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This paper describes three common social psychology tasks and accompanying computer programs that allow standardized administration. The first program administers a contingency judgment task for use in research on covariation assessment; the second administers a concept formation task for manipulation of response-outcome noncontingency. The third program administers a visual discrimination task for manipulation of success and failure.  相似文献   

Many human and animal tasks are thought to be controlled with the tau informational variable. It is widely accepted that controlling the rate of change of tau (tau) during decelerative tasks, such as when braking or landing, is one common perceptual control strategy. However, many tasks require accelerating before decelerating to a goal, such as reaching. An advancement of tau theory shows how a single action formula may be used to control the full action unit from initiation to peak velocity, and to rest at the goal, with the same perceptual tau information as before and accounting for the same decelerative kinematics as before. Here, we test the theory against data from high-speed video of a hummingbird flying to its flower feeder. We find that the theory accounts for 97% of the variance in the data, and thus supports it.  相似文献   

An integrated software package for testing infants in a habituation procedure is described. The software is written for an Apple II computer with a minimum of 64K of memory. Additional interface cards are required for timing responses and displaying dynamic stimuli. The software is divided into four independent modules: (1) Configure Experiment allows the experimenter to design a specific experiment. (2) Run Experiment controls the running of a previously configured habituation experiment. (3) Calculate Reliability allows a second observer to score the subject for the purpose of computing reliability. (4) Data Summary and Formatting provides a summary of the results and allows the user to flexibly format the data for reading by various statistical packages.  相似文献   

A perception-action coupling type of control in long jumping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors' goal was to identify the control mechanisms used by long jumpers (N = 6) to precisely position their foot at the board. In addition to the intertrial method usually used in previous research, an original method based on a trial-by-trial analysis was also implemented. If the approach to the board in long jumping encompasses two distinct sequences separated by a key step that marks the initiation of visual control, then a trial-by-trial analysis should reveal those sequences, regardless of the amount of adjustment: The step number at which regulation is initiated should be the same irrespective of the amount of adjustment. If, in contrast, a perception-action coupling mechanism operates, then the step number at which regulation is initiated should be a function of the amount of adjustment: A linear relation between those 2 variables should emerge. The results of the present study are compatible with continuous control mechanisms based on a perception-action coupling.  相似文献   

This study was designed to better understand the process underlying the learning of goal-directed locomotion. Subjects walked on a treadmill in a virtual reality setting and were asked to cross pairs of oscillating doors. The subjects' behaviour was examined at the beginning of the learning process (pretest), after 350 trials (intermediate test), and after 700 trials (posttest). The data were analysed at three different levels, each representing a specific aspect of the global response: performance outcome, displacement kinematics, and current arrival condition. While some aspects of performance outcome suggested the presence of a ceiling effect in the intermediate test, both displacement kinematics and current arrival condition clearly highlighted continuous transformations of the control mechanism involved. The learning process is best described as (1) the establishing of a relationship between specific information and a movement parameter and (2) the optimization of this relationship. The optimization process is characterized by the further exploration of the available behavioural repertoire and by the refinement of the dialogue between information and movement.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose the multiple complex systems (MCS) approach for assessing domain-general complex problem-solving (CPS) skills and its processes knowledge acquisition and knowledge application. After defining the construct and the formal frameworks for describing complex problems, we emphasise some of the measurement issues inherent in assessing CPS skills with single tasks (i.e., fixed item difficulty, low or unknown reliability, and a large impact of random errors). With examples of the MicroDYN test and the MicroFIN test (two instances of the MCS approach), we show how to adequately score problem-solving skills by using multiple tasks. We discuss implications for problem-solving research and the assessment of CPS skills in general.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the relationship between field dependence-independence and complex motor skills. According to the requirements of each sporting activity, subjects' motor system can be mainly controlled through exteroceptive or proprioceptive information. Sport performances require the athlete to disembed himself, other players, or the ball from the background, and decision-making appears to require cognitive restructuring. 26 athletes (13 men and 13 women) involved in acrobatic sports (gymnastics, trampoline, half-pipe snowboard, synchronized 3-m springboard, acrobatic rock, skateboard, and free skating) and 26 athletes (13 men and 13 women) involved in individual racket sports (tennis and table-tennis) completed the Group Embedded Figures Test. Participants (at least 10 years of practice) were from 16 to 35 years of age (M=22.0, SD=3.1). No significant difference among athletes on scores for field dependence-independence was evidenced given this expertise, sex, or age. Significantly higher scores were obtained by athletes in acrobatic sports, indicating that they tended to be predominately more field-independent whereas the lower scores were obtained by tennis and table-tennis players.  相似文献   

Background. Carrying out whole tasks is often too difficult for novice learners attempting to acquire complex skills. The common solution is to split up the tasks into a number of smaller steps. The number of steps must be optimized for efficient and effective learning. Aim. The aim of the study is to investigate the relation between the number of steps provided to learners and the quality of their learning of complex skills. It is hypothesized that students receiving an optimized number of steps will learn better than those receiving either the whole task in only one step or those receiving a large number of steps. Sample. Participants were 35 sophomore law students studying at Dutch universities, mean age = 22.8 years (SD=3.5), 63% were female. Method. Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 computer‐delivered versions of a multimedia programme on how to prepare and carry out a law plea. The versions differed only in the number of learning steps provided. Videotaped plea‐performance results were determined, various related learning measures were acquired and all computer actions were logged and analyzed. Results. Participants exposed to an intermediate (i.e. optimized) number of steps outperformed all others on the compulsory learning task. No differences in performance on a transfer task were found. A high number of steps proved to be less efficient for carrying out the learning task. Conclusions. An intermediate number of steps is the most effective, proving that the number of steps can be optimized for improving learning.  相似文献   

The ability to anticipate future states of perceived actions is an important faculty for motor control and the generation of coordinated social interaction. Here, we studied whether the perception of a static posture of a complex movement automatically activates representations of future states of this particular movement event. We did this by using a priming paradigm with photographs of a high-jump movement. Participants judged whether a picture depicted a posture from the approach or flight phase of that movement. To evaluate expertise-dependent effects of priming, non-athletes and athletes were compared. Results revealed faster responding when prime and target pictures were assigned to the same motor response (response priming), and when the temporal order of prime and target matched the temporal order of the depicted postures in a real high jump (temporal-order priming). Whereas experts showed a temporal-order effect even within the same response category, such an effect occurred for novices only between response categories. A second experiment confirmed that these between-group differences are due to domain-specific motor expertise (i.e., high jump) rather than to general motor experiences. Altogether our results suggest that motor expertise results in a more fine-grained posture-based movement representation.  相似文献   

A new approach to testing for and training in spatial aptitude is described. Figurai analogy problem terms from the cognitive abilities test are photodigitized and arrayed in zones on the computer screen; they can be seen only when selected with the mouse (i.e., one at a time). Viewing patterns and durations can then be analyzed to assess problem encoding and solution strategies. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A new general method has been devised for measuring reaction time, which combines the traditional transit and signal methods. Some applications are described. Advantages over the traditional procedures are considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a general purpose data simulator, Datasim, which is useful for anyone conducting computer-based laboratory assignments in statistics. Simulations illustrating sampling distributions, the central limit theorem, Type I and Type II decision errors, the power of a test, the effects of violating assumptions, and the distinction between orthogonal and non-orthogonal contrasts are discussed. Simulations illustrating other statistical concepts—partial correlation, regression to the mean, heteroscedasticity, the partitioning of error terms in splitplot designs, and so on—can be developed easily. Simulations can be assigned as laboratory exercises, or the instructor can execute the simulations during class, integrate the results into an ongoing lecture, and use the results to initiate class discussion of the relevant statistical concepts.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigated if keeping the driver in the perception–action loop during automated driving can improve take-over behavior from conditionally automated driving. To meet this aim, we designed an experiment in which visual exposure (perception) and manual control exposure (action) were manipulated. In a dynamic driving simulator experiment, participants (n = 88) performed a non-driving related task either in a head-up display in the windshield (high visual exposure) or on a head-down display near the gear shift (low visual exposure). While driving, participants were either in an intermittent control-mode with four noncritical take-over situations (high manual control exposure), or in a continuous automation-mode throughout the ride (low manual control exposure). In all conditions, a critical take-over had to be carried out after an approximately 13 min ride. Measurements of take-over behavior showed that only high visual exposure had an effect on hands-on reaction time measurements. Both visual exposure and manual control exposure had small to medium sized main effects on time to system deactivation, the maximum velocity of the steering wheel, and the standard deviation of the steering wheel angle. The combined high visual – and high manual control exposure condition led to 0.55 s faster reaction time and 37% less steering variability in comparison to the worst case low visual – and low manual control exposure condition. Together, results corroborate that maintaining visual exposure and manual control exposure during automated driving can be efficacious and suggest that their positive effects are additive.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development of an Inventory of Managing Skills designed to provide working MBA students with a current assessment of their managing skills. A canonical correlation matrix reporting interrelationships between the 20 scale dimensions in a pilot sample of 378 respondents is reported. The Inventory can be used for self-assessment by students and for other-assessment by the student’s superiors and peers. Portions of this paper were presented at the annual conference of the Midwest Academy of Management, Cincinnati, on April 12, 1991.  相似文献   

Two experiments explore interference in dual tasks. The first task required perceptual judgment of the movement direction (left vs right) of a briefly presented stimulus; the second task was a tone-discrimination reaction-time (RT) task. Participants reported their judgment at leisure. In 50% of the trials they were told to ignore the stimulus (no report). The directions of stimulus movement and response in the RT task could either be the same or different, establishing cross-task compatibility (CTC) relations. We varied the degree of temporal unpredictability by using two stimulus-onset asynchronies (SOA, 100 ms vs 1200 ms) for the task stimuli. In Experiment 1, SOA was varied randomly within blocks of trials in one group and between blocks in another group. In Experiment 2, only the short SOA was used in one group and only the long SOA in another group. In both experiments, we observed substantially longer RTs with the short compared with the long SOA, regardless of whether there was temporal certainty (blocked or constant SOA) or uncertainty (random SOA) about stimulus onset. We assume that the process of encoding into short-term memory in one task interferes with concurrent retrieval processes (i.e., response selection) in the other task. This process interference effect was strongly reduced in no-report trials. Furthermore, we found shorter RT in compatible than in incompatible trials. This CTC effect diminished with long SOA but occurred even in no-report trials, implying that it refers to an automatically activated and then decaying code that primes response selection in the RT task.  相似文献   

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