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每年阴历的七月,人们俗称“鬼月”,民间至今还流传“七月半,鬼乱窜”的迷信谚语。而七月十五的“中元节”,传言更为离奇,据说这天鬼魂全出,人们不可乱走,更忌出远门。倘若碰到鬼魂一年都将不吉利。鬼从何来?其实心理学家早就指出:一般来源于客观事物的突然出现,但却没有直接作用于人的感觉器官,而是头脑中所  相似文献   

我的童年是在没有电灯的时光里度过的.记得,当时如果是碰上连月光都没有的晚上,村里一片漆黑,孩子们除了搞一些捉迷藏、老鹰捉小鸡和砍龙纱尾的游戏以外,就只好去听大人们讲故事了.讲的又大都是"鬼古",听起来很有味,可听完了就不敢走了.为什么?因为讲的大多是本地"鬼",且越讲越近,直到讲到你屋边,有时甚至讲进你屋里,你还敢回家吗?……后来阿爸就慢慢地发现了问题,先是再也不准我们去听那些胡编乱造的"鬼古",一边就给我们讲"鬼怕书"的故事,也不知阿爸是为了鼓励我们用功读书,还是为了驱鬼镇邪,以抵消"鬼古"的负面影响.  相似文献   

如果只是因为认识到地狱的折磨,又害怕这种折磨,因而热衷于天堂,那么,对地狱的观念和对沉沦的恐惧一旦冷淡了,他们对天堂和得救的渴望也会跟着冷淡下去。  相似文献   

妖魔鬼怪,是传说中一种害人的怪物,一讲起这些怪物,孩子们都十分害怕。因为他们尚没有分辨能力,也不知世上根本没有鬼怪,只是大人为了让他们听话而编造并用来吓唬他们的。随着年龄的增长,这些吓人的话语会不攻自破,他们也不再害怕什么妖魔鬼怪了。但对于性格内向、胆小的孩子,这种对鬼怪的恐惧心理往往可能伴随他整个青少年时期,直到成年也难以走出恐惧的心理阴影,严重时便产生了心理障碍。  相似文献   

2001年农历腊月15日的晚上,我遇上了"鬼".现在谈谈我遇上了"鬼"的故事. 我和朋友师金明乘座北京南--邯郸的火车到达终点后,恰好赶上夜里由石家庄开往长治的火车,到我们涉县下车时,时间已指向午夜.朋友坚持要住旅店,我却催逼着步行赶路回家.天上一轮圆月,把旷野照耀得如同白日,两个人走路相互谈说着,走路往往不觉得累乏,朋友见说服不了我,只有同意跟我一起上路.我们村离县城四十华里,夜间走路不象白天那样躲车让路,也没有稀奇古怪的事情须驻足观望分散精力.思想单纯,无惹眼的地方,三个小时就到家了.  相似文献   

记得,孩提时代在故乡听大人们讲“鬼古”曾有此一说:大凡泥水匠、木匠和其他手艺人均会秘藏一本叫“下册”的书,到底是“下策”,还是“下册”,因当时年幼,缺知少识的,确也没有弄清楚,反正就是一本教人如何装神弄鬼兴妖作怪的书吧。只是听说泥水匠和木匠们如果碰上对工价不够大方或者在生活上服侍不周,在桌面上的酒肉不够丰盛,他们则会启用这本书中所教的伎俩,在其宅屋和其他什么地方搞些“小动作”,于是  相似文献   

有人生来不善于在人多时讲话,可能会为自己不敢在众人面前演讲而苦恼,其实这大可不必。在公众面前演讲的能力不是与生俱来的,而是后天培养出来的。也不必为自己在众人面前讲话脸红心跳而责怪自己,其实好多人在成名之后仍然有此毛病,有的名人甚至一生都惧怕在众人前演讲。我这里  相似文献   

正过多的欲望会让生命的能量过早耗尽。有研究人员指出,挂在墙壁上的石英钟,当电池的电能耗尽而停止走动时,其秒针往往会停在刻度盘中9的位置上。原因是9这个位置,秒针受到的重力矩的阻碍作用最大。即是说,钟盘9的位置,由水平线开始向上翘,秒针遇到了陡坡,不得不停摆了。  相似文献   

一、懵懂中感觉“鬼”。 我出生在大别山下一个山村里。小时候,喜欢听大人讲故事,尤其在夏夜乘凉时,听故事是我的乐趣。记得六岁时,第一次听“鬼”的故事,是隔壁王大爷讲的,他说一次在夏夜他路过我们的村头时,听见村头的小河里有些东西在啪啪的击水声,他大声吆喝,那些东西“呼呼”地跑了,一会儿就消失了,那时我听罢觉得毛骨悚然;不久乘凉时,后院的宋老爹讲“鬼火”一事,说是人死后会变成“鬼魂”到处飘,并且当时他一边讲,一边手指着面前的大山上一闪一闪的光说,那就是的;随着听故事的内容增多。“鬼”在我心中扎下了根:有一次,我在村前的小河逮鱼,一不小心栽到河里去,  相似文献   

正小偷怕警察,贪官怕举报,腐败分子怕东窗事发,犯案者怕半夜敲门……心中有怕才怕,心中无怕不怕。孩子怕打针,学生怕考试,高中毕业怕考不上大学,大学毕业怕找不到工作,工作多年怕提升无望、怕职称难评,退休后怕无聊、怕无事做,老了怕孤独、怕儿女不孝、怕疾病缠身……一生总是怕,许多人的一生都是在一个个"怕"字中度过的。做生意怕赔本,入股怕损失,投资怕失败,合作怕夭折,推销怕碰壁,竞聘怕落榜,就是遇到  相似文献   

Children (75 female, 52 male) in grades 2 through 8 completed the Fear Survey Schedule for Children (FSS-FC). Their mothers completed the same questionnaire twice: once for themselves and a second time to estimate their children's fears. Spearman's rhos indicated that there was a high degree of correspondence between the mothers' rank-ordered estimates of their children's fears and the children's rank-ordered self-reports (=.86 for males, =.96 for females.However, mothers' overall estimates of their children's general fearfulness were significantly correlated only with their daughters' fearfulness, not with their sons'. Further analyses showed that mothers could generally identify their children's highest-rated fears. All test-retest measures were significant. In summary, these results suggest that mothers may provide useful clinical information about their children's specific fears and that the FSS-FC is a reliable instrument with which to assess children's fears.  相似文献   

Ghost stories     
This essay reflects on the exclusions and invisibilities that haunt academic subjectivities, spaces, and research practices. The exclusion criteria that delimit both scholars and scholarship are not natural or fair; they are the expressions of classed, raced, gendered, and ableist ideals, that privilege separation, order, and certainty. That which is marked as other – the remainder, which must not or cannot be admitted – is not fully excluded, but lurks at or below the waterline of legibility, disrupting academic bodies and departments with its persistent, often affective traces. Rather than trying to explain something that is primarily characterized by its inexplicability, the author brings readers into her department, to try to show them the ghosts that she has (not quite) seen, in order to appeal for more humane, inclusive, ghost-friendly ways of being and working in the academy.  相似文献   

Ghost writers     

2006年1月6日《大河报》题为《真奇怪——身份证人像采集系统在舞钢一农民身上“失灵”》的报道引发了众多媒体和世人关注。一个正常人的影像怎么可能在照片中显示不出来?难道真的见鬼了?究竟是特异功能还是灵异照片,或者根本就是一场假把戏?为此,《北京科技报》记者亲自赶往“照相”事发地河南进行调查。然而,调查过程中,“隐身人”被无一例外地拍入到记者的相机里。同时,当记者重新与最早报道此事的《大河报》记者接触后,确定灵异照片现象纯属骗局,“河南隐身人”根本不存在。的确,事实胜于雄辩,所有稀奇古怪,看似非常惊人的事情,如果经过…  相似文献   

Investigations into normative fear in adolescence have indicated that the most common fears are consistently death-related and danger-related. Assessments have most commonly been made from self-reports on fear survey schedules. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to determine whether adolescents would provide responses comparable to those generated through the use of a fear survey schedule when asked to list their 3 greatest fears. A total of 439 adolescents aged 11 to 18 years (237 girls, 201 boys, 1 sex not reported) listed their greatest fears; then they completed the 78-item Fear Survey Schedule for Children-II (E. Gullone & N. J. King, 1992). Consistent with past research, the 10 most common fears generated via the fear schedule related to death and danger. However, on the whole, the self-generated fears deviated from the death and danger theme, also including fear of failure, fear of animals, and fear of the unknown. A tendency toward global responses in self-generated fears appeared to encompass the majority of specific death-related fears included in the fear schedule, thus allowing for other predominant fears to be listed among the 3 most common.  相似文献   

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