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Interference between location and distance information in motor short-term memory has been hypothesized on the basis of the systematic pattern of undershooting and overshooting in movement reproduction that occurs when the starting position for reproduction movements is shifted. To determine the possible contribution of limb-specific kinesthetic information to this systematic undershooting-overshooting pattern, we compared the reproduction of linear arm positioning movements performed under either same-limb or switched-limb conditions. Ten subjects were assigned to either a location or distance cue condition, and each subject completed a total of 40 trials, 20 under same-limb and 20 under switched-limb conditions. Each trial consisted of criterion and reproduction movements, separated by a 10-s retention interval. The starting position for the reproduction movement was shifted by 0, 2, or 4 cm in either direction from that of the criterion movement. The systematic undershooting-overshooting pattern, which occurs when either the movement location or distance is reproduced, arose under both the same-limb and switched-limb conditions, suggesting that the primary cause of the location-distance interference is not limb-specific kinesthetic information. Rather, more abstract information in the form of a conceptual memory code appears to be the probable cause of the location distance interference phenomenon.  相似文献   

A number of researchers (e.g. Kerr, 1978; Walsh, Russell, Imanaka, & James, 1979) have previously demonstrated interference between location and distance information in motor short-term memory. This interference manifests itself in a characteristic pattern of undershooting and overshooting, with reproduction movement location being drawn in the direction of criterion movement distance and, conversely, the distance of reproduction movements being influenced by the terminal location of the criterion movement. We investigated the effects of different cognitive strategies upon the appearance of this location-distance interference during the reproduction of movement location (Experiment 1) and distance (Experiments 2 and 3) in a linear arm positioning task. Experiment 1 compared performance in location reproduction between two strategy groups differing in the availability of explicit information about the change in starting position. The characteristic undershooting-overshooting interference pattern was observed for the group without the explicit information about the change in starting position but disappeared for the group in which explicit information about the change in starting position was provided. Experiment 2 examined the systematic undershooting-overshooting pattern in distance reproduction for a location strategy (involving some extrapolation of the start and end locations), a counting strategy, and a distance sense strategy (involving the use of visual imagery). The systematic response bias pattern disappeared when the subjects used a location strategy but was clearly observed for the subjects using the other two strategies. This finding was generally confirmed by Experiment 3, which showed a typical undershooting-overshooting pattern in distance reproduction for a counting/distance sense strategy but not for two location strategies (a general location and an explicit location strategy). The location strategies differed in the availability of explicit information about starting and end locations for both the criterion and reproduction movements. The results from these three experiments indicate that explicit information about the start andlor end locations prevents the usual interference between location and distance information from arising in movement reproduction. The notions of automatic and controlled processing and cerebral hemispheric specialization are discussed as potential explanations of these results and of the interference typically observed in motor short-term memory between distance and location information.  相似文献   

The role of previous visual experience in the reproduction of a criterion movement was examined in sighted, late-blinded, and congenitally blind children. Results showed that the congenitally blind reproduce movements at a low level of accuracy compared with the other two groups. Detailed analysis showed that although the congenitally blind could reproduce the extent of the movement accurately, the movement was poorly reproduced in terms of its orientation to the criterion movement and its orientation from a reference point. The role of prior vision in establishing a frame of reference is discussed.  相似文献   

Pattern reproduction tasks were presented in four different media to samples of urban Zambian and urban British schoolchildren. When the patterns were reproduced as wire models, the Zambian children excelled the British. When the patterns were reproduced by drawing, the British children excelled the Zambian. No reliable cross-cultural differences were found when the patterns were reproduced as plasticine models or as configurations of hand positions. Both cultural groups were equally adversely affected when required to perform the modelling tasks or the hand positions task blind-folded. The results are interpreted as suggesting that cross-cultural differences in performance of pattern reproduction tasks reflect different sets of highly specific perceptual skills rather than differences on broader cognitive variables such as practical intelligence, field-dependency or sensotypes.  相似文献   

The temporal reproduction task is often used to investigate inter-individual differences in the ability to perceive time without any further analyses of the contribution of motor responses to temporal performance. The present study examined the role of motor responses in the reproduction of a 2.5 s and a 4.5 s signal duration in children and adults, with the former producing longer motor responses. The results showed that the 2.5 s duration was overestimated, especially by the younger children, whereas the 4.5 s duration was underestimated in all age groups. Further analyses indicated that the developmental differences related to motor response time explained the age-related difference in temporal reproduction for the shorter duration but not for the longer duration. The modelling of our data suggests that, for the shorter signal duration, the children initiated their responses at the same time as the adults, but that they reproduced longer durations because their motor response took more time to complete. In contrast, for the 4.5 s duration, the children initiated their responses earlier than the adults. However, they reproduced duration values close to the target time because their motor responses took longer. In addition, whatever the duration value to be reproduced, the representation of the sample duration was more variable in the younger children.  相似文献   

We compared the performance of twenty 5-7-year-olds on two spatial-temporal judgment tasks. In a semantic task, children located temporal distances from today that were described using conventional, temporal terms on a spatial timeline. In an autobiographical task, children judged temporal distances on the same spatial timeline for events that they had experienced, or were going to experience, presented without explicit temporal references. Six-year-olds were equally accurate in judging temporal distances in the semantic and autobiographical tasks, but 7-year-olds were more accurate in the semantic task. Older children were more accurate than younger children in the semantic task, but no significant age differences were found for autobiographical events. Surprisingly, children were equally accurate in locating past and future events in time. Children at both ages were more accurate judging temporal distances up to one week away (both past and future) as compared to distances of two to four weeks across both tasks. Results suggest that knowledge of recurring time patterns and conventional time measurement systems is necessary, but not sufficient, for locating autobiographical events in time, and temporal distance plays an important role in children's temporal judgments.  相似文献   

Blind walking has become a common measure of perceived target location. This article addresses the possibility that blind walking might vary systematically within an experimental session as participants accrue exposure to nonvisual locomotion. Such variations could complicate the interpretation of blind walking as a measure of perceived location. We measured walked distance, velocity, and pace length in indoor and outdoor environments (1.5-16.0 m target distances). Walked distance increased over 37 trials by approximately 9.33% of the target distance; velocity (and to a lesser extent, pace length) also increased, primarily in the first few trials. In addition, participants exhibited more unintentional forward drift in a blindfolded marching-in-place task after exposure to nonvisual walking. The results suggest that participants not only gain confidence as blind-walking exposure increases, but also adapt to nonvisual walking in a way that biases responses toward progressively longer walked distances.  相似文献   

The effect of an interpolated movement on the recall of a blind, lever-positioning movement was assessed separately for the reproduction cues of distance and end-location. Both cues showed the context effect of assimilation, that is, the end-location of the interpolated movement caused directional biasing of the algebraic or constant error (CE) for location reproduction while the length of the interpolated movement caused similar directional biasing for distance reproduction. Variability about algebraic error (VE) was used to assess forgetting. There was no change in VE for location reproduction, and an increase in VE for distance reproduction was limited to the relatively large movements. Thus, an interpolated movement that does not have to be remembered does not cause interference with the retention of location information, but does cause some interference with the retention of distance information. The findings are discussed in relation to a model of motor short-term memory which incorporates both CE and VE.  相似文献   

The role of visual imagery in short-term retention of movement end locations and distances was examined by comparing performances of subjects with extreme scores on the space relations section of the Differential Aptitude Test. Twelve HIGHS and twelve LOWS were tested on reproduction accuracy of six distances and six end locations immediately following presentation a 30-sec rest, a 30 sec imaginal rehearsal condition, and a 30-sec imaginal distraction condition. Initial analysis of the data provided little support for the hypothesis that HIGHS would reproduce criterion locations with more accuracy than LOWS. However, when scores of HIGHS reporting use of an imaginal coding strategy (HIGHS) were compared with LOWS who did not (LOWS), several expected findings were disclosed. HIGHS reproduced end locations with significantly less error in the immediate and imaginal rehearsal conditions, and as expected, accuracy scores for HIGHS and LOWS did not differ for the distance task. The findings suggest that when subjects employ an imaginal coding strategy, visual imagery ability may be an important factor in the retention of location information, but of little functional significance in the recall of distance.  相似文献   

3 repetitive movements were studied. These were a blind movement between 2 stops, a visually guided movement to a line and a blind movement which had to be terminated at a previously learned position. Previous work had shown that the first of the three caused no interference with RT to a secondary signal presented during the movement, while the other two did interfere. Ss either performed the movement task alone, together with an attention demanding key positioning task, or under an instruction to think about something else. The variability of movement and pause time was used to score the movement tasks. When the movement was performed alone, variability was least for the blind movement between stops and most for the blind movement with a remembered target All tasks showed increased variability when performed with the subsidiary key task. The instruction to think about something else generally increased variability but not significantly. The task component showing the least influence of the secondary task was the variability of movement distance in the blind task without stops.  相似文献   

In a recent theoretical model of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Barkley (1997a) predicted that ADHD children experience impairments in their psychological sense of time. This was demonstrated in a series of experiments by Barkley, Koplowicz, Anderson, and McMurray (1997). The present study sought to investigate the effects of ADHD subtype, stimulus duration, mode of presentation (visual versus auditory) and distractors on the performance of a simple time reproduction task. Data were obtained from 44 ADHD children (14 predominantly inattentive and 30 combined type) and 44 age-matched Controls using the Time Perception Application version 1.0 (Barkley, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, 1998). Results revealed that the ADHD children made significantly larger errors on Visual time reproduction tasks than the Controls, regardless of ADHD subtype or the presence of distractors. Furthermore, ADHD children were more likely to overestimate the shorter time intervals (0.5 and 2 s) and underestimate the longer time intervals (3, 4 and 6 s) relative to Controls. No group differences were observed on the auditory time reproduction task, with both ADHD and Control groups consistently underestimating the durations to be reproduced. The results of this study provide further support for the prediction that children with ADHD have an impaired sense of time.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted in which visual information was manipulated either at the endpoint or during preselected, subject defined and constrained, experimenter-defined movements. In Experiments 1 and 2 the subject's task was to reproduce the movement in the absence of vision. Augmenting the terminal location of the criterion movement with vision had no differential effect on reproduction in Experiment 1, although preselected movement accuracy was significantly superior to constrained. Providing vision throughout the criterion movement in Experiment 2 not only failed to improve the accuracy of constrained movements but decreased reproduction performance in preselected movements. In Experiment 3 procedures were adopted to control the allocation of the subjects' attention during the criterion movement. The subjects reproduced by vision alone, movement alone, or with both visual and movement information available. When subjects were informed of the modality of reproduction prior to criterion presentation, they were able to ignore concurrent input from vision and attend to movement information. In the absence of precues visual information was spontaneously attended. The data were interpreted as contrary to closed-loop assumptions that additional information necessarily enhances the strength of a motor memory representation. Rather, they can be accommodated in terms of Posner, Nissen and Klein's (1976) theoretical account of visual dominance and serve to illustrate the importance of selective attention effects in movement coding.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated how short-term memory of kinesthetically defined spatial locations suffers from either motor or cognitive distraction. In Exp. 1, 22 blindfolded participants moved a handle with their right hand towards a mechanical stop and back to the start and then reproduced the encoded stop position by a second movement. The retention interval was adjusted to approximately 0 and 8 s. In half of the trials participants had to provide a verbal judgment of the target distance after encoding (cognitive distractor). Analyses of constant and variable errors indicated that the verbal judgments interfered with the motor reproduction only, when the retention interval was long. In Exp. 2, 22 other participants performed the same task but instead of providing verbal distance estimations they performed an additional movement either with their right or left hand during the retention interval. Constant error was affected by the side of the interpolated movement (right vs. left hand) and by the delay interval. The results show that reproduction of kinesthetically encoded spatial locations is affected differently in long- and short-retention intervals by cognitive and motor interference. This suggests that reproduction behavior is based on distinct codes during immediate vs. delayed recall.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in order to assess the contribution of locomotor information to estimates of egocentric distance in a walking task. In the first experiment, participants were either shown, or led blind to, a target located at a distance ranging from 4 to 10 m and were then asked to indicate the distance to the target by walking to the location previously occupied by the target. Participants in both the visual and locomotor conditions were very accurate in this task and there was no significant difference between conditions. In the second experiment, a cue-conflict paradigm was used in which, without the knowledge of the participants, the visual and locomotor targets (the targets they were asked to walk to) were at two different distances. Most participants did not notice the conflict, but despite this their responses showed evidence that they had averaged the visual and locomotor inputs to arrive at a walked estimate of distance. Together, these experiments demonstrate that, although they showed poor awareness of their position in space without vision, in some conditions participants were able to use such nonvisual information to arrive at distance estimates as accurate as those given by vision.  相似文献   

Two experiments done with a short-term memory paradigm examined the influence of shifts in the starting position on the reproduction of kinesthetic location (Exp. 1) and on distance cues (Exp. 2). We assessed possible causes of the systematic pattern of undershooting and overshooting as related to the shift in the starting position. In each experiment, two groups of 10 students were given 25 trials, and each had criterion and reproduction tasks involving linear-positioning movements with a 10-sec. retention interval. Each experiment had two independent variables, the group of subjects and the shift in the starting position. The two groups differed in the possible sources of information, the distance moved (Exp. 1) or the end-location (Exp. 2), which were assumed to cause undershooting and overshooting during reproduction. Analysis showed that the information about the distance moved may produce undershooting and overshooting in reproduction of the end-location (Exp. 2). Also, the information about the end-location may produce undershooting and overshooting in reproduction of the distance moved (Exp. 2). The findings were further evidence of interference between location and distance cues in motor short-term memory.  相似文献   

Visual attention in driving with visual secondary task is compared for two visual secondary tasks. N = 40 subjects completed a 1 h test drive in a motion-base driving simulator. During the drive, participants either solved an externally paced, highly demanding visual task or a self paced menu system task. The secondary tasks were offered in defined critical and non-critical driving situations. Eye movement behavior was analyzed and compared for both tasks. Before starting the secondary tasks, eye movement behavior shows a smaller standard deviation of gaze as well as longer fixation durations for both tasks. The comparison between the two tasks indicates that drivers use the possibilities the self paced task offers: during the secondary task, they monitor the driving scene with longer fixations and show a greater standard deviation of gaze position. Furthermore, independently of the type of secondary task, drivers adapt their eye movement behavior to the demands of the situation. In critical driving situations they direct a larger proportion of glance time to the driving task. Last, the relation between glance behavior and collisions is analyzed. Results indicate that collisions go together with an inadequate distribution of attention during distraction. The results are interpreted regarding the attentional processes involved in driving with visual secondary tasks. Based on the similarities and differences between the two secondary tasks, a cognitive approach is developed which assumes that the control of attention during distraction is based on a mental situational model of the driving situation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not blind children perseverate during a modified Piagetian A-not-B reaching task, with conditions that employ luminous AB targets and acoustic AB targets. Ten congenitally blind children, ages 1–4 years, with residual vision for light, took part in this study. Behavioral and kinematic data were computed for participants’ reaches, performed in six A trials and in two B trials, in both stimulus conditions. All of the children perseverated in the luminous condition, and none of them perseverated in the condition using acoustic targets. The children tilted their heads in the direction of the target as they reached towards it. However, this coupling action (head-reaching) occurred predominantly in the A trials in the acoustic condition. In the luminous condition, in contrast to the acoustic condition, the children took longer times to initiate the reaching movement. Also, in the luminous condition, the children explored the target surroundings, unlike the acoustic condition, in which they reached straight ahead. For these blind children, sound was more relevant to reaching than was the luminous stimulus. The luminous input caused perseveration in congenitally blind children in a similar way that has been reported in the literature for typically-developing, sighted infants, ages 8–12 months, performing A-not-B tasks with visual inputs.  相似文献   

Domestic cats (Felis cans) were administered a progressive elimination task in which they had to visit and deplete 3 baited sites. Cats were brought back to the starting point after each visit to any site whether the visit represented a correct or an incorrect choice. The results revealed that cats organized search as a function of the least distance principle whether they had to assess starting point to target distances (Experiment 1, n = 12) or adjacent bowl distances (Experiment 2, n = 12). The results also revealed that the starting point to target distance factor was the most influential in determining the initial choice (Experiment 3, n = 6) and in producing errors. Errors were also linked to the antero-posterior bodily axis of the cat. Results are discussed in terms of the predatory behavior of the cat.  相似文献   

Although several studies have explored the development of balance control in children, few have addressed the influence of task difficulty on balance control under dynamic and ecologically valid conditions. In this study, reaching tasks in three directions to two distances enabled the examination of balance control in the context of graded task difficulty. Balance control was measured in younger (6 years) and older (10-11 years) children and adults using center of pressure (COP) measures (initial position, excursion, and amplitude) and reach distance. Measures of the initial position of the COP and the excursion of the COP revealed no age-related differences in balance control. Furthermore, balance control, measured by the amplitude of COP movement over the course of the reaching tasks, indicated no differences between the age groups for the least difficult and most difficult tasks. For tasks of moderate difficulty, however, older children displayed levels of balance control similar to younger children for some tasks and higher levels of balance control, similar to adults, for others. This study suggests that (1) process-based measures of balance control are more sensitive in detecting age-related differences, and (2) balance control depends upon both age and the difficulty of the task being performed.  相似文献   

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