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大学生创造力特点的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
罗晓路 《心理科学》2006,29(1):168-172
运用问卷法对我国八大行政区10所不同类型学校的1008名大学生进行调查研究。从创造性思维和创造性人格多侧面认识大学生创造力的特点,研究发现:大学生有较强的创造潜能,突出表现为创造性人格富有挑战性;创造性思维核心品质的新颖性表现突出,创造性思维能力的典型表现中投射未来、评估力和通感特点较为明显;专业类别对大学生创造力的发展有显著影响,艺术类大学生的创造力较为突出,社科类大学生的创造力较差;大学生创造性人格和创造性思维的年级差异明显。  相似文献   

创造力一直被普遍视为促进社会与个人进步的积极力量,但对其消极后果却所知甚少。研究从创造力的阴暗面入手,以123名初二学生为被试,探讨了创造性人格与个体说谎行为的联系,并进一步考察了外显/内隐自尊结构在其中发挥的区别性作用。结果表明:(1)初中生的创造性人格与其说谎行为出现的可能性呈显著正相关,为创造力与道德的关系提供了更充分的证据;(2) 外显自尊与内隐自尊是两个独立的结构;(3) 不同自尊结构组被试创造性人格与说谎行为的相关程度不存在显著差异,自尊结构在创造性人格与说谎行为之间未发现明显的调节作用。  相似文献   

本文基于动机行动和成就动机理论,构建一个被调节的中介模型以检验创造性人格对员工创造力产生的作用机理。以251套来自主管-下属配对的问卷数据为样本,实证分析结果表明:创造性人格可预测员工创造力产生,学习目标导向与绩效证明目标导向在两者之间起部分中介作用;内在动机能够强化个体目标导向对创造力的作用,并显著正向调节创造性人格对员工创造力的间接效应。最后,论文讨论了研究发现对员工创造力产生的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

本研究对149名军校大学生的调查表明,当前军校大学生有较高的创造能力,属于中等偏上水平。对其创造性人格的分析结果显示,创造力很强的学员身上更多地体现出一些创造性人格特质:好奇、精神饱满、热情、很有主见、孤独、自信、易动感情、有远见、不屈不挠、有理解能力等;而创造力一般学员的人格中的创造性特质不明显,并且还暴露出谨慎、束手束脚、拘泥形式等一些不利于创造性发展的特点。  相似文献   

军校大学生的创造性人格研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对149名军校大学生的调查表明,当前军校大学生有较高的创造能力,属于中等偏上水平。对其创造性人格的分析结果显示,创造力很强的学员身上更多地体现出一些创造性人格特质:好奇、精神饱满、热情、很有主见、孤独、自信、易动感情、有远见、不屈不挠、有理解能力等;而创造力一般学员的人格中的创造性特质不明显,并且还暴露出谨慎、束手束脚、拘泥形式等一些不利于创造性发展的特点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨适应性自恋与病理性自恋对个体心理健康的不同影响。方法:750名大学生完成了一套由自恋人格问卷(NPI)、病理性自恋量表(PNI)和症状自评量表(SCL-90)组成的测验。利用结构方程模型对变量间的关系进行分析。结果表明:病理性自恋的二阶因子自恋易损性对个体心理健康具有显著的负向预测作用,自恋易损性水平越高,个体心理健康水平越低。自恋夸大性和适应性自恋(自恋人格问卷,NPI)对心理健康的正向预测作用达到边缘显著,自恋夸大性和适应性自恋得分越高,心理健康水平越高。结论:病理性自恋的二阶因子自恋易损性对心理健康具有明显的破坏作用,而自恋夸大性和正常/适应性自恋可能对心理健康存在微弱的保护作用。  相似文献   

采用言语和空间创造力测验、青少年人格问卷、中学生日常创造性行为问卷对1048名中学生施测,考查青少年创造性思维的特点,并探讨创造性思维、人格对日常创造性行为的影响.结果发现:(1)女生在言语创造力的流畅性、灵活性维度以及图形创造力各维度的得分均显著高于男生;高一年级的言语创造力流畅性、灵活性维度显著高于其他三个年级,高一年级的图形创造力质量维度显著高于初二、高二年级;(2)言语创造力与人格的开放性和外向性、语言文学、文艺表演和社会活动维度呈显著正相关.图形创造力与开放性、语言文学、文艺表演和手工技术呈显著正相关;(3)开放性和外向性在言语创造力和创造性行为之间起完全中介作用,在图形创造力上中介作用不显著.具体到创造性行为的各个领域,开放性和外向性在创造性思维和创造性行为间起着不同的作用.  相似文献   

中学生特质焦虑与其影响因素的模型建构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该研究旨在建构特质焦虑与其影响因素的关系模型。文中提出了影响特质焦虑的三个潜变量 ,分别是人格、学业压力、环境。其中人格包括自卑倾向和内向性格两个指示变量 ,学校压力包括学业压力和人际困扰两个指示变量 ,环境包括不良社会影响、学校适应不良、身体虚弱和父母不良教养方式等指示变量。研究结果发现 ,人格和学校压力直接导致特质焦虑 ,环境通过对人格和学校压力产生影响而间接影响特质焦虑 ,同时 ,人格对学校压力产生影响  相似文献   

潜变量交互效应分析方法   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
简要回顾了分析显变量交互效应的常用方法。详细讨论了目前分析潜变量交互效应的主要方法,包括用潜变量的因子得分做回归分析、分组线性结构方程模型分析、加入乘积项的结构方程模型分析和两步最小二乘回归分析,并比较和评价了这些方法的优缺点。最后归纳了潜变量交互效应分析方法的研究趋势,并介绍了新近进展(包括LMS方法和GAPI方法)。  相似文献   

潜变量交互效应建模: 告别均值结构   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
吴艳  温忠麟  林冠群 《心理学报》2009,41(12):1252-1259
潜变量交互效应建模研究近年来有了长足的发展, 但模型中被认为不可缺少的均值结构往往让实际应用工作者却步。本文首先分析了潜变量交互效应模型中均值结构产生的根源; 然后讨论了指标变换与均值结构的关系; 接着提出了一个均值为零的潜变量交互结构, 所建立的模型不需要均值结构, 却不会改变主效应和交互效应等参数; 最后用模拟例子对无均值结构和有均值结构的两种模型的参数估计进行了比较, 结果符合理论预期, 困扰人们多年的均值结构问题从此可以终结。  相似文献   

This study investigated correlates of domain‐general and domain‐specific components of creativity. 158 college students completed a questionnaire that assessed their motivational and personality traits (i.e., intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, creative personality, and originality in word association) as well as intellectual abilities (SAT verbal and quantitative scores). Under two different instruction conditions (standard instruction or explicit “be creative” instruction), students also took a battery of multi‐item, product‐based tests of creativity in three domains (artistic, verbal, and mathematical creativity). Factor analyses showed evidence of domain‐generality of creativity. Furthermore, results from structural equation models showed that motivational and personality traits and intellectual abilities were associated with the domain‐general component of creativity. Only one variable (SAT quantitative score) was found to be associated with the domain‐specific component of mathematical creativity under the explicit “be creative” instruction condition. These results affirm the domain‐generality of creativity and challenge researchers to identify correlates of domain‐specific components of creativity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine whether, and to what extent, teachers are able to recognize the creativity of their students. The study measured the creative abilities, creative attitude, creative activity, as well as intrinsic motivation, intelligence, and school functioning of 589 Polish high school students, while their teachers (N = 178) rated students' creativity. The structural equation model (SEM) demonstrated that the accuracy of teachers' ratings of students' creativity is generally low—the latent factor of students' creativity reliably, however weakly, predicted teachers' ratings. The accuracy of teachers' ratings was moderated by gender: Only in the case of male students did the latent creativity factor reliably predict teachers' ratings. Students' school functioning emerged as a key factor positively associated with the perception of students as creative.  相似文献   

人格维度、自我和谐及行为抑制与心身症状的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王登峰  崔红 《心理学报》2007,39(5):861-873
研究旨在通过实证研究建立人格维度、自我和谐、行为抑制和心身症状之间关系的结构方程模型。对600余名被试问卷测量的相关、回归和结构方程模型分析表明,人格维度可以直接和/或通过行为抑制和自我和谐对心身症状有着正向或负向的预测作用,而且自我与经验的不和谐、行为抑制和心身症状本身都可以作为心理健康的指标,它们之间又存在密切的相互关系  相似文献   

通过对中美400名13-15岁青少年问卷调查,比较了中美青少年创造性人格及其与创造性之间的关系.结果发现:(1)和单个创造性人格变量相比,创造性人格的内部因素、外部因素和自我因素和创造性之间的相关均达到中等程度,且均非常显著,中国青少年创造性人格三个因素能解释创造性变异的11%,美国青少年创造性人格三个因素能解释创造性变异的15%.(2)在创造性上,美国青少年在所有维度上的得分均显著高于中国青少年,但在创造性人格上,只有在自我因素上,中国青少年创造性人格得分高于美国青少年,其他因素不存在差异,这说明创造性人格不是造成中美青少年创造性差异的主要原因.  相似文献   

以1117名中学生为被试,采用问卷法考察家庭创新环境的特点及其对日常创造性行为的影响机制。结果发现:(1)家庭创新环境体现在家庭情感氛围、父母创造性行为、父母教育理念和自主准予,可分为抑制型(17.3%)、一般型(41.9%)和创新型(40.8%),创新型在日常创造性行为上得分显著高于抑制型;(2)家庭创新环境与创造性人格、日常创造性行为以及同伴提名得分相关显著;(3)创造性人格在家庭创新环境和同伴提名之间起完全中介作用,在家庭创新环境和日常创造性行为之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of general creative personality and freedom of task choice on the social creativity of adolescents. The results indicated, first, that senior high school students scored higher than junior high school students. Second, girls scored higher than boys on originality, fluency, flexibility, appropriateness, and utility with regard to creative social problem‐solving. Third, freedom of task choice and its interaction with creative personality had significant effects on the originality, appropriateness, utility, flexibility, and fluency of social creativity. Adolescents who completed the task voluntarily scored higher on these dimensions than adolescents who completed it reluctantly and, among the voluntary adolescents, those with high and medium creative personality scored higher than those with low creative personality, whereas no such difference was found among the reluctant adolescents. Adolescents were more likely to show social creativity, and their general creative personality was more likely to be brought into effect under the freedom of task choice condition.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that teacher’s personality traits and pedagogy are the important areas of investigation in creativity research; however, little is known about the relationship between teachers’ personality traits and creativity-fostering pedagogy. This study proposed a model describing 3 types of perceived personality traits that contribute to teachers’ support of important creativity-fostering pedagogy. The model was tested on a sample of 875 Chinese early childhood teachers. This study first established factorial validity of the measurement scales, the Creative Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) and the Early Childhood Creative Pedagogy Questionnaire (ECCPQ). Confirmatory factor analysis supported the 4-factor structure of the ECCPQ, but failed to replicate the 5-factor structure of the CPQ. An alternative 3-factor model was obtained as a personality measure. The results of multiple regression and structural equation modeling analysis showed that the proposed model was partially supported by the data. Although cognitive abilities factor of creative personality, as expected, was the strongest predictor of self-reported important creative pedagogy, surprisingly openness did not explain unique variance in any of the creative pedagogy factors. One distinct path tapped a relation between the discipline personality traits and teacher-oriented pedagogy was identified, which was seldom addressed in Western creativity research. It may reflect a cultural-specific indigenous variations.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the influence of encouragement for creativity, curiosity, harmonious passion, and autonomy support as antecedents of creative self-efficacy and imagination and divergent thinking as consequences. College students completed a battery of questionnaires. Structural equation modeling treating the variables as latent and not normally distributed was used to test our hypotheses. Results from study 1 showed a positive influence of encouragement for creativity and curiosity on creative self-efficacy. Similarly, creative self-efficacy was a positive predictor of reproductive and creative imagination. Results from study 2 showed a positive effect of harmonious passion on creative self-efficacy. Creative self-efficacy was a positive predictor of fluency and originality scores from a divergent thinking task. The theoretical and applied implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

Temperament and personality traits constitute inherent and learned personal characteristics that are crucial for creative behaviors among high ability students. This study investigated the relationships of temperament dimensions and the Big Five personality traits to creativity among 406 honors college students. First, the associations of creativity with temperament and personality were investigated separately. Second, it was sought to document if the selected measures of personality and temperament are distinguishable despite their interdependence. Finally, a mediational role for personality traits in channeling the effect of temperament on creativity was hypothesized. In the mediation model, all four temperament dimensions (orienting sensitivity, effortful control, extraversion/surgency, negative affect) had direct or indirect relationships with creativity. Two personality traits (openness, neuroticism) were found to be significant mediators in these relationships. The findings were discussed in terms of their relevance to the high-ability college students and to the temperament, personality, and creativity literature in general.  相似文献   

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