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The meaning of the human movement response (M) to inkblot stimuli was explored in terms of correlations between children's M productions and the attributes of their parents in 119 familes. M scores were available for the family members; and for each parent there were also measures of personality, values, and childrearing attitudes. A number of the parent-child correlational patterns were congruent with Rorschach's theories concerning the significance of M.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between social anxiety and social adaptation among adolescents. This is the first study to research these parameters among three age groups: early, middle and late adolescence. On the whole, a negative relation was found between social anxiety and social adaptation. Specifically, for adolescents aged 12?C13, social anxiety was positively associated with social rejection, and negatively associated with social acceptance and popularity. The same was true of adolescents aged 14?C15, but the correlations were lower. For late adolescents (aged 17?C18), social anxiety was not significantly correlated with any dimension of social adaptation. The results provide evidence that young adolescents (12?C13) suffer from higher levels of social anxiety than their older counterparts. The relation found between social anxiety and social adaptation may indicate that high levels of social anxiety may cause intense distress, which can be expected to impair adolescents?? social performance.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the strategy employed by school-aged subjects when completing binary statements. Thirty-two incomplete binary statements representing four statement conditions (true affirmative, true negative, false affirmative, and false negative) were administered to 120 children randomly selected from three academic levels. A response-index change model is postulated as representing the strategy employed by these school-aged subjects when completing binary statements. According to this model, the factor that causes response time to differ across the four statement conditions is the number of times the child is required to change the set of his response index. The child begins the task of completing a binary statement by reading and encoding the incomplete statement. He then selects the numeral that corresponds to the adjective “odd” or “even” contained in the predicate of the incomplete statement. The child’s response index is now set to respond with this numeral. What the child does at this point will depend upon the type of statement condition with which he is working. If the child is completing a TA statement, no response-index change is required. He simply gives as his answer the numeral to which his response index is set. If the child is completing an FA statement or a TN statement, one response-index change is required. If the child is completing an FN statement, two response-index changes are required.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between level of cognitive development and the comprehension of complex sentences in children. Twenty males and 20 females at the preoperational and concrete operational levels of cognitive development who were attending regular first-, fourth-, and seventh-grade classes served as subjects. Four examples each of parallel and nonparallel function forms of center-embedded and right-branching sentences served as stimuli within an object-manipulation task. The sentences were also described in terms of those containing a reversed word order clause, a clause with a role change (nonparallel function), neither, or both. Preoperational children could interpret sentences containing neither reversed word order nor role change as well as concrete operational children. Concrete operational children providing identity and reversibility arguments during conservation tasks had a significantly higher accuracy rate on sentences containing either role change or reversed word order than preoperational children. Concrete operational children providing reversibility, identity, and compensation arguments had a significantly higher accuracy rate on sentences containing role change and both role change and reversed word order than any other group of children. Preoperational children were noted to rely heavily on the use of word-order strategy to decode the sentences. Reliance on this strategy decreased as cognitive level advanced.  相似文献   

35 out-patient Ss with demonstrable psychosomatic symptoms were matched with 35 psychiatric out-patients with "milder" forms of psychopathology, i.e., neurosis, personality disorders and latent schizophrenia. The psychosomatic group showed significantly more anatomy responses on the Rorschach but there was much overlap, leading to the conclusion that anatomy does not directly reflect simply psychosomatic disturbances but, rather, is associated with psychodynamics which tend to underlie psychosomatic illnesses.  相似文献   

A coding system was developed to measure sex-typed responses in the Rorschach protocols of children with gender identity disorder (n = 79). Their responses were compared to that of sibling (n = 25), psychiatric (n = 26), and normal (n = 28) controls. Results show that children with gender identity disorder gave significantly more cross-sex responses than same-sex responses, whereas the psychiatric and normal controls gave significantly more same-sex responses than cross-sex responses. The siblings did not differ in the number of same-sex and cross-sex responses. Results are discussed with regard to various assessment issues in the study of children with gender identity disorder.  相似文献   

Ninety-six binary statements were administered to 120 children randomly selected from three academic levels. The children were to respond TRUE or FALSE to each statement. Error count and latency for correct responses were used as measures of performance. The Constituent Comparison Model (Carpenter, P., & Just, M. A., Psychological Review, 1975, 82, 45–73), which postulates that verification latency will increase linearly with a linear increase in the number of hypothesized constituent comparisons, accounts quite well for the results obtained in this study. Furthermore, the results suggest an increasing efficiency in semantic memory verification across the three academic levels as reflected by a decrease in variability of performance, a decrease in the time required to read and encode sentences, and a decrease in the time required per constituent comparison.  相似文献   

Eighteen examiners, well trained in the Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 2003), administered the Rorschach to 357 Portuguese children, in the first through fifth grades, attending schools located in Lisbon and the surrounding neighborhood. Coding was done by 5 of the examiners, each one having more than 5 years of experience with the CS. For this study, coding was reviewed by the authors. Five records were randomly selected from each age group to assess intercoder reliability. Janson and Olsson's (2004) iota was used to assess reliability of the main variable categories. Results are high, with iota ranging from 0.87 to 0.98 across the coding categories. CS variables are presented and key data were chosen and reviewed. A discussion of some data and their comparison with corresponding American data are made, permitting some interesting developmental and cross-cultural questions to be addressed.  相似文献   

This study is a part of our series of studies of nonpatient, Japanese children. In total, 346 children were administered the Rorschach. Thirty-two children had fewer than 10 responses, 112 children had more than 10 but fewer than 14 responses, and 12 children were maladjusted or mentally retarded, for a total of 156. In this study, we analyzed the remaining 190 children not excluded by the above criteria in the following age groups: 5 years (n = 24), 8 years (n = 43), 9 years (n = 42), 12 years (n = 42), and 14 years (n = 39). Japanese children showed few responses generally, with an average of 18 ~ 20 responses. In addition to having fewer responses, other features of Japanese children are high Lambda, low EA, very high X-%, and low X+%. The fact that the Rorschach test depends on verbal expression may be one factor in all these features, and we should consider this study in view of these Japanese cultural factors. Interrater reliability findings and Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 1995; Matsumoto, 2003; Matsumoto et al., 2002) data are presented.  相似文献   

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