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We examined the factor structure of the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ; Raine, 1991), using confirmatory factor analysis in 3 experiments, with an aim to better understand the construct of schizotypy. In Experiment 1 we tested the fit of 2-, 3-, and 4-factor models on SPQ data from a normal sample. The paranoid 4-factor model fit the data best but not adequately. Based on the strong basis for the Raine 3-factor model we attempted to improve the fit of the 3-factor model by making 3 modifications to the Raine model. These modifications produced a well-fitting model. In Experiment 2 the good fit of this modified 2-factor model to SPQ scores was replicated in an independent normal sample. In Experiment 3, the modified 3-factor model was successfully extended to include the 3 Chapman schizotypy scales. Together these 3 experiments indicate that the 3-factor model of the SPQ, albeit with some slight modifications, is a good model for schizotypy structure that is not restricted to 1 measure of schizotypal personality traits.  相似文献   

The Adolescent version of the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire (Brown et al., 1980) was administered to a male population sample in Finland (N=195; median age 18.5 years). Three issues were investigated: Did the items of each subscale measure single latent constructs? Was the AEQ-A better described by a single-factor model (e.g., global positive expectancy) or by a null model implying scale independence? Were alcohol expectancies related to drinking habits? Confirmatory factor analyses by PRELIS2 and LISREL8 indicated that single-construct models were appropriate only for the Enhanced sexuality and Increased arousal scales while several items were unrelated to the postulated latent constructs in the other five scales. Adequate fits were obtained for these scales only when unrelated items were removedand/or anlayses were based on nondichotomus scores derived from contentwise homogenous groups of items. Even when revised so that the each scale formally fitted a single latent construct, the resulting latent constructs were not well described by either the single-factor model or the null model. Expected social benefit in terms of the revised Enhanced or impeded social behavior scale was the most significant predictor of drinking frequency while quantity consumed per drinking occasion was significantly related to the Improved cognitive and motor abilities scale only.  相似文献   

To assess whether the Group Environment Questionnaire is applicable to athletes in co-acting sports such as track and field, the factor structure of the Group Environment Questionnaire among a heterogeneous sample of 199 co-acting team sport athletes was investigated. A confirmatory factor analysis did not support the hypothesized four-factor model. A subsequent exploratory factor analysis yielded two independent factors that had no interpretable pattern of the four Group Environment Questionnaire factors within them. While this finding requires replication and confirmation, the four-factor model of the Group Environment Questionnaire does not appear to be as valid for co-acting sports as for interacting sports.  相似文献   

The relationship of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and the Strelau Temperament Inventory was examined. Correlation analyses of test scores and items provided little evidence of an identity between the scales of these tests.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding its research and clinical relevance, the dimensionality and validity of the DSM-IV avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders (PDs) criteria is still a largely unexplored topic. The aim of this study was to test the factor structure for DSM-IV Cluster C PD criteria in a sample of 641 consecutively admitted outpatients. Factor analysis results suggested that avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive PDs share a common latent dimension, and supported the three-factor structure of both observer and self-report ratings of DSM-IV Cluster C PD criteria. The pattern of factor loadings, however, was different from the one expected according to the DSM-IV classification.  相似文献   

The behavioural scientists Eysenck and Cattell have much in common, having investigated intrapersonal psychological structure, albeit at different levels in its hierarchical structure. Eysenck has studied the personality domain in terms of a typological model involving a small number of important superfactors. In constrast, Cattell has typically resorted to analyses of a considerably larger number of primary factors. While both approaches are clearly complementary, nevertheless, little research has been undertaken into intermodality superfactors. The present study, therefore, examines Cattellian intermodality superfactors across the normal personality trait, mood state and motivational dynamic domains in the hope of elucidating superfactors additional to those already documented by Eysenck.  相似文献   

The Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ; Folkman & Lazarus, 1985 ) remains one of the widely used measures of self‐report coping behaviours, despite an acknowledgement of its relatively poor psychometric properties. In contrast, the Cybernetic coping scale (CCS; Edwards & Baglioni, 1993 ) appears to have improved psychometric characteristics, but is scarcely employed within published research. To examine the factor structure and criterion validity of the CCS, a longitudinal study was conducted using a diverse sample of New Zealand employees from a range of organizations. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the CCS was found to have construct validity over time. However, a 14‐item CCS model produced the best goodness‐of‐fit and improved item properties. The implications of this improved CCS are discussed in terms of longitudinal research designs, and the necessity for the inclusion of robust self‐report coping measures.  相似文献   

The relative fit of one-factor, two-factor, and six-factor models of the English version of the Life Regard Index-Revised was investigated using confirmatory factor analysis on a sample of 464 university students. The results indicated that the six-factor model fit modestly better than both the one-factor and two-factor models, although the difference in fit between the three models was relatively small. Implications of the results are discussed and recommendations for the use of the Life Regard Index-Revised as a measure of personal meaning are provided.  相似文献   

The Japanese version of the Eating Disorder Inventory was completed by 204 female university students. Confirmatory factor analyses supported the 9 factors reported by Shimura, et al. (2003). Further, maximum likelihood factor analysis yielded nine factors, accounting for 48.8% of the total variance. There was also adequate fit for each of the 9 subscales. This study provided additional evidence on validity for this Japanese version.  相似文献   

According to Christie and Geis (1970), Machiavellianism predisposes one to self-interested behavior, manipulation, and deceit often at the expense of others. The measurement of Machiavellianism began with the Mach IV (Christie & Geis, 1970), which has long suffered from an indeterminant factor structure and poor reliability. Dahling, Whitaker, and Levy (2009) developed the Machiavellian Personality Scale (MPS) to address these shortcomings. In the current examination of the MPS, a four-factor structure is supported with confirmatory factor analysis, but the relationships in a full structural equation model between the four subscales and the criterion of empathy is problematic in that some MPS subscales are negative, some positive, and some unrelated to empathy. Additionally, reliability issues arose with the MPS as have historically occurred with the Mach IV. The four subscales of the MPS appear to act as suppressors of each other, further complicating the predictive relationship between Machiavellianism and other variables.  相似文献   

The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-fourth edition (WAIS-IV) and the Wechsler Memory Scale-fourth edition (WMS-IV) were co-developed to be used individually or as a combined battery of tests. The independent factor structure of each of the tests has been identified; however, the combined factor structure has yet to be determined. Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to the WAIS-IV/WMS-IV Adult battery (i.e., age 16-69 years) co-norming sample (n = 900) to test 13 measurement models. The results indicated that two models fit the data equally well. One model is a seven-factor solution without a hierarchical general ability factor: Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Processing Speed, Auditory Working Memory, Visual Working Memory, Auditory Memory, and Visual Memory. The second model is a five-factor model composed of Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Processing Speed, Working Memory, and Memory with a hierarchical general ability factor. Interpretative implications for each model are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the separability of planning, a form of noninsight problem solving, from insight problem solving by means of using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The relationships of these two types of problem-solving tasks with meta-cognitive awareness were also assessed. Participants performed a set of planning tasks, a set of insight tasks and a self-report inventory on metacognitive ability. The CFA results revealed that planning and insight problem solving were closely related constructs and were not clearly separable. Model comparisons indicated that the fit of the alternative one-factor model was slightly better than the fit of the two-factor model. The correlational results showed that both planning task performance and insight problem-solving performance had no correlations with the metacognitive knowledge or the metacognitive regulation components of the metacognitive awareness inventory.  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analysis of The Aggression Questionnaire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A confirmatory factor analysis of the factor structure of The Aggression Questionnaire created by Buss and Perry (1992) [Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 63, 452–459] was conducted to assess whether the scale's purported 4 factors emerged. The results generally supported the 4-factor model. However, the hostility factor may be improved if 2 items pertaining to suspicion are removed from the scale. These items had relatively low loadings on that factor and decreased the hostility scale's internal reliability.  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analysis of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Worry is often assessed with the 16-item Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ; Meyer, Miller, Metzger, & Borkovec, 1990. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 28, 487-495), but the factor structure of the PSWQ is not well articulated. Three factor analyses of the PSWQ have been conducted, with two (Brown, Antony, & Barlow, 1992. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 30, 33-37; van Rijsoort, Emmelkamp, & Vervaeke, 1999) retaining a unifactorial solution and one (St?ber, 1995) retaining a two-factor solution. We sought to determine the relative strengths of these solutions. Seven hundred eighty-eight undergraduates completed the PSWQ and measures of depression and anxiety. Confirmatory factor analyses indicated that the two-factor solution provided a better fit to the data. There was also evidence for a higher order worry factor. Multiple regression analyses revealed that factor 1 (Worry Engagement) explained the majority of the variance in the symptom measures. The higher order worry factor also accounted for variance in some measures. Compared to the PSWQ total score, Worry Engagement demonstrated slightly higher internal consistency and significantly stronger correlations with most measures of depression and anxiety. Factor 2 (Absence of Worry) demonstrated moderate negative correlations with Worry Engagement and the PSWQ Total Score but only modest correlations with depression and anxiety.  相似文献   

Summary and Conclusions Cohen and Syme (1985) suggested that the most methodologically sound way of assessing the stress-buffering properties of different functional support dimensions is through the introduction of experimental manipulations designed to elicit needs for specific support resources, and we agree. Of course, such tests are feasible only to the extent that it is possible to separate the support dimensions empirically. The results reported here indicate that despite considerable covariation among the latent variables corresponding to the four ISEL subscales, covariation that most likely represents the influence of a general second-order support factor, there is also evidence that the four subscales provide sufficient unique information to warrant their retention in the ISEL.From a practical standpoint, this means that researchers using the college version of the ISEL should follow Cohen and Hoberman's (1983) precedent of analyzing both individual subscale scoresand the total support score. In the meantime, improvements in the distributional properties of the individual ISEL items, perhaps through the four-point item response format adopted recently by Cohen and his colleagues, should lead to more refined measurement of the functional support dimensions represented in the ISEL subscales and, subsequently, to more sensitive analyses of the stress-buffering mechanisms associated with different support resources.This research was supported by a faculty research grant from Wittenberg University to the first author.  相似文献   

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