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论道德践行中的几个难题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
即便一个人已经具备某种德性,这种德性也未必能够顺利地转化为实际的道德活动即道德践行.因为在这一转化过程中,存在着由一些难题所造成的困难.这些难题主要包括:"社会公正难题"、"道德权变难题"和"免责机会难题".帮助人们克服由这些难题造成的道德践行的障碍,需要我们做进一步的理论研究.  相似文献   

康德在《论出自人类之爱而说谎的所谓法权》一文中提出的“对凶犯不可说谎”的主张,在国内外学术界一直都是一个被广泛讨论的哲学“难题”。对于这一问题,可以从义务概念的层次性寻求解决的出路。康德对义务首先作了法权义务与德性义务的区分,其中法权义务又被区分为“基于契约的义务”和“作为这些义务之基础的义务”两个层次。“真诚”或“不可说谎”属于后一个层次的义务,它事关公民社会的根基,因而是任何个人都“没有权利”违背的,即便个体为此付出生命的代价也必须在所不惜。德性义务中的说谎虽然也是对人格中的人性尊严的伤害,但它只涉及我们自己作为“纯然道德存在者”时的义务,而不涉及公民社会的根基问题。从德性义务的角度来看,说谎虽然“不应当”,但毕竟“可以”现实地存在,尽管说谎者为此必然要受到别人或自己的蔑视。然而,说谎在法权上是绝对不被许可的,因为作为公民,任何个体都没有这个权利,即便在面对凶犯时我们也只能说真话。不过,对凶犯说真话并不意味着我们无视朋友的生命,因为既然相对于公民社会而言,个体的生命是无足轻重的,那么我们用自己的生命来保护朋友,也是我们出于法权义务而应当采取的必然行动。  相似文献   

劳动价值论与生产要素论的难题解述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吴声功 《学海》2002,23(3):22-29
根据江总书记《在庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年大会上的讲话》中提出“深化对社会主义社会劳动和劳动价值理论的研究和认识”的要求 ,本文从对长期以来一直争论不休的“是劳动创造价值还是效用决定价值与各生产要素共同创造价值”问题的解析 ,通过对由两种根本对立的价值观导致的悖论的解述 ,对目前学术界几种观点的解析、对马克思关于生产劳动概念界定的解述 ,以及对生产要素是否创造价值的解析 ,论述了我们应如何针对我国在社会主义市场经济条件下所面临的重大理论问题与现实问题 ,科学地看待劳动价值论与生产要素论 ,深化对马克思的劳动价值论的研究与认识  相似文献   

党的十五大指出:“我国是人口众多、资源相对不足的国家,在现代化建设中必须实施可持续发展战略。坚持计划生育和保护环境的基本国策,正确处理经济发展同人口、资源、环境的关系。”  相似文献   

托马斯难题:宗教信念的认知合理性是否可能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基督宗教产生以来,有关其信念的知识地位与认知合理性问题,在西方哲学和文化的历史处境中逐步突显出来。中世纪基督教哲学家托马斯·阿奎那建构起了一个体系庞大的自然神学学说,试图对这个问题做出较为全面的解答。然而内在于其思想体系中的自然神学与启示神学之间的二元对立,使得他的理性化尝试遇到了不可克服的硬核而难以贯彻到底。阿奎那的信念理性化难题可说是基督宗教解决其信念认知合理性问题的一个基本难题。这一难题虽说在近代哲学家的宗教批判与质疑中被充分地揭示出来,但在基督宗教的背景中,解决这一难题的努力则不可能被彻底放弃。它构成了一种长期的历史过程,一种如何在处理哲学与基督宗教关系中阐释宗教信念认知合理性的历史过程。  相似文献   

无生源论认为生命是自然化合而来的.要使这一假设成立,需要解决以下悬而未决的难题:一是由无机物和简单有机物合成生命小分子存在的问题;二是由生命小分子合成生命大分子存在的问题;三是由生命大分子聚集合成原始生命存在的问题;四是由原始生命进化成细胞存在的问题.  相似文献   

器官移植伦理审查委员会在器官移植技术的临床应用中意义重大,但其在实践中面临着缺乏明确的伦理原则和沟通技巧、对需要审查内容的理解不深刻等难题,这影响了其伦理使命的充分实现。为此,伦理审查委员会必须制定明确的伦理原则、深入理解需审查的内容、在伦理学知识、行动纲领和沟通技巧方面对其成员进行培训。  相似文献   

器官移植伦理审查委员会在器官移植技术的临床应用中意义重大,但其在实践中面临着缺乏明确的伦理原则和沟通技巧、对需要审查内容的理解不深刻等难题,这影响了其伦理使命的充分实现.为此,伦理审查委员会必须制定明确的伦理原则、深入理解需审查的内容、在伦理学知识、行动纲领和沟通技巧方面对其成员进行培训.  相似文献   

道德困境中的规范性难题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代社会出现了很多道德困境,这导致以解决道德难题为使命的应用伦理学的产生。依据道德困境产生的原因,可以把道德难题区分为三类,即相关事实不清而导致的事实性难题;道德规范缺失和冲突而导致的规范性难题;以及道德范畴和道德推理的有效性难以确证而导致的元伦理难题。规范性难题是应用伦理学研究和实践中碰到的最普遍的道德难题,主要表现为三类:规范缺失性难题、规范冲突性难题和角色冲突性难题。其中,规范缺失性难题和对抗性的规范冲突性难题,是应用伦理学关注的重点。我们还通过对代际正义、环境伦理学、安乐死以及医生角色冲突的具体分析,揭示了这些道德难题的具体内涵,为我们解决这些难题提供了指引。  相似文献   

知识的价值难题是近20来年英美哲学的核心论题。一般认为,知识的价值高于真信念的价值。而扎格泽博斯基则主张,一旦真信念在场,可靠主义所主张的可靠过程的价值就被真的价值所淹没,使得知识的价值不会超过真信念。为了应对这一价值难题,普理查德将其范围从可靠主义扩大到任何将真信念视为知识构成要素的知识理论,由此提出了淹没论证。本文在该论证的基础上,通过重新区分知识价值、辨识认识价值的真一元论假设等,进一步探究破解价值难题的可能路径。  相似文献   

We point out the need to clarify some of the ideas related to the connection between development and sustainability in the Report of the Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development. In particular, the meaning of ‘sustainable’ is not clear when applied to specific areas of human activity. A more detailed explanation of the kind of equality sought for in the proposal is also needed. Because of potential conflicts between goals, we miss some considerations on the impact of population increase both on development and on sustainability. A distinction is made here between two kinds of goals included in the Report. Some of the proposed 17 goals can then be seen as ends in themselves, whereas others seem to be means for the first set. The two sets thereby established should be seen in theory and dealt with in practice in a differentiated manner.  相似文献   

The information-hierarchical approach is used to analyze the evolutionary developed organization of mankind. This organization is shown to be hierarchical, from molecular hierarchical levels to the religious ones. Time cycles of each level operation are included in the greater cycle of the next level according to the specific schemes defined by the common information principle of natural system development. Time cycles of levels have duration of 1 second, 6 seconds, 42 seconds, 24 hours, 11 days, 1 years, 33 year, 1,000 years, 3,000 years or 6,000 years and all together make up the mankind clock that is similar to the formerly ascertained biosphere clock. The cycles of duration from 1 second to 33 years form the human biological clock, so the information-hierarchical organization of cell metabolism manifests itself as the key mechanism of the clock. The new scientific field has been characterized. It is the management of sustainable development of the states as evolutionary developed systems with the use of information relationships of their functioning. In the case of Christianity adoption by any large ethnos the next 1,000-year cycle of the Christianity-Judaism system will start.  相似文献   

This introduction notes the contributions of authors to the second (final) issue of the Journal of Global Ethics 2015 Sustainable Development Goals Forum. It briefly explains the process through which the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have developed from their receipt in 2014 to their passage in September 2015 by the UN General Assembly, and it considers their development in prospect. The Millennium Development Goals, which spanned 1990–2015, present a case study that reveals the changeability of such long-term multilateral commitments. They were enmeshed in overlapping and inconsistent national and intergovernmental commitments reaching from 1995 to 2005, and the text of those goals also evolved, stabilizing for the last time in 2007. The SDGs and attendant commitments should be expected to evolve similarly over their 15-year run. This presents a concern, for among the three committees established by the UN to create the goals, the two committees charged with public consultation were retired as planned in 2014. The process evident thereafter has displayed a shift towards a strategy of enrolling broad public endorsement that leaves such consultation and specific responsibility to those consulted in doubt. This bodes ill for public deliberation on the goals and for public accountability as the agenda proceeds towards 2030.  相似文献   

Gender is an important topic of the WCC's Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace. It is the result of both theological anthropological concerns and the ongoing search for justice and peace. In other words, it is a typical area where traditional Faith and Order and Life and Work concerns coincide. Yet, gender is often taken to mean concerns of the role, rights, and treatment of women primarily, with some attention to the position and treatment of transgender persons and sexual minorities. This article argues that, precisely from the point of view of these ecumenical theological concerns, attention for masculinity as a gender is also required. The reason for this is that although many different forms of masculinity are supported with an appeal to the Christian tradition, not all forms of masculinity are compatible with a desire for safeguarding human dignity and a sustainable journey into the future.  相似文献   

Although extracurricular participation has been linked to positive youth outcomes in the general population, no research to date has examined benefits for youth diagnosed with mental health challenges. Youth in systems of care (SOCs) receive a variety of services and supports that could help them capitalize on this potential for positive development, such as access to flexible funding to support recreational interests. However, research has not examined the degree to which the increased community involvement (e.g., extracurricular participation) sought in SOCs contributes to improved outcomes. This study addresses these gaps by investigating the relationships between both average and increased extracurricular participation frequency and breadth and internalizing problems and intrapersonal strengths among SOC youth. Findings revealed that, on average, higher frequency of youth participation was associated with higher intrapersonal strengths and lower internalizing problems. Increases in participation frequency were also associated with increased strengths and decreased internalizing problems. These findings suggest that efforts to implement supports for increasing extracurricular participation of SOC youth could improve their psychosocial outcomes beyond the benefits yielded via formal services. Taken together, these results provide support for advocacy efforts to integrate youth with mental health challenges into existing extracurriculars and to create new extracurricular opportunities.  相似文献   

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which serve as the primary feature of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which serve as a vital instrumental of the UNFCCC’s Paris Agreement, have clear synergies. Both are focused, in part, on responding to challenges presented to human well-being. There are good practical reasons to integrate development efforts with a comprehensive response to climate change. However, at least in their current form, these two policy instruments are ill-suited to this task. Where SDGs are focused on supporting considerations of human flourishing to which policy needs to respond, NDCs, in their current form, are dependent on the determinations of the nations that generate them. I conclude that the best means of integrating these two policy initiatives require moving past the subjective foundations of NDCs.  相似文献   

可持续发展之所以可持续,是有其深刻的伦理基础的.生态伦理毫无疑问是可持续发展的伦理基础.但这是不够的.本文指出,代际伦理是可持续发展必不可少的另一个伦理基础;只有生态伦理和代际伦理的共同作用,可持续发展才能具有完整而深厚的伦理基础.本文还指出,代际伦理是生态伦理与人际伦理结合部和交叉点上的一种伦理形态.  相似文献   

论新时期社会交往与人的全面发展的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会交往中的物质交往、精神交往、政治交往、网络交往和两性交往的普遍发展将对人的全面发展理想目标的实现起重大促进作用。同时,人的全面发展作为社会发展的重要方面,在现阶段的实现目标是人的现代化,而人的现代化又必将推动社会交往的普遍发展。  相似文献   

人文精神就是尊重人的价值,就是对生命价值的尊重,对头脑价值的尊重,对灵魂价值的尊重.生命是神圣的,对生命应有一种敬畏感.尊重自己的生命,同时尊重他人的生命;医生以生命为工作对象,医生应当是具有人格尊严、灵魂高尚的人道主义者;现代医学非人性化的主要表现是医学技术化和医学的市场化.  相似文献   

针对我国糖尿病知晓率、治疗率、控制率低;并发症、伴发病出现较早;致残率、死亡率居高不下的困惑,对治疗决策因素结合方法论进行探讨,分析糖尿病患者参与治疗决策的要素,引导医生从减少患者痛苦、减轻经济负担的优化角度,探索、研究较为合理的糖尿病治疗方案,得到患者的认可、实施,以提高治疗决策实施率,促进和谐的现代医患关系形成,使提高糖尿病治疗质量、效率的努力从每一个病人做起.  相似文献   

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