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ABSTRACT This paper examines the significance to professional decision-making of the concept of the 'merits'. The merits serve in practical affairs to delineate considerations appropriate to ethical decision-making and require in particular the avoidance of 'self-interest'. Drawing on the example of politics, it is argued that the boundaries of the 'merits'are never fixed across professional fields but rather are determined by the distinctive character of the professional's fiduciary responsibilities; and that properly understood, the merits may demand some 'self-interested'considerations which in the common conception would be rejected. The political example also suggests how the 'ethical'conflict over the accepted boundaries of the merits can mask fundamental normative and political differences which would be better made explicit.  相似文献   

Only a small proportion of people who experience psychological distress seek professional psychological help. Treatment fearfulness is one of a number of factors thought to influence people's tendency to seek or avoid mental health treatment. The aim of the present study was to provide additional validity information on the Thoughts About Therapy Survey (TAPS) (Kushner & Sher, 1989), and to determine whether fear of therapy and psychological distress were predictive of help-seeking. A non-clinical student sample completed measures of their treatment fears, expectations, anxiety, psychological distress and help-seeking likelihood. Concurrent and construct validity was confirmed for TAPS. Image Concerns, Stigma Concerns, Coercion Concerns and psychological distress were related to the likelihood that subjects would seek professional psychological help. Results are discussed in relation to educational approaches for reducing treatment fearfulness and the potential for increasing appropriate professional help-seeking.  相似文献   

Professional rejection is a widespread phenomenon—most, if not all, of us have or will experience it in our lifetimes. However, some are more adept at handling it than others. This paper examines individual differences in how people interpret and handle professional rejection, proposing a construct called professional rejection sensitivity. We focused on whether this construct predicts decreased self-promoting behaviors and increased self-silencing behaviors and, subsequently, whether that impacts career success for junior faculty. Moreover, we investigated whether women may be disproportionally predisposed to professional rejection sensitivity because they tend to experience more discrimination in the workplace than men. We collected self-report data (i.e., individual differences) and biodata (i.e., curriculum vitae) from 300 junior faculty and found evidence of gender differences, such that women perceive more discrimination and report higher professional rejection sensitivity than men. We also found that individuals who are higher in professional rejection sensitivity are more likely to practice self-silencing behaviors, and individuals who perceive more discrimination have lower career success. This paper serves as the first step in demonstrating the existence of professional rejection sensitivity, which can guide future research that addresses how individuals can overcome this disposition. To support this path of research, we conclude with suggestions for potential interventions.  相似文献   

Forty-two adolescent mothers with 2-year-old children were questioned about their sources of social support, their satisfaction with that support, and their views about including members of their informal support network in the receipt of professional services. The results indicated that 74% of the mothers received parenting advice from some professional source, as well as from their informal support network, and that most were satisfied with their professional contacts. Nonetheless, 75% of the mothers indicated that they would like additional parenting advice from parenting classes, organized neighborhood groups, or from visiting public health nurses or other child development specialists. Ninety percent of the mothers thought it would be helpful to have members of their informal support network participate with them in the receipt of professional services, and 81% thought these individuals would be willing to do so. The implications of these findings for both future research and the design and implementation of programs directed toward adolescent parents and their children are discussed.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of World War II, several influences were paramount in forcing academic psychology to recognize, albeit reluctantly, the coming professionalization of psychology. The federal government, wishing to avoid a repeat of blunders following World War I that led to significant dissatisfaction among veterans, took proactive steps to ensure that mental health needs of the new veterans would be met. The USPHS and the VA were mandated to expand significantly the pool of mental health practitioners, a direction that led not only to the funding of the Boulder conference but also to the development of APA's accreditation program, funded practical and internship arrangements with the VA, and the USPHS grants to academic departments for clinical training. The GI Bill, amended to include payment for graduate education, created tremendous interest in graduate programs in psychology. As a result, psychology programs were inundated with funded applicants, most of whom were interested in the application of psychology to clinical and other applied fields. Graduate psychology departments were mixed in their views of this "blessing." The reality of a separate curriculum for professional training in psychology was a bitter pill for some academic psychologists to swallow. Graduate departments feared that control of their programs would be taken over by external forces and that they would lose their right to determine their own curriculum. Further, they feared the domination of clinical training within their own departments and the effects of such educational emphasis on their traditional experimental programs. The Boulder conference brought together these disparate needs and concerns, although one can argue about how well some points of view were represented with respect to others. It was a time of high anticipation and fear. The conference could easily have ended in failure, with such diverse interests being unable to reach any consensus. There are many letters in the correspondence of committee members that suggest disagreements serious enough to prevent the development of any single model of training. Instead, by most yardsticks that one could apply, the conference succeeded, perhaps beyond the dreams of many of those in attendance who were most invested in a model for professional training. In evaluating the legacy of Boulder, several points are apparent. First, the conference succeeded because 73 individuals were able to agree to some 70 resolutions in 15 days, creating the scientist-practitioner model of professional training. Such consensus was arguably a remarkable achievement. The endorsement of the model by academic units followed with little evident resistance, although it is clear that some Boulder-model programs were developed that bore little resemblance to the model's insistence on significant training in both research and practice. Second, as a response to social and political needs, the conference was clearly a success. The cooperation of the APA, the USPHS, and the VA benefited all three entities. Clinical psychology was given the financial support and backing to advance it as a profession, and the federal government was able to begin the process of securing the personnel needed to address the mental health needs of the nation. The architects of Boulder were clear that their vision of training for professional psychology should be viewed as dynamic and experimental rather than fixed and prescribed. Certainly there are several variants of professional training extant today, yet the overwhelming majority of currently accredited programs in psychology label themselves as "Boulder-model" programs or "scientist-practitioner" programs. Still, new national conferences on professional training in psychology occur with some regularity as participants seek to resolve many of the same concerns debated by those at Boulder. The grand experiment goes on.  相似文献   

The intention of the symposium is to allow individual voices to speak for themselves and to display their unmediated autobiographical narratives, albeit within a theoretical framework suggested by Part 2 of the Editorial. However, this snowball sample has thrown up some commonalties. So, the third and final part of the Editorial will attempt to point out some of these similarities. From a variety of viewpoints and positions and expressed in different styles of autobiographical narratives, the voices record a sophisticated awareness of the religious traditions discussed; a questioning of substance and loyalty that in one case resulted in a moving from one faith to another; and a display of religious and social values that travel with the individual to be tried and tested in a number of demanding contexts. Impotantly, it would seem that the individuals themselves selected what they would use in the formation of their own personal and professional identities.  相似文献   

Professions typically formulate codes of ethics. Medical students are exposed to various codes and often are expected to recite some code or oath at their graduation. This article reports the findings of a study of one large medical class, asked upon entry to medical school and again at the beginning of their fourth term, which of 13 specified professional, religious, and secular codes of ethics they would turn to for moral guidance in their practice of medicine. The study finds great diversity in the students' choices and no clear pattern of change by their fourth term. Very few students chose the oath they would be asked to recite at their graduation. The article probes the problems this creates for school administrators and professors as well as students. It asks the implications for professional oath-taking at graduation and in the practice of the profession.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1):131-135

Mandatory reporting of suspicions of abuse on minors carries some risk to professional confidence in certain instances. This is of particular importance when a trainee is involved. A clinical case is described to illustrate the issues that an intern may face with respect to therapeutic alliance and professional development when reporting occurs. The issue of countertransference to reported families and its successful resolution is one that would be helpful to address in both graduate and clinical training.  相似文献   

The ethical problems surrounding voluntary assisted suicide remain formidable, and are unlikely to be resolved in pluralist societies. An examination of historical attitudes to suicide suggests that modernity has inherited a formidable complex of religious and moral attitudes to suicide, whether assisted or not. Advocates usually invoke the ending of intolerable suffering as one justification for euthanasia of this kind. This does not provide an adequate justification by itself, because there are (at least theoretically) methods which would relieve suffering without causing the physical death of the suffering person. Carried to extremes, these methods would finish the life worth living, but leave a being which was technically alive. Such acts, however, would provide no moral escape, since they would create beings without meaning. Arguments seeking to justify ending the lives of others need some grounding in concepts of the meaning of a life. The euthanasia discourse therefore needs to take at least some account of the meaning we construct for our lives and the lives of others.  相似文献   

The present study addressed the relationships among professional efficacy, emotional exhaustion, and job characteristics (job demands and job control) in the context of a two‐wave panel study among 828 Dutch police officers. Based on the demand–control model, we expected that high demands/high control would be positively related to professional efficacy, and that high demands/low control would be related to high levels of exhaustion. Moreover, we hypothesized that high levels of exhaustion would lead to lower levels of professional efficacy and that high levels of efficacy would lead to low levels of exhaustion. Structural equation modelling largely supported these predictions. High demands were longitudinally related to high levels of efficacy and high levels of exhaustion; high control was longitudinally related to high levels of efficacy. Further, efficacy and exhaustion were indeed mutually related. Finally, high levels of exhaustion were longitudinally related to high levels of demands. We conclude that there are complex, yet theoretically, and practically interpretable relations among efficacy, strain and work characteristics.  相似文献   

Numerous grounds have been offered for the view that healthcare workers have a duty to treat, including expressed consent, implied consent, special training, reciprocity (also called the social contract view), and professional oaths and codes. Quite often, however, these grounds are simply asserted without being adequately defended or without the defenses being critically evaluated. This essay aims to help remedy that problem by providing a critical examination of the strengths and weaknesses of each of these five grounds for asserting that healthcare workers have a duty to treat, especially as that duty would arise in the context of an infectious disease pandemic. Ultimately, it argues that none of the defenses is currently sufficient to ground the kind of duty that would be needed in a pandemic. It concludes by sketching some practical recommendations in that regard.  相似文献   

Although the assessment of adaptive behavior is a mandated component of many school assessments, concerns have been raised about the measurement of the construct and related professional practices. Estimates of adaptive behavior have been shown sometimes to vary by instruments and raters and therefore may influence placement decisions in unknown ways. This study examined the agreement among teachers and parents on the revised Vineland and the AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale-School Edition for a sample of developmentally handicapped children. A sample of learning disabled children was also included in order to explore the effects of a restricted range on the correlations. Also, the potential effects of estimates of adaptive behavior on placement decisions were analyzed. The results suggest that serious discrepancies could occur that would directly affect placement decisions.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the assessment and measurement of normal unwanted intrusive thoughts, images, and impulses that are considered the basis of clinical obsessions. After highlighting some difficulties with how the definition of cognitive intrusion has been applied to the development of assessment measures, we evaluate the construct validity of a number of retrospective self-report instruments such as the Intrusive Thoughts Questionnaire, Cognitive Intrusions Questionnaire, and Obsessional Intrusions Inventory, as well as interview and diary procedures. Measures of personal responsibility and meta-cognitive beliefs, which are still in the developmental phase, are also discussed. We conclude with a number of recommendations and areas of further research which would strengthen the construct validity of measures of intrusive thoughts and related constructs.  相似文献   

There has been surprisingly little research on faking in the employment interview, despite the fact that professional judgment would suggest that faking might occur in the interview. Based on a review of the literature on faking in personality tests and the literature on deception, we propose a model of faking during an employment interview and develop 19 testable propositions to guide future research. We argue that faking is a function of capacity, willingness, and opportunity to fake. Structured interviews provide less opportunity for intentional distortion; however, some components of structure may actually increase faking. Finally, job candidates distort their responses in job desirable ways.  相似文献   

In this paper I highlight the significance of Maurice Merleau-Ponty??s contribution to the study of teacher learning. I particularly draw on his notion of embodiment to show that professional knowledge is embodied knowledge and that teachers make sense of their professional world through their embodied action. I contrast my interpretation with a professional learning model that has been influential in Canada, the US, the UK, Australia and other countries. I suggest that policy makers interested in education reform initiatives would benefit from interrogating the nature of professional practices in education.  相似文献   

Many industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologists, both academics and practitioners, believe that the content validity model is not appropriate for cognitive ability measures used in personnel selection. They believe that cognitive tests can have criterion validity and construct validity but not content validity. Based on a review of the broader differential psychology research literature on cognitive skills, aptitudes, and abilities, this article demonstrates that with the proper content validity procedures, cognitive ability measures, including, ultimately, some de facto measures of general cognitive ability, can have content validity in addition to criterion and construct validity. Finally, the article considers, critiques, and refutes the specific arguments contending that content validity is inappropriate for use with cognitive skills and abilities. These research facts have implications for I/O practice, professional standards, and legal defensibility of selection programs.  相似文献   

动觉监督早期介入对动作技能形成的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过人工动作技能项目和典型职业操作技能项目的训练活动,研究了动觉监督早期介入对动作技能形成的影响,结果表明早期进行动觉监督训练可以更为充分、有效地发挥动觉监督的作用,提高动作技能形成的成绩和效率。据此讨论了“视觉为主转化为动觉为主”监督机制观点的局限性,认为自觉的职业操作技能训练活动无须遵循这一结论;提出了含有动觉训练的职业操作技能训练模式。  相似文献   


This article reflects on the construct and practice of continuing professional development (CPD) and its significance for the professional careers workforce. The article presents the idea of the CPD triad and considers how professional bodies, employers and individuals can each benefit from a practitioner's ongoing commitment to continuing professional development. The tension between the practitioner's quest for lifelong learning is set against professional body demands, leading to the conclusion that these are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Consideration is given to propositional, practical and procedural knowledge, and to overall competence. The article explores an existentialist approach to professional learning, and concludes that, along with personal agency, this could usefully be adopted by career practitioners to weather turbulent times.  相似文献   

Social intelligence is a construct that not only appeals to laymen as a relevant individual difference but also has shown promising practical applications. Nevertheless, the use of social intelligence in research and applied settings has been limited by definitional problems, difficulties in empirically differentiating social intelligence from related constructs, and the complexity of most existing measures of social intelligence. The goal of the present research was to address some of these obstacles by designing a multi‐faceted social intelligence measure that is short and easy to administer. Three studies were conducted to develop and validate the Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale (TSIS). Study 1 examined professional psychologists’ interpretations of social intelligence to derive a consensually agreed‐upon definition of the construct. In Study 2, a large pool of social intelligence items were tested, and a 3‐factor, 21‐item scale was identified. In Study 3, the stability of this measure was confirmed.  相似文献   

Power and choice represent two fundamental forces that govern human behavior. Scholars have largely treated power as an interpersonal construct involving control over other individuals, whereas choice has largely been treated as an intrapersonal construct that concerns the ability to select a preferred course of action. Although these constructs have historically been studied separately, we propose that they share a common foundation--that both are rooted in an individual's sense of personal control. Because of this common underlying basis, we hypothesized that power and choice are substitutable; that is, we predicted that the absence of one would increase the desire for the other, which, when acquired, would serve to satisfy the broader need for control. We also predicted that choice and power would exhibit a threshold effect, such that once one source of control had been provided (e.g., power), the addition of the other (e.g., choice) would yield diminishing returns. Six experiments provide evidence supporting these predictions.  相似文献   

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