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欧洲哲学史上的经验主义和理性主义,是指十六世纪末至十八世纪中叶在西欧各国哲学发展中形成的两个学派。作为近代西方哲学的真正逻辑起点,在一百多年的长期发展中,它们既相互对立、相互斗争,又相互影响、相互渗透,自成一体,蔚然大观,在近代哲学中具有举足轻重的地位,并对德国古典哲学、马克思主义和现代西方哲学产生了深远的影响。在我国学术界,对这一段哲学史的研究,一直较为薄弱,《欧洲哲学史上的经验主义和理性主义》(下简称陈著)是我国哲学界研究这一领域的第一部学术专著,全书主旨集中,论理明确,分析细致,是近年来西哲史专题研究中较为难得的一部书。掩卷思之,具有以下几个特  相似文献   

孟娟 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1273-1277
虽然现代心理学一直想摆脱哲学的束缚与羁绊,但心理学的发展中总是自觉不自觉地表露出不同的认识论取向。经验主义、理性主义和解释学哲学对现代心理学的发展产生了重要影响。三种取向的心理学在心理学研究对象本质的理解、知识形成的途径、研究结果的表现形式以及研究方法的选择上各执己见,由此展现出三种不同的心理学风景。经验主义认识论注重事物各种特征的描述,经验材料的收集,主张采用自然科学研究方法以揭示现象的规律与法则。理性主义认识论关注现象背后的深层次结构,主张用信息加工、记忆检索、图式与结构、感觉输入等方式获得对现象本质的认识,并以形式结构的方式呈现研究结果。解释学认识论则注重对人类实践活动的理解,重视人与环境的相互作用,主张以语义的言说阐明研究结果。在未来,心理学仍需寻求完善的认识论基础,真正确立适于人性的心理学研究方式,以期展示人的完整本质。  相似文献   

逻辑经验主义对实验心理学的关注并非只是由于其结果的作用或其态度上的相似性,而且由于(或许是更为重要的)对澄清其概念的共同需要。逻辑经验主义对物理概念的分析是一种哲学成就的范式,而他们在心理学中同样的分析工作也被看做是规范科学的疑难解决方案。在这种范式的背后隐藏着统一科学的哲学理想。围绕经验问题,逻辑经验主义与心理学之间在20世纪30年代出现了大量互动;正是根据这个问题,以及在逻辑经验主义对统一科学的强调的关联中,我们才能很好地理解逻辑经验主义的心理学哲学及其对心理学的影响。以卡尔纳普、费格尔和托曼为最初代表,他们提出完全不同的处理方式,把心理学看做经验科学,就可以得到其他科学同样具有的主体间性,因此,这就使得逻辑经验主义获得了它希望得到的地位。  相似文献   

迈克尔·斯洛特是美国当代规范道德情感主义和德性伦理学的代表人物,他所创立的道德情感主义既不属于传统经验主义,也不属于传统理性主义,而是融合了经验主义和理性主义并具有独立身份的情感哲学的一个分支,集中体现了西方传统道德情感主义在当代哲学语境中的创新性发展。之所以能做到这点,关键原因在于斯洛特给道德情感主义注入了"先天"成分。若无"先天",传统英国道德情感主义就不会在当代得到复兴,更不会在复兴过程中把自身理论建设推向前所未有的历史新高度。以"先天"为对象,本文分析了它的含意,并探讨了它对道德情感主义理论构建所具有的特殊功能与意义。  相似文献   

在行为经济学和实验经济学发展的背景下,对现代西方经济伦理学研究里出现的数理解释现象进行剖析,追溯其历史渊源,介绍数理方法在当代经济伦理研究中的现状和影响,将经济伦理研究中的数理方法归纳为基础数学与统计学方法、经济数学方法、经典博弈论方法和演化博弈论方法、实验的方法以及计算机模拟仿真等方法,主要在公平正义、合作诚信、利他行为、非主流社会规范和幸福快乐的研究中取得突出成果.在哲学基础上,数理方法与实验方法相对应,分别是理性主义与经验主义哲学传统的体现.对西方经济伦理研究中的数理方法进行梳理,其在完善经济学和经济伦理学的方法论体系、弥补西方经济学研究的伦理不涉的缺陷和为经济伦理学成为一门客观、严密和精确的独立科学学科奠定基础方面,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

【导语】从历史上来讲,17世纪自然哲学向自然科学过渡时就曾经出现过“实验哲学”,它实际上属于近代自然哲学的一部分,其目的是通过科学实验研究自然规律。而现在所说的“实验哲学”则是近年来出现的一种基于经验数据的哲学探究,如通过经验调查探讨普通公众的直觉,以此检验哲学分析中的相关立场。实验哲学方法的引入,在语言、意识、自由意志与责任、直觉在认识上的可靠性等问题上重构或激发了一系列新的哲学论争。在传统的哲学研究中,实验哲学可用于概念分析厘清、为哲学辩论提供经验前提,也可用于对信念的拆穿论证或探讨偏见对信念与判断的影响。作为一种新的哲学研究进路,从语言哲学中的指称理论的经验证据到伦理学中的电车难题,实验哲学使得基于案例的哲学论证可以诉诸哲学家和常人的经验,但也因此使案例方法作为元哲学方法的地位受到了质疑。从元哲学来看,实验哲学的有效性与局限性,皆与其自然主义的底色密切相关--哲学认识的主体从哲学家或抽象的主体转换为不同类型的主体,哲学认识也从哲学家坐在椅子上的思考转换成对不同主体自然发生的认识的经验考察。由此,实验哲学使哲学在一定程度上从基于哲学理论的哲学变成了基于常人经验的哲学:其应用让我们看到在我们的文化中技能知识与命题知识无法完全区分,还能够为我们揭示哪些地方是直觉容易出错的“雷区”。无疑,实验哲学对认识实践过程的描述使哲学研究更为贴近真实的时空情境和历史脉络,使哲学分析的视野拓展到诸如“道德研究能否提升研究者的道德水平”“生命科学家的基因概念”等新问题。值得追问的是,实验哲学以及新近兴起的经验性哲学研究是否将会发展为哲学的主流进路,还是仅仅作为概念分析等传统的理论化哲学进路的某种替代或补充?  相似文献   

这本论文集,从对维特根斯坦的《哲学研究》的评论(1955年)到对劳丹的《进步及其种种问题》的抨击(1981年),概括了费耶阿本德二十五年来的哲学研究生涯。这个两卷集(卷1:实在论、理性主义和科学方法;卷2:经验主义的问题)在内容上没有明显的区别,虽然第一卷主要反映50年代和60年代费耶阿本德的思想,但作者对这两卷  相似文献   

自本体与对本体:中西哲学的诠释学基础   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中西哲学的根本性差异是自本体思维与对本体思维的差异。所谓自本体的思维,是认为认知对象与认知主体无法分开,强调本体的自我呈现。而对本体思维则首先将存在视之为客观实有,然后去探究这客观实有的真实。自本体思维与对本体思维都是人的二重性存在的客观反映。对于对本体方式来说,它重视对人的工具理性式的生存状态的探究,而自本体则关心人作为价值理性的生存状态的探究。由于人的工具性层面与价值性层面不仅相互补充与依存,而且会相互涵摄,因此,未来哲学的发展,要求我们同时采取自本体思维与对本体思维的方式;而所谓中西哲学的融会与贯通,是指它们在各自保持自身的诠释学传统的基础上,同时理解与吸收对方的诠释学立场与传统。  相似文献   

西方近代认识论论纲:理性主义与经验主义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
西方近代的两个主要认识论思潮是理性主义和经验主义。理性主义和经验主义有古老的历史发源 ,在古代和中世纪都能找到其倾向和表现。但是 ,只是到了近代 ,当认识论在自然科学的推动下得到充分、深入的发展时 ,理性主义和经验主义才逐渐形成近代乃至现代意义上的理论形态 ,成为一个划时代的理论标志 ,勾勒了自F .培根对经验的诉诸开始直至康德对两派进行综合的近代认识论的基本走向。1.近代理性主义和经验主义的划分可以有两种方式。一种是经典的 ,指笛卡尔、斯宾诺莎、莱布尼茨等大陆理性主义者和洛克、贝克莱、休谟等英国经验主义者之间的…  相似文献   

在中国人的安身立命之基的问题上,我们至今未能有必要的基本共识,要建立这一基本共识的基本途径只能是:追寻智慧.所谓追寻智慧,是以“问题”为中心的一件事情,但是“问题”却有功能性的勾连、生存性的勾连和本体性的勾连之不同,并且分别敞开了不同的意义—认知境域:常识、知识和智慧.由于我们还是在“知识”的层面上来理解“哲学”,所以“中国哲学的合法性”成为了一个梦魇般的问题.中国哲学的合法性不是靠在故纸堆里爬梳考辨、援证推理所能解决的,只有面向生活世界,在世界历史的水平上创造出全新的世界图景以获得确证.哲学是一个民族的精神宣言,是一个民族的心灵图景和理想旗帜,一个没有自己哲学的民族不可能得到世界的敬重,中华民族的伟大复兴呼唤着中国哲学,并且最终是由中国哲学所取得的成就来标识出对人类世界的贡献.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide a starting point for a non-representational approach to language. It will do so by undoing some of the reifying tendencies that are at the heart of the ontology of scientific psychology. Although non-representational theories are beginning to emerge, they remain committed to giving explanations in terms of ontological structures that are independent of human activity. If they maintain this commitment it is unlikely that they will displace representationalism in domains such as language. By following some of Wittgenstein’s remarks on language, I explain the phenomenon of reification by carefully considering the formative, situational flow of language—thus without invoking representations. In this way, the paper sketches a direction of approach for a non-representational theory of language, undercutting the most important assumptions that justify an explanatory ontology devoid of human activity.  相似文献   

利用元分析考察了言语节奏在言语加工中起作用的时间进程及影响因素。对36篇脑电文献(共43个独立效应量)进行分析,发现节奏影响言语加工主要表现在早期阶段的N100和P200成分、中后期阶段的P300、LAN、N400和晚期正成分上;个体对节奏违反非常敏感,言语节奏加工早于句法加工,在言语加工的中后期阶段,节奏与语义和句法发生交互;任务类型调节言语节奏对言语加工过程的影响,在外显任务中,言语节奏对言语加工过程的影响大于内隐任务和同时包含多项任务要求的混合任务。注意和预期是言语节奏加工的内在机制,研究结果支持交互论的观点。  相似文献   

This paper describes a new approach to natural language processing which results in a very robust and efficient system. The approach taken is to integrate the parser with the rest of the system. This enables the parser to benefit from predictions that the rest of the system makes in the course of its processing. These predictions can be invaluable as guides to the parser in such difficult problem areas as resolving referents and selecting meanings of ambiguous words. A program, called FRUMP for Fast Reading Understanding and Memory Program, employs this approach to parsing. FRUMP skims articles rather than reading them for detail. The program works on the relatively unconstrained domain of news articles. It routinely understands stories it has never before seen. The program's success is largely due to its radically different approach to parsing.  相似文献   

The cognitive system is an artificial intelligence product that integrates natural language processing techniques. The biggest d on logical reasoning, which can help users improve exploration and accelerate discovery. On the basis of natural language processing and logical reasoning, the paper adopts similarity algorithm bas difference between big data analysis systems and cognitive systems is that cognitive systems can directly deal with the problems raised by natural language forms and provide predictions baseded on question sentences, designs a cognitive system for specific domains, and finally realizes it on the NAO robot platform.  相似文献   

The formal verification of mathematical texts is one of the most interesting applications for computer systems. In fact, we argue that the expert language of mathematics is the natural choice for achieving efficient mathematician–machine interaction. Our empirical approach, the analysis of carefully authored textbook proofs, forces us to focus on the language and the reasoning pattern that mathematician use when presenting proofs to colleagues and students. Enabling a machine to understand and follow such language and argumentation is seen to be the key to usable and acceptable math assistant systems. In this paper, we first perform an analysis of three textbook proofs by hand; we then describe a computational framework that aims at mechanising such an analysis. The resulting proof-of-concept implementation is capable of processing simple textbook proofs and constitutes promising steps towards a natural mathematician–machine interface for proof development and verification.  相似文献   

There are two significant problems in using functional neuroimaging methods to study language. Improving the state of functional brain imaging will depend on understanding how the dependent measure of brain imaging differs from behavioral dependent measures (the "dependent measure problem") and how the activation of the motor system may be confounded with non-motor aspects of processing in certain experimental designs (the "motor output problem"). To address these problems, it may be necessary to shift the focus of language research from the study of linguistic competence to the understanding of language use. This will require investigations of language processing in full multi-modal and environmental context, monitoring of natural behaviors, novel experimental design, and network-based analysis. Such a combined naturalistic approach could lead to tremendous new insights into language and the brain.  相似文献   

Investigating the neuronal network underlying language processing may contribute to a better understanding of how the brain masters this complex cognitive function with surprising ease and how language is acquired at a fast pace in infancy. Modern neuroimaging methods permit to visualize the evolvement and the function of the language network. The present paper focuses on a specific methodology, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), providing an overview over studies on auditory language processing and acquisition. The methodology detects oxygenation changes elicited by functional activation of the cerebral cortex. The main advantages for research on auditory language processing and its development during infancy are an undemanding application, the lack of instrumental noise, and its potential to simultaneously register electrophysiological responses. Also it constitutes an innovative approach for studying developmental issues in infants and children. The review will focus on studies on word and sentence processing including research in infants and adults.  相似文献   

Crane  Judith K. 《Synthese》2021,199(5-6):12177-12198

Philosophical treatments of natural kinds are embedded in two distinct projects. I call these the philosophy of science approach and the philosophy of language approach. Each is characterized by its own set of philosophical questions, concerns, and assumptions. The kinds studied in the philosophy of science approach are projectible categories that can ground inductive inferences and scientific explanation. The kinds studied in the philosophy of language approach are the referential objects of a special linguistic category—natural kind terms—thought to refer directly. Philosophers may hope for a unified account addresses both sets of concerns. This paper argues that this cannot be done successfully. No single account can satisfy both the semantic objectives of the philosophy of language approach and the explanatory projects of the philosophy of science approach. After analyzing where the tensions arise, I make recommendations about assumptions and projects that are best abandoned, those that should be retained, and those that should go their separate ways. I also recommend adopting the disambiguating terminology of “scientific kinds” and “natural kinds” for the different notions of kinds developed in these different approaches.


A novel approach to the parsing of natural language based on weighted constraints is presented. Wellformedness conditions are exclusively expressed by means of constraints and no generative rule component is available. In general, constraints can be violated and contradictory requirements of a grammar are tolerated. Additional representational levels allow the integration of different linguistic perspectives into a coherent model, thus contributing jointly to the computation of the most plausible structural interpretation. A number of solution procedures is available for such a parsing problem. Their properties are discussed with respect to possible analogies to human language processing, focussing on robustness against deviating utterances and external temporal pressure.  相似文献   

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