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Recently, it has been argued that peripheral vision may control adequate orientation of catching limbs, although questions have been raised of whether this remains the case as skill develops. The aim of the present study was to remediate previous methodological deficiencies to verify whether developmental differences exist in the extent of the functional visual field. A further aim included examining the importance of peripheral vision as a control process for effector orientation during catching without recourse to an occlusion technique. Previous arguments that peripheral vision may be necessary in controlling one-handed catching performance were extended to a two-handed catching task. Male subjects (n = 80) were required to perform a two-handed catch and simultaneously process a peripheral visual signal presented either early in, in the middle of, or late in flight. Developmental differences were noted between the age groups (mean ages = 10, 12, 16, and 20 years) in the ability to divide visual attention between the ball in flight, location of hands, and the peripheral cue acting as a probe. Evidently, the ability to allocate control of effects to the articular proprioceptive system develops with age because there was an obvious improvement in peripheral visual processing performance during the late segment of flight. Specifically, it appears that between the ages of 12 and 15 years catchers develop the capacity to increase the functional control of the articular proprioceptive system, as indicated by a significant decrease in peripheral visual errors during the late segment made by the latter age group. Limited evidence is also presented suggesting that the successful allocation of greater control to the articular proprioceptive system changes as a function of practice and experience with the specific central task, thus overcoming initial reliance on sight of the catching hands.  相似文献   

The expression of expert motor skills typically involves learning to perform a precisely timed sequence of movements. Research examining incidental sequence learning has relied on a perceptually cued task that gives participants exposure to repeating motor sequences but does not require timing of responses for accuracy. In the 1st experiment, a novel perceptual-motor sequence learning task was used, and learning a precisely timed cued sequence of motor actions was shown to occur without explicit instruction. Participants learned a repeating sequence through practice and showed sequence-specific knowledge via a performance decrement when switched to an unfamiliar sequence. In the 2nd experiment, the integration of representation of action order and timing sequence knowledge was examined. When either action order or timing sequence information was selectively disrupted, performance was reduced to levels similar to completely novel sequences. Unlike prior sequence-learning research that has found timing information to be secondary to learning action sequences, when the task demands require accurate action and timing information, an integrated representation of these types of information is acquired. These results provide the first evidence for incidental learning of fully integrated action and timing sequence information in the absence of an independent representation of action order and suggest that this integrative mechanism may play a material role in the acquisition of complex motor skills.  相似文献   

Research in the area of lightness perception has not adequately addressed the influence of previously viewed visual fields on perceived surface reflectance. In the spatial realm, a spot-in-a-void will appear darker when a second surface of higher intensity is placed adjacent to it. The brighter surface takes the role of white, the anchor, and the dimmer is scaled accordingly. We find that when a spot-in-a-void is presented to observers in a light controlled chamber it is influenced by nonretinal temporal relationships mediated by the degree of complexity. We also find that the influence cannot be explained in terms of successive contrast at a high or low level in the visual system, but can be explained by an anchoring model. The present results follow the same rules governing spatial integration and anchoring and thereby support the currently proposed concept of temporal anchoring.  相似文献   

The interaction of alcohol and visuospatial learning was evaluated during two experimental sessions. During one session, participants were experimentally intoxicated to obtain a blood alcohol concentration of at least 0.10%. During another session, a nonalcohol placebo was administered. The learning task consisted of a paired-associate paradigm requiring participants to learn the distinct spatial positions of 6 visually presented "nonsense shapes." The visuospatial learning of participants in the placebo condition was generally superior to their learning while intoxicated. However, intercorrelations of performance measures indicated that the relation between alcohol ingestion and performance differences across conditions was not linear.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that a relationship exists between individual differences in temporal behavior and individual differences in human discrimination-reversal learning behavior. When the results of performance on a time-estimation task employing the method of reproduction are compared with the results of acquisition performance on a complex form of discrimination-reversal learning task is can be demonstrated that underestimation of time is associated with faster learning and overestimation of time is associated with slower learning of the discrimination task. The experimental design was based on the historical fact that the Sechenov-Pavlov and Spence-Hull formulations assigned a primary role in learning to excitation and inhibition as intervening variables between the input of stimulation and output of response. The present study also used the tasks of time estimation and discrimination learning as dependent variables; and the concept that underestimation of time is associated with and underlying predominance of excitatory processes as a hypothetical construct. The conclusion was reached that one of the many theoretical processes which may be used to explain discrimination learning is the concept that acquisition of the correct response may be viewed as a function of the individual rates at which excitatory processes come to be conditioned to a predominance over existing inhibitory processes.  相似文献   

BackgroundOnly 30 min of balance skill training can significantly improve behavioral and neuromuscular outcomes. However, it is unclear if such a rapidly acquired skill is also retained and transferred to other untrained balance tasks.Research questionWhat are the effects of a single balance training session on balance skill acquisition, retention, and transferability and on measures of neural plasticity examined by transcranial magnetic brain stimulation (TMS) and inter-muscular coherence?MethodsHealthy younger adults (n = 36, age 20.9, 18 M) were randomly assigned to: Balance training (BT); Active control (cycling training, CT) or non-active control (NC) and received a 20-min intervention. Before, immediately and ~ 7 days after the interventions, we assessed performance in the trained wobble board task, untrained static standing tasks and dynamic beam walking balance tasks. Underlying neural plasticity was assessed by tibialis anterior motor evoked potential, intracortical facilitation, short-interval intracortical inhibition and long-interval intracortical inhibition using TMS and by inter-muscular coherence.ResultsBT, but not CT (18%, d = 0.32) or NC (−1%, d = −0.02), improved balance performance in the trained, wobble board task by 207% (effect size d = 2.12). BT retained the acquired skill after a 1-week no-training period (136%, d = 1.57). No changes occurred in 4 measures of balance beam walking, in 8 measures of static balance, in 8 measures of intermuscular coherence, and in 4 TMS measures of supra-spinal plasticity (all p > 0.05).SignificanceHealthy young adults can learn a specific balance skill very rapidly but one should be aware that while such improvements were retained, the magnitude of transfer (32%, d = 0.94) to other balancing skills was statistically not significant. Additional studies are needed to determine the underlying neural mechanisms of rapid balance skill acquisition, retention, and transfer.  相似文献   

Figure-ground organization of an ambiguous pattern can be manipulated by the spatial and temporal frequency content of the two regions of the pattern. Controlling for space-averaged luminance and perceived contrast, we tested patterns in which the two regions of the ambiguous pattern contained sine-wave gratings of 8, 4, 1, or 0.5 cycles per degree (cpd) undergoing on:off flicker at the rates of 0, 3.75, 7.5, or 15 Hz. For a full set of combinations of temporal frequency differences, with each spatial frequency the higher temporal frequency was seen as background for more of the viewing time. For two spatial frequency combinations, 1 and 4 cpd, and 1 and 8 cpd, tested under each of the four temporal frequencies, the lower spatial frequency region was seen as the background for more of the viewing time. When the effects of spatial and temporal frequency were set in opposition, neither was predominant in determining perceptual organization. It is suggested that figure-ground organization may parallel the sustained-transient response characteristics of the visual system.  相似文献   

Effects of postural state and hand preference as constraints on 1-handed catching performance were investigated in different ability groups of children aged 9-10 years. On the basis of pretest data, the authors classified 48 participants into groups of good, intermediate, and poor catchers (n = 16 in each) and asked them to perform 1-handed catches with their preferred and nonpreferred hands while standing and sitting. The good catchers' performance was not affected by the imposed postural constraints but did improve when they used the preferred hand. A similar effect of hand preference was evident in the intermediate and poor catchers, but there was also an effect of postural constraint. Independent of hand preference, intermediate catchers' performance while seated improved significantly compared with that during standing. For poor catchers, there was an interaction between hand preference and posture; significant improvement was evident only when they used the preferred hand in the sitting condition. The finding that manipulation of posture and hand preference affected performance outcomes indicates that perceptual skill is not the only influence on catching performance in children. Manipulation of those key constraints may facilitate the acquisition of catching skill, but more research is needed to determine the permanence of those effects.  相似文献   

Concurrent learning of temporal and spatial sequences   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In a serial reaction time task, stimulus events simultaneously defined spatial and temporal sequences. Responses were based on the spatial dimension. The temporal sequence was incidental to the task, defined by the response-to-stimulus intervals in Experiment 1 and stimulus onset asynchronies in Experiment 2. The two sequences were either of equal length and correlated or of unequal length. In both experiments, spatial learning occurred regardless of sequence length condition. In contrast, temporal learning occurred only in the correlated condition. These results suggest that timing is an integrated part of action representations and that incidental learning for a temporal pattern does not occur independently from the action. Interestingly, sequence learning was enhanced in the correlated condition, reflecting the integration of spatial-temporal information.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of both environmental enrichment and individual behavioural characteristics on spatial cognitive capabilities of pigs, using a novel latent spatial learning paradigm based on Tolman’s detour experiments (1948). Pigs were housed either in ‘barren’ pens or in pens enriched with straw bedding from birth. Pigs were restrained in a Backtest at 10 and 17 days postpartum. Based on their escape behaviour in this test, which has been shown to reflect their behavioural style, six ‘high-resisting’(HR) and six ‘low-resisting’ (LR) pigs were selected from each housing environment (n = 24 in total). At 12 weeks of age, pairs of pen mates (LR and HR) were exposed to a maze three times (exploration trials). Pigs were then placed individually in the maze, and social reinstatement proved to be a strong incentive to find the exit leading to the home pen. We subsequently blocked the direct route to the exit, forcing animals to find a detour (memory test 1, MT1). This test was repeated once to investigate the relative improvement, i.e. detour learning (memory test 2, MT2). Housing condition and Backtest response strongly affected exploration patterns. In spite of this, no effects on performance during the subsequent memory tests were found. Performance was substantially improved in MT2, indicating that once a goal is apparent, pigs are able to solve a complex spatial memory task easily. In conclusion, social reinstatement provided a good incentive to complete a spatial task, and the substantial improvement in performance between MT1 and MT2 stresses the need for task complexity when testing spatial memory in pigs. Housing conditions or individual behavioural style did not affect spatial memory during MT1 or MT2. However, housing environment and behavioural style strongly affected explorative behaviour of pigs in an unfamiliar maze during both exploration trials and memory tests. This implicates that apparent effects of environmental enrichment on spatial learning and memory in pigs might reflect differences in explorative patterns rather than in cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Beek and van Santvoord [Beek, P. J., & van Santvoord, A. A. M. (1992). Journal of Motor Behavior, 24, 85-94] proposed a three-stage model of learning to juggle based on group analyses of temporal measures. Here, we examined in detail how the temporal and spatial features of juggling evolved in eight individual participants progressing from the second to the third stage of learning. During the second stage, the dwell ratio, defined as the ratio of the time that the juggler holds a ball between catch and toss and the hand cycle time (HCT), was stable when it was about 0.83. The subjects with a dwell ratio near this value and controlled throws exhibited stable juggling, whereas the subjects with a dwell ratio of 0.80 or smaller exhibited unstable juggling. Compared to the former group, the latter group had a longer time from the throw of a ball to the arrival at its zenith (TZ), and a shorter time between the arrival of an airborne ball at its zenith and the subsequent throw (IZR). The latter group also exhibited larger variability in the dwell ratio and IZR. With practice, the subjects appropriated, on average, the duration of TZ and IZR to the dwell ratio and improved the ability to accurately throw balls by changing the motions of the limb segments involved. Although these changes helped to stabilize the performance during the second stage, the variability problem was not sufficiently resolved. Only two out of eight subjects passed on to the third stage by the last (10th) Session. They achieved small variability in IZR, dwell ratio, and flight paths of the ball while juggling with short HCTs and small dwell ratios. These results suggest that the reduction of variability in these variables was essential to pass on to the third stage.  相似文献   

A large number of ratios between movement and breathing are possible, but only a small number have been performed during exercise. The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to investigate displays that might facilitate the performance of other ratios; and (2) to test predictions from the sine circle map and continued fractions in a model motor-respiratory task in which participants coordinated arm movement and breathing. Displays consisted of either real-time feedback or a template (non-feedback). The accuracy of ratio performance was significantly greater with the template in which the number and relative positioning of movements and breaths was depicted, compared to with real-time feedback. Across displays, the stability of ratio performance conformed to principles of the sine circle map and was significantly greater for ratios with longer continued fractions. Therefore, the motor-respiratory repertoire can be expanded by increasing participants’ understanding of the pattern to be performed, but performance is constrained by general dynamical principles.  相似文献   

Though transversely inclined (cross-sloped) surfaces are prevalent, our understanding of the biomechanical adaptations required for cross-slope locomotion is limited. The purpose of this study was to examine ground reaction forces (GRF) in cross-sloped and level walking and running. Nine young adult males walked and ran barefoot along an inclinable walkway in both level (0°) and cross-slope (10°) configurations. The magnitude and time of occurrence of selected features of the GRF were extracted from the force plate data. GRF data were collected in level walking and running (LW and LR), inclined walking and running up-slope (IWU and IRU), and down-slope (IWD and IRD), respectively. The GRF data were then analyzed using repeated measures MANOVA. In the anteroposterior direction, the timing of the peak force values differed across conditions during walking (p=.041), while the magnitude of forces were modified across conditions for running (p=.047). Most significant differences were observed in the mediolateral direction, where generally force values were up to 390% and 530% (p<.001) larger during the cross-slope conditions compared to level for walking and running, respectively. The maximum force peak during running occurred earlier at IRU compared to the other conditions (p≤.031). For the normal axis a significant difference was observed in the first maximum force peak during walking (p=.049). The findings of this study showed that compared to level surfaces, functional adaptations are required to maintain forward progression and dynamic stability in stance during cross-slope walking and running.  相似文献   

Wilcox LM  Duke PA 《Perception》2005,34(11):1325-1338
It is well established that under a wide range of conditions when a sparse collection of texture elements varies smoothly in depth, the spaces between the elements are assigned depth values. This disparity interpolation process has been studied in an effort to define some of its fundamental spatial and temporal constraints. To assess disparity interpolation we employed two tasks: a novel task that relies on the bisection of illusory boundaries created when subjective stereoscopic surfaces intersect, and one that relies on a 3-D shape discrimination. The results of both experiments show that there is no improvement in performance when texture density is increased from near 0.20 to 0.85 or when exposure duration is increased from 50-100 to 1000 ms. This lack of dependence on the addition of features that define the interpolated surface, along with the abrupt decline in performance below a critical value, is consistent with the view that surface interpolation is an important function of human stereoscopic vision.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, we integrated a team process and a learning curve perspective on team learning and empirically analysed whether team learning processes lead to performance improvement. In addition, we tested whether this relation is moderated by the similarity of team members’ task, team, and temporal mental models. We tested our model on a sample of 67 teams (314 individuals) competing in a management simulation over five consecutive time periods, using random coefficient modelling (RCM). Our findings suggest that team learning behaviours do not have a direct effect on the team learning curve, but temporal and task mental models are crucial for the translation of team learning behaviours into performance improvement. We found that when teams have similar task and temporal mental models, engaging in team learning processes is beneficial, whereas, when teams have dissimilar task and temporal mental models, it is detrimental to performance improvement. We did not find a significant effect for the moderating role of team mental model similarity. Our study emphasizes the importance of integrating different perspectives on team learning and provides support for the role of team cognition as a catalyst for team learning.  相似文献   

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