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Maximum validity of a test with equivalent items   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is assumed that a scale of true scores on a function exists and that the probability of answering an item correctly is a curve of the type of the integral of the normal curve. The product moment correlation between the test score and true score is derived for a normal distribution of subjects and a test composed of equivalent items. Numerical examples demonstrate that the maximum correlation between test scores and true scores occurs for a one hundred item test when the point correlation between items is less than three tenths.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine whether changing the time orientation or biodata items from past to present would result in a reduction of the items' validity. It was predicated on the notion that the traditionally employed measures of past performance were potentially unfair, especially to minority applicants. Administered to 192 members of the Air National Guard, the set of biodata items measuring present behavior was found to have validity coefficients which are at least comparable, if not superior, to the set measuring past behavior.  相似文献   

This study tested the effect of using the word stress in the measurement of self-reported occupational stressors and strains. Employees from two organizations responded to a questionnaire that included specific occupational stressors, strains, and 16 items in which the word stress was used. Survey respondents tended to interpret the word stress to refer both to employees' strains or reactions to the work environment and to job stressors or elements of the environment itself. Implications of these findings for occupational stress research are discussed.  相似文献   

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventories (MMPI) of adolescent outpatients were examined to determine whether characteristically elevated F scales indicated an exaggeration of psychopathology. A treatment condition designed to reduce the motivation to exaggerate psychopathology did not lower scores of the F and F-K indices when subjects were administered a second MMPI. Similarly, actuarial interpretations for the second protocols were not more frequently selected by therapists as more valid, regardless of treatment condition and elevation of the F and F-K indices on the first MMPI profile. Elevations of Scales F, Pd/4, and Sc/8 characterized the adolescent MMPI profiles.  相似文献   

Background. Aggression has a long history in academic research as both a criterion and a predictor variable and it is well documented that aggression is related to a variety of poor academic outcomes such as: lowered academic performance, absenteeism and lower graduation rates. However, recent research has implicated physical aggression as being predictive of lower academic performance. Aims. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of the ‘Big Five’ personality traits of agreeableness, openness to experience, conscientiousness, neuroticism and extraversion and physical aggression in predicting the grade point averages (GPA) of adolescent students and to investigate whether or not there were differences in these relationships between male and female students. Sample. A sample of 992 students in grades 9 to 12 from a high school in south‐eastern USA as part of a larger study examining the students' preparation for entry into the workforce. Method. The study was correlational in nature: students completed a personality inventory developed by the second author with the GPA information supplied by the school. Results. Results indicated that physical aggression accounts for 16% of variance in GPA and it adds 7% to the prediction of GPA beyond the Big Five. The Big Five traits added only 1.5% to the prediction of GPA after controlling for physical aggression. Interestingly, a significantly larger amount of variance in GPA was predicted by physical aggression for females than for males. Conclusions. Aggression accounts for significantly more variance in the GPA of females than for males, even when controlling for the Big Five personality factors. Future research should examine the differences in the expression of aggression in males and females, as well as how this is affecting interactions between peers and between students and their teachers.  相似文献   

The probability of target presentation in visual search tasks influences target detection performance: this is known as the prevalence effect (Wolfe et al., 2005). Additionally, searching for several targets simultaneously reduces search performance: this is known as the dual-target cost (DTC: Menneer et al., 2007). The interaction between the DTC and prevalence effect was investigated in a single study by presenting one target in dual-target search at a higher level of prevalence than the other target (Target A: 45% Prevalence; Target B: 5% Prevalence). An overall DTC was found for both RTs and response accuracy. Furthermore, there was an effect of target prevalence in dual-target search, suggesting that, when one target is presented at a higher level of prevalence than the other, both the dual-target cost and the prevalence effect contribute to decrements in performance. The implications for airport X-ray screening are discussed.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of subtle and obvious item endorsements to the prediction of a relevant criterion were assessed under faking and control ("honest") conditions. The MMPI and a nonconformity questionnaire were first administered to 100 male college students. Items on the Pd scale and 101 additional MMPI items that correlated significantly with the nonconformity questionnaire were then rated by 38 other male college students for apparent relationship to psychopathology. From these ratings, a scale (designated PdX) was constructed, which consisted of 21 subtle and 21 obvious items. After a third group of 98 male college students completed the nonconformity questionnaire, they were asked to respond to the items of the Pd and PdX subscales under control, fake-good, and fake-bad instructions. Significant correlations between the nonconformity scale and certain PdX and Pd subscales were found only for the control group. Implications for test construction and for clinical interpretation under faking conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the psychometric properties and principal components structure of the Bulimia Test Revised (BULIT-R; [Thelen, M.H., Farmer, J., Wonderlich, S. & Smith, M. (1991). A revision of the Bulimia Test: the BULIT-R. Psychological Assessment, 3, 119-124.]) using a sample of early adolescent males and females. Three hundred and six girls (mean age = 13.66; S.D. = 1.12) and 297 boys (mean age = 13.89: S.D. = 1.13) from grades 7-10 completed the BULIT-R as part of a larger study investigating disordered eating in early adolescence. In comparison to the 5 factors identified in adult female samples, the factor analysis identified four similar factors for adolescent boys and girls: bingeing, control, normative weight loss (dieting and exercise) and extreme weight loss behaviors (vomiting, diuretics and laxatives). The findings highlight similarities between boys and girls and differences in the factorial nature of the BULIT-R for adult and adolescent samples. The BULIT-R also demonstrated good reliability with adolescent samples and adequate concurrent validity with the DFT, DEBQ and binge eating as defined by the DSM-IV criteria. The emergence of bingeing and control as two distinct factors is an important distinction that needs to be considered when attempting to provide accurate incidence rates of binge eating and bulimic symptomatology in adolescents.  相似文献   

This investigation was conducted to validate the Beck Depression Inventory--II (BDI-II; A. T. Beck, R. A. Steer, & G. K. Brown, 1996) in samples of adolescent psychiatric inpatients. The sample in each substudy was primarily Caucasian. In Study 1, expert raters (N=7) and adolescent psychiatric inpatients (N=13) evaluated the BDI-II items to assess content validity. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analyses of several first-order solutions failed to provide adequate fit estimates to data for 205 boys, 203 girls, and the combined sample. Exploratory factor analyses identified new item-factor solutions. Reliability estimates were good (range =.72 to.91) for the BDI-II total and scale scores. In Study 3 (N=161 boys and 158 girls from Study 2), preliminary evidence for estimates of concurrent, convergent, and discriminant validity were established for the BDI-II.  相似文献   

The Sexual Experiences Survey (SES) is designed to identify victims of sexual assault, including ones whose experiences meet the Ohio legal definitions (Ohio Revised Code, 1980) for rape or attempted rape (Koss, Gidycz, and Wisniewski, 1987). Ratings from 156 Ohio prosecuting attorneys indicate that three of the five items used to identify victims of rape or attempted rape as a result of actual or threatened force are commensurate with the sex offense statutes for these acts, while the two questions describing attempted and completed rape experiences involving the use of drugs and alcohol are not. The ratings could not be accounted for by demographic, work experience, or rape myth acceptance variables. Two additional items not intended to measure specific code violations were found to describe felony sex offenses. The implications of the current findings for identifying sexual assault victims are discussed.  相似文献   

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