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目的探讨民族高校大学生睡眠质量与主观幸福感的关系。方法问卷调查法。结果民族地区大学生PSQI总分为(5.69±2.90),主观幸福感总分为(4.70±O.83);PSQI总分与主观幸福感得分呈显著负相关;PSQI总分和入睡时间依次进入主观幸福感的回归方程,对主观幸福感总分具有显著的预测作用。结论睡眠质量与主观幸福感显著相关,睡眠质量是主观幸福感有效的预测指标之一。  相似文献   

通过元分析评估自助式失眠认知行为治疗的疗效,考察疗效影响因素,并评价证据质量。元分析共纳入35篇文献,研究发现:(1)自助式失眠认知行为治疗在治疗结束时对睡眠效率、入睡潜伏期、入睡后醒来时长、睡眠总时间、睡眠质量、抑郁和焦虑的效果量分别为0.66、-0.52、-0.47、0.20、0.34、-0.32和-0.33。(2)自助式失眠认知行为治疗与面对面失眠认知行为治疗疗效同等;自助式失眠认知行为治疗疗效显著优于最小化治疗和药物治疗。(3)共病情况与支持形式对疗效有显著影响。证据质量评价表明睡眠效率、入睡后醒来时长、睡眠总时间、抑郁和焦虑5项指标的证据质量为中等,真实值可能接近于估计值;入睡潜伏期与睡眠质量为低,真实值与估计值可能存在着差异。  相似文献   

本研究采用交叉滞后设计探讨越轨同伴交往与青少年睡眠问题之间的双向关系。通过越轨同伴交往问卷与匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)对广东省某地区887名青少年(43.90%男生; M = 15.55)进行为期一学年的追踪研究。在控制了性别、年龄后,结果发现:(1)学年初始的睡眠问题可以显著正向预测青少年学年末的越轨同伴交往(b2 = 0.12, SE = .05, p < .05),即青少年在学年初始睡眠问题越多,学年末则表现出更多的越轨同伴交往;(2)研究并未发现学年初始的青少年越轨同伴交往可以显著预测其学年末的睡眠问题(b1 = –0.07, SE = .06, p > .05)。因此,本研究的结果支持了睡眠问题对青少年越轨同伴交往的单向预测作用,即睡眠问题可能是增加青少年越轨同伴交往的重要风险因素之一。  相似文献   

大学生失眠现象的心理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生失眠现象的心理学研究王惠萍,张积家(烟台师范学院)0引言失眠是一种常见的心理、生理现象。《简明不列颠百科全书》将失眠定义为"得不到充分睡眠的一种症状"。一般说来,将睡眠时间过短、常常从睡眠中醒来、上床后迟迟不能入睡或睡眠时间正常但缺乏睡眠感等睡...  相似文献   

摘 要:为探讨父母物质惩罚与儿童睡眠质量的关系及其作用机制,采用问卷法对438名小学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)父母物质惩罚与儿童主观幸福感、睡眠质量之间呈现显著相关;(2)物质惩罚既能直接预测儿童睡眠质量,也能通过主观幸福感的中介作用预测睡眠质量;(3)友谊质量能在物质惩罚对儿童睡眠质量的中介中起到调节,对高友谊质量的儿童来说,物质惩罚对幸福感的作用不显著。研究结果揭示了作为物质型教养行为之一的物质惩罚对儿童睡眠质量的影响及其作用机制,能为提高儿童的幸福感及睡眠质量提供有效启示。  相似文献   

目的调查大学生的手机成瘾和睡眠质量的情况,探讨大学生手机成瘾与睡眠质量的关系,为高校开展提高大学生睡眠质量和身心健康水平的干预项目提供理论依据。方法采用手机问题使用量表、手机成瘾鉴定访谈提纲和匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表调查唐山市553名大学生手机成瘾及睡眠质量问题的发生率,并综合运用t检验、单因素方差分析、相关分析考察变量间的关系。结果 1大学生手机成瘾检出率为8.86%;睡眠问题检出率为22.60%;2在主观睡眠质量和睡眠时间的得分方面,存在性别差异,男生优于女生;在催眠药物得分方面,也存在性别差异,女生优于男生;3入睡时间存在显著年级差异(一年级被试入睡时间得分显著低于二、三、四年级,三年级被试入睡时间得分显著高于五年级学生;4手机成瘾与非手机成瘾大学生在PSQI总分、主观睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍和日间功能障碍5个因子的得分上均存在显著差异;5手机问题使用总分与匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表总分及7个因子:主观睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍、催眠药物、日间功能障碍的得分均呈正相关。结论大学生睡眠质量情况不容乐观,手机成瘾、年级是影响大学生睡眠质量的重要因素。手机成瘾者睡眠质量低于非手机成瘾者;一年级学生比二、三、四年级学生都更容易入睡;三年级学生比五年级学生需要更长的入睡时间。  相似文献   

本研究采用单因素被试内设计对清晨唤醒后睡眠惰性对个体主观情绪、警觉性和认知加工的影响,以及利用动态黎明模拟光照能否对睡眠惰性产生有效的对抗作用进行了考察。结果发现:(1)被试的积极情绪、主观警觉性在刚唤醒时显著低于基线水平,之后随时间推移逐渐提升。(2)被试醒后立即进行测试的认知加工成绩最差,随后逐渐提高,且主要表现在加工速度的回升上。(3)黎明模拟光照对被试醒后在积极情绪、主观警觉性、持续性注意和抑制功能的缓解上产生了明显的促进作用。这表明睡眠惰性会对个体的主客观活动产生显著的负性影响,而使用黎明模拟光照可在一定程度上对抗睡眠惰性带来的负性影响。  相似文献   

现代社会的失眠问题异常突出,其对睡眠依赖性记忆巩固(SDC)的影响日益引起重视。目前,原发性失眠(PI)对陈述性及程序性记忆SDC的影响存在分歧。梳理以往研究发现,系统巩固假说和突触稳态假说支持睡眠结构紊乱及脑结构异常可能是PI患者SDC损伤的潜在脑机制。未来研究可考虑同步采集行为、脑电和脑成像数据,深入探究PI影响SDC的脑机制,并验证上述假说;还可尝试通过经颅电/磁刺激和目标记忆重激活等无创性干预措施改善PI患者的SDC效应。  相似文献   

本研究以338名学前儿童为被试,采用母亲报告法探究了学前儿童睡眠时间与问题行为之间的关系,以及儿童消极情绪性的调节作用。结果发现:(1)睡眠总时长对儿童内化和外化问题行为的主效应显著,而睡眠总时长与消极情绪性对儿童内化和外化问题行为的交互作用不显著;(2)夜间睡眠比对儿童内化问题行为的主效应显著,对儿童外化问题行为的主效应不显著;夜间睡眠比与消极情绪性对儿童内化问题行为的交互作用显著,即对高消极情绪性的儿童,夜间睡眠比能够显著负向预测其内化问题行为,而对低消极情绪性的儿童,夜间睡眠比对其内化问题行为的预测并不显著;夜间睡眠比与消极情绪性对儿童外化问题行为的交互作用不显著。  相似文献   

探讨冠状动脉内支架再狭窄与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)的关系及其机制.选择冠状动脉支架植入术后患者172例,其中43例确诊患OSAHS者为研究组,129例无OSAHS的患者为对照组.支架术后第3年行冠状动脉造影术,同时检测患者静脉血中TNF-α、IL-6、IL-4、IL-5、IL-10水平.OSAHS患者7例发生支架内再狭窄,比率16.26%,明显高于对照组6例,比率5.67%(P〈0.01);OSAHS患者血清中TNF-α、IL-6浓度高于对照组(P〈0.01);IL-4、IL-5、IL-10水平低于对照组(P〈0.01).合并OSAHS的患者,支架再狭窄的发生率高于非OSAHS患者,而OSAHS引发的炎症介质水平改变及炎症反应失衡可能与支架再狭窄有关.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2019,50(5):994-1001
Discrepancy between objective and subjective sleep parameters is a frequent symptom in persons suffering from insomnia. Since it has an impairing effect on daytime well-being and neglects possible positive objective improvements, it would be useful if it was treated. Apart from hypnotics, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT-I) is the therapy of choice for chronic forms of insomnia. However, there is limited information about whether CBT-I can also improve subjective-objective sleep discrepancy. We investigated a large sample of patients showing chronic forms of insomnia regarding their subjective-objective sleep discrepancy pre and post CBT-I. Objective sleep data were obtained from 3 nights (2 baseline nights and 1 night after therapy) using polysomnography in our sleep laboratory. All 92 patients participated in a 14-day inpatient program with CBT-I including psychoeducation about subjective-objective sleep discrepancy. Repeated measures analyses showed an improvement in subjective-objective sleep discrepancy parameters after CBT-I. Those parameters were also correlated with perceived quality of sleep. We conclude that CBT-I is a useful tool to improve subjective-objective sleep discrepancy in patients showing chronic forms of insomnia.  相似文献   

Repetitive thought has been focused upon as a transdiagnostic risk factor for depression, anxiety, and poor physical health. Among the forms of repetitive thought, rumination and worry are considered to play important roles in the onset and maintenance of insomnia. However, there have been few attempts to clarify the similarities, differences, and interaction between the functions of rumination and worry in sleep problems. Furthermore, no study has investigated the prospective relationships between these two forms of repetitive thought and sleep disturbance. In the present study, we examined the prospective associations between repetitive thought and subjective sleep quality, measured by a self-report questionnaire. A total of 208 undergraduates participated in a 2-wave longitudinal survey with an interval of 3 weeks between assessments. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that baseline rumination predicted reduction in the follow-up assessment of subjective sleep quality, controlling for levels of depressive and anxious symptoms. This main effect of rumination was qualified by the levels of worry; for individuals with higher levels of worry, rumination was associated with greater reduction in subjective sleep quality. These results suggest that both rumination and worry have unique associations with sleep and that their interaction is especially important in sleep problems.  相似文献   

糖尿病与睡眠的相互关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人一生中有1/3的时间在睡眠中度过,睡眠质量直接关系到一个人的身体健康。睡眠时间过少或过多的人糖尿病患病率大大增加。糖尿病本身的病理、生理特点,严重影响患者的睡眠质量,睡眠质量又可以反过来影响糖尿病患者的血糖水平。有研究显示,糖尿病患者最佳睡眠时间为8小时。同时糖尿病患者中睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)患病率高,0SA...  相似文献   

The impact of expectancy on melatonin's effects on sleep qualities was investigated. Both the pharmacological dose of 6 mg of melatonin and the expectation of receiving melatonin were predicted to improve subjective ratings of sleep qualities. The balanced placebo design varied 2 factors within-subjects: actual treatment and expected treatment. Adults (N = 53; 21 men and 32 women) between the ages of 26 and 71 years were administered either 6 mg of melatonin or a placebo for 8 nights. An instructional manipulation directed participants' expectations. Participants rated their nightly sleep experiences. Results revealed that feelings upon awakening differed between genders and that expecting melatonin increased ratings of sleep continuity. Most important, high ratings of “grogginess/tiredness” were associated with receiving melatonin, regardless of expectancy, as well as with receiving placebo when melatonin was expected. Overall, the findings underscore the need to consider expectancy and gender differences in research on melatonin and sleep experiences.  相似文献   

Research indicates that patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) frequently suffer from comorbid sleep difficulties, and that these difficulties often are not clinically recognized and diagnosed. There has been limited research investigating if comorbid sleep difficulties impair treatment outcome for OCD and if the sleep difficulties change following OCD‐treatment. Thirty‐six patients with obsessive compulsive disorder underwent concentrated exposure treatment delivered in a group over four consecutive days and were assessed with measures of OCD, depressive symptoms and sleep disturbance at three different time points (pre, post and 6 months follow‐up). The sample was characterized by a high degree of comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders. At pre‐treatment nearly 70% of the patients reported sleep difficulties indicative of primary insomnia. The results showed that patients had large reductions of OCD‐symptoms as well as significant improvements in sleep disturbance assessed after treatment, and that these improvements were maintained at follow‐up. Sleep disturbance did not impair treatment outcome, on the contrary patients with higher degree of sleep disturbance at pre‐treatment had better outcome on OCD‐symptoms after treatment. The results indicated that the majority of the OCD sample suffered from sleep disturbances and that these sleep disturbances were significantly reduced following adequate treatment of OCD without specific sleep interventions. However, a proportion of the patients suffered from residual symptoms of insomnia after treatment.  相似文献   

Insomnia is a symptom, a syndrome and a comorbid disorder. Its diagnosis relies on subjective reports from the afflicted individual and is defined as difficulties in initiating sleep, maintaining sleep, waking up too early or non-restorative sleep. However, insomnia and especially, primary insomnia, has received much attention in insomnia research with the use of objective measures. Insomnia, its peculiarities, most frequent subtypes and two most prominent models will first be briefly introduced. Then, insomnia will be reviewed according to results obtained with the use of neurophysiological measures as basic/traditional as polysomnography to more sophisticated ones such as power spectral analysis, neuroimaging, cyclic alternating patterns and event-related potentials. In addition, a review of the discrepancies between subjective and objective reports of cognitive alterations through neuropsychological testing is offered. The need to combine measures is then highlighted in conclusion.  相似文献   


Insomnia is a condition characterized by subjective complaints of insufficient sleep and poor daytime functioning. Objective measures of sleep and daytime functioning, however, seldom show evidence of a similar degree of dysfunction. Most insomniacs, for example, do not suffer from sleep deprivation or daytime sleepiness. This discrepancy between subjective and objective measures of sleep and daytime functioning suggests that cognitive factors may play a central role in persistent insomnia. In particular, it is argued that fears about insufficient sleep and its adverse daytime consequences tend to interfere with sleep, thereby causing a vicious cycle which serves to maintain the insomnia. It is also argued that perfectionist standards and other dysfunctional beliefs may predispose people to these kinds of fears. Finally, existing models for cognitive-behavioural treatment of insomnia are criticized for being almost exclusively focused on the night-time aspects of insomnia. If insomnia is maintained by various kinds of vicious cycles involving fears, beliefs, and standards with regard to daytime functioning, these daytime aspects of insomnia should receive more attention in cognitive-behavioural treatment.  相似文献   

Sleep complaints are common in women, and women are more likely to suffer from insomnia than men. Multiple factors across a woman's lifespan, including hormonal changes, age‐related physiological changes, psychosocial factors, the presence of sleep disorders, and physical and mental health conditions, can contribute to complaints of poor sleep in women. This article reviews the literature on the characteristics of, and contributing factors to, subjectively and objectively measured sleep during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and post‐partum period, as well as the menopausal transition and postmenopause. Evidence from both subjective and objective measurements supports the presence of chronic sleep fragmentation associated with pregnancy, acute sleep deprivation during labour and the immediate post‐partum periods, as well as disrupted sleep during the first few months after childbirth. While there is evidence for menstrual cycle and menopause related sleep disturbance based on women's self report, findings from objectively measured sleep have been mixed. Observational and intervention studies on the relationship between sleep and women's psychological well‐being suggest that underlying causes of sleep disturbance across a woman's lifespan are often multi‐factorial. Comprehensive assessments and targeted interventions are needed in managing sleep problems in women. Cognitive behavioural interventions have been shown to reduce sleep complaints during the perinatal and menopausal periods, and improvements in sleep are likely to lead to improvements in women's overall well‐being.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(5):863-875
Prior work implicates sleep disturbance in the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the majority of this literature has focused on combat veteran men, and limited work has examined links between sleep disturbance and PTSD symptoms in sexual assault survivors. This is a notable gap in the literature, as sexual trauma is disproportionately likely to result in PTSD and is more common in women. We sought to examine the relations between subjective sleep disturbance, sexual assault severity, and PTSD symptoms in a sample of sexual assault survivors with PTSD (PTSD+), without PTSD (PTSD-), and healthy controls. The sample (N = 60) completed the Insomnia Severity Index and prospectively monitored their sleep for 1 week using the Consensus Sleep Diary. The sexual assault survivors also completed the Sexual Experiences Survey and PTSD Checklist-5. Results of group comparisons found that the PTSD+ group reported significantly higher insomnia symptoms, longer sleep onset latency, more nocturnal awakenings, and lower sleep quality compared to the healthy control group and higher insomnia symptoms compared to the PTSD- group. Results of regression analyses in the sexual assault survivors found that insomnia symptoms and number of nocturnal awakenings were significantly associated with higher PTSD symptoms, and sexual assault severity was significantly associated with higher insomnia symptoms, longer sleep onset latency, and lower sleep quality. These findings highlight specific features of sleep disturbance that are linked to trauma and PTSD symptom severity among sexual assault survivors.  相似文献   

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