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Informational masking is broadly defined as a degradation of auditory detection or discrimination of a signal embedded in a context of other similar sounds; it is not related to energetic masking caused by physical interactions between signal and masker. In this paper, we report a systematic release from informational masking of a target tone in a nine-tone rapid auditory sequence as the target is increasingly isolated in frequency or intensity from the remaining sequence components. Improved target-tone frequency difference limens as isolation increases are interpreted as a reflection of increasingly focused auditory attention. The change from diffuse to highly focused attention is gradual over the frequency and intensity ranges examined, with each 1-dB increment in target intensity relative to the remaining components producing performance improvements equivalent to those produced by a 2% increase in frequency isolation. The results are modeled as bands of attention in the frequency and intensity domains. For attention directed by frequency isolation, there is a strong correspondence with auditory filters predicted by the power spectrum model of masking. These data also support the existence of an attention band of intensity, with a bandwidth of about 5-7 dB at the moderate levels used in this experiment.  相似文献   

The tuning of auditory spatial attention with respect to interaural level and time difference cues (ILDs and ITDs) was explored using a rhythmic masking release (RMR) procedure. Listeners heard tone sequences defining one of two simple target rhythms, interleaved with arhythmic masking tones, presented over headphones. There were two conditions, which differed only in the ILD of the tones defining the target rhythm: For one condition, ILD was 0 dB and the perceived lateral position was central, and for the other, ILD was 4 dB and the perceived lateral position was to the right; target tone ITD was always zero. For the masking tones, ILD was fixed at 0 dB and ITDs were varied, giving rise to a range of lateral positions determined by ITD. The listeners' task was to attend to and identify the target rhythm. The data showed that target rhythm identification accuracy was low, indicating that maskers were effective, when target and masker shared spatial position, but not when they shared only ITD. A clear implication is that at least within the constraints of the RMR paradigm, overall spatial position, and not ITD, is the substrate for auditory spatial attention.  相似文献   

The presentation of a nontarget stimulus to one fingerpad interferes with the identification of a target stimulus presented to a second fingerpad. This interference has been attributed to a failure of selective attention and, more specifically, to the nontarget’s eliciting a competing response. In the present study, the temporal interval between the target and nontarget was varied to determine the extent to which a nontarget primes a competing response. The results showed more interference when the nontarget was presented after the target than when it was presented before the target. Although still consistent with a response-competition explanation, this result offered no support for a priming explanation. The function relating the amount of interference to the temporal separation between the target and nontarget was similar to the functions obtained in studies of temporal masking, and this prompted a second experiment in which temporal masking was examined. These results, obtained with stimuli presented to the same fingerpad, indicate that response competition may be a major factor in temporal masking and that similar processes are involved in temporal masking and selective attention.  相似文献   

An auditory backward recognition masking task (Massaro, 1970) was administered to undergraduates selected for extreme scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test and the Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Test. In two experiments, significant group differences were found in threshold interstimulus intervals (ISIs) required for 75% correct tone recognition. High-aptitude subjects required less time for correct identification of target tones as “high” or “low”. They were more able to overcome the constraints imposed on time-dependent information processing by a masking tone. These group differences were interpreted as indicating better information processing efficiency (h (higher signal-to-noise ratio) in the high-aptitude subjects.  相似文献   

The results of an earlier study (Olsho, 1984) indicated that 5- to 8-month-old infants were relatively better at discriminating among high-frequency pitches than low. In the present study, sensory and nonsensory explanations for that effect were evaluated by examining infants' performance in a task requiring similar sensory processing but differing in the demands placed on processes such as memory. Infants' ability to resolve frequency was tested using a tonal masking paradigm, the psychophysical tuning curve. Twenty-four infants were tested at probe frequencies ranging from 500 to 4000 Hz; a group of young adults served as a comparison. Masked and unmasked thresholds were estimated using the visually reinforced head turn procedure in conjunction with an adaptive psychophysical method. Although infants' tuning curves fell below those of adults (indicating poorer performance), the widths and slopes of the infants' curves were not different from the adults'. Moreover, the difference between age groups remained constant across probe frequencies. These findings imply that by 5 months of age, the infant's ability to resolve sound frequency is similar to the adult's.  相似文献   

Object-based auditory and visual attention   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Theories of visual attention argue that attention operates on perceptual objects, and thus that interactions between object formation and selective attention determine how competing sources interfere with perception. In auditory perception, theories of attention are less mature and no comprehensive framework exists to explain how attention influences perceptual abilities. However, the same principles that govern visual perception can explain many seemingly disparate auditory phenomena. In particular, many recent studies of 'informational masking' can be explained by failures of either auditory object formation or auditory object selection. This similarity suggests that the same neural mechanisms control attention and influence perception across different sensory modalities.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was performed on the difference between single- and double-masking agents in auditory memory. Single or double suffixes were presented following immediate memory lists, with parametric variation in the delay of the suffixes relative to the end of the list. The main interest was in the shape of the masking function produced by the timing of either the single suffix or the second of two suffixes. Disinhibition was shown to occur, although it was weak in absolute magnitude.  相似文献   

Focused auditory attention and frequency selectivity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Laterality investigators have typically interpreted any perceptual asymmetry as a direct expression of the functional organization of the brain. However, many other confounding factors, including the asymmetric distribution of attention, may also contribute to either the magnitude or the direction of any of these advantages. In two experiments, attention was manipulated in a dichotic listening paradigm by presenting a preexposural tone cue to the ear from which the subject was required to report. The time available to orient attention was manipulated by varying the time period between the onset of the cue and the onset of the trial (stimulus onset asynchrony, or SOA).Results indicated that a right ear advantage for the identification of verbal material obtained at a 150-msec SOA was almost completely eliminated at an SOA of 450 msec. In addition, the direction of the ear advantage for emotion identification was found to depend on task difficulty. A left ear advantage, apparent when task difficulty was minimal, was reversed to a right ear advantage when difficulty was increased. These data are taken as evidence that, when subjects are faced with a difficult dichotic task, there is a general tendency for right-handed subjects to bias their attention toward the right ear. Such a tendency is shown not only to have likely seriously compromised the results of past investigations of functional perceptual asymmetries but also to be inconsistent with previously proposed theories of dichotic listening performance.  相似文献   

To what extent is simultaneous visual and auditory perception subject to capacity limitations and attentional control? Two experiments addressed this question by asking observers to recognize test tones and test letters under selective and divided attention. In Experiment 1, both stimuli occurred on each trial, but subjects were cued in advance to process just one or both of the stimuli. In Experiment 2, subjects processed one stimulus and then the other or processed both stimuli simultaneously. Processing time was controlled using a backward recognition masking task. A significant, but small, attention effect was found in both experiments. The present positive results weaken the interpretation that previous attentional effects were due to the particular duration judgment task that was employed. The answer to the question addressed by the experiments appears to be that the degree of capacity limitations and attentional control during visual and auditory perception is small but significant.  相似文献   

A test pattern consisting of 0 to 15 dots and a following random dot masking pattern were presented for 5 msec each with SOAs varying between 30 and 200 msec. The subject was asked to report the perceived number of dots in the test pattern as soon as possible and to assign a confidence rating to each report. The span of attention (upper limit for 50% correct numerosity judgments) increased from 2.4 to 9.5 as the SOA increased. Backward masking reduced the reported number of dots from the actual number in the test pattern, especially with small SOAs. Reaction time increased linearly at a low rate (approximately 40 msec/dot) up to 4 dots in the test pattern and then increased linearly at a high rate (approximately 370 msec/dot) as thereported, orperceived, number of dots increased. The two different branches of the reaction time curve were considered to represent two separate processes,subitizing andcounting, as suggested by Klahr (1973), who found similar dual increase rates as a function of the actual number of dots. These findings, as well as causal inference based on partial correlations and path analysis, indicated that the reported (perceived) number of dots and confidence rating were both determined by the number of stimulus dots and the SOA and that the reaction time was determined by the so-determined perceived number of dots and level of confidence. A multistage model is proposed.  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated that infants’ thresholds for a pure tone are elevated by a masker more than would be predicted from their critical bandwidths. The present studies explored the nature of this additional masking. In Experiment 1, detection thresholds of 6-month-old infants and of adults for a 1-kHz tone were estimated under three conditions: in quiet, in the presence of a 4- to 10-kHz bandpa] noise at 40 dB SPL, and in the presence of the same noise at 50 dB SPL. The noise was gated on at the beginning of each trial. Adult thresholds were the same in all three conditions, indicating that little or no sensory masking took place in the presence of the noise. Infant thresholds were about 10 dB higher in the presence of the noise. We term this effectdistraction masking. In Experiment 2, the effect of gating the noise on at trial onset was examined. Thresholds for the same tone were estimated in quiet and in the presence of the bandpass noise at 40 dB SPL, but the noise was presented continuously during the session. Under these conditions, distraction masking was still observed for infants. These findings suggest that a masker can have nonsensory effects on infants’ performance in a psychoacoustic task.  相似文献   

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