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阎书昌  陈晶  张红梅 《心理学报》2012,44(11):1554-1562
周先庚在汉字心理学、教育心理学和工业心理学等多个领域做出了重要学术贡献或进行了开创性研究, 但是他在抗日战争时期军事心理学领域的贡献至今未能获得心理学界的深入认识。周先庚自1943年末开始在国民党第五军中筹办军官心理测验所, 从事军官心理测验工作。自1945年4月开始与主题统觉测验创始人默里合作从事伞兵选拔心理测评工作。在开展军事心理学实践的过程中, 周先庚提出了“创造中国本位军事心理学”的主张。周先庚在与默里开展的军事心理学合作中建立了深厚的友谊。周先庚将心理学知识用于抗日军官、伞兵的选拔上, 既体现了他的抗日精神, 也体现了他的实践精神、开创精神和中国本位精神。  相似文献   

冯正直  宋新涛  王智  余红艳 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1274-1279
军人心理素质研究作为军事心理学研究中一个重要的内容,近年来引起了研究者的广泛关注。以近年来军人心理素质研究的文献为基础,对军人心理素质概念、军人心理素质的成分与测评、军人心理素质特点、军人心理素质训练等方面进行了回顾,展望了该领域的研究方向,为军人心理素质的深入研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

燕维才  陆平   《心理科学进展》1986,4(1):26-28
军事心理学是心理学的一个重要分支,它是一门研究军人个体和军人集体在军事工作中的心理活动及其规律的科学。其根本任务是揭示军人集体的管理、军人技能的形成、战场环境的心理适应、人与武器的适应、军官素质的培养。军队士气的诱发和心理战等规律,并依据这些规律对部队实施有效的训练和指挥。随着心理学的产生和发展,军事心理学也很快演变成一门独立的科学体系。而且日益为各国所重视和运用。其中发展较快的是美国和苏联。美国曾在第一次世界大战中就抽调大批心理学家成立了17个战争问题研究会、专门研究战争  相似文献   

乔红霞  俞国良 《心理科学》2011,34(2):435-440
[摘 要] 军队女性心理是军事心理学和女性心理学共同关注的话题。目前研究的焦点包括:女性军人的性别角色与特质、军队女性领导者、女性军人的婚姻与家庭、性别压力与性骚扰等。军队女性心理在研究方法上受女性主义影响坚持多元方法论,在研究对象和研究领域上与普通女性心理研究相比又有其特殊性。未来军队女性心理的深层研究将日益迫切,非主流研究方法将逐渐引起关注,进一步的研究应注意军队女性心理研究的文化差异。  相似文献   

梳理乳腺癌患者积极心理学研究领域的研究脉络,以呈现其学科领域的研究热点及研究前沿。利用CiteSpaceⅢ可视化软件分析web of science数据库2000年~2016年符合检索条件的文献的国家(地区)和关键词。结果显示,乳腺癌患者积极心理学领域的研究力量主要集中在美、英等发达国家。现阶段研究热点主要集中于通过随机对照试验来揭示对乳腺癌患者实施积极心理方面干预的作用效果,并对效果进行评价。中国乳腺癌患者积极心理学领域的研究刚刚起步,今后可以结合"基因检测"、"运动干预"等方向对乳腺癌患者积极心理学领域进行进一步探索。  相似文献   

为宏观地把握中国发展心理学的研究热点与发展趋势,基于我国唯一的发展心理学与教育心理学专业学术刊物《心理发展与教育》1985~2019年的2456篇文献,采用文献计量法对该刊年发文量、年被引量、年下载量、年转载量、研究机构、关键词等指标进行分析。结果发现,《心理发展与教育》历年的发文量总体呈波动上升的趋势,认知与社会性发展的研究为教育与学习心理以及心理健康的研究主题奠定了夯实的理论基础。结合关键词共现和聚类分析的结果,本文从发展时期、学科交叉和特殊群体三方面对我国发展心理学的未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

严红  程盛 《心理学探新》2023,(4):343-353
为全面洞悉国际和国内心理资本研究动态,挖掘国内心理资本研究未来方向,运用科学知识图谱方法,从发文数量趋势、学科分布、高产作者研究内容、文献共被引、关键词聚类、关键词时区演进六个方面对国际和国内心理资本研究文献进行对比分析,发现共性和差异。主要研究结论:(1)研究内容方面,国际心理资本研究高产作者侧重抑郁症、职业倦怠、家庭心理资本,国内侧重工作绩效及其创新、团队心理资本、大学生心理资本、员工创新性;(2)研究热点方面,国际心理资本侧重社会资本、健康、工作绩效、家庭暴力、抑郁症、PTSD等,国内侧重社会资本、人力资本、大学生心理资本、农民工心理资本等;(3)研究演进方面,两者均分为三个时期,但有所差异。提出未来可以进一步拓展研究内容、创新研究方法、创新和细化研究群体。  相似文献   

初级军官心理选拔的预测性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:通过建立院校学员胜任特征及初级军官评价模型,探讨初级军官心理选拔检测系统的预测性。方法:某军校340名男性本科学员入校时完成初级军官心理选拔检测,毕业前进行院校胜任特征评价,对162名学员毕业后1~5年进行部队工作表现追踪评价。结果:中国MBTI-G人格类型测验对院校学员管理能力、影响力、约束力、口头表达、军人气质、人际关系等有较好的预测性,预测符合率72.13%;中国军人明尼苏达个性调查表6项精神障碍维度对情绪稳定性有较好的预测,预测符合率71.90%;院校学员一般能力倾向测验对学业成绩、文字表达、口头表达、人际关系和决策能力等胜任特征也有一定的预测性,预测符合率66.70%;三项测验院校胜任特征总预测符合率达81.70%,部队胜任特征总预测符合率76~87%。结论:为我军初级军官心理选拔提供了实用工具,为提高心理选拔预测准确性提供了科学依据  相似文献   

为比较准确地了解近十年来我国认知行为疗法(CBT)的研究热点和重点,采用关键词共词分析法,运用Bicomb2.0、SPSS19.0、Ucinet6.0等数理分析软件从中国学术期刊网络出版总库抽取出2007年~2016年的231篇文献绘制了CBT研究热点知识图谱。研究结果表明,我国近十年来CBT研究热点主要围绕在四大领域:认知行为疗法与积极心理学关系研究;心理弹性研究;高校大学生心理健康教育研究;儿童、青少年网络成瘾,强迫症,焦虑症,抑郁症等的干预性研究。  相似文献   

和平心理学是近20年在心理学内部兴起的一种以和平心理研究实现世界和平愿景的心理学运动,主要经历了孕育、萌生、形成等三个阶段。目前最具影响力的理论模型主要包括三维和平理论模型、和平自我理论模型、过程式多维积极和平理论模型。和平心理学使心理学的和平研究价值得到回归,扩大了心理学的研究视野。未来的和平心理学理论需要突破资本主义制度内自我改良式的局限,提升到马克思主义和平本质理论的高度,需要加强与积极心理学、社会心理学的跨领域整合、重视多元方法的运用、进行更多的实证研究、考虑跨文化因素的影响。结合我国当前外交、军事、国内社会现状,在我国开展和平外交心理研究、转型期社会和平稳定发展心理研究,将势在必行、大有作为。  相似文献   

科学心理学以方法为中心的知识建构策略,内在地要求它与常识心理学划界以谋求自然科学分支的学科地位,其代价是对人类心理之情感与意义维度的隔离。在移植西方心理学体系的过程中,科学心理学的争议也内含于中国心理学的发展轨迹中,同时还附加了学术边陲地区特有的学科追赶焦虑。中国本土心理学理论应突破科学至上的观念束缚,致力于发展具有现实解释力和价值引导力的人文主义导向的心理学理论,以切实解决中国现实社会中的心理问题,并在世界心理学界发出真正的中国声音。  相似文献   

威廉·詹姆斯是美国心理学的创始人,被世人称为"美国心理学之父"。他创造了一整套的心理学理论,包括在具身认知兴起的过程中,他也发挥了重要的、不可替代的作用。而具身认知主要指在人们的认知过程中身体发挥着重要的关键作用,亦即认知是人们通过身体的具体体验及其活动方式而产生的。文章主要通过具身认知的兴起来了解在詹姆斯的一整套心理学理论中所包含的具身认知思想以及探究詹姆斯在其中发挥的重大作用。  相似文献   

How do particular words come to be part of the vocabulary of Anglophone psychology? The present study sampled 600 words with psychological senses from the Oxford English Dictionary, which not only gives the number of senses for each word but also the date and author for the earliest known occurrence of each sense. Analogous information for the same words was taken from PsycINFO. One can distinguish between words for which their psychological sense is the first to occur in the history of the written language (primary psychological words) and words for which their psychological sense only emerges after one or more other senses have become established in the written language (secondary psychological words). To use a distinction made famous by Ebbinghaus, secondary psychological words have both a past and a history in psychology, while primary psychological words only have a history. Secondary psychological words have more connections to other words and occur more frequently in PsycINFO than do primary psychological words. For secondary psychological words, it is possible to trace a process of metaphoric polysemy that provides a basis for the eventual occurrence of the psychological sense of a word. Some primary psychological words are now developing secondary, nonpsychological senses, showing that they are subject to the same metaphoric process as are any other words.  相似文献   

This essay examines arguments for and against the proposition that Artificial Intelligence (AI) research makes an important contribution to the understanding of the human mind. A number of recent articles have seemed to question the value of Al ideas in specific domains (e.g., language. mental imagery, problem solving). In the present paper, it is argued that the real disagreement concerns the form of a scientific psychology. The critics of Artificial Intelligence believe that many acceptable psychological theories exist and the important task of the scientist is to show that certain of these theories are true. They criticize AI research because it has not produced theories whose adequacy can be tested by empirical research. The supporters of AI research believe that no adequate psychological theories exist. They claim that the important task is to develop adequate theories and until such theories have been constructed, it is pointless to worry about empirical tests. A number of major arguments attacking and defending AI research are examined in order to illustrate that the real issue is methodological. It is concluded that the present debate is counterproductive since both sides assume that the methodological premise of the other side is wrong without attempting to refute it. A more constructive debate would address directly the more fundamental question of what methods offer the greatest promise of solving the major problems of psychology.  相似文献   

Native Korean women frequently suffer poverty, sexual violence, and Confucian gender discrimination. Once in America Korean military wives also experience racial and sexual oppression, intercultural familial conflicts and violence, and identity crisis and lead to feelings of isolation and non-belonging, a sense of anomie. Korean American pastors tend to understate and oversimplify the complexity of psychological and spiritual suffering of Korean military wives and overemphasize individual faith development as a solution. Liberation psychology evolved from an awareness of similar dehumanizing realities. The context-based perspective of liberation psychology offers a model to interpret and assist in the psychological and spiritual healing of Korean military wives. The healing power of conscientization offered in Liberation psychology for oppressed individuals encourages self-awakening suggesting it as an ideal interventional model to help Korean military wives and would be a useful approach for Korean American pastors.  相似文献   

Evolutionary psychology provides a cogent metatheory for psychological science. It has furnished compelling theories of major domains of human functioning, including mating, parenting, kinship, morality, cooperation, conflict, aggression, and aesthetics. It has produced hundreds of empirical discoveries missed entirely by prior psychologists. Developmental dynamics, properly conceived, can add to the theoretical foundation of evolutionary psychology. But it has not provided alternative theories capable of explaining the many detailed empirical discoveries made by evolutionary' psychologists. Nor has it generated a comparable bounty of new empirical discoveries. By critical scientific standards--theoretical cogency, predictive accuracy, interdisciplinary consistency, and empirical harvest--modern evolutionary psychology fares well compared with alternatives.  相似文献   

Concepts: Core Readings (1999) is an edited volume of articles representing five major theories of concepts within cognitive psychology. Of the five, only the prototype theory can be interpreted in terms arising from a behavioral analysis. Two conceptual problems pervade nearly all of the papers in the volume. The first is an implicit commitment to essentialism; concepts are reified and are commonly discussed as though they have essential properties. Second, the theories suffer from a defective theory of verbal behavior. No distinction is made between verbal operants and words drawn from a hat.  相似文献   

Early Muslims wrote extensively about human nature and called it Ilm-al Nafsiat or self-knowledge. In many cases, their works seem to be the original ideas for many modern day psychological theories and practices. What is interesting however is that a lot of what the early scholars wrote was blended with Islamic philosophy and religious ideas. This paper covers major contributions of prominent early Muslim scholars to psychology and outlines the challenges faced by today's Muslims in adapting to the Western theories. It also offers a few recommendations on the indigenization of psychology for Muslim societies interested in seeking the Islamic perspective on human behaviors.  相似文献   

The field of psychology remains a divided one. Several different sub-disciplines (e.g., developmental, cognitive, behaviorism, social, etc.) form what could be a unified scientific area. However, there is no widely accepted theory of unification. Charles Darwin once theorized that evolutionary theory would change the foundation of psychology; but over the years, evolutionary psychology has been met with hostile resistance from some of the prominent psychologists within the other sub-disciplines. Yet in recent years, all of the divided sub-disciplines of psychology have been slowly implementing evolutionary principles into their literature and research. This slow integration of evolutionary psychology into the other sub-disciplines indicates the possibility of a unified psychology with evolution as its foundation. This paper briefly reviews the literature within each major sub-discipline of psychology to show their implementation of evolutionary psychological theories, indicating the possibility of evolutionary psychology becoming the unifying paradigm upon which the entire field of psychology can be based. A call for action to continue this process is also discussed.  相似文献   

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