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运用眼动分析法,采用架子鼓渐快/渐慢节奏听觉材料,利用SMARC效应的机制,探讨个体的音乐训练经验与其形成节奏变化的空间表征的关系。结果显示,相对于无音乐训练经验被试,有音乐训练经验被试在渐快节奏下对远方位有更多注视时间,在渐慢节奏下对近方位有更多注视时间。即在有音乐训练经验者身上更可能观察到音乐节奏变化与远近空间方位的SMARC效应。因此,个体能否形成音乐节奏变化的空间表征与其音乐训练经验存在关系。  相似文献   

摘 要 研究以眼动仪为工具,采用移动窗口范式考察不同字号文本对读者阅读知觉广度和眼动模式的影响。实验结果发现,被试阅读大、小字号文本时的阅读知觉广度都是四个字。字号大小不影响读者的阅读知觉广度,但是影响读者的眼动模式。具体表现为:被试阅读小号字文本的平均注视时间、总注视时间比大号字文本长,平均眼跳距离更短,相对眼跳距离(单位为字的个数)更长,注视次数更多。  相似文献   

探讨低事件率对医学图像视觉搜索漏报的影响,用SMI250眼动仪记录放射科专家与新手检测胸部X光片的过程。结果发现:(1)专家和新手在低事件率(10%)下的漏报率多于高事件率(50%),但专家在高低事件率的漏报率的差值小于新手。(2)专家和新手在低事件率下的注视次数少于高事件率,眼跳幅度、扫描错误比例大于高事件率。结论认为:专家与新手进行医学图像视觉搜索时出现低事件率效应,低事件率效应主要是由于扫描错误引起的。  相似文献   

孙龙  常若松 《心理科学》2016,39(6):1346-1352
结合反应时和眼动研究方法,采用驾驶经验2(新手,有经验)×自我评估的能力2(高,低)×危险类型2(明显,隐藏)的混合实验设计,探索驾驶员驾驶能力的自我评估和驾驶经验对危险知觉及视觉注意的影响。采用驾驶能力量表和基于动态交通视频的危险知觉任务对86名驾驶员测试,并使用Tobbi T120记录眼动数据。结果发现,新手和有经验驾驶员自我评估的能力与危险知觉反应时间之间相关不显著,这说明两组驾驶员对自己驾驶能力的认识和评估不准确。有经验驾驶员对两类危险的反应比新手快。新手自我评估的能力过高,他们对两类危险的反应比同龄驾驶员和有经验驾驶员慢。然而,有经验驾驶员自我评估的能力与危险知觉反应时间之间不存在显著差异。此外,与新手相比,有经验驾驶员对两类危险的首次注视较快,总注视时间更长。与同龄驾驶员相比,新手自我评估的能力过高,他们对危险的首次注视较慢,对危险的总注视时间更少。这些研究结果表明,新手自我评估的能力过高,可能会提高他们的风险接受阈限,由此降低了他们对危险的反应速度。未来驾驶训练应当采取措施减少新手对驾驶能力的自我评估偏见,改善他们的视觉搜索模式以降低事故风险。  相似文献   

危险知觉是指驾驶员在交通情境中对明显危险和潜在危险的识别、预测和反应的认知加工过程,是驾驶员对当前交通情境形成的连续而富于变化的复合认知表征。以往研究表明,对于行人过马路这类明显危险,新手和经验驾驶员危险知觉表现都非常出色。但是当明显危险(行人)和潜在危险(前车制动)并存时,经验驾驶员对明显危险的知觉反应是否会突显出优势呢?本研究通过设置两种交通场景:行人单一危险条件和行人-前车双重危险条件,考察不同经验人群对行人危险的反应及眼动特点。在第一个研究中,使用Tobii T120型眼动仪,通过反应时和眼动结合的方法,考察不同危险场景中,不同驾驶经验对驾驶员知觉行人危险的行为反应数据(反应时和正确率)及眼动指标(平均注视时间和水平搜索广度)的影响。采用2(交通场景:行人场景、行人-前车场景)×3(组别:无驾照组、新手组、经验组)两因素混合实验设计,其中交通场景是组内变量,组别为组间变量。因变量为驾驶员对行人危险进行反应的行为数据(反应时和正确率)及眼动数据(平均注视时间和水平搜索广度)。实验要求被试观看交通场景视频,当发现危险时,立刻按键反应。实验结果表明:在有前车条件下,经验组被试的反应时快于新手组(p=.039)和无驾照组(p=.013),F(2,30)=3.98,p=.029。无驾照组被试对行人的平均注视时间长于经验组(p=.043)和新手组(p=.024),F(2,30)=3.39,p=.047,ηp2= .18。无驾照组被试对场景的水平搜索广度均小于经验组(p=.006)和新手组(p=.016),F(2,30)=5.17,p=.012,ηp2= .26。在第二个研究中,对研究一的数据进行了深入分析,考察双重危险场景中驾驶经验对驾驶员知觉行人危险及信息加工效率的影响。采用2(兴趣区类型:行人、前车)×3(组别:无驾照组、新手组、经验组)两因素混合实验设计,其中兴趣区类型是组内变量,组别为组间变量。因变量为搜索行人和前车时的眼动数据(总注视时间、搜索次数和平均搜索时间)。研究结果表明:经验组驾驶员对前车的总注视时间显著短于新手组(p=.014)和无驾照组(p=.003),F(2,30)=5.99,p=.006。经验组驾驶员对前车的平均搜索视时间显著短于新手组(p=.014)和无驾照组(p=.004),F(2,30)=5.50,p=.009。在有前车条件下,控制了性别、年龄后,驾驶员对前车的平均搜索时间越长,对行人的危险反应时越长(β=.393,p<0.05,R2=.308)。这些结果说明:无经验和新手驾驶员糟糕的搜索行为不仅仅是由于操作抢夺认知资源或者情绪紧张导致的。危险的信息加工效率更低,搜索模式不够灵活,也是导致新手驾驶员行人碰撞事故率更高的原因之一。驾驶员培训有助于提高驾驶员对明显危险的信息加工效率和搜索模式灵活性。积累更多的驾驶经验可以提升驾驶员对潜在危险的的视觉搜索和注意资源分配效率,从而加快危险反应时间。未来的驾驶员培训应加强对新手驾驶员搜索技能的培训,并持续提供更多的驾驶员继续教育机会。  相似文献   

采用眼动记录技术,考察不同背景音对中文篇章阅读和词汇加工的影响。结果发现:(1)与安静和白噪音背景相比,无关言语背景下的总阅读时间更长、阅读速度更慢、注视次数更多、平均眼跳幅度更小。(2)不同背景音下的首次注视时间和凝视时间无显著差异,而无关言语背景下的回视路径时间和总注视时间较白噪音条件下的更长。结果表明,无关言语干扰了读者的阅读过程,其语义成分和声学特征变化是干扰产生的重要原因;这种干扰体现在词汇加工中的语义整合阶段。  相似文献   

采用眼动记录技术探讨音乐对认知加工过程的影响.结果发现:(1)音乐导致认知加工成绩下降,对复杂题的加工成绩影响更大;(2)音乐导致认知加工时间延长,加工速度下降;(3)音乐改变了认知加工过程的眼动模式:注视次数增加,注视频率下降,注视点持续时间延长,眼跳距离缩小.结果提示,音乐改变了认知过程的跟动模式,导致认知加工准确性下降.两者关系密切.音乐通过对认知加工过程的改变影响认知加工结果.  相似文献   

英文快速阅读的眼动特点与阅读成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文运用眼动仪对中国大学生在快读阅读英文文本时,其眼动特征与阅读成绩的关系进行了研究。结果表明:在平均注视时间、第一次注视时间、眼跳速度、眼跳次数等方面,高低分组存在显著性差异,高分组的眼动策略更灵活,对信息的加工效率更高。  相似文献   

对23名大学生进行知觉广度、记忆广度和阅读理解的多项测验,探求知觉、记忆加工效率与不同语言阅读成绩和阅读眼动特性之间的关系。结果发现:低水平的视觉符号方向信号知觉广度与阅读不存在明显的关系,从眼跳幅度指标上反映出右侧知觉广度大的被试对第二语言加工难度更为敏感。短时记忆和工作记忆能力对阅读的影响主要反映在眼跳幅度方面,与单个注视点获取的信息量有关,但与课文理解水平的关系不明显。短时记忆能力强的被试在眼跳幅度上以及第二语言言语工作记忆弱的被试在注视时间上均出现语言差异效应。  相似文献   

黎昂  杨锦绵朱磊 《心理科学》2021,44(6):1282-1289
采用眼动追踪范式,本研究通过两个实验探讨局部注意干扰效应(LAI)的注意分配特点和机制。实验一采用搜索时间有限的范式,目标呈现70毫秒后消失,在行为和眼动指标上均发现LAI效应:当两个目标距离较近时,反应时增加,正确率降低,总注视时长增长、注视点增加和眼跳速度加快。实验二增加目标呈现时间至1500毫秒以鼓励搜索,产生了比实验一更强烈的LAI效应,且眼跳速度的模式也有不同,说明增加搜索时间并不利于减轻LAI,从而推断LAI的竞争发生在判断阶段,而非搜索和识别目标阶段。  相似文献   

The automobile is currently the most popular and frequently reported location for listening to music. Yet, not much is known about the effects of music on driving performance, and only a handful of studies report that music-evoked arousal generated by loudness decreases automotive performance. Nevertheless, music tempo increases driving risks by competing for attentional space; the greater number of temporal events which must be processed, and the frequency of temporal changes which require larger memory storage, distract operations and optimal driving capacities. The current study explored the effects of music tempo on PC-controlled simulated driving. It was hypothesized that simulated driving while listening to fast-paced music would increase heart rate (HR), decrease simulated lap time, and increase virtual traffic violations. The study found that music tempo consistently affected both simulated driving speed and perceived speed estimates: as the tempo of background music increased, so too did simulated driving speed and speed estimate. Further, the tempo of background music consistently affected the frequency of virtual traffic violations: disregarded red traffic-lights (RLs), lane crossings (LNs), and collisions (ACs) were most frequent with fast-paced music. The number of music-related automobile accidents and fatalities is not a known statistic. Police investigators, drivers, and traffic researchers themselves are not mindful of the risks associated with listening to music while driving. Implications of the study point to a need for drivers' education courses to raise public awareness about the effects of music during driving.  相似文献   

Cassidy, G.G. & MacDonald, R.A.R. (2010). The effects of music on time perception and performance of a driving game. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 51, 455–464. There is an established and growing body of evidence highlighting that music can influence behavior across a range of diverse domains ( Miell, MacDonald, & Hargreaves 2005 ). One area of interest is the monitoring of “internal timing mechanisms”, with features such as tempo, liking, perceived affective nature and everyday listening contexts implicated as important ( North & Hargreaves, 2008 ). The current study addresses these issues by comparing the effects of self‐selected and experimenter‐selected music (fast and slow) on actual and perceived performance of a driving game activity. Seventy participants completed three laps of a driving game in seven sound conditions: (1) silence; (2) car sounds; (3) car sounds with self‐selected music, and car sounds with experimenter‐selected music; (4) high‐arousal (70 bpm); (5) high‐arousal (130 bpm); (6) low‐arousal (70 bpm); and (7) low‐arousal (130 bpm) music. Six performance measures (time, accuracy, speed, and retrospective perception of these), and four experience measures (perceived distraction, liking, appropriateness and enjoyment) were taken. Exposure to self‐selected music resulted in overestimation of elapsed time and inaccuracy, while benefiting accuracy and experience. In contrast, exposure to experimenter‐selected music resulted in poorest performance and experience. Increasing the tempo of experimenter‐selected music resulted in faster performance and increased inaccuracy for high‐arousal music, but did not impact experience. It is suggested that personal meaning and subjective associations connected to self‐selected music promoted increased engagement with the activity, overriding detrimental effects attributed to unfamiliar, less liked and less appropriate experimenter‐selected music.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between metamemory and strategic behavior in impulsive and reflective children. One hundred thirty children from the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades participated. Seventy-seven of these children had been tested 3 years earlier on metamemory and cognitive tempo tasks. At pretraining, children were assessed on metamemory, cognitive tempo, summarization skills, and teacher ratings of impulsive behavior in the classroom. Next, children in three experimental groups received prose summarization instructions, summarization instructions in conjunction with metacognitive training about the importance of a reflective approach to learning, or no instructions. Following training, children were again measured on tempo, summarization skills, and teacher ratings of impulsivity. Analyses of strategy maintenance data indicated superior performance for children who had received both summarization and metacognitive training. Causal modeling analyses showed that early metamemory was an antecedent of later strategy acquisition. The dual role of metacognition as a precursor of later strategy acquisition and controller of lower level strategies was highlighted.  相似文献   

Humans readily entrain their movements to a beat, including matching their gait to a prescribed tempo. Rhythmic auditory cueing tasks have been used to enhance stepping behavior in a variety of clinical populations. However, there is limited understanding of how temporal accuracy of gait changes over practice in healthy young adults. In this study, we examined how inter-step interval and cadence deviated from slow, medium, and fast tempos across steps within trials, across trials within blocks, and across two blocks that bookended a period of practice of walking to each tempo. Participants were accurate in matching the tempo at the slow and medium tempos, while they tended to lag behind the beat at the fast tempo. We also found that participants showed no substantial improvement across steps and trials, nor across blocks, suggesting that participants had a robust ability to entrain their gait to the specified metronome tempo. However, we did find that participants habituated to the prescribed tempo, showing self-paced gait that was faster than self-paced baseline gait after the fast tempo, and slower than self-paced baseline gait after the slow tempo. These findings might represent an “after-effect” in the temporal domain, akin to after-effects consistently shown in other sensorimotor tasks. This knowledge of how healthy participants entrain their gait to temporal cues may have important implications in understanding how clinical populations acquire and modify their gait in rhythmic auditory cueing tasks.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the perception of time in the first months of life. Does the perception of contextual temporal information (an auditory tempo) induce modifications in spontaneous motor behavior (in the present case, non-nutritive sucking behavior) at birth and at 2 months? Two auditory tempos were successively tested. The first was the same as the previously recorded spontaneous motor tempo (SMT); the second was 15% faster or 15% slower than the infant's SMT according to the group. Results showed that modification of the sucking tempo depended on age and contextual temporal information. Two-month-old infants were able to adapt their endogenous sucking rhythm to an external tempo if it was faster than their spontaneous rhythm. Results also confirmed that slowing down the sucking rate was difficult for both groups of infants. In sum, the results suggest that, to a certain extent, very young infants are sensitive to contextual modifications (which indicates that they perceive them). This study has thus identified certain features of the internal time base rate from birth which could help define a developmental internal clock model of contextual temporal processing.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative changes characterize locomotion and rhythmic interlimb coordination at different speeds. Legs and hands do not move more or less quickly; they also adopt different relative coordination patterns. In the present article, the authors asked whether similar transitions occur for unimanual hand movements when speed is slowed below the preferred speed. Participants moved a handheld dowel back and forth between 2 large circular targets in time with a metronome at periods between 370 ms and 1667 ms. The authors analyzed the kinematics of participants’ movements at each period and found that proportional dwell time and number of peaks in the velocity profile increased as driving periods increased. Path lengths and peak velocities remained relatively constant for driving periods exceeding 800 ms. Participants made only gradual changes to their movement parameters, so that they went from a continuous mode to a more discrete mode of behavior for longer driving periods. Thus, unlike for rhythmic bimanual movements or locomotory patterns, there are quantitative but no clear qualitative changes for unimanual movements. The results suggest that participants tried to move close to their preferred tempo at different rates, and that they avoided moving slowly.  相似文献   

Pubertal development is a nonlinear process progressing from prepubescent beginnings through biological, physical, and psychological changes to full sexual maturity. To tether theoretical concepts of puberty with sophisticated longitudinal, analytical models capable of articulating pubertal development more accurately, we used nonlinear mixed-effects models to describe both the timing and tempo of pubertal development in the sample of 364 White boys and 373 White girls measured across 6 years as part of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Individual differences in timing and tempo were extracted with models of logistic growth. Differential relations emerged for how boys' and girls' timing and tempo of development were related to physical characteristics (body mass index, height, and weight) and psychological outcomes (internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and risky sexual behavior). Timing and tempo are associated in boys but not girls. Pubertal timing and tempo are particularly important for predicting psychological outcomes in girls but only sparsely related to boys' psychological outcomes. Results highlight the importance of considering the nonlinear nature of puberty and expand the repertoire of possibilities for examining important aspects of how and when pubertal processes contribute to development.  相似文献   

Judgement of emotion conveyed by music is determined notably by mode (major-minor) and tempo (fast-slow). This suggestion was examined using the same set of equitone melodies, in two experiments. Melodies were presented to nonmusicians who were required to judge whether the melodies sounded “happy” or “sad” on a 10-point scale. In order to assess the specific and relative contributions of mode and tempo to these emotional judgements, the melodies were manipulated so that the only verying characteristic was either the mode or the tempo in two “isolated” conditions. In two further conditions, mode and tempo manipulations were combined so that mode and tempo either converged towards the same emotion (Convergent condition) or suggested opposite emotions (Divergent condition). The results confirm that both mode and tempo determine the “happy-sad” judgements in isolation, with the tempo being more salient, even when tempo salience was adjusted. The findings further support the view that, in music, structural features that are emotionally meaningful are easy to isolate, and that music is an effective and reliable medium to study emotions.  相似文献   

E J Duryea 《Adolescence》1986,21(83):737-741
This paper reassesses the current trend toward health decision-making skills for youth. A new field of research for health behavior called conceptual tempo is introduced in an attempt to make health decision-making interventions more effective. The argument is made that decision-making programs may not realize their full potential because of the lack of emphasis placed on the child's rate of response or "conceptual tempo" in making health decisions. Suggestions are made on how best to utilize the conceptual tempo literature to enhance health decision-making program objectives in school health education.  相似文献   

Distracted driving behavior often occurs when drivers mindlessly send or receive text messages with their mobile devices. It is imperative to understand the relationship between mindfulness and texting while driving behavior because distracted driving behavior has led to a reported increase in texting related accidents and mortalities. Based on this report, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between mindfulness, self-control, frequency of texting-related accidents, near-miss accidents, and texting while driving behavior. Using a total of 609 adults with an average age of 34.11 (SD = 12.21), results showed that observe, aware, and describe were related to texting while driving. Additionally, we found evidence that self-control partially mediated the relationship between mindfulness and texting while driving. Results also showed that near-miss texting while driving accidents moderated the relationship between mindfulness and texting behavior while driving. The observed inverse relationship between mindfulness and texting while driving can increase researchers’ understanding of self-control’s role in vehicular accidents triggered by texting. Implications and limitations are offered, along with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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