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必须从詹姆斯的人格和他的思想作为整体及其统一性的背景出发,才能有效地理解詹姆斯心理学的真髓。詹姆斯思想的内核是彻底经验主义。他以彻底经验主义为基础的心理学思考,与胡塞尔的现象学思考作为思想态度是同质的,因而表现出明确的现象学特征。文章指出了对詹姆斯心理学进行现象学阐释的根据,并结合心理学史探讨了詹姆斯的思想方法对心理学作为整体而言的理论意义。  相似文献   

狄尔泰提出要用描述心理学为精神科学奠基,这一观念被布伦塔诺所接受,并最终被胡塞尔所继承。但胡塞尔所说的描述心理学已经不再是经验立场上的心理学,而是描述现象学。胡塞尔在其中后期思想中进一步提出和发展了现象学的心理学,并明确指出,只有现象学的心理学才能为精神科学奠基。然而,从先验现象学的意义上来说,现象学心理学的奠基不是最终的,也不是最彻底的;只有生活世界现象学才能真正为哲学和一切科学奠基。  相似文献   

包小红  王礼军 《心理科学》2017,40(6):1524-1530
美国现象学心理学家阿米多·乔治基于科学和心理学视角所提出的经验现象学心理学是对胡塞尔现象学的继承和发展。这表现为:在批判对象上,从胡塞尔的反二元论细化为反自然科学心理学;在出发点和基本原则上,将胡塞尔的生活世界、意向性、还原等概念从超验层面放置到经验层面;在研究方法上,从胡塞尔的描述还原过程转向具体的描述现象学心理学方法。本质上,乔治的经验现象学心理学与胡塞尔的现象学一脉相承,不仅完美地展示了后者的基本原理,更在具体概念和操作应用上充实且超越了后者。  相似文献   

本文在仔细研读胡塞尔最早写成的一篇"时间手稿" (1893年)的基础上,力图揭示胡塞尔"内时间意识现象学"思想的起源,并在此基础上把握胡塞尔现象学得以产生的思想背景.事实上,我们认为,胡塞尔的时间思想在其现象学中占据关键性的地位.与此同时,我们也将关注心理学(尤其是美国心理学家威廉·詹姆斯的"边缘"思想)在胡塞尔创立现象学过程中的独特作用.  相似文献   

孙冠臣 《现代哲学》2002,(2):98-106
詹姆斯在描述宗教经验时所采用的现象学方法;对心理主义的的拒斥;在诸如意识流、意向性、实在、自我等具体内容上在现象学领域所做的虽是无意但却是开创性的探索都表明詹姆斯的哲学思想对胡塞尔现象学有启发和影响的意义。  相似文献   

本文阐释胡塞尔的现象学心理学在胡塞尔现象学中不明确的定位,说明它如何衔接超越论现象学和经验科学,并特别凸显经验的世界这个概念在其中所扮演的角色。论文主要分成两个部分:第一部分探究现象学心理学和超越论现象学之间的关系,说明"现象学心理学如何是超越论现象学的预备",以及"现象学心理学如何平行于超越论现象学"这两个问题;第二部分阐述胡塞尔如何藉由经验的世界此概念来为事实科学奠定基础。  相似文献   

伍麟 《哲学动态》2008,1(1):90-94
胡塞尔较早提出"现象学心理学"(Phenomenological Psychology)一词,他于1925年夏做了关于现象学心理学的一系列演讲和论述,后由W.比梅尔编辑人<胡塞尔全集>第九卷,卷名<现象学心理学:1925年夏季学期讲座稿>.  相似文献   

现象学与生活的关系是什么?胡塞尔同时提出两个选项:一个是主张现象学脱离生活,另一个则主张现象学亲近生活。在理解胡塞尔时,任何一个选项都不应该被偏废。这两者并不必然是相互排斥的关系,而是包含调和的可能性,为了充分达到这个目的,仅仅采用超越论的现象学是不足的。虽然胡塞尔本身的哲学最终以彻底的反思作为归宿,而只有超越论的转向可以达到彻底的反思,但为了能够厘清现象学和生活之间的关系,亦即说明现象学和现实世界之间除了对立的关系,还存在非对立的关系,唯有借助于胡塞尔本人也相当重视的现象学心理学才或可竟其功。  相似文献   

本文回顾了哲学家胡塞尔平凡而伟大的一生,概述了现象学运动的过去、现在和存在的问题。胡塞尔对20世纪乃至21世纪哲学的影响是潜在的、深刻的、持续的。他详尽地论述了哲学的核心主题领域,并且行使了一个倡议者、鼓舞者和思想先驱者的职能。胡塞尔的著作乃是关于现象学的"发展文献",他的著作既不是封闭的,也不是完成的。胡塞尔的思想是一种崭新的思想,这意味着理解,即理解一个新的世界。  相似文献   

不纯粹的现象学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1.在这里我准备站在现象学之外来讨论现象学,特别是与胡塞尔有关的一些现象学问题,进而讨论某些更为一般的哲学问题。“在现象学之外”来讨论现象学是为了免受现象学话语的限制,这样也许比较容易发现现象学作为“某种”哲学努力的意义和问题。现象学要求“转向事物本身”,但是作为现象学最纯粹代表的胡塞尔哲学却并没有完全正确地执行这一现象学要求。胡塞尔试图使现象学成为一种纯粹的现象学,在我看来,一种现象学如果是纯粹的,那么很可能反而远离事物──当然,这里所谓的“事物”并不是实在而是在意识中展开的世界,即使如此,我…  相似文献   

This paper will deal with the problem of practical intentionality in the transcendental phenomenology of Husserl. First, through an analysis of a passage found in Logical Investigations, I will show Husserl's earlier position with respect to the problem of practical intentionality. I will then go on to critically assess this position and, with reference to some of Husserl's works written after the 1920's, prove that every intentionality should be regarded as a practical intentionality. Correspondingly, transcendental phenomenology should also be characterized as a practical philosophy. I make this statement with the following two senses in mind; transcendental phenomenology is a practical philosophy, first, in the sense that it investigates the various forms of practical intentionality and, second, in the sense that transcendental intentionality as the grounding source of transcendental phenomenology is also a kind of practical intentionality.  相似文献   

Heinämaa  Sara 《Synthese》1999,118(1):49-68
This paper problematizes the analogy that Hubert Dreyfus has presented between phenomenology and cognitive science. It argues that Dreyfus presents Merleau-Ponty's modification of Husserl's phenomenology in a misleading way. He ignores the idea of philosophy as a radical interrogation and self-responsibility that stems from Husserl's work and recurs in Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception. The paper focuses on Merleau-Ponty's understanding of the phenomenological reduction. It shows that his critical idea was not to restrict the scope of Husserl's reductions but to study the conditions of possibility for the thetic acts. Merleau-Ponty argued, following Husserl's texts, that the thetic acts rest on the basis of primordial pre-thetic experience. This layer of experience cannot, by its nature, be explicated or clarified, but it can be questioned and unveiled. This is the recurrent task of phenomenological philosophy, as Merleau-Ponty understands it.  相似文献   

张宪 《现代哲学》2002,(1):87-95
本文论述了胡塞尔现象学中作为科学奠基的“生活世界”概念,把它放在中国哲学的传统加以观照,试图对其进行一种新的本体诠释,由此拓展对“生活世界”的理解。  相似文献   

Lübcke  Poul 《Synthese》1999,118(1):1-12
This paper presents an interpretation of Husserl's phenomenological epoché or bracketing ( Einklammerung), which makes it possible to compare his position with philosophical programs developed within the framework of modern analytical philosophy. At the same time it asks in what sense Husserl's phenomenology is a form of idealism or exceeds the traditional discussion of idealism versus realism.  相似文献   

Gustav Gustavovich Shpet (1879--1937) is undoubtedly best known for introducing Husserlian phenomenology to Russia. He applied to aesthetics and the philosophy of language the principles he had discovered in Husserl's Logical Investigations and Ideas I. But, perhaps without knowing it, he modified the phenomenology he had found in Husserl. His modifications show a thinker who is thoroughly grounded in Russian religious thought of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The result is a philosophy that combines Husserl's analysis of the structure of consciousness with the fundamental Platonism of Orthodoxy, the doctrine of incarnation, and the related notion that matter is to be venerated.  相似文献   

Richard Feist 《Synthese》2002,132(3):273-301
This article locates Weyl's philosophy of mathematics and its relationship to his philosophy of science within the epistemological and ontological framework of Husserl's phenomenology as expressed in the Logical Investigations and Ideas. This interpretation permits a unified reading of Weyl's scattered philosophical comments in The Continuum and Space-Time-Matter. But the article also indicates that Weyl employed Poincaré's predicativist concerns to modify Husserl's semantics and trim Husserl's ontology. Using Poincaré's razor to shave Husserl's beard leads to limitations on the least upper bound theorem in the foundations of analysis and Dirichlet's principle in the foundations of physics. Finally, the article opens the possibility of reading Weyl as a systematic thinker, that he follows Husserl's so-called transcendental turn in the Ideas. This permits an even more unified reading of Weyl's scattered philosophical comments.  相似文献   

In this paper I will give a systematic account of Husserl's notion of the natural attitude in the development from its first presentation in Ideas I (1913) until Husserl's last years. The problem of the natural attitude has to be dealt with on two levels. On the thematic level, it is constituted by the correlation of attitude and horizon, both stemming from Husserl's theory of intentionality. On the methodic level, the natural attitude is constituted by three factors: naturalness, naivety and normality. I shall conclude by sketching out a possible motivation for leaving the natural attitude and thus for entering the sphere of phenomenology.  相似文献   

高秉江 《现代哲学》2002,(2):107-112
现象学的先验转向是由意义自在转向先验主体,由完全悬置自我到复归主体,这一方面是由于观念自在论的种种困难所促成,另一方面主体主义哲学惟有通过先验转向才能克服其主观性悖论,先验观念论是主体主义哲学最后和最高的形式,而这种最高形式中也隐藏着先验主体的一些理论困难。  相似文献   

This article argues that only a developmental approach-one that views Derrida's 1967 work on Husserl, La Voix et la phénomène, in light of Derrida's three earlier encounters with Husserl's work and recognizes significant differences among them-is able to resolve the bitter controversy that has lately surrounded Derrida's Husserl interpretation. After first reviewing the impasse reached in these debates, the need for "a new hermeneutics of deconstruction" is set out, and, then, the reasons why strong development has been rejected internal to Derrida's corpus are discussed. After this, in a discussion of interest with respect to Husserl's own late teachings, as well as Derrida's standpoint, this article focuses on Derrida's 1962 "Introduction to Husserl's Origin." Against the prevailing interpretation, an argument is made showing that Derrida is much closer to Husserl's own positions than has been suspected, most importantly, in section VII of the "Introduction" where the theme of writing is first introduced. Thanks to this, that significant development in Derrida's thought does take place between 1962 and 1967 is demonstrated-and the present piece concludes by providing a brief sketch of the development of deconstruction overall as it came about through Derrida's repeated encounters with Husserlian phenomenology in the years 1954–67. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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