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The many forms that the practice of ministry assumes raise the question whether there is any central purpose or principle that serves as a valid criterion of authentic ministry. The work of the minister is here seen as interpersonal in character (either immediately or ultimately) and the heart of this interpersonal relation is the agapic ideal of reconciling love, the purpose of which is to overcome one's estrangement from himself, his neighbor, and from God.This article is a slightly revised form of his Retirement Address. He now resides at 33 Thrasher Road, Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107.  相似文献   

Drawing upon experiences as a prison chaplain and a state director of prison chaplaincy services, the author proposes a working theology of prison ministry. Such a theology begins with an understanding of the inherent worth of humankind as created by God in God's own image, addresses the question of hope, embodies the incarnate presence of God by being present with people in their alienation, enables the giving and receiving of forgiveness, deals with issues of power and control, and respects the diverse paths that humans take in their walk toward and with God.  相似文献   

This article about ministry training in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is written from the perspective of a Vajrayana Buddhist Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE) Supervisor. It presents basic concepts of the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition that apply to the training process of students in CPE and beyond. The author posits that like the Vajrayana spiritual path, ministry training is something that continues on in a person's ministry, and that ministers should attend to this process as long as they are helping others. The author presents the concept of mandala and the Five Buddha Families to illustrate a Vajrayana perspective on ministry training.  相似文献   

Conclusion The Group Ministry approach is an attempt at one way of facing the need for renewal of the Church in its understanding of the means of Christian commitment and witness in the world. There are many dangers in a Group Ministry. It runs the risk of becoming apower block or separation of men and women from their primary responsibility in the local church; of facingemotional strain on those who must work closely together in a group of sinners; of developing apsychic dependence on each other rather than looking to Christ as the primary source of support and unity; of becomingless efficient when more workers are placed in one small area; oflacking a sense of direction because one leader is not given responsibility and authority.Yet the Group Ministry approach takes these risks in the knowledge that the Church must work to fashion patterns by which it may again express itself with power in places where the word is scarce.For further information about the East Harlem Protestant Parish, readers may write directly to 2050 Second Avenue, New York 29, N. Y.  相似文献   

This study provides a numerical representation of contextual effects on the meanings of words, constructed from the order judgments of 19 subjects concerning the word "red" in 19 sentences. Subjects judged whether or not the red object mentioned in a sentence was redder than, less red than, or could be equally as red as the red object mentioned in each of the other sentences. These judgments were well described as an interval order. This means that the red ascribed in a sentence can be represented by a real interval with judgments of equally red corresponding to overlapping intervals. Semiorder axioms were not met, indicating that the width of the interval varied from sentence to sentence. Possible ways of incorporating the result into theories of semantic memory were discussed, as well as ways of accounting for the pronounced individual differences which were observed. The research described herein was supported by the National Institute of Education under Contract HEW NIE-G-74-0007.  相似文献   

Ministers often are estranged from the loss experience of women who miscarry. This paper gives medical information about such spontaneous abortions, describes several factors that shape the woman's experience, and explores possible pastoral response.Swanee Hunt is a candidate for Th.D. in pastoral care and counseling at Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado. She is part of an ecumenical ministry team that serves both a Presbyterian church community and a Catholic church community.  相似文献   

This dialogue presents a profile of the late Joseph Kitagawa—a renowned scholar of the history of religions (Religionswissenschaft). It focuses on comparative religion and philosophy, as well as several other important issues related to his distinguished career as an Episcopal priest and dean of the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. They are: his experience of American concentration camps during World War II; Christian atheism and new theological models; concepts of time in Oriental and Occidental faiths; depth-psychology and contemporary ministry; and Paul Tillich's significance for the pastoral counseling movement.David M. Moss, Ph.D., Th.D., is the Book Review Editor of thisjournal and the Past President of the Georgia Chapter of the American Association's Division of Psychoanalysis. The interview is part of a series that will be published in a volume entitledDialogues in Depth Psychology and Religion.  相似文献   

This article addresses the need for ongoing supervision in ministry and explores reasons for the avoidance of supervision. More specifically, twentieth century ideas regarding epistemology and Freud's "discovery" of the unconscious reveal important limitations in the commonly held model of supervision and at the same time provide reasons for the benefits of supervision. Further, this article proposes that individual unconscious motivations and religious institutional structures contribute to the avoidance of ongoing supervision in ministry.  相似文献   

Conclusions With respect to the problem of delinquency, we have presented a sociological view of causation, i.e.,we have implicitly suggested that the attempt to control delinquency by dealing with the individual must be balanced by dealing with the conditions in our society which breed alienation and crime. Massive changes are needed in our society at the present time if future problems traceable to alienation and apathy are to be averted. The changes, we believe, are possible if enough people are brought to the point of concern. We do not think we should attempt to be too specific about the changes needed.In general, however, we suggest that ministers must get out of their own churches or parishes and find out what is going on in the surrounding neighborhoods, especially those which are facing problems of poverty, of delinquency, and of ethnic discrimination. It will not do for them to wait until a dramatic event occurs at home before they begin to move. In this regard, we think ministers should make every effort tojoin and/or form pressure and action groups which work to bring about social action at the point of need.  相似文献   

We live in a world that, more often than not, questions the spiritual depth, understanding, and value of gay and lesbian people. This article, based on a year-long narrative research study of gay men and lesbian women on a variety of spiritual journeys, raises the assertion that, rather than being spiritually deficient, these individuals can be gifted ministers in a number of ways. Their contributions may include: (a) a marginalized perspective that is able to see truth and hypocrisy in our churches, and the integrity to challenge these institutions; (b) comfort with the intangible, the ambiguous, the shades of gray and the paradoxical; (c) empathy with and compassion for the disenfranchised and the troubled, and a commitment to social justice; (d) an enhanced understanding of God that comes from being a survivor; and (e) self-reflectiveness and the valuing of a community that encourages introspection and exploration. The article develops these ideas, based on the stories and reflections of the study participants.  相似文献   

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