学派或组织,而是一种倾向,即"指道德与政治哲学中一条回向亚里士多德的方式来研究的方向,  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Mary Midgley asserts that my argument concerning the problem of child-abuse was inappropriately framed in the language of rights, and neglected certain pertinent natural facts. I defend the view that the use of rights-talk was both apposite and did not misrepresent the moral problem in question. I assess the status and character of the natural facts Midgley adduces in criticism of my case, concluding that they do not obviously establish the conclusions she believes they do. Finally I briefly respond to the charge that my suggestions were illiberal.  相似文献   

This note replicates a previous study to determine the extent religion influences voting behavior. It focuses on ballot measures that involve moral issues and considers other factors as well. A multiple regression uses the percentage of voters favoring five ballot proposals as the dependent variable, with socioeconomic status, rural isolation, liquor consumption, and three categories of religion as independent variables. The analysis revealed that the religion variables were significant and negatively associated with voting for most proposals that liberalized drinking and betting. Socioeconomic status and liquor consumption were significant in most cases and were positively linked to votes cast for the proposals.  相似文献   

American Counseling Association Fellows, past presidents of the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC), and close friends, Drs. Craig S. Cashwell and J. Scott Young have made a significant impact on the field of spirituality counseling over the past 20 years. This interview emphasizes their involvement in ASERVIC and the spirituality counseling field over the course of their careers and in the present, as well as the wisdom they have gained from their experiences.  相似文献   

自行设计量表并收集浙江省36家医院671名医生有效问卷,使用方差分析方法探讨感知/亲历医疗暴力的医生群体的内向和外向反应特征。研究发现,三级医院医生亲历医疗暴力比重显著高于基层医院。高医疗暴力发生率产生削弱医生工作积极性和子女学医支持度,并提升其高风险患者识别意愿的内向反应(P<0.05)。亲历医疗暴力医生感知的医疗暴力发生率高于未亲历暴力医生,且有更消极的内向反应和对于医疗暴力法律环境及医疗卫生改革政策更负面的外向反应(P<0.05)。接受反医疗暴力培训、了解暴力防控流程医生的内外向反应较为正面。  相似文献   

We propose a functional model based on Theravada Buddhist texts and practices to show how the mind works in relation to both our senses and how we perceive the external world. Our model suggests that the mind acts as a common internal sense organ, receiving all sensory data from the five external senses. It shows how contact plays a central role in both the generation and continual reconstitution of feelings, perceptions and thoughts. This model suggests how previous memories can influence one’s thoughts, by actively editing each cognitive pathway to create a distorted perception of what is experienced in the present moment. We also illustrate how individuals proliferate and cling to thoughts as a result of craving, and address how this can lead to suffering within the context of dependent origination. We believe this model could function as a basic conceptual map of the mind to facilitate a deeper phenomenological understanding of ongoing, complex mental interactions, within the context of Theravada Buddhist theory and practice.  相似文献   

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