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Adult subjects were presented with two auditory stimuli per trial, and their task was to decide which of the two was longer in duration. An adaptive psychophysical procedure was used. In Experiments 1, 2, and 4, the base duration was 50 msec, whereas in Experiment 3, the base duration was 1 sec. In Experiments 1, 2, and 4, it was found that filled intervals (continuous tones) were discriminated more accurately than empty intervals (with onset and offset marked by clicks). It was concluded that this difference was perceptual rather than cognitive in nature, since performance on filled and empty intervals was not affected by increasing cognitive load in a dual-task procedure (Experiment 2) but was affected by backward masking (Experiment 4). In contrast, the results of Experiment 3 showed that duration discrimination of filled auditory intervals of longer duration was cognitively influenced, since performance was impaired by increasing cognitive load. Implications for notions of perceptual processing and timing mechanism underlying differences in duration discrimination with filled and empty intervals are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments 1 and 2 compared, with a single-stimulus procedure, the discrimination of filled and empty intervals in both auditory and visual modalities. In Experiment 1, in which intervals were about 250 msec, the discrimination was superior with empty intervals in both modalities. In Experiment 2, with intervals lasting about 50 msec, empty intervals showed superior performance with visual signals only. In Experiment 3, for the auditory modality at 250 msec, the discrimination was easier with empty intervals than with filled intervals with both the forced-choice (FC) and the single stimulus (SS) modes of presentation, and the discrimination was easier with the FC than with the SS method. Experiment 4, however, showed that at 50 and 250 msec, with a FC-adaptive procedure, there were no differences between filled and empty intervals in the auditory mode; the differences observed with the visual mode in Experiments 1 and 2 remained significant. Finally, Experiment 5 compared differential thresholds for four marker-type conditions, filled and empty intervals in the auditory and visual modes, for durations ranging from .125 to 4 sec. The results showed (1) that the differential threshold differences among marker types are important for short durations but decrease with longer durations, and (2) that a generalized Weber’s law generally holds for these conditions. The results as a whole are discussed in terms of timing mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the present experiments, participants were presented with two time intervals that were marked by auditory signals, and their task was to decide which of the two was longer in duration. In Experiment 1, the base durations were 50 and 1,000msec, whereas in Experiment 2, seven different base durations ranging from 50 to 1,000 msec were employed. It was found that filled intervals (continuous tones) were discriminated more accurately than empty intervals (with onset and offset marked by clicks) at the 50-msec base duration, whereas no performance differences could be shown for longer ones. The findings are consistent with the notion of a unitary timing mechanism that governs the timing of both filled and empty auditory intervals, independent of base durations. A likely conceptual framework that could explain better performance with filled as compared with empty intervals represents an information-processing model of interval timing that evolved from scalar timing theory. According to this account, a performance decrement observed with empty intervals may be due to a misassignment of pulses generated by an internal pacemaker.  相似文献   


In 1973, Rousseau and Kristofferson reported that short empty intermodal time intervals marked by a light flash and a brief tone were poorly discriminated by subjects, and that AT,5 was constant over a large range of durations. It led them to suggest that short intramodal empty intervals, marked by stimuli from the same sensory modality, might be handled by a “more efficient mechanism” to which intermodal intervals would not have access. Unfortunately, their study lacked the basic evidence needed to make a strong statement: no direct comparison between inter- and intramodal duration discrimination and no within-subject discrimination function were available. To clarify these two issues, three experiments were performed. The data indicate that intermodal time intervals are discriminated more poorly than intramodal ones, and that intermodal duration discrimination functions follow Weber’s law. Analysis of data from different experiments lead to the conclusion that inter- and intramodal intervals are timed by a common timekeeper and that intermodal intervals induce a large noise component in the timekeeping operation.


Pigeons were trained in a within-subjects design to discriminate durations of a filled interval (2 s and 8 s of light) and durations of an empty interval (2 s and 8 s bound by two 500-ms light markers). Filled intervals required a response to one set of comparisons (e.g., blue vs. yellow), whereas empty intervals required a response to a different set of comparisons (e.g., red vs. green). Psychophysical testing indicated that empty intervals were judged to be longer than equivalent durations of a filled interval. This finding was replicated when the anchor durations used during training were changed to 1 s and 4 s, or 4 s and 16 s. The difference between the point of subjective equality (PSE) for the empty intervals and the PSE for filled intervals increased as the magnitude of the anchor duration pairs increased. In addition, the difference limens (DL) for empty intervals were smaller than those for filled intervals, and they also increased as the magnitude of anchor duration pairs increased. An analysis of the Weber fractions (WF; i.e., DL/PSE) provided evidence for superimposition of the empty and filled timing functions across the different sets of anchor durations. These results suggest that the accumulation of subjective time was greater for empty intervals than for filled intervals. Within the framework of scalar timing theory, this difference in timing appeared to be the result of a clock rate difference rather than a switch latency difference.  相似文献   

Aging and temporal discrimination of brief auditory intervals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In a duration-discrimination experiment, young adults (mean age = 25.1), middle-aged adults (mean age = 45.5), and older adults (mean age = 64.6) were presented with two very brief auditorily marked intervals per trial, and their task was to decide which of the two was longer in duration. An adaptive psychophysical procedure was used to determine difference thresholds in relation to a constant standard interval of 50 ms. It was found that duration-discrimination performance was unaffected by age; all three age groups yielded a difference threshold of approximately 17 ms. It was concluded that the ability to discriminate durations of very brief auditory intervals appears to be based on an underlying timing mechanism that does not slow down with advancing adult age.  相似文献   

Although temporal processing is used in a wide range of sensory and motor tasks, there is little evidence as to whether a single centralized clock or a distributed system underlies timing in the range of tens to hundreds of milliseconds. We investigated this question by studying whether learning on an auditory interval discrimination task generalizes across stimulus types, intervals, and frequencies. The degree to which improvements in timing carry over to different stimulus features constrains the neural mechanisms underlying timing. Human subjects trained on a 100- or 200-msec interval discrimination task showed an improvement in temporal resolution. This learning generalized to a perceptually distinct duration stimulus, as well as to the trained interval presented with tones at untrained spectral frequencies. The improvement in performance did not generalize to untrained intervals. To determine if spectral generalization was dependent on the importance of frequency information in the task, subjects were simultaneously trained on two different intervals identified by frequency. As a whole, our results indicate that the brain uses circuits that are dedicated to specific time spans, and that each circuit processes stimuli across nontemporal stimulus features. The patterns of generalization additionally indicate that temporal learning does not rely on changes in early, subcortical processing, because the nontemporal features are encoded by different channels at early stages.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, the proposition that duration discrimination of filled auditory intervals is based on temporal information rather than on energy-dependent cues was tested in 64 naive subjects. The subjects were presented with two auditory stimuli at different levels of intensity within one trial, and had to decide which of the two was longer in duration. An adaptive psychophysical procedure was used. As a measure of performance, difference threshold estimates in relation to a 50-msec standard interval were computed. Duration discrimination showed no effect of energy values, indicating that the subjects’ discrimination was independent of stimulus intensity. The goal of Experiments 2A and 2B was to investigate the effects of practice on duration discrimination which, in addition, may provide an indirect test for the potential use of energy-dependent cues. Effects of practice on duration discrimination of filled (Experiment 2 A) and empty (Experiment 2B) intervals were studied in 6 subjects in each case, over 20 testing sessions. An adaptive psychophysical procedure that was similar to the one used in Experiment 1 was applied. Neither short-term effects of practice based on the first five testing sessions, nor long-term effects of practice based on the means of 4 consecutive weeks, could be demonstrated. The results of the present study suggest that duration discrimination of brief auditory intervals is based on temporal information and not on stimulus energy. Furthermore, implications for the notion of a very basic bio-logical timing mechanism underlying temporal processing of brief auditory intervals in the range of milliseconds are discussed.  相似文献   

This experiment indicates how one’s ability to distinguish between two acoustically defined durations, differing by .4 sec, diminishes as the shorter duration is increased from 1 to 8 sec. This effect is interpreted with a model in which one’s “subjective temporal estimate” is a random variable whose variance is directly proportional to the actual stimulus duration, the constant of proportionality being about 6 msec2 /sec.  相似文献   

College students viewed 18-sided randomly generated polygons. They were told to attend to each form until they “finished looking at it.” Before each stimulus presentation, 2, 16, 30, or 44 sec of perceptual deprivation was administered. The results indicated that there was a direct relationship between the duration of perceptual deprivation and the duration of attention. The results were interpreted in terms of the deprivation establishing a need for stimulation that is satisfied by attending.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of stimulus modality, standard duration, sex, and laterality in duration discrimination by musicians and nonmusicians. Seventeen musicians (M age = 24.1 yr.) and 22 nonmusicians (M age = 26.8 yr.) participated. Auditory (1,000 Hz) and tactile (250 Hz) sinusoidal suprathreshold stimuli with varying durations were used. The standard durations tested were 0.5 and 3.0 sec. Participants discriminated comparison stimuli which had durations slightly longer and shorter than the standard durations. Difference limens were found by the method of limits and converted to Weber fractions based on the standard durations. Musicians had lower, i.e., better, Weber fractions than nonmusicians in the auditory modality, but there was no significant difference between musicians and nonmusicians in the tactile modality. Auditory discrimination was better than tactile discrimination. Discrimination improved when the standard duration was increased both for musicians and nonmusicians. These results support previous findings of superior auditory processing by musicians. Significant differences between discrimination in the millisecond and second ranges may be due to a deviation from Weber's law and the discontinuity of timing in different duration ranges reported in the literature.  相似文献   

We describe a child who acquired a gradual sustained speech deficit for which no specific etiology was found, and who had an associated epileptogenic abnormality on EEG. Assessment of auditory perceptual skills and receptive language confirmed that gradual parallel improvement occurred with the EEG after therapeutic anticonvulsant blood levels were obtained. Prospective trials of anticonvulsant drugs in conjunction with serial measures of central auditory abilities are necessary to establish their value in the management of the linguistic deficit in children with auditory agnosia.  相似文献   

Adults can improve their performance on many perceptual tasks with training, but when does the response to training become mature? To investigate this question, we trained 11‐year‐olds, 14‐year‐olds and adults on a basic auditory task (temporal‐interval discrimination) using a multiple‐session training regimen known to be effective for adults. The adolescents all began with performance in the adult range. However, while all of the adults improved across sessions, none of the 11‐year‐olds and only half of the 14‐year‐olds did. The adolescents who failed to learn did so even though the 10‐session training regimen provided twice the number of sessions required by adults to reach asymptotic performance. Further, over the course of each session, the performance of the adults was stable but that of the adolescents, including those who learned, deteriorated. These results demonstrate that the processes that underlie perceptual learning can continue to develop well into adolescence.  相似文献   

Cortical lesions and auditory discrimination   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Two experiments were performed to examine the role of method of estimation and the employment of a standard stimulus on the judged duration of auditory and visual stimuli presented for brief temporal intervals (0.25 to 5.0 s). The results indicate that the relationship between judged and physical duration is nearly direct and linear. Psychophysical methodology and stimulus modality exerted little influence on the obtained power functions.  相似文献   

Monkeys initiated a stimulus by pressing on the center of three levers and the stimulus terminated independently of behavior 60, 80, 90, or 100 sec later. Presses on the right lever were reinforced with food following the three briefer durations, and presses on the left lever, following the 100-sec duration. Incorrect responses produced a 10-sec timeout. Probability of presenting the 100-sec duration was manipulated in the range from 0.25 to 0.75, with the probabilities of the briefer durations remaining equal and summing to one minus the probability of the 100-sec duration. Percentage of responses on either side lever was functionally related to both the probability of presenting the 100-sec stimulus and to stimulus duration. An analysis of the data based on the theory of signal detection resulted in operating characteristics that were linear when plotted on normal-normal coordinates. The percentage of responses on either lever approximated the optimal values for maximizing reinforcement probability in each condition of the experiment.  相似文献   

The discrimination of brief durations (0.25 to 3.75 sec) defined by the presentation of a visual stimulus was examined. The results indicate that the Weber fraction is invariant over this range of temporal intervals, and that the value of the fraction is about 0.05. The relation of these results to the literature on temporal discriminability was discussed.  相似文献   

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