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论个体道德情感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任德新 《学海》2001,(5):171-174
道德理性、道德情感和道德意志相互渗透,构成一个支配个人道德活动的完整的心理机制.本文着重论述了道德情感的内容、特点与功能,认为它对充实道德理性、增强道德意志、坚定道德信念、推动道德实践、培养崇高的道德人格等方面有重要的作用.  相似文献   

道德信仰的发生机制至少包括三个方面 ,即 :需要的体认机制 ;伦理义务的内化机制 ;道德心理的整合机制。需要的体认机制涉及到对人性、人生的价值、人的使命等问题 ,它是道德信仰形成的主体基础 ;伦理义务的内化机制涉及到人的社会伦理关系、社会规定性和制约性、社会价值、社会道德规范及其教化等问题 ,它是道德信仰形成的客观条件 ;道德心理的整合机制涉及到道德认知、道德情感、道德意志和道德人格等问题 ,它是道德信仰形成的主、客观方面的动态的统一。  相似文献   

基于心理连续性的人格同一性问题挑战了预嘱的道德合理性,布坎南尝试通过降低保留人格同一性的心理连续性阈值来化解这一挑战。在此基础上,分析老年痴呆症预嘱所面临的伦理困境,认为人格同一性并非论证预嘱道德合理性的充分条件。处于老年痴呆症早期阶段的患者能否修改预嘱中的决定取决于其当前的行为能力,而非他们与预立预嘱时自己的心理连续性程度;对于失去行为能力的人格个体与后人格个体,他们当前改变的意愿或利益仍然具有道德意义,对预嘱有效性的论证还需进一步探讨患者在不同阶段的道德地位。  相似文献   

人格和人格教育散谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人格和人格教育散谈温克勤人格是人物品鉴、评价的最基本的概念。依照当代的一般观点,人格是指个人的比较稳定的心理和行为特征的总和;在伦理学上指个人的道德境界、道德品质或道德水平;在法律上指作为权利和义务主体的人的资格。通常人们主要是从伦理学的视角探究人格...  相似文献   

论文从五个方面对儒家关于道德义务思想进行了探讨:一、从词源上考察义务范畴的发展,指出义务在古代从“应当”至“规范”再至“职责”的内涵不断丰富或具体化的过程;二、对儒家关于道德义务在人伦关系中的对应性学说进行了细致的分析和考察;三、认为儒家的道德义务的宗旨在于道德人格上立论,即人格确立的标志是在动机上立志为善而行善,在责任心为人格的实质;四、揭示儒家道德义务一种心理机制的特点,即意志力不是以理性对情欲的绝对压制为前提,而是以知、情、欲的和谐运作、水乳交融为自由境界;五、认为儒家关于道德义务的形而上基础的特点在于“天”是一种内在的伦理必然性而非超自然的存在,命运只为作为伦理必然性而不是外在必然性的意义上被注意  相似文献   

试论人格袁贵仁我国学术界现在主要在三个不同领域和意义上理解和运用人格概念。(一)道德人格。在哲学伦理学范围内,人格被理解为道德人格,指人的道德品质,相当于“人的品格”。(二)心理人格。心理学、教育学的人格接近于“人的性格”。(三)法律人格。在法学中,人格是一种权利,类似于“人的资格”。在哲学看来,真正的人是在生理因素基础上由心理素质、科学文化素质和思想道德素质构成的完整的人,是在历史中行动的人,是作为活动主体的人。在哲学意义上,人的规格,就是具备基本素质、能够从事现实的活动。人格,也就是人作为活动主体的资格。所谓道德人格、心理人格、法律人格,实际上不过是对活动主体资格的伦理学、心理学或法学的表征或评价。把人格理解为人的主体资格.是同马克思主义关于人的本质的科学规定联系在一起的。人的主体资格是人的主体性的集中表现、凝结和升华。人有了主体性,符合了主体规格,才具有主体资格和人格。在哲学中.主体性是人作为活动主体在客体的相互作用中表现出来的能动性、自主性和自为性。人格总是能动的,人格主体必然是能动的活动主体;人格的基本特征也包括自主性。“自主”离不开“独立”,所以人们常把自主的人格又称为独立人格。人格的基本特征还  相似文献   

现代高科技战争呈现出的新模式和新特点引发了新的伦理问题,从而对参战医护人员的道德心理构建提出了更高要求。分析了高科技战争对我人民军医道德心理,即道德认知、道德情感、道德意志、道德行为等方面的主要影响,进而从医德心理学科角度提出了相应的优化策略。  相似文献   

孔孟将理想人格分为现实的理想人格与可能的理想人格。现实的理想人格,是通过切实的道德实践能成就的高尚人格。君子被孔孟归于现实的理想人格。孔孟所谓君子人格,集中体现了儒家所提倡的好人品德,诸如志道、为仁(爱人)、怀德、守义、知耻、诚信等。当代人为了纠正以功利价值为首尚的人生偏差,消解意义危机、存在危机,迫切需要从儒家君子人格汲取三方面的精神营养:以君子人格作为塑造理想人格的现实榜样,将理想人格的塑造与培养落实在现实人的现实要求上,避免理想人格塑造上的假大空;注重发扬孔孟君子人格所体现的道德为尚、功利为轻的生命精神,重在以道德实践体现人生的根本意义,而不是以功利成就作为人生根本意义的体现;充分认识羞耻意识对人之存在的本质意义,真正树立以不知耻为人之本质上的可耻这一做人必不可缺的道德意识。  相似文献   

医学职业潜规则流行有诸多原因,但对其流行的一个深层原因——医生权力异化几乎还没被关注。分析医生权力异化的道德心理运作机制,可能为解决医学职业潜规则流行难题提供新思路。在病人方面,避害心理、依赖心理、利己心理和从众效应等是导致医生权力异化的道德心理基础。在医生方面,自利心理、补偿心理和规则意识淡漠等是导致医生权力异化的道德心理基础。基于这些心理机制,培育公民的道德心理、规则意识、法规观念等素质,会有助于解决医学职业潜规则流行难题,助力我国医学伦理学建设及健康中国事业的发展。  相似文献   

道德意志在个体德性的养成中是连接道德内在心理与外在行为的关键环节。道德意志一旦形成,在个体道德行为选择以及人格完善中,就成为道德自律精神的强大动力和调控力量。传统儒家伦理具有较为完备的道德意志理论,提出了志立善道的价值导引、正心诚意的心性修养、躬行践履的实践锻炼、抗危乐道的困境磨砺、持之以恒的习惯养成等修养方法。传统儒家道德意志的修养方法对于现代公民良善人格的培育具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

王云强  郭本禹 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1436-1440
结合道德心理学研究的新进展,采用问卷法,以803名大学生为被试,对大学生道德人格特点进行了研究。结果表明:(1)大学生道德人格的性别差异显著,大学女生的总分和与人为善因素分数显著高于大学男生,而大学男生的不道德性因素分数和刚正无私因素分数显著高于大学女生。(2)大学生道德人格总分的年级差异不显著,而在具体因素上差异显著:大三学生的与人为善分数明显高于大一和大四学生。(3)大学生道德人格与道德行为的相关极为显著,大学生道德人格是道德行为的有效预测源。  相似文献   

Prosociality and morality are critical to the functioning and flourishing of society. There is, however, great variation in the degree to which individuals help or hinder one another, or adhere to ethical standards of “rightness.” One way to understand this variation is by drawing on theories and models within personality psychology, which may illuminate the basic individual characteristics that drive a wide range of other-regarding tendencies. In this review, we provide a snapshot of three research strands addressing these themes. The first concerns how personality traits map onto prosocial preferences for fairness and cooperation, as studied using classic social decision-making tasks called economic games. The second concerns the robust associations between personality traits and indicators of inter-group prejudice (e.g., authoritarian ideology). The third concerns the emerging concept of moral exceptionality, and the personality traits that may characterise individuals at the forefront of moral progress. These examples demonstrate the core role that personality psychology is playing in the study of prosocial and moral behaviour, as well as the critical mass emerging in the Australian context around these themes.  相似文献   

当代西方道德人格研究的两类取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德人格研究是西方道德心理学的新主题,主要有两类取向:特质取向和社会认知取向。特质取向把道德人格理解为与道德有关的人格特质,对道德榜样的自然概念和真实道德榜样的人格特征进行了大量研究。社会认知取向以社会认知图式、知识结构和认知-情感机制来解释道德人格,揭示了个体内部动态的心理过程。未来的道德人格研究要强调两类取向的结合,加强发展过程和影响因素研究,并注重多水平与多学科的整合。  相似文献   

Triune Ethics Theory (TET) is a psychological theory developed to meet three goals. First, it attempts to harvest critical findings from neurobiology, affective neuroscience, and cognitive science and to integrate them into moral psychology for the purpose of informing psychological research on the moral life of persons. In contrast to dominant theories that focus on top-down, deliberative reasoning (e.g., Kohlberg), TET is a bottom-up theory that focuses on motivational orientations that are rooted in evolved unconscious emotional systems shaped by experience that predispose one to react to and act on events in particular ways. Second, it seeks to explain differences in moral functioning through a person by context interaction. Individuals differ in early emotional experiences that influence personality formation and behavior in context, while at the same time situations can evoke particular reactions, which vary with personality. Third, it suggests the initial conditions for optimal human moral development.  相似文献   

The nature of the cognitive processes that give rise to moral judgment and behavior has been a central question of psychology for decades. In this paper, we suggest that an often ignored yet fruitful stream of research for informing current debates on the nature of moral cognition is social influence. We introduce what we call the “social‐moderation‐of‐process” perspective, a methodological framework for leveraging insights from social influence research to inform debates in moral psychology over the mechanisms underlying moral cognition and the moral domains in which those mechanisms operate. We demonstrate the utility of the social‐moderation‐of‐process perspective by providing a detailed example of how research on social influence in behavioral ethics can be utilized to test a research question related to a debate between two prominent theories in moral psychology. We then detail how researchers across the field of moral psychology can utilize our social‐moderation‐of‐process perspective.  相似文献   

道德需要被认为是独立于自主、胜任和关系需要(ACR)的基本心理需要,通过对两个时间段的纵向数据分析(N = 1,187),使用交叉滞后模型,研究探讨了善良人格与道德需要满足之间的关系。结果发现,善良人格与道德需要满足存在一定程度的跨时间稳定性;在控制了ACR和人口学信息后,善良人格与道德需要满足存在双向预测关系。研究在中国文化下为道德需要的存在提供了证据,扩展了基本心理需要相关理论,并为道德教育和人格培养提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Motivated by calls from interactional psychology for theories and studies involving both personality and situation variables, two achievement motivation theories of personality-by-situation interaction illustrated by data are presented. It is shown how a pure personological or situational approach can lead us astray, how differences in behavior from situation to situation or over time can be predicted from personality and situation variables incorporated in achievement motivation theory, and how achievement motivation research bears on issues of interactional psychology like situation analysis, the consistency issue, situations as activators of motivational forces, and stored/situational information in the mediating process. The mechanistic/dynamic interaction distinction is discussed, and it is asserted that there is not necessarily a contradiction between these conceptualizations.  相似文献   

Inspired by the liberation psychologist Martin‐Baró who provocatively defined personality as that of which individuals can be robbed in conditions of social injustice and research psychologists in training whose appreciation of the possibilities of personality psychology has been limited by the dominance of trait approaches, this paper claims that we need and can practice a critical personality psychology. Conceptual and methodological tools for such an enterprise are identified in two arenas of current research: the study of narratives and new forms of history in personality psychology. Within critical personality psychology, personality is understood to be an expression of (i) a multifaceted organization that includes individual, interpersonal, social, cultural, and political contexts; (ii) individual and social change; and (iii) the moral dimensions of human psychology. Notes on future directions draw on areas of inquiry within and outside personality psychology to insure a place under the critical psychology umbrella.  相似文献   

From research on the organization of implicit personality theory, and on the fakability of psychometrically sophisticated scales a general argument about the conceptual overlap between implicit personality theory and ‘scientific’ theories of personality is developed. This is tested in the case of the common-sense conception of extroversion—introversion, and that of Eysenck. The convergent validity of these two conceptions are found to be high enough to support the argument. The implications of the argument are discussed in relation to the correspondences between implicit personality theory and personality theory, and the functions of personality theory in psychology and implicit personality theory in everyday life.  相似文献   

Individual differences in moral development are examined, with a particular emphasis on sex and gender differences. This examination includes an extensive review of the empirical and theoretical literature in psychology on morality. Based on this review, it is concluded that sex differences occur with less frequency and with a less systematic favoring of males than is predicted by several theories of moral development. In addition, a study is presented which considers the relation of sex, gender, and personality to morality. Two age cohort samples, college sophomores (n = 169) and adults (n = 151), were assessed with the moral judgment scale of the cognitive-developmental model (Kohlberg, 1984) and a newly developed moral character template of the personological model (Lifton, in press). Participants also completed the CPI and MMPI personality inventories. Results of the study indicate (1) the absence of sex differences for either model, (2) the presence of gender differences favoring masculine persons for the cognitive-developmental but not personological model, and (3) that individual differences in moral development parallel individual differences in personality development. The implications of these findings are discussed with regard to Gilligan's (1982) claim that men and women differ in their moral orientations. Finally, it is argued that an individual difference approach, particularly one that emphasizes personality, would prove useful for future research on moral development.  相似文献   

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