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Book reviewed in this article:
Authenticit du faux. Lectures psychanalytiques [The authenticity of the fake. Psychoanalytic readings] By Murielle Gagnebin
Making death thinkable by Franco De Masi
Sentire le parole. Archivi sonori della memoria implicita e musicalit del transfert [Feeling the words. Resonant archives of implicit memory and musicality of the transference] By Mauro Mancia
Il viaggio con i bambini nella psicoterapia [The psychotherapeutic journey with children] By Maria Luisa Algini
Ubi maior. Il tempo e la cura delle lacerazioni del S [Ubi maior. The time and cure of lacerations of the self] By Roberto Speziale-Bagliacca
Psykoanalyyttisia tutkielmia 2 [Psychoanalytic essays 2] By Pentti Ikonen
Essere neonati: Questioni psicoanalitiche [Being a newborn baby: Psychoanalytic issues] By Dina Vallino and Marco Macci
Hysteria by Christopher Bollas  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Prima della parola: L'ascolto psicoanalitico del non detto attraverso le forme dell'arte [Before words: psychoanalytic listening to the unsaid through art1] By Antonio Di Benedetto
La ferita dello sguardo: Una ricerca psicoanalitica sulla melanconia [The wounded gaze: Psychoanalytic research on melancholia1] Edited by Patrizia Cupelloni
The Freud encyclopedia: Theory, therapy and culture Edited by Edward Erwin
The complete correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham 1907–1925 Edited by Ernst Falzeder
La pensée clinique [Clinical thinking] By André Green
Hidden faults: Recognizing and resolving therapeutic disjunctions By Steven A Frankel
Post-Kleinian psychoanalysis: The Biella seminars By Kenneth Sanders
Raccontami una storia: Dalla consultazione all'analisi dei bambini [Tell me a story: From consultation to child analysis1] By Dina Vallino.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Psychoanalysis, science and masculinity By Karl Figlio.
Dreams that turn over a page: Paradoxical dreams in psychoanalysis By Jean-Michel Quinodoz.
Fattori di malattia, fattori di guarigione: Genesi della sofferenza e cura psicoanalitica: [Elements of disease, elements of recovery. Genesis of suffering and psychoanalytic cure] By Antonino Ferro.
Vocabulário contemporáneo de psicanálise: [Contemporary dictionary of psychoanalysis] By David E. Zimmerman.
Le traumatique, répétition et élaboration: [Trauma, repetition and elaboration] By Anna Potamianou.
The pale criminal: Psychoanalytic perspectives By Stephen J Costello.
Dictionnaire international de la psychanalyse: [International dictionary of psychoanalysis] Edited by Alain de Mijolla.
Fundamentals of a Freudian clinic By Luís Carlos Menezes.
Disappearing persons: Shame and appearance By Benjamin Kilborne.
The social edges of psychoanalysis By Neil J Smelser. Berkeley and Los Angeles  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Freud messo a fuoco [Freud in focus] By Roberto Speziale-Bagliacca
Barn under Förintelsen—då och nu. Affekter och minnesbilder efter extrem traumatisering [Children in the Holocaust—Now and then. Affects and memory images after extreme traumatisation] By Suzanne Kaplan
Bad feelings By Roy Schafer
L'illusione: Una certezza [Illusion: A certainty] Edited by Anteo Saraval
Stati caotici della mente. Psicosi, disturbi borderline, disturbi psicosomatici, dipendenze [Chaotic states of the mind. Psychosis, borderline disorders, psychosomatic disorders, dependencies] Edited by Luigi Rinaldi
Sexuality, intimacy, power by Muriel Dimen
Sex, death, and the superego. Experiences in psychoanalysis By Ronald Britton
The analyst's analyst within By Lora Heims Tessman  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Préhistoires de famille [Family prehistories] by Alain de Mijolla
Forme dell interpretare. Nuove prospettive nella teoria e nella clinica psicoanalitica [Forms of interpretation. New perspectives on psychoanalytic theory and clinical practice] Edited by Paolo Fabozzi
From the eclipse of the body to the dawn of thought By Armando B. Ferrari, translated by Isabella Chigi
Il counselling psicodinamico [Psychodynamic counselling] By Andreas Giannakoulas and Santa Fizzarotti Selvaggi
My life in theory By Leo Rangell
The couch and the silver screen Psychoanalytic re. ections on European cinema Edited by Andrea Sabbadini
Un ano para toda la vida: El secreto mundo emocional de la madre y su bebé [A year for the rest of life: The secret emotional world of mother and baby] By Mariela Michelena
Samuel Beckett and the primacy of love By John Robert KellerSamuel Beckett and the primacy of love By John Robert Keller  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Descubrimientos y refutaciones: La lógica de la indagación psicoanalítica [Discoveries and refutations: the logic of psychoanalytic enquiry]. By Jorge L. Ahumada
Kohut's Freudian Vision. By Philip F. D. Rubovits-Seitz in collaboration with Heinz Kohut.
Psychoanalysis on the Move: The Work of Joseph Sandler. Edited by Peter Fonagy, Arnold M.
La polarité de l'amour et de la mort [The polarity of love and death]. By Catherine Couvreur.
Being of Two Minds: The Vertical Split in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. By Arnold Goldberg.
The Power of Feelings. By Nancy J. Chodorow
Nascita e costruzione della mente. La teoria del protomentale. [The birth and construction of the mind. The theory of the protomental]. By Antonio Imbasciati.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Commitment and compassion in psychoanalysis: Selected papers of Edward M. Weinshel Edited by Robert Wallerstein Transference: Shibboleth or Albatross? By Joseph Schachter Dreams and drama: Psychoanalytic criticism, creativity and the artist by Alan Roland “Forschen und Heilen” in der Psychoanalyse. Ergebnisse und Berichte aus Forschung und Praxis [‘Research and healing’ in psychoanalysis. Results and reports from research and practice] By Marianne Leuzinger‐Bohleber, Bernhard Rüger, Ulrich Stuhr and Manfred Beutel Mirror to nature: Drama, psychoanalysis and society By Margaret Rustin and Michael Rustin The importance of sibling relationships in psychoanalysis By Prophecy Coles Freud—Fragments d'une histoire [Freud—Fragments of a history] by Alain de Mijolla Funzione analitica e mente primitiva [Analytic function and primitive mind] By Giovanni Hautmann  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Between emotion and cognition: The generative unconscious by Joseph Newirth
Le mal des idéologies [The ills of ideology] By François Duparc
The confusion of tongues: The primacy of sexuality in Freud, Ferenczi, and Laplanche by Philippe Van Haute and Tomas Geyskens
Suffering insanity: Psychoanalytic essays on psychosis By R. D. Hinshelwood
Cures d'enfance [Curing childhood] By Laurence Kahn
The ethic of honesty: The fundamental rule of psychoanalysis By M. Guy Thompson
Misunderstanding Freud By Arnold Goldberg
Traumi di guerra. Un esperienza psicoanalitica in Bosnia-Erzegovina [War traumas. A psychoanalytic experience in Bosnia-Herzegovina] By Patrizia Brunori, Gianna Candolo, Maddalena Donà dalle Rose and Maria Chiara Risoldi with an Introduction by Silvia Amati Sas  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The power of the inner judge: Psychodynamic treatment of the severe neuroses. By Leon Wurmser.
The cradle of thought: Exploring the origins of thinking By Peter Hobson.
Comment la féminitévient aux femmes [How femininity comes to women] By Jacqueline Godfrind
Die Logik der Psychoanalyse: Eine erkenntnistheoretische Studie [The logic of psychoanalysis: An epistemological study] By Johann August Schülein.
Adolescencia: Del goce orgànico al hallazgo de objeto [Adolescence: From organic pleasure to the finding of the object] By Susana Estela Quiroga
Weathering the storms: Psychotherapy for psychosis By Murray Jackson
Freud and the seduction theory: A brief love affair. By Kurt R. Eissler
Agonie, clivage et symbolisation [Agony, splitting and symbolisation] By René Roussillon.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Le famiglie di Edipo [The families of Oedipus] By Gilda De Simone
Visiones de Espana. Re. exiones de un psicoanalista [Visions of Spain. Reflections of a psychoanalyst] By Cecilio Paniagua
Tra il sapere e la cura. Un itinerario freudiano [Between knowledge and treatment.A Freudian journey] by Francesco Conrotto
Secrets of the soul: A social and cultural history of psychoanalysis By Eli Zaretsky
Lire Freud.Découverte chronologique de l oeuvre de Freud [Reading Freud.A chronological exploration of Freud s writings] by Jean-Michel Quinodoz
The blind man sees: Freud s awakening and other essays By Neville Symington
Curare con la psicoanalisi. Percorsi e strategie [Curing with psychoanalysis. Routes and strategies] by Giuseppe Di Chiara
Ferenczi oggi [Ferenczi today] Edited by Franco Borgogno  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
L'enveloppe visuelle du Moi [The visual envelope of the ego] by Guy Lavallée
Freud by Jonathan Leara
När Orfeus vände sig om [When Orpheus looked back] By Johan Beck-Friis
Die vergessene Kunst: Der Orpheusmythos und die Psychoanalyse der Musik [Forgotten art: The Orpheus myth and the psychoanalysis of music] by Sebastian Leikert
Psychotherapists as expert witnesses: Families at breaking point by Roger Kennedy
Sigmund Freud. Persönliche Erinnerungen [Sigmund Freud: Personal memories] by Isidor Sadger
Recollecting Freud by Isidor Sadger
Freud's library: A comprehensive catalogue/Freuds Bibliothek: Vollständiger Katalog edited by J. Keith Davies and Gerhard Fichtner
The Tavistock seminars; The Italian seminars by Wilfred R. Bion  相似文献   

[Authors are asked to send off-prints of articles in learned journals on subjects relevant to this section. Offprints of articles in books on other publications will not be reported on here since they constiute part of a volume that can be made the subject-matter of a review.]
D ieckmann , H. (Berlin): 'Das Lieblingsmärchen der Kindheit als therapeutisher Faktor in der Analyse' ('The favourite fairy-tale of childhood as a therapeutic factor in analysis')
D ieckmann , H. (Berlin). 'Über das Bewusstsein der Frau im 20. Jahrhundert' ('On women's consciousness in the twentieth centuary')
Dr L orenzo , S ilvia (Rome). 'Il metodo dell'immaginazione attiva nella pratica della Psicologia Analitica' ('Active imagination as a method in the practice of analytical psychology')
F ierz , H. (Zürich). 'Utbildningen i psykoterapi i Schweiz' ('Training in psychotherapy in Switzerland')
M arshak , M. D. (London). 'A psychological approach to mythology II.'
S cott , R. D. and A insworth , P. L. (London). 'The Shadow of the ancestor: a historical factor in the transmission of schizophrenia'
B iäsch , H ans : 'Die Psychologie innerhalb der Vielfalt der Wissenschaften' ('The place of psychology within the multiplicity of the sciences')
K erényi , K arl : 'Hegel e gli Dei della Grecia' ('Hegel and the Greek gods')
Z iegler , A lfred J.: 'Die abendländische Aggressivität' ('Aggression in Western countries')  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The life and behavior of living organisms: A general theory By Elliot Jaques
Analysis of the under-five child Edited by Robert L. Tyson
Affect regulation, mentalisation, and the development of the self By Peter Fonagy, György Gergely, Elliot L. Jurist, Mary Target
Vapaan assosiaation paluu [The return of free association] By Marita Torsti
En el camino de la simbolización: Producción del sujeto psíquico [On the path to symbolization: Production of the psychic subject] By Myrta Casas De Pereda
Un tempo per il dolore: Eros, dolore e colpa [A time for pain: Eros, pain and guilt] By Tonia Cancrini. Preface by Antonino Ferro
Psychoanalysis international: A guide to psychoanalysis throughout the world Vol. 1: Europe; Vol 2: America, Asia, Australia, further European countries Edited by Peter Kutter
L'empatia psicoanalitica [Psychoanalytic empathy] By Stefano Bolognini  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Developmental psychology and you: By Julia C. Berryman, Pamela K. Smythe, Ann Taylor, Alexandra Lamont & Richard Joiner School social work — Skills and interventions for effective practice: By David R. Dupper  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
Psykoanalysen i ny belysning [Psychoanalysis in a new light] by Gunnar Karlsson
Lives across time: Growing up by Henry Massie and Nathan Szajnberg
La difficile identità [The diffi cult identity] by Pia De Silvestris
Ipotesi Gay. Materiali per un confronto [The gay hypothesis. Material for comparative study] Edited by Olga Pozzi and Sarantis Thanopulos
Figure del dialogo tra antropologia e psicoanalisi [Figures of the dialogue between anthropology and psychoanalysis] by Alfredo Lombardozzi
Psicoanalisi e neuroscienze [Psychoanalysis and neuroscience] Edited by Mauro Mancia
Learning from life by Patrick Casement
Psychoanalytische Traumatologie-Das Trauma in der Familie [Psychoanalytic traumatology-trauma in the family] By Mathias Hirsch
Trauma und Paranoia. Individuelle und kollektive Angst im politischen Kontext [Trauma and paranoia. Individual and collective anxiety in the political context] edited by Rotraut De Clerck
L'ětre-bébé by Bernard Golse  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Adozione e oltre [Adoption and beyond] by Claudia Artoni Schlesinger
The poetics of psychoanalysis: In the wake of Klein by Mary Jacobus
Seeds of illness, seeds of recovery By Antonino Ferro Translated by Philip Slotkin
Psychoanalysis as therapy and storytelling By Antonino Ferro Translated by Philip Slotkin
The legacy of tragedy. The tragic from Aristotle to our days edited by Andreas Giannakoulas and Sarantis Thanopulos
La sfi da dell'irrapresentabile. La prospettiva ermeneutica nella psicoanalisi clinica [The challenge of the 'un-representable'. The hermeneutic perspective in psychoanalysis] By Giuseppe Martini
Awakening the dreamer: Clinical journeys by Philip M. Bromberg
Freud's requiem: Mourning memory and the invisible history of a summer walk by Matthew von Unwerth
André Green: Associations (presque) libres d'un psychanalyste Entretiens avec Maurice Corcos [(Almost) Free associations of a psychoanalyst: Interview with Maurice Corcos] by Maurice Corcos
Le parole ritrovate. Le parole dalle immagini. Rifl essioni teoriche e percorsi analitici dalle psicosi [Words rediscovered, words from images: Psychosis: theoretical refl ections and analytic approaches] by Marina Breccia  相似文献   

In this essay, I investigate the human act of spectatorship as found in the work of John Dewey and Paulo Freire. I will show that each is thoroughly anti-watching when it comes to educational practices. I then problematize their positions by looking at their spectatorial commitments in the realm of aesthetics. Both Dewey and Freire have a different opinion about spectatorship when it is a matter of watching art. I claim that this different in opinion derives from the practice of ‘educational humanism’. By educational humanism, I mean the tendency to posit stock human traits that derive from pedagogical practices. Ultimately, I will take a stand against educational humanism, against the process of back-forming, from educational circumstances, the desirability, or the undesirability, of human traits.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this Article:
Les balafrés du divan. Essai sur les symbolisations plurielles [Casualties of the couch. A study of composite symbol-formations] By Jean-José Baranes
Epistemología y psicoanálisis [Epistemology and psychoanalysis] by Gregorio Klimovsky
Psychotherapeutische Erstinterviews mit Kindern Winnicotts Squiggletechnik in der Praxis [Psychotherapeutic first interviews with children. Winnicott's squiggle technique in practice] by Michael Günter
In pursuit of psychic change:The Betty Joseph workshop Edited by Edith Hargreaves and Arturo Varchevker
Gleichschwebende Aufmerksamkeit und Modellbildung Eine qualitativ-systematische Einzelfallstudie zum Erkenntnisprozess des Psychoanalytikers [Evenly suspended attention and model-formation.A qualitative systematic case study of the psychoanalyst's cognitive process] by Hartmuth König
als käm ich heim zu Vater und Schwester Lou Andreas—Salome Anna Freud Briefwechsel (1919–1936) ['As if I were coming home to my father and sister.' The Lou Andreas-Salomé Anna Freud correspondence (1919–36)] Edited by Daria A. Rothe and Inge Weber  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Melanie Klein by Julia Kristeva
Und Freud hat doch Recht. Die Entstehung der Kultur durch Transformation der Gewalt. Bausteine einer allgemeinen Kulturtheorie [So Freud was right. The emergence of culture through the transformation of violence. Outline of a general theory of culture] by Eberhard T. Haas
The technique and practice of psychoanalysis, Vol 3. The training seminars of Ralph R. Greenson, MD Edited by Lee Jaffe
Intohimoinen nainen. Psykoanalyyttisia tutkielmia halusta, rakkaudesta ja häpeästä [Female desire: Psychoanalytical studies on pleasure, love and shame] by Elina M. Reenkola
Pérdida, pena, duelo: Vivencias, investigación y asistencia [Loss, grief, mourning: Experience, research and care] by Jorge L. Tizón García
Verräter oder Verführte: Eine psychoanalytische Untersuchung Inof. zieller Mitarbeiter der Stasi [Betrayers of trust or themselves betrayed: A psychoanalytic investigation of the unof. cial collaborators with the Stasi] by Ingrid Kerz-Rühling and Thomas Plänkers
Impossible training: A relational view of psychoanalytic education by Emanuel Berman
Lost childhood and the language of exile Edited by Judit Szekacs-Weisz and Ivan Ward  相似文献   

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