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The question of whether homeopathy is a science is currently discussed almost exclusively against the background of the modern concept of natural science. This approach, however, fails to notice that homeopathy—in terms of history of science—rests on different roots that can essentially be traced back to two most influential traditions of science: on the one hand, principles and notions of Aristotelism which determined 2,000 years of Western history of science and, on the other hand, the modern concept of natural science that has been dominating the history of medicine for less than 200 years. While Aristotle’s “science of the living” still included ontologic and teleologic dimensions for the sake of comprehending nature in a uniform way, the interest of modern natural science was reduced to functional and causal explanations of all phenomena for the purpose of commanding nature. In order to prevent further ecological catastrophes as well as to regain lost dimensions of our lives, the one-sidedness and theory-loadedness of our modern natural–scientific view of life should henceforth be counterbalanced by lifeworld–practical Aristotelic categories. In this way, the ground would be ready to conceive the scientific character of homeopathy—in a broader, Aristotelian sense.  相似文献   

医学哲学是临床医学创新的不竭动力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
受诸多复杂因素的影响,现代医学在取得巨大成就的同时,也有自身的局限与不足.医学哲学是医学精神的精华.哲学的本质是批判,是创新,是全面地、发展地认识问题,促进事物前进、发展.哲学是医学创新的不竭动力,确定医学的历史方位,引导医学的未来发展方向,是解决当代医学前沿中难点、热点问题的钥匙,促进临床医学模式"以疾病为中心"向"以病人为中心"和"以健康为中心"模式转变.  相似文献   

随着目前医患关系日趋紧张的状况,构建和谐的医患关系成为急诊科医生面临的一个重要课题.从救死扶伤为灵魂、有效解除患者痛苦、尊重和理解患者、良好的医患沟通、语言艺术为桥梁等不同角度深入探讨了急诊科医生如何构建和谐的医患关系.  相似文献   

At different times during its history medicine has been laid open to accountability for its scientific and moral quality. This phenonmenon of laying medicine open has sometimes resulted in major turning points in the history of medical ethics. In this paper, I examine two examples of when the laying open of medicine has generated such turning points: eighteenth-century British medicine and late twentieth-century American medicine. In the eighteenth century, the Scottish physician-philosopher, John Gregory (1724-1773), concerned with the unscientific, entrepreneurial, self-interested nature of then current medical practice, laid medicine open to accountability using the tools of ethics and philosophy of medicine. In the process, Gregory wrote the first professional ethics of medicine in the English-language literature, based on the physician's fiduciary responsibility to the patient. In the late twentieth century, the managed practice of medicine has laid medicine open to accountability for its scientific quality and economic cost. This current laying open of medicine creates the challenge of developing medical ethics and bioethics for population-based medical science and practice.  相似文献   

目前对精神分裂症的治疗未取得令人满意的疗效。循证医学是遵循科学证据的临床医学,是临床流行病学和现代信息学与临床医学结合的典范。将循证医学应用在精神分裂症的治疗中,有利于提高精神分裂症的治疗效果。  相似文献   

With twentieth- and twenty-first-century philosophy of science’s unfolding acceptance of the nature of scientific inquiry being value-laden, the persistent worry has been that there are no means for legitimate negotiation of the social or non-epistemic values that enter into science. The rejection of the value-free ideal in science has thereby been coupled with the spectres of indiscriminate relativism and bias in scientific inquiry. I challenge this view in the context of recently expressed concerns regarding Canada's death of evidence controversy. The worry, raised by Stathis Psillos, is that as constructivist accounts of science demoted the previously secure status of evidence for drawing justified conclusions in science, we were left with no rational delineation between the right and wrong values for science. The implication for the death of evidence controversy is that we may have no rational grounds for claiming that the Canadian Government is wrong to interfere with scientific enterprise. But he does offer another avenue for reaching the conclusion that the wrong social values are directing the current stifling of some sectors of Canadian science. Psillos draws from standpoint epistemologies to devise a salient defence of ‘valuing evidence’ as a universalizable social value. That is, government bodies ought to enable scientific research via adequate funding as well as political non-interference. In this paper, I counter that (i) non-epistemic values can be rationally evaluated and that (ii) standpoint epistemology’s universalizable standpoint provides an inadequate framework for negotiating social values in science. Regarding (i), I draw from the evidence-based medicine debate in philosophy of medicine and from feminist empiricist investigations into the science–values relationship in order to make the argument for empirically driven value arbitration. If social values can be rationally chosen in the context of justification, then we can have grounds for charging the Canadian leadership with being ‘at war with science’. (ii) I further argue that my recommended empiricist methodology is preferable to Psillos’s search for universalizable perspectives for negotiating social values in science because the latter method permits little more than the trivial conclusion that evidence is valuable to science.  相似文献   

学风浮躁、急功近利、弄虚作假,困扰着临床医学研究,影响着临床医学的创新和发展。这不仅与当前的科技评价、管理制度有关,更与科研工作与领导的政绩、业绩有关。遵循科学研究的自然规律,让学术回归学术,建立同行评议制度,恢复学者的诚信,是临床医学研究创新发展的前提。同时,结合医院的分级管理,临床医学研究也应分类管理。  相似文献   

呼唤人性的医学——对医学人性化和人文化回归的企盼   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
当前 ,在医学领域尤其是临床医疗领域存在着严重的“人性淡漠”趋势 ,这一现象令人十分担忧 ,它不仅将严重阻碍医学自身的健康发展 ,而且会产生恶劣的社会影响。列举了当今医界带有普遍性的“人文精神贫乏症”的种种表现 ,在此基础上 ,深入剖析了这一现象背后的历史与现实、社会与个人的诸多原因。最后发出了“人性医学回归”的强烈呼唤 ,并提出了一些具体的且有现实意义的对策措施。  相似文献   

This article examines two criteria for a definition of applied behavior analysis. The criteria are derived from a 19th century attempt to establish medicine as a scientific field. The first criterion, experimental determinism, specifies the methodological boundaries of an experimental science. The second criterion, philosophic doubt, clarifies the tentative nature of facts and theories derived from those facts. Practices which will advance the science of behavior are commented upon within each criteria. To conclude, the problems of a 19th century form of empiricism in medicine are related to current practices in applied behavior analysis.  相似文献   

推类逻辑就是基于“推类”的中国古代逻辑。易数推类为中医科学提供了一个有效工具,提供了一个有效地认识自然、机体(肌体)、疾病的方法。取象比类是中医思维的核心,推类是中国古代医学辨证论治的基本方法。推类具有很强的具象性,并以比类为基础。  相似文献   

博物学是指关于现实生活中具体物质世界的综合实用知识。在对中医药学的科学性评价中,有学者从博物学传统的回归入手加以论述,但科学从来不是静止不动的,而是不断向前发展的,博物学毕竟是前科学时代的产物,它的性质如何,它能给中医药学带来什么,这都是需要正确审视的.  相似文献   

In spite of the seminal work A Philosophical Basis of Medical Practice, the debate on the task and goals of philosophy of medicine still continues. From an European perspective it is argued that the main topics dealt with by Pellegrino and Thomasma are still particularly relevant to medical practice as a healing practice, while expressing the need for a philosophy of medicine. Medical practice is a discursive practice which is highly influenced by other discursive practices like science, law and economics. Philosophical analysis of those influences is needed to discern their effect on the goals of medicine and on the ways in which the self-image of man may be changed. The nature of medical practice and discourse itself makes it necessary to include different philosophical disciplines, like philosophy of science, of law, ethics, and epistemology. Possible scenario's of euthanasia and the human genome project in the USA and Europe are used to exemplify how philosopy of medicine can contribute to a realistic understanding of the problems which are related to the goals of medicine and health care.  相似文献   

论现代医学视野中的伦理与现代伦理视野中的医学   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
医学与伦理的关系从古代、近代到现代,经过了一个浑然一体、相互分离和重新融合的否定之否定过程。通过对这一过程的简要考察和分析,着重阐述了现代医学视野中的伦理与现代伦理视野中的医学应当所具有的本质形相。在现代医学视野中,现代医学伦理是来自人类伦理遗产和对现实生命道德问题的伦理认识结果两方面的理论交汇。现代伦理应当是多层次的理论与实践系统,其中包括道德哲学层次的思考;生命伦理中的道德原则和规范的构建;关于生命道德规范长入现代医学的机制问题的思考;现代医学伦理的发展与相关学科的相互借鉴的研究。在现代伦理的视野中,现代医学的本质在于,现代“大医学”的概念已经取代了对医学的传统认识;医学作为现代社会文化构成部分的特质逐渐地被揭示出来;现代医学已经成为特定社会职业群体以科学技术为主体的重要社会活动。站在现代医学和现代伦理各自的立场认识和了解对方,对全面把握二者之间的关系和推进二者之间的有机结合具有重要意义。  相似文献   

论医学人文属性复归的途径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
医学本是自然科学和人文社会科学的统一体,但因历史和现实的诸多原因,导致医学中人文属性的严重缺失.分析了人文缺失的直接原因和深层根源,强调了医学人文社会属性的不可缺失性,提出了医学人文属性复归之途径.  相似文献   

自然事物认知偏好的初步实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樊琪 《心理科学》2002,25(5):558-561
本研究从认知心理学角度采用实验方法探索自然科学学习的影响因素。发现:1自然事物的认知偏好中存在内隐学习现象。2.自然事物认知偏好的表现非常复杂:年龄的影响并不显著,经验的影响不可忽视;3.性别差异十分明显,男生比女生的自然事物认知偏好更为肯定更为积极,很可能社会性别角色是造成自然科学学习结果差异的重要原因;4.内隐组学习坦率好奇,倾向于把自然事物看得更熟悉更容易,具有更强的探究兴趣:外显组学生矜持审慎,倾向于把自然事物看得更陌生更难以理解,探究兴趣较弱。因此,科学教育要创设情境让学生潜移默化地学以致用;要帮助学生利用经验并从中获取乐趣、增长兴趣、树立志趣;要鼓励女孩子大胆挑战科学。  相似文献   

《内经》藏象理论体系的建构方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献发生学研究方法,分析<内经>藏象理论体系的建构过程.认为:观察方法、系统方法、数学方法、逻辑方法、医疗实践方法等是形成<内经>藏象理论的主要方法.揭示了<内经>藏象理论体系的整体性、功能性、辨证性等内在特征和本质规律.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to find a place for the intellectual voices of an indigenous movement of ‘Buddhist modernism’ that recently took shape in eastern Tibet. It presents how a prominent leader of this movement, Tsültrim Lodrö (tshul khrims blo gros, b. 1962), articulates Buddhism in response to modern discourses of rationality and science. In particular, since the ‘dialogue’ between Buddhism and science in recent years has largely been a series of monologues, this paper seeks to open up the conversation in order to shed light on the nature of this dialogue and what is at stake in this conversation. I will discuss Tsültrim Lodrö’s most recent work on philosophy and science with the aim to shed light on the nature of the current Buddhism and science discourses through considering the contributions of this influential contemporary Tibetan.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explain why spiritual education must be clear about the nature of spiritual knowledge and truth and how it differs from the knowledge and truth generated by science. The author argues this is important in order that spirituality and science are equally valued, and in order that spiritual pedagogy appropriately reflects the nature of spiritual truth in the context of spiritual diversity and commitment. Based on these arguments, and inspired both by the ideas of inter‐faith dialogue and the philosophy of Michael Bakhtin, the author then suggests a dialogical approach to spiritual pedagogy for spiritual development and wellbeing. The article suggests education will best enhance human wellbeing if it is positive about the contributions of both science and spirituality, and if it promotes understanding of spiritual difference and commitment.  相似文献   

Joseph K. Cosgrove 《Zygon》2008,43(2):353-370
Simone Weil is widely recognized today as one of the profound religious thinkers of the twentieth century. Yet while her interpretation of natural science is critical to Weil's overall understanding of religious faith, her writings on science have received little attention compared with her more overtly theological writings. The present essay, which builds on Vance Morgan's Weaving the World: Simone Weil on Science, Necessity, and Love (2005), critically examines Weil's interpretation of the history of science. Weil believed that mathematical science, for the ancient Pythagoreans a mystical expression of the love of God, had in the modern period degenerated into a kind of reification of method that confuses the means of representing nature with nature itself. Beginning with classical (Newtonian) science's representation of nature as a machine, and even more so with the subsequent assimilation of symbolic algebra as the principal language of mathematical physics, modern science according to Weil trades genuine insight into the order of the world for symbolic manipulation yielding mere predictive success and technological domination of nature. I show that Weil's expressed desire to revive a Pythagorean scientific approach, inspired by the “mysterious complicity” in nature between brute necessity and love, must be recast in view of the intrinsically symbolic character of modern mathematical science. I argue further that a genuinely mystical attitude toward nature is nascent within symbolic mathematical science itself.  相似文献   

医学方法是医学理论发展的显著标志。随着医学方法由自然观察、科学实验到循证医学的依次演进,医学也由古代医学、近代实验医学日益提升为现代循证医学。客观、辩证地认识医学方法的演变过程,对于更好地掌握和应用先进的循证医学法,促进人类医学事业的发展具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

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