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Moving evaluation to the “best practice frontier” is a laborious task at any level of government. At the level of the European Union, better budget performance is a shared responsibility of the main European institutions as well as of the individual national and regional governments, while specific budgetary factors complicate matters further. To increase the transparency of decision making at the Union level and of the value for money of the approximately 80 billion ecus spent annually through the European budget, the Coucil, European parliament and the Commission have stepped up evaluation efforts over the last few years. Marc Vanheukelen, M.Sc. in economics, is Head of Sector “Budget Evaluation” in the Directorate General of Budgets in the European Commission. Aside from evaluation methodology, his research interests include the economics of integration and public finance federalism. This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily those of the European Commission.  相似文献   

Although activities in basic and applied research in developing countries (DCs) are guided by universal scientific principles, there are important differences in the way in which science is practiced from that of the industrialized world. Isolation from the mainstream of scientific activity, the need for the development of an indigenous scientific capacity, the lack of a critical mass of researchers with respect to most fields of knowledge, and the urgency of developing better and more efficient communication channels, are some of the aspects that set apart the scientific activity of the developing world. In particular, the need to develop local "new" science aimed at solving pressing problems of a local nature suggests the existence of a different set of conditions from those found in scientifically-advanced countries. In the present article we look at the ways the special circumstances of science in DCs will affect the application of evaluation criteria, using bibliometric data on research in Mexico as an example.  相似文献   

Baron  Sam 《Philosophical Studies》2020,177(8):2207-2226
Philosophical Studies - Work in quantum gravity suggests that spacetime is not fundamental. Rather, spacetime emerges from an underlying, non-spatiotemporal reality. After clarifying the type of...  相似文献   

van Dijk  Ludger 《Synthese》2021,198(9):9021-9034
Synthese - Despite an attempt to break with the hierarchical picture in traditional emergentist thought, non-standard accounts of emergence are often still committed to a premise that ontology is...  相似文献   

These studies investigate whether individuals with high narcissism scores would be more likely to emerge as leaders during leaderless group discussions. The authors hypothesized that narcissists would emerge as group leaders. In three studies, participants completed personality questionnaires and engaged in four-person leaderless group discussions. Results from all three studies reveal a link between narcissism and leader emergence. Studies 1 and 2 further reveal that the power dimension of narcissism predicted reported leader emergence while controlling for sex, self-esteem, and the Big Five personality traits. Study 3 demonstrates an association between narcissism and expert ratings of leader emergence in a group of executives. The implications of the propensity of narcissists to emerge as leaders are discussed.  相似文献   

Corrigan's results point the way toward a reconceptualization of how the development of representation affects search. The child does not cognitively recreate the invisible displacements of the object. Instead she seems to understand that the hider is an independent agent who can use simple hiding strategies that the child does not directly perceive. This representational skill for search, we propose, is one realization of a general representational capacity that emerges late in the second year. The general capacity is defined structurally as the ability to coordinate two sensorimotor systems into a single skill. Although there seem to be some discontinuities in the emergence of the representational capacity, its development is mostly gradual and continuous.  相似文献   

Multiple instruments have been developed and used to measure quantitative job insecurity (i.e., insecurity to lose the job as such), often without systematic evaluation of their psychometric characteristics across countries and language barriers. This may hamper consistent and reliable cross-study and cross-country comparisons. This study's aim was to introduce and validate the four-item Job Insecurity Scale (JIS) developed by De Witte across five European countries (i.e., Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the UK). Overall, the results demonstrated the construct validity (i.e., configural invariance and invariance of the measurement model parameters), the reliability (internal consistency of the items), and the criterion validity (with respect to affective organizational commitment, perceived general health, and self-reported performance) of the JIS. The different translations of the JIS can thus be considered as valid and reliable instruments to measure job insecurity and can be used to make meaningful comparisons across countries. Furthermore, the JIS translations may be utilized to assess how job insecurity is related to outcomes.  相似文献   

Currently there is much enthusiastic talk about the possibility of establishing a new National Health Service profession of Adult Psychotherapist. This paper questions the assumption that such a development would be rational and advantageous. Four main points are discussed here: there are problems arising from training in a uni-dimensional context when returning to work in amulti-dimensional context; there are dangers in taking a method-oriented stance rather than one which is service-oriented; there is something peculiar about the notion of a profession based on a single method or mode of treatment; one of the most important contributions of psychoanalysis to the core professions is the creation of an analytic space for thinking.  相似文献   

Young children's strategies were evaluated as they grasped and used objects. Spoons containing food and toys mounted on handles were presented to 9-, 14-, and 19-month-old children with the handle alternately oriented to the left and right. The alternating orientations revealed strategies that the children used for grasping items. Younger children usually reached with their preferred hand, disregarding the item's orientation. In the case of the spoon, this strategy produced awkward grasps that had to be corrected later. Older children anticipated the problem, alternated the hand used, and achieved an efficient radial grip (i.e., handle grasped with base of thumb toward food or toy end) for both orientations. A model of the development of action-selection strategies is proposed to illustrate planning in children younger than 2 years.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of evaluation in promoting and sustaining professionalism in agricultural research organizations. The evaluation experience of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) reveals a series of attempts to review and institutionalize the essential features of professionalism: expertise, credentialism, and autonomy. The central thesis is that when evaluations inform or enable major changes in one or more of these features of professionalism, over a period of time, it is a sign of increasing professionalization of research. Following a brief introduction, the evaluation experiences of ICAR are examined in the context of the evolution of the profession of agricultural research. Specific evaluation experiences are then analyzed, with an emphasis on the role of evaluation in resolving the tension between bureaucratic and professional decision making. The paper concludes that unless stringent evaluations are introduced in ICAR, the professionalization of agricultural research in India will remain incomplete. Graduated in agricultural sciences at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, she obtained her doctoral degree at the Kerala Agricultural University in 1994. She started her professional career as an agricultural extension officer at the State Department of Agriculture in Kerala. She has published on research organization, measurement of research efforts, history and evolution of agricultural science, priority setting, research decision-making, and reforms in agricultural education and training. Her current research focuses on impact of soil-science technologies, development of key disciplines in agricultural chemistry within an evolutionary economics perspective, and institutional and policy implications of changes in agricultural science.  相似文献   

This study investigates the emergence, development and structure of ethnic identity during childhood. Forty Roma children living in Greece aged between 2.8 and 11.9 years answered questions about their awareness/recognition of four aspects of their ethnic identity-namely place of habitation, traditional costumes, the Roma language, and early betrothal of children-their identity and their sense of stability and constancy. The study also investigates how the children feel about the abandonment of those four aspects. The evidence from the current data supports the hypothesis that awareness of ethnic identity emerges before the age of 4. Moreover, this study offers direct empirical evidence of the multidimensionality of ethnic identity. A model of three concentric rings is proposed, extending from a core containing the most highly valued aspects of ethnic identity to the outer annulus that comprises the nonpermanent and nonstable aspects of ethnic identity. The aspects in each annulus differ in terms of the development of the sense of stability and constancy and the feelings associated with loss of the aspects in question. Even the youngest participants considered the aspects in the core to be stable and constant as well as emotionally charged; and even the 11-year-olds did not consider the aspects contained in the outer, more fluid annulus as stable and constant aspects of their ethnic identity. The development of an aspect is determined by what the majority of adults in a society, at a particular time in history, consider to be most important.  相似文献   

J E Northman 《Adolescence》1985,20(80):775-781
This study investigated developmental changes in the perceived usefulness of help from the perspective of the person receiving the help. Boys and girls in grades 3, 6, 9, and 12 responded to a questionnaire which presented seven hypothetical problem situations; each situation was paired with seven different helpers, which resulted in a total of 49 helper-situation combinations. Children responded on a Likert-type scale as to whether it would be useful to receive help with a particular problem from the specified helper. There was support for the hypothesis of a developmental increase in the perceived usefulness of help across the school-age years (middle childhood and adolescence). Other major findings showed that girls consistently perceived help as being more useful than did boys, and girls were generally rated as the most effective helpers.  相似文献   

In many countries the trend has been toward greater acceptance of multiple citizenship and more naturalizations of immigrants. This article analyses and compares developments in Germany and the Netherlands. Central questions are how policies toward dual citizenship have developed and to what extent these policies have influenced naturalization rates. The far-reaching toleration of dual citizenship in the Netherlands in the 1990s resulted in high naturalization rates. However, there were large differences between immigrant groups. Similar differences are found in Germany. Multiple citizenship carries little importance for European Union (EU) citizens, who feel no need to naturalize, and for refugees, who have no desire to retain the citizenship of their country of origin.  相似文献   

How does the concept of action fit within a scientifically serious world-view? This paper argues that the category of action, with its goal-seeking and orientation to the future, is not a human peculiarity, a perplexing incongruity in an otherwise mechanistic world. Rather, actions pervade the whole biological domain. The concept of action is needed to explicate the continued existence of every biological organism.Systems as primitive as bacteria are autonomous far-from-equilibrium systems, which maintain themselves in existence by their interactions with their environments. That requires recognizing them as performing simple actions. Three criteria are proposed which justify identifying certain behaviour as minimal actions: goal-seeking; possibly being in error; and behaving as a functional whole. Adding further criteria yields richer concepts of action, namely, self-directed and reflective action. Only the last is distinctively human.  相似文献   

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