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泛伊斯兰主义思潮对阿拉伯伊斯兰世界社会、政治、经济、文化和意识形态,乃至国际政治生活产生着重大影响。为使人们全面正确地理解泛伊斯兰主义与中国穆斯林的关系,使西部大开发中的穆斯林各民族更好地维护和促进祖国边疆的安全、稳定和发展,就泛伊斯兰主义的团结精神、新泛伊斯兰主义的要旨、中亚“新瓦哈比”运动与沙特瓦哈比教派对我国穆斯林的影响做分析具有重要意义。  相似文献   

伊斯兰复兴运动是20世纪70年代以来,中东诸国在民族主义、社会主义和阿拉伯主义思潮衰落之后兴起的对传统文化探寻和回溯的社会运动。教俗合一的政治体制是当代中东伊斯兰复兴运动的历史远因,但其在不同国家历史积淀程度的差异决定伊斯兰复兴运动的不同走向。现代化的探索过程构成当代中东伊斯兰复兴运动的现实动因,但现代化遭遇危机程度的差异决定伊斯兰复兴运动在不同国家表现不同。宗教和世俗力量的权力角逐是当代中东伊斯兰复兴运动的核心特征,但二者之间斗争程度的差异决定伊斯兰复兴运动激烈程度的区别。现代经济模式变革是当代中东伊斯兰复兴运动的经济保障,但经济转轨对社会影响程度的不同决定伊斯兰复兴运动对其反弹程度的差异。在中东现代化进程中,不同国家的伊斯兰力量努力尝试整合本土文化与现代化,这体现了现代民族国家对移植自西方的一元现代化模式的质疑和对多元现代化模式的探索与追求。  相似文献   

伊斯兰复兴运动是20世纪70年代以来,中东诸国在民族主义、社会主义和阿拉伯主义思潮衰落之后兴起的对传统文化探寻和回溯的社会运动.教俗合一的政治体制是当代中东伊斯兰复兴运动的历史远因,但其在不同国家历史积淀程度的差异决定伊斯兰复兴运动的不同走向.现代化的探索过程构成当代中东伊斯兰复兴运动的现实动因,但现代化遭遇危机程度的差异决定伊斯兰复兴运动在不同国家表现不同.宗教和世俗力量的权力角逐是当代中东伊斯兰复兴运动的核心特征,但二者之间斗争程度的差异决定伊斯兰复兴运动激烈程度的区别.现代经济模式变革是当代中东伊斯兰复兴运动的经济保障,但经济转轨对社会影响程度的不同决定伊斯兰复兴运动对其反弹程度的差异.在中东现代化进程中,不同国家的伊斯兰力量努力尝试整合本土文化与现代化,这体现了现代民族国家对移植自西方的一元现代化模式的质疑和对多元现代化模式的探索与追求.  相似文献   

伊斯兰教对当代伊斯兰国家外交政策的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊斯兰教是世界三大宗教之一。通常认为,以穆斯林人口为居民主体的国家或历史上受伊斯兰教影响较深的国家即为伊斯兰国家。本文从伊斯兰教与国家政权之间的紧密联系、泛伊斯兰主义与原教旨主义的双重影响以及激进宗教组织的现实干预等三个方面切入,深入分析了伊斯兰教对当代伊斯兰国家外交政策的深远影响。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教法的泛化、极化与工具化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为世界性的宗教,伊斯兰教在其历史进程中从未出现过一个明显的衰落时期,近代历史上所谓伊斯兰教的“黑暗时期”,主要是指它的政治衰落。因此,所谓当代伊斯兰复兴实际上也就是为了复兴伊斯兰教的政治活力与社会活力。本文从分析当代伊斯兰教法的三大趋势角度来审视和解读当代伊斯兰复兴运动。  相似文献   

法图拉.葛兰是当代土耳其著名的伊斯兰思想家,本文通过对其著作及相关研究成果的分析,概括了葛兰伊斯兰思想的基本内涵。葛兰强调苏非主义是伊斯兰教的精髓,是一种积极主动的生活态度,是信仰的内化和精神与实践的兼修;葛兰指出土耳其引入的西方式现代化只是表面现象,真正的现代化是传统与现代的融合;葛兰坚信宽容是伊斯兰教的基础,多元主义是土耳其社会的固有特征,宗教对话是文明进步的重要条件;葛兰认为土耳其应该通过共同的族源和宗教纽带强化与中亚诸国的认同,通过与西方的结盟促进土耳其社会发展和民族进步,通过排斥伊朗伊斯兰革命的极端倾向为伊斯兰运动赢得新的空间。葛兰的伊斯兰思想是基于现实需要对伊斯兰教的时代解读,体现了当代土耳其伊斯兰复兴运动全新发展思路。  相似文献   

伊斯兰中间主义是当代伊斯兰世界的主流思潮之一,其主旨是源于伊斯兰基本精神的中正和谐思想。这一思想顺应世界和平与发展的历史要求,坚持中正和谐的原则、灵活务实,反对极端僵化与恐怖暴力事件。它对化解当今社会所面临的一系列危机和挑战,具有重要影响和积极意义。  相似文献   

在打击"三股势力"的斗争中,如何正确地认识和看待宗教极端主义是一个极为重要的问题。本文作者在多年来潜心研究的基础上,就伊斯兰极端主义思想的三种基本形态作了理论上的阐述、事实上的认定,强调伊斯兰极端主义实际上是政治伊斯兰主义的一部分,与之"连体共生",因而不应孤立地看待伊斯兰极端主义,而应将其置于当代伊斯兰复兴运动广阔背景下对之进行全面、深入系统的调查研究。作者坚持认为,宗教极端主义与宗教既有某些表面联系,又有本质区别,因而不宜将二者"彻底切割";如果否认宗教与极端主义之间的联系,也就无法令人信服地揭示极端主义宗教思想产生的社会历史环境和思想文化根源。由于错综复杂的原因,反对宗教极端主义将是一个艰难、曲折、漫长的过程。  相似文献   

塔里克·拉马丹(Tariq Ramadan)是当代具有世界影响力的穆斯林思想家之一,也是伊斯兰现代主义改革家的重要代表。他是一名欧洲的伊斯兰教学者和活动家,作为英国政府与欧盟顾问、牛津大学教授,他研究伊斯兰、介绍伊斯兰,并呼吁穆斯林保持传统记忆的同时回应变化中的现实,灵活解释和运用伊斯兰的思想资源。  相似文献   

萨拉菲主义的"进化"是外部压力与内部动力共同作用的结果。外部压力包括军事、国际体系与多元文化等因素,内部动力包括宗教整合、身份塑造以及对"圣战"的暴力诠释。萨拉菲主义的"进化"既存在宗教思想领域的革新,也涵盖了组织行动的嬗变。在思想领域,以"尊古"、"循古"为基础,注重意识形态的传承,通过复兴先贤思想,实现伊斯兰教在当代的新发展。在组织行动方面,萨拉菲主义"进化"在当代的最主要表现是分化出了教团型萨拉菲、政党型萨拉菲与反政府武装型萨拉菲等三种基本类型。随着萨拉菲主义在当代的"进化",它越来越成为影响国际体系的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of young people in determining future trends in women's advancement in the predominantly Muslim countries of the Middle East, no quantitative study to date has focused exclusively on the relationship between Islamic religiosity and gender egalitarianism among youth in the region. Using data from the Youth, Emotional Energy, and Political Violence Survey, I investigate the relationship between Islamic religiosity and gender egalitarianism among youth in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, devoting special attention to gender differences within countries. Particular dimensions of Islamic religiosity have different effects on gender egalitarianism by group, reflecting social currents in each country's civic sphere. For young men in both contexts, orthodoxy and mosque attendance are negatively associated with gender egalitarianism. In contrast, for Egyptian young women self‐identified religiosity positively affects gender egalitarianism while for Saudi Arabian women, Islamic religiosity has no effect.  相似文献   

Introduction A great volume of popular literature produced by Islamists strives to demonstrate the universal validity of the Islamic political principles and their applicability in any time and place. Although there is an agreement on certain characteristics of a government in a Muslim society, the debate reflects quite varied interpretations and some essential theoretical differences. The controversy stems largely from the conditions that scholars live in. Regarding the revived interest in creating a state based on Islamic political and moral guidelines, it is possible to encounter various interpretations and different standpoints. For instance, one point of view asserts that ‘the undemocratic nature of Islamic political ideology, popularised in the present times by fundamentalist ideologues, commends it to regimes which have no popular support and need to find some measure of legitimacy’ (Tibi, 1998). With the failure of man-made ideologies and withdrawal of imperialist western powers, according to another standpoint, the inhabitants of the Third World countries were led to revitalise their own sociopolitical values and institute their own political systems. In the case of the Islamic world, the idea of a state based on Islamic political principles, envisaged in the latter perspective, is ’the rekindling of the typical Islamic political ethos‘; in that Islam unifies the spiritual and social realms, it is therefore impossible to divorce politics from religion (Sulaiman, 1987). There is a wide range of contributions and critiques on the issue of Islamic principles guiding the constitutional aspects of a state, particularly since the Iranian Revolution in 1979. The interest in this matter has increased since the terrorist attacks in the USA on 11 September 2001, coinciding with a rising interest in such issues as Islamic social order and so-called Islamic terrorism. Nevertheless, most of these writings are popular and sensational; analytical studies are few. This article aims to fill the gap in scholarly inquiry into such an important matter by exploring the political ideas of major contemporary Muslim thinkers, and by identifying some essential characteristics for a state based on Islamic political principles in the light of the views of these scholars.  相似文献   

The article analyses the background of a popular conception of Sufism as equivalent to ‘Islamic esotericism’ by tracing two different but sometimes confluent currents: reifications of Sufism within Western romanticist and modern environments, and the approach to it in Islamic reformist movements. A further aim is to nuance and problematize such understandings, making use of examples from both historical and contemporary Sufism. Finally, the article briefly discusses possible pros and cons related to the interbreeding of Islamic Studies and the academic studies of Western esotericism.  相似文献   

Islamic banking is based on moral foundations that make it distinct from conventional banking. Some argue that because of its foundation in Islam, Islamic banking may represent a more morally appealing alternative. Yet, evidence shows that this is not the case. Indeed, the current practice of Islamic banking has not been able to achieve its goals which are based on Islam's moral values: to enhance justice, equitability, and social well‐being. This essay examines the extent to which Islamic banking is ethical and concludes that the practice of the industry does not seem to be de facto ethical from the Islamic perspective of ethical values. It only consists in trading the same instruments of conventional banks without genuinely enforcing Islam's ethical vision. The practice of Islamic banking misrepresents Islam and does not contribute to solving social problems. The interaction between maqasid al‐shari?a (objectives of Islamic law) and qiyās (deductive analogy) provides a supplementary tool for interpreting the failure of the prior in terms of the practical misuse of the latter by Islamic banks. This essay provides an interpretive approach to the current debate about why Islamic banking has failed and suggests ways to move cautiously in the future.  相似文献   

The majority of Islamic revivalist movements in Indonesia that emerged immediately after the fall of the authoritarian Suharto regime in 1998 such as HTI (Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia or the Liberation Party of Indonesia) and FPI (Fron Pembela Islam or Islamic Defenders Front) have received considerable scholarly attention. In contrast, FUI (Forum Umat Islam or Forum of Islamic Society), which was established in 2005 as a coalition movement that consists of a number of Islamic elements, has thus far been insufficiently studied. This is unfortunate because, like the other Islamic revivalist movements, FUI also actively engages in social movement activities such as mass rallies, public gatherings, and media statements. Through the lens of social movement perspectives, this article aims to examine the emergence of FUI and how it mobilizes its organizational resources. The article suggests that the role of what is referred to as a movement’s ‘entrepreneur’ is crucial to the sustainability of FUI in the country’s social and political milieu.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of citizenship in Egyptian Islamic thought. It focuses on a group of intellectuals referred to as the ‘New Islamists’, who have articulated a kind of Islamic citizenship which would include non-Muslim minorities. In contrast to many Islamists, these thinkers do not advocate reviving the dhimma as a model for the treatment of non-Muslims within an Islamic state. The paper looks at the methods and arguments used for justifying citizenship within the Islamic ideological framework. It compares this conception of citizenship with Western assumptions and shows that there are a number of divergences. However, it also questions the efficacy of simply judging citizenship in Islamic thought through this lens. It asks whether a more constructive question is whether Egyptian Islamists have been able to articulate a conception of citizenship that has evolved ‘contextually’, taking into account Egyptian social, moral, and political culture.  相似文献   

The common history of Islam and the hip-hop culture can be traced back to the early expression of the culture. Since the early days of hip-hop, Muslims have used hip-hop to convey Islamic messages. Artists driven, in equal parts, by a strong personal belief in Islam and a love for hip-hop music have taken Islamic-themed hip-hop outside its country of birth, the U.S., and have made it into a matter of global concern. In an attempt to contribute to and, hopefully, complicate the picture of what has been called the transglobal hip-hop umma, this article explores how Swedish Muslims articulate their beliefs through hip-hop in Sweden. With examples from both the Swedish mainstream and the underground, it highlights hip-hop music with an Islamic engagement whose aim is to promote and perform what is understood as ??Islamic values,?? such as ethics, peace, social responsibility, and a strong personal belief.  相似文献   

Joseph Vandello 《Sex roles》2016,75(11-12):623-629
In these brief remarks I use the present collection of papers to this special issue on women in the Muslim World to address broader questions about a psychology of women in Islam. I discuss what might constitute Muslim culture, arguing that the combination of the themes of religiosity, collectivism, tightness, conservatism, gender differentiation and patriarchy, and honor offer a good starting point as a taxonomy for a distinct Islamic culture. Next, I discuss the present contributions to this special issue in the broader context of challenges faced by women in Muslim cultures, which are often among the most gender unequal in the world. Finally, I offer some suggestions for advancing cultural research on women in the Islamic World.  相似文献   

Mohammed Ghaly 《Zygon》2013,48(3):671-708
During the 1990s, biomedical scientists and Muslim religious scholars collaborated to construe Islamic responses for the ethical questions raised by the AIDS pandemic. This is the first of a two‐part study examining this collective legal reasoning (ijtihād jamā‘ī). The main thesis is that the role of the biomedical scientists is not limited to presenting scientific information. They engaged in the human rights discourse pertinent to people living with HIV/AIDS, gave an account of the preventive strategy adopted by the World Health Organization, and offered an (Islamic) virtue‐based preventive model. Finally, these scientists tried to draft a number of Islamic legal rulings (a?kām), usually seen in Islamic jurisprudence as the exclusive business of Muslim religious scholars. This multilayered role played by the scientists reflects intriguing developments in the Islamic religio‐ethical discourse in general and in the field of Islamic jurisprudence in particular.  相似文献   

The Islamic understanding of the human self, its purpose and functions has a great effect on Muslims' understanding of themselves and on Islamic culture. Islamic psychology is a field that examines the Islamic perspective on health and illness and compares it to the Western perspective. The purpose of this paper is to introduce readers to the Islamic understanding of the self, its functions, and purpose, and to contrast it with Western theories about the self. It also aims at understanding Islamic definitions of health and illness and Islamic understanding of treatment.  相似文献   

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